<br />2001 5
<br />A tr:tcr nr kind comprising an yr Lots Sixty -l1w. (t',.S), Sh.ty -six (66).
<br />Sixty- tteven (67 ;, Sixty-eight. (68), Sixty -nine (69). Seventy -,%:«n (77),
<br />Severity-eight (78), Sc.vcn1 -nine (79), CiShty (Rt)). Eighty -cote (K I),
<br />Ninety -cix (96). Ninety- sr (97), Ninety -eight (9g), vnil One
<br />Hundred Three (W). and part of Lori Fony -Rix (46), Forty- sc•,un
<br />(d7). Party -ci�ht (aS), F,irty -nine (49). t"irty (so), I "arty -on'c (51),
<br />Sixl.y -tour (64), Elghty -tvo7 (0), Nincty -five (95), and One Hundred
<br />Four (1(14), sill in Ilia Intlusiri:il Add;lie;n to t!ie City of Griind 111nnel,
<br />iJebrlska, and lying in tlu Southwest Qua tur (SWV•) of Section
<br />Fourteen (14), Township Elc .,cn () 1) North, Range Nine (9) Writ or
<br />the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nubraska, :md more particul;trly d0criDC;d
<br />as follows:
<br />Beginning oat 7 mint seveni y 070.0) rCCI South and thirly- three (1►)
<br />1'cct E.-tst of the NorthwrzL corner Cr said Southwest Quarter (S W' /A);
<br />thence running cnstcrly trial parallel :o lhc. Nnrth line or xhid
<br />Scjuthwcst Quartcr (S4VY-0 a dis'.ancc of one thoucnnd vino launched
<br />thirty-seven and live- tenths (1,937.5) feet; thence running southerly
<br />and peralW to the West fine 'oE• 61d Southm,W*:1Q'taer1L,r. (SW V4) 'a
<br />distance of one thousand six hundred thirty: arid'thiity -two bung rndths
<br />(1,63032)` feet to a point on :ht northerly righu o 'way ilne; - of the
<br />CB. ae Q, railroad Company; thence running northwesterly alongsaid
<br />right- of -�may e distance of seven hundred thirty -four. and ninety -eight
<br />hundredtha (734,95) frr_t to a point on the East line.of the Southwest
<br />Quarter of the: Southwast Quarter (SW' /.SWV,4); thence gunning
<br />northerly along the East litre of the Southwest Quarter of the
<br />S±ttthuI-1st Qt:arter (SWIJSWt /4) a distanea of thirty -nine and sixty -
<br />eight hundttcdttts (39.(5) feet to the Northenst corner or the
<br />Soulh%vW, Quarter of the Southwest Quartcr (SW' /.SW +I.); thence
<br />runeiing wesicrly along the North line or the Southwest Quartcr or thIc
<br />Southwest Quarter (SWIASWA) a distance of seventy -six and thirty -
<br />seven hundredths (76.37) feet to a point on the northe :ly rfiffit -of- -way
<br />lire of the C.B. & Q. Railroad Company; thence running
<br />northwesterly along said right -o[ wer n distance of ono thousand three
<br />hundred seventy and Crty -six hundredths (J,370,56) feet i.n a point
<br />Thirty -three (33.Q) fee, East, or the West line of said Soutlrvcst
<br />Quarter (SWIM; thence running North ;and par:�Uel.to the %Ve.SL line
<br />of said Southwest Quarter n distance of six hundred nineteen and
<br />three- tenths feet to the- point or beginning,
<br />AS:
<br />Beginning at a point on the West line. of Lot Forty Six (46), Industrial
<br />Addition, said point being Seventy (7Q,0) feat south of and Thirty
<br />Three (33.0) fixt east of the northwest corner of the Southwest Quarter
<br />(SW 11) of Section Fourt -fth (I d), Township Elc�cn (11) Nord. I Range
<br />!dine (9) West of the 6th P.M., said point also being the Intersection of
<br />the south line of Swift Road and the east line of Stuhr Road; thence
<br />east an the south line of Swift Road a distance of, Twenty (20.0) feet;
<br />thence southw surty on a 1ine,10 a point Twenty (20.0) feet touch of
<br />theintersecupn of the southAlne of Swift Road and the *cast line of
<br />Stuhr. Road; thence'nonh on the tut limo of Stuhr Road a distance of
<br />Twenty (10.0) feet to the point of beginning; as shown ,on the plat
<br />