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L\ ... - ._..��ai�aexavre�� --� <br /> — . . i� . _ . � � _ � _ — _— <br /> . : � <br /> . .. . <br /> �If ..�..�� <br /> ��' ... <br /> � - � � LI•.. ): ..._ .v�s�1L�...y.�__.N.wa�.ti��....._..._��_....�.d'3'. : . . .... .....�"_ - :� . �: --.� .. -�Fa..�.�'='°-.,....T�'.�=�it9 R�e�'a•^T__— <br /> �__ 1� � _.- --' �1I:7����•����5 -=-�.--p`----.. <br /> l�/ <br /> - (eJ !f�husteo,racolvo�or Itc�tUtlat��al tho Trttsl{'rr.��oriy e►of T�ustDr shsll ha�ppalritod Rn:t su�h arcta�shst!nN hz�dJscha;�fxi ur - -= <br /> �� cltsnrlsso[i wltlUn thl�ry ciays aN�rr sveh appalnr�xwwr,ar <br /> , _ ._� , ==- --- <br /> , (i) !t Tfu�tar chult fila o p3tlt(�n pursUant to tAa Fa�.;nt fJ�ntmrt�tcy Cvrlo ar a»y str�l9ar l.�ev,Ic.dnrpt pr statv,or(1 Tr�e���tr sh�11 d4 <br /> .�...��,�,,,� uci/ud�od a�u��krupt�r po daclarod U�sa'v�r+t or shnll mrrko nn es�ipnm�ni far thp hanal;t of c�ror�iters,�r�fr.�vll ndnnt�n cvrlNn�us =-- � - -- <br /> � ��= Inabltiry fo pay(ts dvn2y as fhsy bocomo�iuv,vr ahtrli coirsont W tho oWpolntne,�f al A rocAtvu►01 eIl or eny part o�'th�Tiu,�t Prapnrfy; _- - <br /> w..;�..�.,... or �•••-- <br /> �.�;s^�, (g) I!a�y p/tho cr�dlto�s o!Ma rruster ahAlt fila U poPltfnn In bnnk�ptoy oga�nst TiuSto�,oI fOl�oo►�qAnlaHPlpn ol TrusfOt puret�Ant t0 t!1n � <br /> - �,:��`Y� FudprAl B�nkwptcy Code,o�any stmp�trlAw,whothor fodU�sl or stctto,end!I such potltlon sAall not 6o dlschargad a dismtssod --=-• - <br /> �� ►vllhtn rAtriv days altor tho duto on whf�h such QotlUon was lilud�ar -- <br /> �..�:.•�_ � �� - _ <br /> (h) y flRat Judgmant ai tho peyrnont ol Rtpnoy sAan bo rorrHo�at9 o{���nst Truafar aad frus7or ahat!not dlscharga dre eame,ar c�use it ro - <br /> ��'�'- r ��, �• bo t�iSdirt2rf�tTi),wlthlri ttdriy days�R�r thv oniry thor�uf,or 8flth`i not eppsa!thumtrom or fram th�ordor,decraa o�procas�upc» - _ -- <br /> , �.�.� ;�:�., , <br /> 4y�/����,�.rrci,ant t� R�lpt/erdgmant►vas grented,based,o�enterod,end securo n atay ot exQCUUon pondin�!such nppeat,�n►' _ _ _ <br /> � � �;� (q ll ony ol tho ovanta ol dotAUlt onumoratod In Quusos(/}fhrounn(h)vl thls Paragrc+ph 17 sht►fl h�ppon to 9unowor.or ,a _ <br /> � Y � . ,� �J 11�'nrator el�ttll soll or co��voy lh�Tiust P�opo►ry,a any pan'the�eof,or eny lnterast the�eln,a shntl bo dlvostod o1/ts tJtto,or ariy �"� --- - <br /> � = fntorvst tho�oln,ln any mAnnor ar woy,whothar voiunta�lly or lnvoluntnriry,wlthouf tho wdtfon consont al Bonaflclnry builn�first had anci � r�- - <br /> � = R�^ q ` ' obinlnod; � �` _ <br /> #-� :�� Uron,and!n avvry such�vont of delautt,8anefl�lary may,at It�opN�n And wlthoat lurthor nodoo or dc�mand,daofp►a RU fhe Mdebtednoss �� j"�'"d` �" <br /> � :-� �� � socurod he►ro0y fmmodlntoM duo and payabio,trnd,lriospocHvo ol whothor BonofiGary oxo►clsos sAld opNon,!t may,aNts option And!ta ;y:�s+'��=;�i <br /> y j ; : s�to disoro8on,rvi�hout any fu►thor notice or demAnd ta ar upnn Trustoo,do ono or moro u/tho bllowing. '�' '� ti � <� <br /> �� <br /> f � � (1) Benal(clary mAy ente►upon,take possosslon o1,m�nAgv,end aport�to tho Tiust Propnrty a any pan thnroo1;make ropalrs and �� a*�: -.