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<br /> � � ..� ����.� .� �� -----_- ---
<br /> -,-.=. _ , �1�, � w . _ — -_— _
<br /> • . . . 'I'i1C�liTll[ili�VI'1'll all Iho Inl�nrw�:manis n��w ur hoixal��r crccted utt thr�n'��prriy,nmi nU��+�•cmtnl.r,�ipputtcctnnrrs, `�_----- _
<br /> ' imd fixlur��s m►w m•hrreni'tcr u p�ut�+f Iha ��n����rty. All rrpl,u:�:t��enls uiad addhlanti yhull ul+o Nr cuvrre�l hy Uds Sccurily _--
<br /> • � � h�s�nu�icut. All oF�hc tur��;uing iti r�trnr�d tu b�Ihiw�c�uril} ��+,�tnuucnl i►s ti�e"{Raprr�y." m=.�.�.
<br /> , ..-` {�Ul2IZOWIiR COVCNAN'1`ti thnt Ha:'ru��•c�r i�In�uFul���tiri,rd i�l'Il�i�.t�►tr h�rcby��mv�y��l und hns Ihc ri�;ht!��hr:uu - __ - . y
<br /> ---- - NIHI CtH14Cy Illl I�f{l�tg�'{�f lltill l�It!!UlU����Ci'I}'IS Iltif:n�:tunt�nid,exccpt IiTr ri�ei�atihr�uires�+I"rrcur�L I���rn►��•cr�vn►�rm�1++�ud � ,: -
<br /> T� w1U d��fcnd grner��lly the Utle w dir,i�rarpci�tv n�:ai�Ltit ull�.t.yt��ti�+�ud db�nr:m�i�,�uhJec�tu c►ny rncumhr;�ncr,uf�rcurd, �_ �
<br /> : �^- '1 Tlils !:E.l:uxli y WSTRI!h1F..N'(' r.►ml+irn:ti uri;lpc�n cuvcniutl� t�►r ntuiuniii wr un�i numuniiunn ruvcamu. �vitit ��!�+ �°'�
<br /> ' - ._ timitcd vnri+►ti�ns by jurisdicU�n t�a�:opstitut�;n unit��.+.m arcunty imlrumcat c��vrrin�rcul prupcny, - � �=o,� ;_�
<br /> UNIFURM CnVGNAN'I'S. B��r�av��cr;uui l,cai�3�r cuvenwu und agrci;iv f���0�,�v.r•: ����. �'�:,
<br /> '� �•�: l. M�ymcnt�d l'rineipul und llntcrwsh{'ro;��avnicnl i�nd Lntc Ch��r�;cy, RuiYUwcr shall pn�mptly pay���hcn duc�h4� . 4;' �-��•`.
<br /> ' : princlpal��I'nnd Intcrc.t an thc dch�i`vid�:n�.cd bv i hu Nute nnd imy prcpnymen t+md In te c h�re g c ti d u c u n d r r t h c N a t a .. .. ` .:_
<br /> • 2. [Lneis fo�'Il�xes un�l SayNr�1►a�;�. Subjr,cl IO i1F141I1G1IlIC Iaw or t��u�vriucn wuivre hy Lcn�lr�,N��rru�vrr�hull pay to �,;'� ,
<br /> . � � Lendcr an thc dny mo�ithly piiy�n�:ntti�uti�.luu ui�d�:r ihc Notr, until thr Nutr i+p+dd in 1'ull,c�sum 1"Fundti")fur,(n> pr:�rly , . --:i4-
<br /> , Uixc�imd usscssmrnts whic:h mn}�att,�ju��is�rity.�vrr thiv Sccuri�y Imtruinent a,i�Urn��n Ihr Prnperty: Ib)vr+ulv Icasch�dil , ,.
<br /> p�ymcnis ar gruund rentx +�n thie 1'rctNr,n)�. il' uny: (cl yc�uly hazurd ur pruperty in.r•uri�nrc prcmiums: ld) yrnrly tluud _, : '.
