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_. ' • �, � '.:�i,R�r.. __� . .. r}- F` ' ,✓, ' 61��1� • '_" a-�.�s.'..n..a_-� <br /> � 1'��61� . . .._. . _ . .i......., .... ..... . �-t++:`��:c�'r"r_-'sost'nr:._,. .' ^__ '.—_—,.�,n.�..---.�..—. ..., <br /> � , I <br /> • - _���y ;���~` � �t:A" .' ��� ;ll,d��'?�,"� -- ---�_-� <br /> � - --�'�.���--z� ��a�� --- <br /> _ .'� TN19 TRU9T nECt�,msdA Ihf�...�__.��c�ay ol Jun�► .�,19���.,bY�nd emo�t Ua�t.. Wr�«v�,r� - -- - -- <br /> ° � - � '� �'� nnd F(nrci� C. iJ�nvar t ����bn�� o�id ���._....._�.�1 � �____-- <br /> wnago ms�I1nD�.idroae h �i� ._ �t�cn__ v�r �x � n +t�m . NiF 6flN� <br /> �'-.f . . ..y. - <br /> ---'----• '' (110f8�11"Tft18�Or"�:iIK)�p���IA�iOiY filall�f{�At�P888(9 P�A.eA?��7�WOOd R�1f81�Nabr�ska 88883�(n!►HIII"TfU8�8s�n�11d"gbfl��lU�t���� <br /> �`=' �--. --- F�lR VAIIlA9�CQNSIDfNA�IQN,Intludlnp Iht�Ittdebtedrteas tnd,t�difte9 heretn an�ths trust hMaln create�.ihe reca�t ot rshlth is hertbp <br /> �=--� — <br /> _ "� �:,=::-. _ - aknowledp�d�Trostor trr�vosabt�r�anh� 1ran�fHS�conv�yi� Of1A Gifl�iip f0 TNl1pe IN T�tfST. WiT��ANf�A OF�l1tE.tar tho ba�tit ond — <br /> �- _ �ecurity of Bonef iclary,und�r and fu��ect to fhe torm�ond conditlan�of lhts Ozad of Trwt,me�cni aap�n�d•�aib.d oa foliour�� �-� � -� <br /> �� -� --- .......... ..... ..:� -- <br /> . << . � _-�_------- <br /> : � � n ' � Lut �ne (1)� Rlouvore 3ubdivieiut�, Nall County, NebrAeka �¢�- <br /> . <br /> .. . . . --� <br /> ' �,�-- _� <br /> ���� , T f� - - <br /> Q - <br /> �:' <br /> �``;:_r�==- -- <br /> " , �ir�i�.:°- <br /> . •.�t;' <br /> - . . _ '`;�_-": <br /> r <br /> ., , '.��-.'_ <br /> ���� � <br /> t • : <br /> '�:' <br /> l �''h";�;��e <br /> . ___:-���� <br /> .��..-_- <br /> ai <br /> �1• <br /> ` TOGETHER WITH,aU reMs,proflts, royaltios,income crtd other beneflts derivod trom tho real property�all leases or subleasos covering the � "' ��� - ���! <br /> �eal pruperty or ony portion thereot, now or hereoher existing or entared into,and all right, H�te and interost ol Trustor thereunder; ali In- , ° :;� <br /> tervsts,estato or othor tlaims. both in law ond in equity, which Trustor now has or may hereolter acquire in the real property,nll ea:ements. <br /> . �<��_ <br /> ..___ __ _____ rights•ot•way, tenement;, herQdltaments cnd apQurtenancas ther�ni nr�d therato� 4�1 oil npd�n��#ghts e��e�4fs,w�ter rlghls�w�tAr .•, : ���- <br /> � stack�all rlght,title and interest oi Trustor,now owned or herea}ter acquirad, in and to any land lying within the right•o�•woy of any streat or �' ° <br /> • highwoy ad�oining fhe real proporty, any and oli bufidings, fixtures, improvemonts, and appurtanances now o�hereaftor erocted thereon or ' '�C� <br /> belonging thereto,lherein roterred to as"Improvement"or"Improvemonts")r and any cnd ali owords made tor the toking by emineM domain '� <br /> -�� ..� +� — or by any proceeding or purchase In Ileu thereof,of the whole or any pc�rt a!the rea!propony. � � ---1"� <br /> All of tho torogoing ustata,property and intarest horeby conveyed to Trustoo heroin cotlectiveiy roforrod to as tho"Proporly". <br /> � THIS QEED OF TRUST SHAII SECURE� � <br />� (a)The poymant oi indebtednoss ovidoncad by Trustor's noto of ovon dato horowith in tho prindpal aum oi___________�._ �—��_ _ � <br /> _ Four�c����lto_u_fln�.d�ive_H�dsss��c�tcn�titd_7Q1.144-_�,---_�------. _Dollars (f_14�511..Z0.- ----. l. <br /> topether with interest ut the roto or rates provided therefn, (herein,togethor wlth any and all ronowals,modiflcatlons,and oxtonsions thoruo}, <br /> reforrod to as the"Note"1 hoth principal�nd interest on the Note being payable in accordanGe with tho torms set torth thoroin, ra�eronco to <br /> whlch is hereby made, ih0 f inal ppympat of princippl and interost,i}not saoner pold ond i}no ronawals,modi}icatbns or eztonsions aro mado. <br /> , due ond payable on____ ... Mny_ 1.4_,-.�Q.O1 __.__. <br /> . _. _..