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. .. . „ . ._ y_" ..�i� .. � 1` ;,± ,. . '.. � � �� - � <br /> . . - ,, - ,--. ---. ; _ , . .� - �1;: - -� �.. �.�i .� _ •� _- <br /> .. " , - .-=�-- <br /> . .., �. <br /> ' ; : ; ' . . ,. _ <br /> � <br /> , . . � _ . <br /> .,,y;s..--�- - .. ._. ... ._..__,.__.. .__.._ _ . �___�_.�._��.��.,ir.�..== �----- <br /> �j�.. � � . . � ��,�°• �.p�:�.a 5 � �:_� _ _ <br /> _ � r � <br /> �;� . � ' � 'Tt�(ilil'lllit� �VI'I't! idl 11��impi�uvcmciU�now�ir h��r�a(t4r cr�ct�•d��n Ihc prup4rlY.+uul nll cu�ciitc�llti. nppurtentu�ccx, r l� .._:�T`-_y_,;;: <br />., ` .. � u n d li x u i r r�; n o�v a n c�r ea f t r r�� p i u�t u l't h r ��r u p r r t y, A l l ra pluccn►cnih und +►ddi�ian. ,hall nl�,u br ruvrrcd hy thi�Sccurity , , , _ ;.- j. <br /> i �_�.• � Instnimcnt. nii��`�no r�,r���;ning ia r�fcrnd tu in�his 5ccurily Q��Iruntent as�bc"lfiopcny." - <�"`,,, - <br />= �-�- -`--- �= - . ' �r �'' <br /> EiOt2KO�VGR CqVENAN'1:5 tha�t Hi�r�owcr i4 luwfully sei�cd ul'the r�lute her�•hy 4am���y�d nnd hus thc righ�tu gr.�nl _ _ _... <br /> � _ nnd convey thc F'ri,perly c►nd that Ilu Nrup�c�y i.r unencumh�rcd,rxrcp► t'o�cnr�mihr;utc��.ui'rccard. Ciorm�ccr wammtti t��id -• -- <br /> _ ' � w{li�t�i'cml gou�'u�1iy Iik t111�Iz th:.t'mp:cty:tg:timt:►11 rlt�im�,md damamd...ubjc��t�►a�ny�cncumNrancrs of r�ci�rcl. �---r_� __ <br /> �- - � '1'lit5 SG('UFI'PY iNS'i'E:tiM�NT comhinrs uni(ann cuarit:�nl, i'w ��niiunn) u�e iu�d n��titi•�tinit'urm r«�cn;uit�: +�:fth .. _ _ <br /> Ilmitrd vi�ri:�tiam hy.iuri.r•dictlon tu ccrosUtutc ii unifurm sccurity in.trunu:nt cuvcring rcid�ruprny. <br /> �� UN1F(�Rl�'1 fY�\'GNnNTS. Hot��wcr uad l.endcr co��cnunt iuid+i�;rec us t'ollo��•x: '� .' - - <br /> t. 1"ayimi�U uP hriaclpul nnd I�teristt}'repuyment i�nd I,11I1'�'lia��{;ex. llucrna��r+Itull pnm���tly pi�y�vh��n dua�he <br /> princlpal ot'iu�d iotcrust im thc dcM evfdcnrrd hy th��Nuta und any pnpuymrn�nnd Intc churl;a��luu und4r Ihu Nu1u. <br />_�:; x. Fti�ndc Por'11�xPS und lotiuriincc. tiuh�cct ti�applicahlr luw�ir t��u wrllten wni��rr I�y Lcndr�•,RuRnH�cr tih�iil pny tu � . . . - <br /> � l.cndcr on thc di�y nu�mhly paymrnts urc due undrr Ih�Nutc. until �hc Nulr i�pnid in full,u �um 1"f�und�"1 fur: la)yc:uiy <br /> tuxcs und azscssmrntr whirh nu�y auti►!n priurity uvcr thlti Sccurily In�Ir�nnriu n. u Urn un ihr Ih�up���1y:Ih)ycurly Irii�rhuld .. , <br /> ,. pnymrnis nr �r��und rent� ��n thr 1'ruperly, if +iny; lcl yrarly liu�nrd ur prnprrry imurnnrr prrmiuro�; Idl y��urly Iluud . ` <br /> Insur�tncc prcmi►nns, il'a�n�; l��l yrairl�� mur��ugr in.urunre pnmium., if uny; iuid 11'1 a�ny tium, p;iyahl�� hy iiun�o��•��r tn <br /> . I.endcr,In urcurdamcc wi111 Ihc pruvi�iun, ut'p+�rupraph M. In licu ul'Ihr I�uy�mrnl ul' murl�ii��intiur�mrr prrmiumti. 