<br /> insurnncc picmiums, if'any; (c) yciuly murt�:u�u imu�imcc pnmiums, if amv; ;md (tl uny �ums piiyuhlr. by 8orruwcr to � � _
<br /> ` l.cndcr, in+icc��Muncc with tho pravisiunr uf pur.��;ruph 8, in licu of the puymcnt ol'tnurign�!r insur�uicc pn�miums, 'I'hcsc ,
<br /> items arc:c:dled"Esciti�w Iten»," I.ende�may,ut iuiy time.coll�:ct and hald Ilmdti in im unu�unt nnt to cxrcrd Ihe maximum
<br /> ,mtount a Icndcr for a► fcdcr;►Uy rcluted nturtgagc In+in mi�y rryuirc for Ciurruwcr� rscruw uccuunt undrr �hc t'edcral Rc;d , '
<br /> Est:U��tirldGnCnt Pr�k�dur4s Act ol�I�)7•3 ux�m�ended t'�i�m iimc to►ime, 1�U.S,C.§?(,01 ��r scr�.("ltFiSPA"L unless another . • '
<br /> � � la��th:�t upplics�o thc Funds ticts u I�rrcr iunou�tl. If+o,Lcndcr muy.at:►nv�inw,collcct and hold fUnds in un am��unt nnt ta .___
<br /> � cxrced thc lesscr amuunt. Lcnder mav rstiui;uc thc amuunt ut' Funds Juc un thc hasis ui'ruRCm duta imd n�uxanublc . . '''��;�`
<br /> , ' c�tim;�tes nf cxpcndilures at'future Escmw ltcmx ur uthcrwisc in accorduncc�vith applirnblc li�w. ; " . �-
<br /> �lhr Flinds zhull he held in a+� institutian �vhi��� dep��si�s uro insured by ai F�drral a�ency, intitnmientulity, or cntity . _'
<br /> • lin�lt�,ling Lendcr,if Lcndcr is�urh an in.r•titutiim)or in any Pedcral Homc Loan Hank. Lcndrr shall upply thc Fund�to�k�y . °w:°-
<br /> • th� 6srso�v ltcros. Lcndrr ma�• �i�n chargc B��no�vcr i'ur ho l ding i�nd a���g l yi ng t hr F U n d s, a n n uull y nnul yiin g the rsr�v��� �."
<br /> ' iiceount, or verifyin� the Escrow Items, unless I.ender pays Harru�ver mterr.t un thr F1�ods und upplicuhle la�v �amiits _.�
<br /> ' � Lendcr[a mi�ke such i�rhurg�. Huwcvcr, Lcndcr nu+y requirc Rurrowcr t��E�ay u c�nc-tinm chtir�,e Prr i�n indcpendrnt nal .. -
<br /> c�tinr li►r rcpoi�tin�scrvicc uscd by Lrndcr in conncctian w�th this lu.tn,u�itcs.cippNc�ihle law pn�vidrs rthcnvisc. Uc�ics.:�n �
<br /> i�gncment is m�ide or;�pplicable law r�quiros intcrext tu Ix puid,l,cndcr sh:dl mn hc rcquirod u�piiy l���rro��cr i�ny intc�i�t or (
<br /> etu•ni�L�s an�hc Funds. Qorro+v�r;uid l.vnder may a��:rc�in�v�idng,hc����evrr,that intcr4tit.hidl h�puid on thc Fund•. l.riuler I '�"
<br /> shall �ivc to Dorra��•cr,withrut rhar�;r,a�n unnuitl uccounting��f thc Funds,showing cmditr�►nd drbi�� to thc Funds anci thc I �
<br /> �u�c�sc for whirh each debit tu the Flinds wa�nu�de. Thc Funcls tirc plcd�cd uti ndditioni�l ticrurlly li�r i+ll�ums secumd by l k
<br /> thisSecuriry Instn�ment. � T��
<br /> li Ihc F�mdy hcld by Lcndcr cxcrcd ihc umounts permiucd to hc hcld hy upplicublc I��w, l.cndcr .huU accu�mt tn � '�
<br /> ` BoRa���cr far thc cxcess Fundti in uca�rduncc with thr rc�µurcmcnts ot'applicablc law. If thc unu�unt of thc Funds hrld hy , �..
<br /> . . .
