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t c . . ��.��. � <br /> �-- ` '"� `' ''� � ^�_ �ft:� ., _ - - _ <br /> �� - , ,. -t•--. ^ <br /> ' 1 ` t... .... .�^. � .�._. •' ' .... .. �. 1 - ..:��.�.... �rerr:n_aa�:_,f—_....__ . � /� . . - t._ _-.��—�.- '—___—_ __. <br /> _� (. <br /> : � <br /> . �. .� <br /> - .. ri ��� �.. �V r_Z-_"__..-__�-__._-__ __ <br /> __ y. . . . " _ " _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ ' ' '_ �YwiaO <br /> _ :.,:.` , ,r'. .l --- , l.�v�d 0�' 7'tYl$t - -- ------ <br /> 4. .. , . ... . �. <br /> ° ` : . � - :.., c�.�roas _ _ <br /> �. ., . ... Q�� �O�`�4 �oc:�rlr�gr t�u�rant�V -__-_----- <br /> .F C .. ' . �m ..., . �_><'-�.___._ <br /> ��:� ' THIS DE��Or�IdUST macta Ihls 4��doy ol�.�!lI14L.., t82�,by crn�i bonvaQn R�A�x R. Nnrr�� � �,.�, _ --- <br /> _:_ ._.� � �n d� eti�_�..�fl�'.��_.hutl�nild r1ad,.wiKa. ..�___.�vhotAar ano or mora.A�rOfr►att4r Calfad thQ"riu.�tiu". �:� - <br /> ,� . -� wha�omultin�crddrossls__�_331__Esa�G..�ia��.� 9�fuf� ba1s��1� AIS bfl�8� —.------�-�------r-�-�--, ►�`� � __ <br /> N E T N NAf11CAAk11,y,�Tl1« QftA t�F1AQ��P ,, herel efto�cailad the"Trust$e",wiroso malNng edd�eas ls T - <br /> �� � �ir,�l�an�"�taseitipte, ,and�Vv,�7yy�3T HA K�.._N.p�►xr������t�t(�nctL.�e���{flCiQn.,hurolnf�ftdr �— ,�_ _ <br /> � -.- ' . ... . .:� C��tks.�ilf�"&:n€ttc��,�"�s�r�sutngsdc��essts��ch 6 Surl�aR�on -,_NnsCin�e. Nt3 b89U1 - . �•= _ -- <br /> - , , �,—.� � <br /> � , w�T��ss rH� .��.,� <br /> C 6 R Entorpsieos d/b/n Litt�e King � T. J. Cinnsmone�(horolnaJtorca!lodtha"Borrowar" ..'��'�� <br /> , WHEREA5,.�....M_�.....r.._...._.__..._._..__.__...___.�__ 1 ;�r.,��r,±t�� <br /> a •, has eppllod fo Bonaficlary for ono a moro toans,lettors of credlt,ar othor/lnanciAl nccommodatlons and mAy hv�o�tttt�r Irom tlma fo tlmo , � � <br /> � : appty to Bonollclary fur c�ddltlanul loans,lotters ol crodtt and other!lnnnclal aacommodat/ons;and . -. -��"'• <br /> „ WHEREAS,to lnducn BonoflclAry to ravldo/lnancla!acaommodANons ta Borrower, Trustar has guaranteod paymont of nny sntl all .. t ,,: ,.r <br /> prosnnt ond lutu�o dobts,Nnhllitl0s a►�c�o���ttiQr�s ol pvory rypo and dvscrlption now ar heroeRer owed by Bonowvr to Bonopcfary,up to �:..��,'�,� <br /> ;'�� an sggregato princlpal�mpunt al S. a •aa ,at any ono dmo outstandlny,plus accruod fntarost thoroo»and rofatcd costs of ��.,�;.�-�.�, <br /> enforcomont and collactlon oxponsos,pursut�nt to a Quartlnty(horaln�/to►ce!!ed"Qua►nnty')ol avon dato herowlfh;and ' �. _r„�_--__. <br /> WHEAEAS,B6AAIICIBIJ�hA9 feQdlfpd,A9 a COAdIdOl7 p10CBd011f f0 fhU ONfBIit101101 AAy/i110AC1A�BGCOtI1MOf�&flOA�0 BOIfOWO�IhBP TIU3f01 *��=��y <br /> _ exocuto thls O�od o/�iust to�fhe pu►pose ol socurin�puymonf ol tha Que�anry. . • •^-�'*'�'-`�'� <br /> � � ' NOW, THEREFORE.In consldoreUon ot the promisos and for tho parposo ol socudng(a)paymont,whon and as duo and pAyablo,of tho . :�_-��-_. <br /> ob�IgAUons of Tiustor undar tha Quaranty,(b)tho poymant ol ai!othar sums,wlth lnt�►vst fhoroon,whlch may be advencod by BenoNclury ' � <br /> ar Trustoo ln accordanco wlth or whlch may be socurod by thls Oaeh�f Tiust phe oL.