'I�he,c ,. . . <br /> itents um rullcd"Ii�cruw Ilrmx." Lrn�lrr muy,�u uny Iimr,rullrrl und I�uld I�un�l,in mi anw►nu nul tu rtrcrd liir n�uklinum . <br /> a�muunl u (rndir f'��r u fr�IrrnUy r�liur�l nturl�tiig� lu�m muy rcqu{rr fur Nurtuw.r\ ��cnn�� uecutml undrr Uic I'�drrnl ltrul . <br /> C�IiUC S��t�lrmrnl Prur�durry Ac�ul'1'17•l�u ame�ulcd I'nm►Umr In tim�, I? t�.5.t'.p 2bQ1 ��r.�rv/.t"RIiSPA"1,uulr+.nnuU�r►• <br /> � I;�w ihut a�pplir,In 1hc Ilmd�+cls u I���rr�imawu. il',u,l.rndcr miry,a�m�y lin�r,rullcrl und huld Ilm�l,in a�n umuunl nu1 to � <br /> �xcccd Ihc Icrsor i�ntuunt. l.�ndor ntaty ��UmiU� tlic iunuunl ul' 11�nd� duc on Ihc h���lti al'currenl daUu +md reu�un�ihlc <br /> � crNmut��s�if expenditurcti ot'futuir h�cruw Ucm�ur ulhcra'I�l'Ill lll'l'l�f1I11111'l`WIIII i1�1�llil'IIMII'IiHV. , ' <br /> 'fhc Funds tihull hc hrld in un InslUutiun ��hosr dopositx �irr intiurrd hy u i'cdcrul u�;ri�cy, imirununu�lity. ur enti�y ' : - <br /> � (includin�Gcndrr,il'l.cndcr is such;in insliuni�u�l ar in nny Fv�dcrul H��mc Luan fi��nk, l.cndrr+hall apply thc Fund�ta puy ' • <br /> tho �scruw Ilemti. l.ender muy nut chiirgr Hurruwrr fui• holding and applyin� Ihr I�unds, annuully linulp�ln�! Ihc c�rro��� I � <br /> . ttoci�un�, ar vcrif��in� Ihr �iscrrnv Itrmy, unlrti+ l.cndcr pa�•.r Hi�n•owcr intcrest un thr F'und, und uppliciihle la��� pcm�iix i <br /> Lendcr to mukc zuch u rhar�;c. H��wcvcr. Lcndrr nuiy rcNuiro Iicirrowrr tu puy u une•Unm char�:c fur:m indcprndcm ��ul � <br /> � esWte tux repo��ting servicc uscd hy L.endcr in conncctiun��•ilh this luan,unless applirable la��• pruvldcs uthcrwi+c. Unlcsy an f . <br /> � ugrcc►nent is nutdc��r npplirablc luw rcquims intcrrs�t��tk paid,l.cndcr.hull nut tk rrNuircd tu pay E3orr���vcr imy intcru�t ur I - <br /> � carnln�s an thc hUndx. Hormwcr and Lrndrr muy.i�:rrc in��ritin�;,howcvcr.thut intrra�t,hall hc puid��n the Funcl,. l.�ndcr <br /> shall�ivc to B��rn�wcr,wi�huut rhar�;;amuul accuuntin� uf thc Funds, rhowin� cmdils and dchi��tn thc Fund�and �hc ; i. <br /> purpusc tbr whinc�.ich dshit to thc hlmd���•a�m;idc. 'I'hc Fundti iirc plcd�,rd us ndditiun:il.rcurii�• tiir all tiwn. uru�•�d hy � <br /> :�.� <br /> ' this Securily Instruiti�ent. :i;r;, <br /> • If'thr ilmd� hrld by I.ender excrecl the amaunt� prrmitted to he held by applicablr la��•. Lendor zhall iuci,unt to :�;� <br /> _ _- _ ----_ �?�*re��er fi+r!h�•+x�•«• F!������ it�;�«+�rdan�e�ri�h thc requir�mants of applici�hle li►w. II'Ihe ,imoun�ol'the Fund.r held hy ; <br /> -- - <br />. - - -- _ <br /> , Lender at any time is nut suflicicm ti� puy �he E.rra��•ltem� ���hen dur, l.cndcr nuiy .o nulil'y Harru�crr in ��•riling,and, in �— :, <br /> sunc �:�sc Borrv��•er shaill pay tii l.cndcr Ihc amounl nc�essury t�� muke up thc dcfiricncy. 8urro��er shall ntake up Ihc � <br />- deficicncy in no murc thun twclvc mun�hly p»}�mrnt�.;U l.�ndcr'�solc discretiun. ' <br /> . ........... .... •�.- - -..... i_ •..�� ..: ..0 .. .... � �.. �.•.. �,....: � � L�. h.11 r�.;•.urfl� r,.11m�l t��R�qr�nt•�r��tl�. I _. ._ <br /> _ v�t�u p":i�inru� w�u��u� un nilu�i ;c�iii�i� vy ini. ...u�::� �i�;�ti3:�.:i.. �.5:».. .