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-- � k ,1 � �. � . . -� . -. . � -- ., <br /> .i�� ...,,. ., .�_�'. - . . .. .. . ' � . ' �� f\ ' ..��-- .__, ..:y t!1 . _ <br /> . � _ . . . . . . ._ �__.... _'_'_"' '_ '� � `- a .ai�`+IR�JR';-' <br /> _�*��`iti�=�-�w= ____ <br /> wl i� <br /> �^�.�.�'�. <br /> \ ' <br /> �_ ' � 9�� �n���� ' -.�. _ _ <br /> , <br /> . - .,.�:.. � <br />_ r ;...-�: <br /> ` UNIFQRM�AV�NANTJ.po►rowar ond Lundor cov�n�nl nnd aproo nn fnllo�vo: ' � ��,�• <br /> � � 1. Pa ma�t o1 P�tsai dl And Intea�l. Sorrawfl► ahni� �a�nptl pt►I of nnd intoroat on Iho ="� ' <br /> mAabtedneesevld8ncaclbytheNote,prapnymer►1Ancilotact�nrpasasproWdad nlhoNotp�andihopnnelpMalond�ntaraalan =-�'" _ <br /> any Future l�dvAnaoe e�auroA by 1ho Qusd n!T�uut � -- <br /> � �. Fand�tor Yox�oRr�llnw��rtc�.Sub�esct to oppNcuhio lo�v or to o wr�tten warvor b�1,o�dor,8arrawo�ohnii poy ro Lnndor ��- "- <br /> � - onthedaynonthrylnetaflnentaot phnalpa andfnterestaropnynblau��dnrtN�Ndta,unlliifnoNataienn�dintuli,qeum�herelr► - , +- <br /> _ � � 'Funde"1 aquol ta ono-twalfth o)the yea�lY tnxen end eesesement�whlah may eneln pr�oflry ove�thln Qaed ol T�ual.and = - <br /> ' � prouad�onteonthePrope�ty,ifeny,plueone-hreitihot yeerlyptemium�netallmentebrhnzerd�n�furanae,plusone•twelNhof -� ' •� �-•'�=T"��� <br /> � yaa�ly promlum Instal�mente tor mongago Ineuronao,lt nny,a�l ea roeeonably oadmatad Initlaliy and Iro�r tlma ta tlmo by � . " r, <br /> ' l.ondor on tho b�sls ol asaesaniente nr�d bitls and reasannbtu oehmntea theraai. <br /> � � . TheFundsehallAoheldinonlnetitutionthedoposltaoraocountsofwhlohor0l�aurodo►guorantoed,byoFedereloretete ' �� <br /> nponoy(includinp Londar if Landor Is euah fln inetitutlon►.Lende►ehali opply tho tunds to pAy enfd taxea,aeaeaemente, � � �� <br /> lneurancopromtumsandgroundronta,londe►muy nofchnrfleforeoholdin_p andopplyingthoFunda,unntyz�ngealdaocount � � <br /> orverityingendcampllingenldaeaesamenteandbllie unleselenderpaya Borrowerintereatantha�undaendeppllceblelaw ' � <br /> pormite Londor to make ouah a ohurgo.Borrowor and�.onda►mNy ugreoln wtiting at Iho tlmo otoxenution ot thls Doad ot 7ruet <br /> ., _ � thnl Intore�t on Iho Runda ehAll be pnid to Borrowor,and unteea auah a�rooment la made or eppIlcAlbe Inw ruqulrea euch � � <br /> intereal to be pald,l.andor�hall not be requirc�d to pny Bmrowor any Interost or earninQe on the Funda.londar ehAl!pive to h � ,.r: ., <br /> , 8orrower,without aharga,an annuai accaunttng ottho Funda ehowUg aradita nnd dotille to tho Funde and thp purpnee for ,���*_ �� _ <br /> whtoh oaoh de6it tn tho Funda wuo mad0.Tha Funde A►o pladgod as additional eeauntytar thp suma eocur�d by thla Qoed uf � � <br /> , Truat. � �__,�ry.: : <br /> If the amount ot tho fundo Aaid by Landor,togolhor wifh tho tutu�o manthty instalimonts of Fu�ds pflyable prior to tha due �__, <br /> •� dntes ot tnxes asaesamt�nte,inaurAnco premiums and ground rente,shall exceed the amouM requirod to ppy 8t�id Wxos, ��_--.