�ei, �ns una �tho Ou. •an v and c►"such othor sums . , _ <br /> AIO h01�MAIf01 COIIOCtlVO►j/►OIpIItJd�0 A9 ihB"Indobtedness"),nnd(c)tho porfamAnco ol all ol tho covananta,cundlNona.,nd ogroamonts -- <br /> 1 • horein contaMed,TruQt0I I pVOCAbIy g/AR�9{In(1 hAA3/0►9 f0 T/U9�00,In trust,wlth POW�F?QF SAI�all ol tho lollawing doscrJbod r�AI • •• � '- <br /> , � estate sltuatad in HA�y County,Nebraska: ' = <br /> �=:.� <br /> � Lot One Hundred Twenty-Six (126). in Huonavista Subdivieion. t�n Additian to tha City � 'Ft—_ <br /> of tirand Islc►nd, Hall County. Nobruekn. , � <br /> .:�;:_ <br /> � togothor wlfh all bulldings,flxtures and Imp�avamonts upon the a6ova dnsc►Ibad property,whethor now or horeafte�e�lsdng,all rlghts•of• � . . <br /> wny,easnmonts,ronts,fssuos.profits,lncome,tenpmonts,he�odltamonts,prlvllogos ctnd appurtenances bBlongfnA,usod o�en�oyod Jn ' <br /> _ connocllon wlth tho ttosc�lboh promises,o►any paK thoraol(sub�nct,howover,to thv rlpht,power and autAa►ify ui Tiustor to collect un� .. ; „_�'_ <br /> appfy auCh�onls,lssuas,p►ofits and income es they hecome due and payablo,so long as no doloult oxlsts horoundor)nnd All procoods ol <br /> convo►s1on,votuntnry a►involuntnry,al nny ol tho/aragoing lnto cash or llquldated c!alms,lncluding,wlthout ilmltAtlon,procoeds ol �.� <br /> lnsuranco and condomnAti�n awards,all of whlch collocdvolyls ho�olntlftor ro%rrod fo t�s fho"Trust Proporty". ' �'� � <br /> IT/S AQRE�'D,without pNRCf1n�}thv gonorality ol Rny ol lhe loregoing p�ovlslons,that aq hoatln�,coo!ing,e�i►conditioning and plumbing ' � <br /> _.__.____,_.__ ._ appllances and equlpmont now or heren/ter attached to or bullt!n any bullding or lmprovomont,now or horusflor erectad upon the � �; � <br /> -•- - — <br /> -- ----- de�c�l6od promisos,shsil bo doomod lixtu►os and a pnn ol tho�ealty,and are a pa�tton nl!he Trus►Properry. - <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD thp Tiust Propony upon and sub/oct to tho t�usts and agrvomonts horofnaltor sot lorth: <br /> t. Tiustor a�roos to pny promptly whon duo a!1 Indobtodnoss arlsing unda tha puaranry or othonvlso awod to tho Bonollclary. <br /> -�---- 2. Trustor,af ifs vxpt�nsv.wiii main�arn and prar,arva!na iien of tnra t3oad oi irusf as a hrsf and paramvunF iivn vpvn ina Truaf Frvpvi'ry, � "----- --� .