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<br /> ', . � T12U9TOFt'� WR�TT�N ACKNA«I.FAGI�]ENT l� ' . � ; .
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<br /> � Tho unc]areigned, Jumoe Sa. Oatermeier And Lynoll Os�.ermei�:r, hun���tnd ( ,i' ' �
<br /> rand wife, ae ;joint tenan�s anc3 na� as �enante in common, heraby carCify and lo : .
<br /> „ ,� ,' �cknatvladga th�t, bnfore aig»ing and exeauting the below Do�d oE Truat, � . �����,�
<br /> . Chey did read and eigr� �hi�s ��'r�.x�an Aakno�vladgm�n� and, by �*ir�ue hereoP, � �
<br /> �ho undar�ic�nod undere�and, t�nd undc�ra��ad befaro aigning said Deed of . . ,..'�: ,�}��''
<br /> ' ' Truat, �hat eaid Aeed of mruet ia t� Truet Deed and no� a mort age and tha� � ° ����,;�'�.`
<br /> , g ';,,,. ,:,t:;�l,.��r�
<br />:�. , , � ' • the power of eale provided in said Daod of Truet rnvidee sutbatan�a.all ��'•�. : ° `" ��
<br /> ti� �,�.t;;4':hif;',::
<br /> '. , . difEerent xic�hte and obl:lga�ions t� the underaignad than a mortgage inY�he ���:;��� ti�.�;l; ;:
<br /> . aven� of a de:EAU1� or braach of obligation under �he said 7'rus� Aepd, ' '' � ,".�:ti`' _.
<br /> . including, but na� limi��d to, th� Heneficiaxy's riyht �o have the Real � , ..
<br /> �ro��r�y c�o1d by the Trua�ee without any �udiaial proc�ading or faro- 4�`�'`� ___
<br /> c�osur�. Tho unders�gned repreaont and warrant that �hie Writt�n Acknowl- � ���ti�'' ,
<br /> . '. �dgmen� w�io exe�uted by them before the execution oP the Txuet Deed. Th�ls � . ; ,^ ' �°
<br /> � • ...;;��', Written Acknotvl�dgment ia appended as a praface �o and mada a par� Of th� : ; ,,;�i,,;;,..,
<br /> .; , . �,`<i;;.��,�,' below Deod of Trus�. � � ::�;�,;i.;:
<br /> �,;� -`�� .,., � :t;;;`:
<br /> , ,�, . , � . 1 1`<<
<br /> � �;• �
<br /> ,t�,�t _ _� � �,_.�.. � 1 . _,� � L_� -- ,, -
<br /> �� '_. J �S W. OSTERMEIER� TRUSTOR a' 'I�L OST�ILD3E ER, TRU&TAR � � �` �:`
<br /> `�, 41,;�,-�i ' 1��.i �
<br /> ,c � i.. ��.�`;•':
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<br /> SS�
<br /> , COUNTY OF � �
<br /> �:,,�., �
<br /> ti,::.��.�
<br />;�;,�.�;_:; ,. T e foragoin instr.ument was aaknowledged before me on
<br />' ��� �,=�_ 1991, by James W. Ostermeior and Lynoll � .
<br /> .,n::�,. , � ,
<br /> , , �;� �_ Oater er, husband and wifo, Trustors. ,
<br /> . , ;�; .
<br /> :;, �; �ElfiAilL�M�1M1'3ri1�N NM� �:�;.,
<br /> ,��`ti��i:. , �
<br /> .�` �� . �MI�aO�ip�H Notary ublic
<br /> � .. �If, 1i1�1
<br /> �• '.;.,,;!�ti,'�r�:� My commisaion expires: 4���,?��� '
<br /> .,�,, �—TT
<br /> � . ,,:.
<br /> ���:: �
<br />_ . ;;''. ' . � i
<br /> : � �'.�•';��:� AF.ED OF TRUST �
<br /> �,. . ;,; : ..
<br /> ,!ti¢`;;''- �
<br /> '�"•`,� '��'"i'�'1�'�`'' THIS DEED OF TRU:3T, mado this ��I�_ da�� of . A.D. 1991, ,
<br />- �.�'``'' hueband and wife, � � �:
<br /> � :'�;���., by and between Jamea W. oatermeier ari Lynell Ot�te� er,
<br />- jointily and aev�rally, of the County of Ha11 and State of Nebraska, herain� ;
<br /> - after ca?�ed "Trus�.or", ar►fl :Iamea I. Shambexg� Attarney a� Law, of Hall �
<br /> - , County, Nebraska, hereinafter called "Trtistoe" , and WilZiam A. ,Tensan, '
<br /> - � � whose adclresa i.s Routo l, Aox 201, Grand Island, N� 6aa01, hereinafter
<br /> -'�� called "Heneficiary"� '
<br />' � WITN�SSETH, That the Trustor, far good and vc�J.uable consideration,
<br /> including the debt and truet hereinafter mentioned and created, and the sum
<br /> ' of one dollar tn `Prustor paid by the saici Trustee, the receipt and suffi-
<br /> ' ciency of which is hereby acknowledged, does by theso presente, i.rrevocably
<br /> � grant, b�rgain and s�ll, convey, assiyn and confirm unto the said Trustee,
<br /> IN TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE, for tk�e benefit and security af Beneficiary,
<br /> �� under and aubject to the terme and condition of this Deed of Trust, the
<br /> �� following described roal property aituated in lfall County, Nebraska,
<br /> ,
<br /> ta-wit:
<br /> ,
<br /> � �
<br /> : " i _
<br /> r
<br />