� <br /> asaesamonts,�naurqnoo premiuma nnd flraund ronte as thoy tall due,auoh oxcasa shall ba,al8orrowor's optlon,eithor •� .--�,�_.�: <br /> promptiy repaid to Bor►pwer pi cred;ted!o Bar►ower on monthly inotallmonto of Funde.If the nmount of tho Funda hold by <br /> LendorahallnotboauNlcionttopaytaxes,assosamenta,inaurancepremlumsandgroundrentsnatheyfetldue.8orrowprahatl � � :_� � <br /> pny to Londo�Any Amounl noceasary to mnkn up tho deticfency withln 30 daya i�om the date noticb ts mAUod by Landor to �;. •! 4 <br /> eq tf g payment thereof. �' t�� <br /> sorro�Ner r ues n �_- <br /> UponpoymuMintullotallsumeaocurodbythisQQadatT�usl,Lendershatlpromptlyretundto8orrowaranyFundsheldby ' � .. . �': <br /> Lendor.11undetpar4flraphl8heraollhePropo�y iseoldorthoPrope►ry iaotherwlaeaoqwrodbyLondar,londerahellapply <br /> nolaterthenimmedlatelyp►lo►tothesAtaolthePropartyoriteaaqu�ait(onbyLondar,AndFundaheldbylendoratthet�moo� <br /> „ Apptication ae A cradll agalnat the oums seau�ed by thla Oeed o1 Trusl. : �` � <br /> � 3. Applloation ot P� m�rtU.Unip&s epplicabto Isw provides olherwlso,AII paymante�ecoWod by Londor under the Noto ° <br /> and puragrppha t and 2�ereof ehAll be applted by Londer fust in pAyment ol amau�ta puyAbla to Lendor by Bor►owot undar <br /> para raph 2 herea},then to inte�eat payabieon the Note,then to the prinoipal pt tho Note,nnd than ta interest and pnncippl on � _ <br /> any�uture Advanaea. _ <br /> �/, Cha��s=I.I�m,8or�owers ahall pay all taxe9,assaevmenta and other charges,Ilnea And impoait�ona aflrlbutable to the � <br /> Propehy wh ah mAy attaln a prlority over thla Doed ol Trusl.and loaeohold payments ar ground rente,if any,in tha mannor I � _� <br /> � prpvidud undor pAragraph 2 hAreoi or,tf not pa�d tn auoh mannor,by 8nrrower moking payment,when due,di�eatly to the ! � <br /> , payoe tNoreol.8ar►ower ehail promptly turnish to Lender All notloos ot amounts due unde►thta paragraph,and In the ovant ; <br /> • Bo►►owar shAll make�6ymenl dfrectiy,Bo►rower ahAi�prompliy furnieh to Lender recelpta evidanatng �uoh paymente. ; • <br /> Sorrowor ahall prampt y disoharge Nny lien which has prlo►1y ovvr Ih��Oeod a1 T�uet;provlded,that 8orrower ohAll nol be � � <br /> , requlredtodlsahargeany8uoh11eneolonAesBorrowerahetlagreeinwritlnptothc►pnymonlotthoobllgallonsoourudby9uch i • � <br /> Iten in a mflnner aoCept4bla to Lender,or shnll In good lallh conteat euah lien by,n►dafend ento►cament ot such Ilen in,legal _ _ __ <br /> - prooeedinge whioh apera�te io prevent th�enforaement of the iien or forfoiNro ut the�roperty or flny paq thereof. --- - --— <br /> S. Ms=�rd(nsu��no�,Brn�owe�ahalt keep the Improvements now axisting or herearior erected on tho Praperty Inaured � <br /> against losa by tiro,horarde inoluded within the torm"oxtended oovorago",and auoh nthor hA=arda ao Londer may requtr� � • <br /> bnd in auch Amounta c�nd tor auah po►lods as londer mey require;pro�ided,that Lender ehall not�ec1ulra that tho amaunt ot <br /> ' 41lQ�!!'4Y8lS$w ar�88�!!!fl�8!tl4t![!S Q!