�,� <br /> . . � aftoratlons and do any acis whlch BonofJclAry deoms proper to protect tho secudry horeof,and olthar wlfh or wlthout takln� --����=�: _.�__ <br /> � poss�sslon,tn Its own numo,sud lor or othorwlsn collocl and roco(vo ronts,Issuas and pralitv,lnc�uding N�ose pASf due a��d unpald, _ • ; -ti�F;;��:�: <br /> • • • artd appty tho samo,losa costs and oxpr�nsos of operatlon and collecdan,Including reasonab(e attorneys fovs nnd the Bortvtivlary's - -�--- = <br /> '� aa9ts,upon Any fndobtodnoss socurod horoby and/n such ordor as Bonollclary muy detormino.Upon roquost of Beno!lclury, Tiusfar ; ;,����=d�= <br /> shal/ass�mblo ar,d mr�ke nvallublo ta fhv 8onollalury et tho promisos any oJ tho Tiust Praporly which has bevn►emoved theralrom. . - <br /> Tho ontorin�upon and taklnfl possosslvn ol tho Tiust Properry,the coNecrlon o�any rents,lssues and protils,and thv opplloAtion =- <br /> ' . tnaroof as�forosald,shall not cu►o or walvo any dplAUlt tho�otofor oi thorealtor occardng.or a//nct�ny notico of do/aalf horeundor a �'��--�----_�_' <br /> , . Invafidate eny act dono pwsuant to eny such notico.Notw/fhstAnding 9onoflclttry's contlnuanco!n passosslvn or rocelpt end ., • �s� <br /> ; • � � appllcANon o/rents,lssuos a�prolits,Benellclary shaJl Do entitlod to exerclso overy r/ght provJded!a!n thls Qoo�i o/Tiust nr by faw � -__--_ <br /> , upon or after fha ocGU�r9nco o/t�n avent ol defaulL lnoluding the rlght fo exarclse the powpr ol salo.Any ol tho actlons referrod to!n , f��.�_ <br /> . ,• • . fhfs Paragraph mt�.y be tAkpn by BenoHcl�ry at such tlmo es Benellclary ls so onl/tled without regard to the adequaay ol any soourlty `�`�':_�- <br /> , „ to►the Indobtednoss secured hereby. t1_.�„ <br /> � (2) Bonopclary shall,wlthaut�urd to tl�o adoquACy ol any socurity lor tha Indpbtednoss seoured hvreny,be ontlUod ta appo/ntment ol . ;�� - <br /> • ' �►aeelver by eny courthndih JudsdlcNon,wllhauf notiae,to take possesslon o/and p►oteot the Tiust Piope►ry and opnrnto Iho samo =- _ <br /> • � and callecl 1ha rent�,!��'ib d�hi►!t9 thorelrom. • ° �, <br /> r �. <br /> • • (3) Benoflclary mey brlRg aAy p� �1!n any couA o1 competent JuNsdlct/on to toracloso thls Dood ol Trust or anlorco Any ol tho covonanls � �':s�. <br /> Iroroof. • . <br /> ' �4) Bano!lcfary may atoat td causo tha Tiust Prope�ly ar any part therovf to be sold under powor ol salo,and►n such ovent,HonollclAry or ,' �• <br /> . � Tiusteo shall glve such notice ol delaull end electlon to soll as may then bo ioqulrod by law. Thoroaltar,upon tho explratipn o1 such • ; <br /> t ho !mo n lacv a aclllvd b hv�TOtico 01 �'.' <br /> tlme and the glving o/such noNca of salo as may thon be roqul�ad by law, Tiusteo,a t t A d p p y t <br /> • sale,shall sefl such Tiust PropQrry,or any poAlon therea!specllled by Beneticiary,�t publlc auctlon to the hlghest bidder lor cash in � •�; <br /> - '—{ ,- ° - .