� . _ _ - - - .._ .. ..._. ..... _._ - - - - : <br /> (b)The porformance of aach agreement and covenant of Trustor herein contained,and � <br /> (c)The payment o}any sum or sums ot money with interest thereon which may be hereafter paid or advanced under tho terms of this Oeed ot <br /> T�ust. <br /> ld)The payment of ony future odvancas necassary to protect the security or any}uture advance made at the option o1 the{x�rtieg�and � <br /> (e)The performance of an ohligatlon of any othor person named in this T�ust Qeed to a benoficiary. <br /> TO PROTECT THE SECURITY OF TNIS pEED OF TRUST,TRUSTOR HEREBY COVENANTS ANO AGREES AS F011OWS: j <br /> 1.Paym�nf ol Pdnclpal ond Interett.Trustor shall promptly ppy when due the principal of and Interest an the indebtedne�s e�idenced by the ; • <br /> Nota,and all other charges and lees as provided in the Noto,and�ho principal oi and interest on any Future Advancos socured by this Daed of � <br /> T�ust. ; • <br /> Y.Warranf�r of Titlo.Trustor is lawfully sei:od and possessed of good and fndefeasible title and estate to tho Property hareby conveyed ond ; <br /> has the right to grant and convoy the Property,tho Property is iree ond clear of cli lienc and entumbrances except Ifens now oi record, and <br /> 7rustor wlll wa��rant and da{ae@!ho titlo to tha Fropurty uguinst utl claia�:und den�ands. ' <br /> , 3.Maintenanes aad tompliamee whb lows.Trustor sholl keep the Propeny in good conditYon and�epoir nnd shall not commit wasto or permit . <br /> impnirmant or doterloratlon oi the Property and shall comply with the provisions of any tease if this Deed oi Trusf is on a leasehold.No improve• <br /> ment now cr hnreafter erocted upan the Property shatl be altorod, romoved or demolished without the prior written tonsent of Beno(iciory. <br /> -- �-- - irusror ahafi compiy with a�l tows,ordlnancos,regulations,covennma, conditions mid resirictiuns ofloctlnp the Proporty and not commit,suffer, � <br /> ar pormlt any oct to be done In or upon the Propar/y in violation of any law,ordinance,regulotion, covonant,condltion or restriction. Trustor . <br /> ; shall complete or restore promptly ond in good workmanlike manner pny improvement on the Property which may Ee damaged or destroyad and � <br /> � pay,when due,all clalms for tobor performed and moterinls furnished theraforo and for any alteroHons thereoi, <br /> 4. Iniurana.Trustor,ot its expense,wlll maintaln with insurors aAproved by 8ene}lciary, insurance wlth rospact to the Improvemonts and , <br /> personnl property,constituting the Property,agalnst loss by f1re, lighining,tornado,and other peril�and ha:ards covered by 9tandard extended <br /> } : � � coverage endorsement, in an cmount equal to at Ieast one hundred percent ot the full replacoment volue thoreof and Insuronce agoinst such <br /> � • � other hoiards and in tuch amounte ae is customarily carrled by ownors and operatora ol slmular proporties or as Buneficiary moy roquiro for its <br /> protectlon.Trustor wlll comply with such other requirements as Beneficiary may irom time to time request for the protection by inaurance of 1he <br /> interssta of the respettive parties. All insurance poHcies mcintoioed pursuant to this Deed of Trust shcll nume Trustor and 8oneficiary os in� <br /> sureds, as their respective interests may appear, ond provide thot there shall be no cancelloHon or modiflcatlon without no less than 15 days <br /> prlor written notification to eeneflciary. In the event any pollcy hereunder Is not ranewed on or before 1 S doys prior to It�expirotfon date, <br /> • 8eneilclory moy procure such Insurance in accordance wlth tho provlslons o}paragraph 7 hereof.Trustor shell deHver to Beneficiary tf.e original <br /> ; policiee of insurance and renewals thereof or memo coples of auch policios and renewals thereof.Failure to furnish tiuch in�uranca by Trustor,or <br /> � renewals os required hereunder ahall,ut the optlon o�Beneficiary,constltute o default. • <br /> � <br /> ---- ,� _�.�W _ _ � - <br />