���srsgs z°RulrQd!e¢s;!hs sums�.ur�b�!h!s S?�o.!a!Tsu�t. = - -- -- - - —_ <br /> -- -_ - -- . ._... <br /> Thle inauranae oarrlerproviding the inauranoQ ahail be choaan by Banpwor sub�ACt to appraval by 4endor;provtded,thot . <br /> auoh approval shali not bo unreasonably withhetd All prem�uma on inaurenao poHClas ohell be pAid in Ihe mnnner provldod <br /> undor paragreph 2 hereol or,il not paid tn euch mannar,by Borrawer makinp payment,when duo.directly to tho tnsurAnGa <br /> catrier. <br /> All InsurAnco pollcto�t�nd renowal�Iharool ahA11 bo�n tarm accoptablo to l.ender A�d ahail inciude A etundnrd mortgapo <br /> . alause in lavo►ot and In lorm aaceptab!e lo Londer.londer shall have the rlpht ta hald tho aliaios nnd�onowulo thoroof,�nd <br /> 8orrowor shull promptty furnlah to Lender all rpnowal not�ces and ali receipta ol patd prem�uma.In the event a1 los8.8orrower <br /> , � sholl give prompt notice to the tnsuranca carrlor ana 4onder.Landor mny mako proot at losa�t not mado pramptly by Bor�owor. <br /> Unlesa Lendot and Borrower othorwlae agree in wnt�ng,inau�ance proceeda ehall ba appliod to restoratlon or repalr ol fhe <br /> � Proporty damaged pro�ldod auch reatorat�on or repnu IR eaanom�cally feae�bta and the aeounty of this Aeedot Truat re not <br /> theroby impol�od.i�auch reatoralton or repa�r ie not eaonam��ally tena�blo or O the aecuny ollhie Deed of Trual would bc� <br /> impalred,tha inaurAnce ptoceeda ahall be applied ta tho aums eecured by thta Oeed at Trus�with the exceso,ll any,pa�d ta <br /> Bor►ower.if the Properry In abandonod by porrower,o�fl 8orrower faila tu respand ta Lerder wlthin 30 deys Irom the data <br /> notice Is malied by Lender ta Borrower thnt thA mAUrenca carr�er oHere fa sattlo a cla�m for�naurAnGe bonetlls.Lender la <br /> authorl:ed ta colteat and apply 1h8 t118UtaflGtf p►pCBQdS 811.8�d0►S pp110n 8t1h0�10 f�910fAi10�pf fppAt�01 fh0 Pfpp9�iy Of fp <br /> , the euma aeou�ed by this Oeect o1 Tniaf. • <br /> Unle&s Lender And Borrower otherwiso egree�n wrlfing,Any euch appl�out�on of praceodsto pnno�pal ahall notextand or <br /> Paalppna!ha due date ot the manthly matAllm�nls refarred to m parag►aphs 1 and 2 hereat ar change!ho ampunt ot such <br /> under paragraph 18 hereat the Praperty�s acqulrod by Londer,a�l nght,t�lio and mteredt al8orrawer in and ta <br /> any inaurnnca polfcies and in and to the praceeda thereol resull�n�Irpm dnma o ta ihA Prop�rly pnqr ta the oaleor ec�ulaition <br /> RhaII pOAR 10 I.QnQQf 1Q 1hQ p1l1QM 011h8 AUtI1H RH�:UfHd�Iy ihlR I)f1Pt1 O�TlUA1�rt1fI1H(11At81y(1110f ift AItOh RflIP nf AC•q111Rt11OI1 <br /> 8. P►e��rvatlo�oad Melntonanoe ot PropaNy;Laa�eholdR;Condominlumr,Ptaened U�it Developmenb.8o�rower shall <br /> keep tho Property fn gpad repau and ehall not Camm�i weate ar permitlmpalrmenl ul detor�prat�an at the Praporty and ahall <br /> comply w�th tha provletana