<br /> [.ender at nny nme is not +ufii�i�nt io pay the iiscraw ltcm� whe::cttse. l.esr!�•r s;'.sy 4a"�'!!fy P�n'��vcr in wntin�.and, in '
<br /> —- --=_ _- - , -'
<br /> such cusr I3ono�vwr shall pay tn Lendcr thc umount ncccssur�� t�� m��ke ��p thc dctirirnry. Hurrow�r tihall mal�c up thc ' .`,
<br /> deficicnc��in no mrrc thun t�vclvc mrnuhly pnymrnts,ut l.cndcrk solc di+rretian ��
<br /> ----___ _-_---..... Upon pai�•mm�t in fuU of ull.umx.rcur�d by this Security Instrumcn►. �.endcr shull prumptly mfuml to Rt,rra�crr am• . : _ i
<br /> — Funds heid b}•l,endcr. If, undcr puragriiph 21.�.rnaer.r•nuii acquire�,r seii cnc F���periy, �c�ui�i,f•��::,�::�::;:tia::-:;::.~. ::: �
<br /> �
<br /> � ,alr af ihc F'ropeny, shall upply uny Fun�ls hcld hy l_rndcr .0 thr timc ui'acquixl�ic,n ar satc :+x a crcdit i�gainsi ihr sum� i - - -- -� �
<br /> ,ccured by this Securiry Instrument. '
<br /> i, Appllcattian of Puyments. Unlc�s applici�hlc law pnwideti i�lherwi�o. :►Il puymcnts receivcd hy Lcnder under i
<br /> pura�ruphti I und 2 shall be iipplicd: I'ir.i,tu any�,mp:ryment char�;ey duc under thr Nuw: �ccond.a�an�nunc,pa�•abk under
<br /> puragraph'_':ihird,lo intct'��t duc:l'uurth,tu prinripal duc;;md last,tn uny lutc rh+n•gc+duc w�dcr thc Nrtc. . ,
<br /> 4. CharAes; l.icns. Borrowcr tihall pay uU tuxes, as.c��mcnt�. rhargc., finc. and imporitions ;utributahk to thc
<br /> Properq��vhich may aaain priority uv�r this Srcurity In.irumrnt. und Ica�ch��ld p.q�ments ur�.round rents, if any. Bo�r���ver
<br /> shall pay these ohligiuions in thc manncr provided in puragraph 2,i�r if nut paid in Ihut manncr, Burrrnver�hall pay thcm�m
<br /> . , timc direcUy ta ihe person o�ved paynunt. Hnrrowcr xhall prumptly furni,h t�,l.rnder aU nuticcti ot'amaunts tn he paid undrr
<br /> ihis purugr�ph. If I3�,rrawcr makc�thrtic paynunts diroctly. Harrowcr shall promptly fumitih tu I.cndcr rccciptti c�i�i�nring �
<br /> thc paymems. ; .
<br /> 8arrower shull prumptly discharpe any lien which hn�priority aarr thi.S�curity Instniment unlea�K��rc��«•�r:l:+!:�gre�s
<br /> . " in writing to thc puyment of thc ohligatian xcurcd hp thc licn in a mannrr ncccptublc t��L.rndcr; cn��o�c�.����,z����+r:�ith the �
<br /> • licn by.or defends aguinti�enPorrrmem„f th� Ucn in. Irea!pnxcrdin�;s which in�hc l.rndcr's upiniun o�r.nc tr pm��cm the
<br /> enfovicement c�f'�he lirn;or(rl�ecure+1'rom ihr hulJer of�hr li�n an agrrcmcnt ti:ui�l'actury ti+l.ender suburdinaune the lien
<br /> to this Sccurity Instrumcnt. If'Lrndcr dctcrmincti thnt an�•pan ut'1hc Pru�xrty i. �uhjrrl lu ii licn��hi:h may attain priori�y
<br /> • mcr this Sccuriry Instrumcnt.�.��,ao��».�y b�v�8orn��vur.i n��ticc idrnlif'ying thr lirn. Hi�rmwrr shall aali�iy the licn ar takc
<br /> , .� one or morc af thc uctiuns srt furth+ihuvc�viQiin lu diry�uf thc givin�:uf iiatirc. •
<br /> S. Huzn�d or Property lnsura�ce. H�,R�„��� .i,��n �;«r �n� ��»�r�,���»����. �,�," �ri,ting or hemufter urertctii un the
<br /> ` . Propeny insurcd ugainst Ic�ss by tiirc.haz•v.rds ittcludetl �vilhin the lrmt"extcndrd ro�er:iLC°.md uny other harard�.inrluding
<br /> . , � 17ocxis or tl�ading, fur which Lrndrr reyuirr. in.urancc. This insurancc .haU hc maimain�d in thc amounts :ind for thc
<br /> Furmt028 Vi�IU ipuee:,�/n��.:crsi
<br /> , �
<br /> 1`
<br /> 2
<br /> . ,
<br /> i
<br />� �
<br />