- <br /> w111 cause thls Dood ot Trust and onah pmnndment ar supplomnnt tho�oto to Go lilod And racordpd as a morigagp ol tho Tiust PiopoAy . � <br /> tn suoh mAnnor and In such pinco,And will tako such otha act�on es M tho opinlan ol T�ustae may bo roqui�od by any prasent ar luturo <br /> lawln urdor tu porlact,malntain��nd protoct tho lion ol fhis Oood ol Tn�st.As thv st►mv mny bv lrom flmv ta t�mp umendvd or ' <br /> . , suppfamentod, <br /> 3. !!tltlo to Rny p�rt�l fhn Tri�s1 Proparty shall bo lokpn In condomnallon praceodlnAs,by rlpht of eminont dompin ar slmllar aodon,or shftll <br /> b0 801f1 UI1L�0I Ih/OA1 O�COl1d01f1IlAUp/1,AI!AWAId9,dAr►1UgOS Alid p70CPUdS AIO h0/Oby ASSI��Od AI►d&haff b0 pAlq f0 fhp TIUS(00 Wh0 <br /> , shall a ply such amount to Ihe paymont of the Indobtodnoss or�uch othoi sums as mAy bo hore►naRor p►av(dod, Trustor wlll p►ompNy, � <br /> end w�n auo aargonco.�opair,Ultor And�ostoro tho iomalnln�part of tho Tn�sf Pmparry to 1fs larmor condltlon&ubstanUafty to tho oxtpnf <br /> lh&t fhB samo may be Inas►bfo and so as�o constitulo A compfoto end usablo uni►. <br /> 4. Tiustor,at(ts oxponsa,wdl mnlntaln with Insurors appravod by BonoliclAry Insurt►nco with rospoct to iho lmprovomonts and pe�sonol <br /> property constltuNng tho 7rust Propony aga�nst loss by hr�,lighfmng And othor por�ls covored by standard extonded coverac�o ; <br /> endoisemont,!n�n amaunt oqu�l ta et►oast ano hundrpci pe►cpni al thp lull roplacomont valuo thereol;and rnsurance aga�nat such � i�. � <br /> othor hazArds and!n suCh amount ns iv cusfamn►dy canrod by owno►s anti opa�tors ol s�milar proparUos and es Beneliolary may i <br /> roqulre Jor!ts prutoctrun. Trusfor wdl camply w�th such athor ioquuomonts As Bpnalic�nry may liom fima to Nmt�roquasf for tho <br /> proteGtian by insurnnco ol thu intorost o!tho iosNocGvo Nah�os. Au�risurftncv potfaias maintainod pu�suant ta Ihis Deod o�Trust shall ; � <br /> name Trusfar, Trustoc�and 8onollr.iary as insurocls, ns thou�c�spocnvc intorosts may nppear,f111d ShAll plpVldv th8t th0I0 b8 710 <br /> C811CAllAf10A 0I7lqCl�llCAflpq WIthOUt ldlfJOn dFlyS pI101 Wlltff�ll llOh(�Cfi(IOn f0 TIUStOG i1R(l�UROI�CIaty.IIl th��V�Rf Blly p011Cy hOIBUII!19113 <br /> not renewod on ar buloro l,flpon dt�ys pn�r to ds axpunhon dHtn, Trustoo a�Honol�c�ary may proci�ro guct►�nsuranco,pay tho pramluma � <br /> thorol0�,And suCh sums shtlll�mmod�ataly hocomo duo and p<7y�7h.lo wifh intv►pst tif fhp�7tE�ol 8•� po�annum unhl paid <br /> and sha!/bo socurod by th�s paod a!Trust-Ail pol�c�os nt�n,urancn r�quu�d by this pood ul Trust shnll bo dobvorpd ta and rot��nod by <br /> Tiustoo. Ftlilurp Ol Tru9tor to lumish sur.h insurnnCO nr ronowals�ts aro rvquuod horvundn�or l��duro to p��y any sums advAncoU <br /> - hcruurtdur siru!!,;�t lht;uplr,ur a!B::rrt:lr::r:u�, cu:r,:trtul�.r dc!,c::t A.'!une,tr+r�•ti prcrnrurn�,t�u!;�nu,t tv Tru::lce�S:tt/d+ltott�i - <br /> secuilty and a yale nnd r.nnvoyertco of tho Trust Prnperty by th�Tn�stoo shAll apor.�tn to r.onv�y to tho purch��sor tho Trustar's mtarost <br /> . !n attd ta�ll polic�os ol insuranco upon tho T�ust Pioporiy. <br /> N�sa2i rn�ae�ooiiNen�:�t„���y <br /> ` <br /> . � <br /> r, • <br /> ; <br /> . � <br /> ( • , • <br /> � � <br /> i .� � , <br />