- -- - -� <br /> las�fet!mortey srt the!lnitsd Stetes. - <br /> -- ---- --�- ! , <br /> 18. Tiustor oxprossly covenants and�proes ta pay�nd dlscharge all costs,ler�s and exppnses ot thls Trus►,Incfudlnp,!n the event o/safe '• <br /> ` by the Tiustoe of tho Tiust Propnrty,thp Trustov's costs,axpensea and/eos,whlch laas shall not oxceed$500.00 plus ono•hall ol one ,' +� : <br /> p9�cent ol fhe amount secured he�oby And�emalning unpald, __ <br /> -. : •. � 19. TAe wUhln Deed ol Truat shap canstltuta a securlty agreement and llnencing statement and sha11 b4 consldered e tfxtwe liling pursuant - - . <br /> � . to the provlslons ol the UM/orm Gommorclat Codo. 1 <br /> � � 20. T�ustor wlll pay tn Trustee And 10 tho 8onoliclary rospocflvely,upon domand,tho amaunts al all sum8 0l manuy whiCh eltho►shall havo ' <br /> pald or expendAd In curing any delttulf ol Trustor undr�I�1S Aaod ol Tiust,toqothe►wtth lnt�►ast upon oach ol sald amounls,until pAld, <br /> lrom tho tlmp ol oxpondlturo thoroal,at tho rnto ol � _... io por annum.All ol sald sums shafl bp duv And pr�yAblp,togothor wJth <br /> lnt�rest alorosuld,lmmodlatoly upon tho advnneomonf thurool,Nolthor Truatoo nar BonoNclary shAll b�undo�any abllgatlon,huwevo►, � <br /> tP oU►a aAy dotauft Df TlustOr. <br /> • 21. fn caso Tiustar shAll woll and t►uly porform!ts obllgaUon undor Ihls Dood of Trust�nd causo ta be pald,lho lndabtodnass and <br /> , aq otho�monles agre9d to be pald by(t under the torms,provlslons and conditlons ol tho Tiust horoln provldod,thon tho T�ustee,(ts <br /> suCCOSSOra ar nsslgns,shall rocanvoy ta Trustor all al tha Trust Propoity conveyod to Trustoo by 1'n�stor.Any part ol!he Tiust Pmpnrry <br /> may be reconvoyed at any tfine to t�ustor at tho roquest ot Qoappclary wdhout aHvcting thn valldlry and prloriry o!the Uen ol thls Oaod of ,, <br /> Trust upan the romalndur ol the Tiust Propa►ty. <br /> 22. !n tho�vont any ane or moro of tho provlslons contalned 1n thls Ovod ot Tiust or In iho Note or any othar spcur(ry Instrumont glvon In <br /> connecdon wlth thls transACfion shall lor any roasan bo hold to bo lnvalld,lllegal or unonforcoaolo!n any iespocl,such lnvalidlty, ' <br /> llloflAlity or unt�nlorceabllity shell,at the p�d�n�l Aanelir.lAry,n�t FlNecf any piher pr�vlslnn M thlc peed of iruql,hut fhlv pt�Ad�i Tiusf <br /> � shall ba construed as Il such lnval/d,IIIe�JAI ar unantarceable proWSlon hAd never baen containod hareln ar thoraln. <br /> 29, Whonf�ver usod heroln,tho singular numbor shaD inciude tho plu�a�,the plural thp slnpufar,tho uso ol Any�endo�shall bo appNcablA lo <br /> ap gondors,and tho to�m"Benoliclary"shall lncfude any payc�e ol tho lndebtodnoss horeby securod or any transferee thoreol,whothar <br /> by opa�allon ol/aw o�otherwlse. <br />' 24. Trustor horeby�equeals that any noflce o!dolault ar naUr.e al salo be sont to i!�t tho mailing address set lorth harainabove. I <br /> � <br /> • l <br /> . I <br /> �.._._---- <br /> . , • . <br /> pr <br /> � i � <br /> �, � <br /> ` ;+ '. , <br /> � <br /> • � <br /> � � . } <br /> i <br /> R ;, . � , � <br /> . <br /> . <br /> , � <br /> . <br /> , �, . . . <br />