`: d..� - ;-- <br /> " � Flu�dv hcld hy l.cndcr. IY,under paru�:raph'I, i.rndrr,h:�ll ucqui�o or xcU Ihc F'ruExxrly, l.cnJ�r. prior to tho acc�ui�ition or � ; <br /> s;�lc�,f thc Properry. shall ap�,ly ,�ny hunJ� h�l�l h� L�mtrr at the tinu at'acquisition ur salc as ii crcdit ugain,t thc rumx <br />- ` securrd hy lhi.r•Sccuriry Inslrumrnt. � ; <br /> � 3. AppllcuUon oP Paymcntti. llnlcss aprlicahlc la�e pruvidrr uthcrwi,c, all paymrnt� reccivcd hy I.cndcr widcr � <br /> f panigrnphs I i�nd 2 zhall hc appli�d: fir�t.tu am•rrrp:p•mctri char���du�undcr thc amount�pa��ahlr imdcr <br /> parugruph�:third,to intcrrsl duc:fuunh.l��priiicipal duc;and any lutu churgcti dur undrr thc Natc. � <br /> 4� 1:hurFes: l.lens. Bw•mwer .hall pay all �a�es, astic.rrmcnts, rhargcy, fincs and im�o�itiom :uscihut:►hk to thc � , <br /> - Pr.��eny which m�rv at�ain p�iuriry uver this Scrurity lmu•umcnt.und Ica,chuld payment.r• ar�raund ren�s, if au��. H„rra«•rr � <br /> � shull puy thc+c ohligationti in thu nrmnrr prrn•idod in parueraph 2, ur i1'nut p;iid in th:at manncr.Horru��•rr rhall p:►r thcm�,n ; <br /> timc dirrctly a�Ihc pcnc�n uwrd paymcnt. Harr����•er tihall prumptly furnish�u Lcndcr all no�irr�uf amounl�In he paid undcr ' <br />: lhis puragruph. If Aorrower mukcs thr,e paymrnt;directly,13orr�nver shull pmmpUy furni�h w Lender roccip�s e�idoncing i <br /> _ thc paymcros. <br /> Horrc�wcr�hull prompUy disch�u•gr an} livn��i�irh I�a,priuri�y uver thiti tircurii�• In.trimirm unle„I�e�rrc��ver:lal a�;rces i <br /> in wriUn�t��thc pnymcnt uf thr��hligation,crur,d hy �h�li�n in�i manncr�icrrptuhlc w l.�ndcr:�h1 cun�ests in�uod fi�ith thc � <br /> - li<n by,ar dciend+uptiinst cnl'�rccmcnt of thc licn in. Irgal prur�cdingti which in thc i.rndcr: apiniun uperah lu prcvent thr <br /> unt'orccment�f the lien;c�r Ir) ticcures 1'mm thc h.,ldrr uf�he licn un aEmrment ++ui.l'act��ry to l.�nder tiubordinating 1he lirn , <br /> to this Sccurity In�trumcnt, If L�ndcr dct�rminr. �ha�an} parl ul'�hc 1'raperry i,,uhject tu:i li�n��hirh may;utain prii�rity <br /> - c�vcr thiti Sccurity Instrumcm,Lcndcr ma� givc H��rn��rcr;�nuticr idcnlif��ing ihr lien. Horruw�r�hall xatisf�•�hc licn nr tukc ' <br /> �nc or murc ut'thc uctian�,ct f�,nh atx�ve�viihin l0 da�.rf ihc giving ul m�tirc. <br /> - 5. Har.Ard or Property Insurunce. 8orr��«ci�,hall krrp the improvument�now cxititing ��n c�rral'tcr crectcd im �hc <br /> - � Prop�rty insurcd ag.��n��io�,ny�����,hcuurcl.inrluded��iihin the trnn"rx�rnded ruvrragr"c�ad am „Ih�r haeani..including <br /> flacxls ��r Ilcx�tling. Por whirh Lcndcr rcquire. imuranrc. "I'hia imurancc .h;ill tx niainC�incd �n th� :�+nuunt� and fcu thc <br /> �: <br /> F . FuPIO�1128 4�90 �)4t��•:u/hp��qeu <br />_�o <br /> ��( <br /> :y� <br /> �r- <br /> �. <br /> { <br /> ; <br /> u <br /> i <br /> Ii <br /> � <br /> 3 <br /> ; t <br /> .i <br /> ( <br /> :� � <br /> - <br /> . <br /> �'1 <br />