o1 any IeAOO d this peod ol Truat Is on n tec►sohald.II this Dead o1 Trust�a on a umt�n a condaminlum <br /> or a pfanned unit developmenL Horrpwer ahall perform ali ot 8or►awar'Q obllgutlons under the doal�rat�an or covenants <br /> . creatiny ar gave►ning the condomfnlum ar plannad unit dovelopment,thp by-Inwn�nd rpqulnt�ons ot tho condominium or <br /> plenned uni!devel�pmenL and canatituent dooumenta.It A condomimum or pianned und devela(ament nder Is exouted by <br /> � Borrower and recorded toAether wUh thia Oeed ot Trust,the cuvennnts end ag reampnis p1 suah�rldor ehall be InCO►potElted <br /> into and ohAtl amend and suppiemant the cavanonts and agreomonta ot this Oeed ot Trusl as il the nder ware a pah hereol. <br /> 7. Proteotian ot Lande►'�8ecu►ity.!t Barrower IailA to pertorm tho covenonts imd anreement�contamed In this Oeed oi <br /> Truat,or tl any action or proaeoding is commt�nct�d w�th mnt�n�liy aHects L.ender's�ntereAt m iho Property,mcluding but npt <br /> limlted to,eminentdomain,inaolvoncy,codoenlu►cam�nt,or Arr�ingemonts ur proceed�nga invoiv�ng n bankruptOrdacedent, <br /> then Lender at Lender's opttun,upon notice to 8orrowcir,mny m�kc�such ap�oarnncas,diaburse auch aums antt take such <br /> = actian as i�ncaaa�sryta pratact lander's mtarast.�nciucs�ng,hui npi lim+tAd iA,c{i&buf aHf��An)�i fb�lnu��nbiH NttutltBy e iddg Nf�ii <br /> i entry upon the Property to make repairs.II Lender r�qwred mpRqag�mau�t�naans a condit�on a1 mok�ng tlio loun aoaured by <br /> , the Deed ot T�ust.8otrower shall pay tho p�emiums rc�quuod ta maintein sucn�nsurenao m eNect untii auch time as the <br /> I requirementtor such Insurance term�nates�n acr.ardancew�th 6a�rawe�'s and l�mqer'�wntten agreemAmor applicalb�law <br /> . 8or�ower ehall pAy the amount o}all mortgage msuranr.0 permiums m Iho m�nner proviAed under paragraph 2 herool. <br /> Any amaunl8 dlsbu�sed by L�nd�r puraurmt to th�e pnr�graph 7, wrth �nteront thdreon, pha11 becomo addltianat <br /> Indebtadnesa ol8orrower secured by thls Qeed ot Trust Unlo�is Horrower and Lend�r agroeto other tarms at peyment,such <br /> amounto ehall be payable upon npUCO tram Lcmder to Horrawer rc�queatmti pHymenl hereol.nnd ahell bear mterest from tho <br /> ' dAteatdiaburaementatth8rat9pAyabtaltomtimetolimeunoutsie�nd�ng Pr�ncipalund�rtheNotaunlesapAymontolintor�st <br /> at auch�ate would be cantrary ic�app ItCable wh�ch evcfnt fluCf1 Af110U111A Bhflll bHOf If1lE�f0S1 8f 1h8 f110heAI fA10 <br /> ' potmlaslble untlerappllcabte Iqw.Nathing contamod�n thi�pr�r;�yrepti 7 eh�ll rc�qu�rH�dF�r to incur��ny exponse or teke nny <br /> t � �ction horoundor. <br /> � 8. IntpeoNon.Lender may meke or cnusa to bn m��du rc�.isanabic�eMnos upon nnd msp�cUans ot tho Pmporty,prowded <br /> that l.andet ehatl give Borrpwar nauco pnar to 7ny sur.h�nspe,clwn sspucdy,n��ua�sun��bwc:wsc thHruture rf+1:11ed fo l.andor'!i <br /> ' intereat in the Property. <br /> f <br /> � <br /> 9 i <br /> . � , <br />