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<br /> �nppUi:+�Nlu Imv mt+y spaxlly f�ir rcinrtutcmrntl hri'arr ��dc ul'Ihc Ih��ry��r�y purt,u�u�t Iu miy �1t�1t�C1'ui� r�IIO CUI11111t11•�I in �I�I.r ,�� .'. ;�. �y,,,-��_
<br /> Scruri�y(�t��uaimunt;��r(bl rntry uF c�JudHiucm aifurrinEt Iliis Sccurl►y In,��untrni, 'IYit,�c rundlUun.ii�x��linl Huiru���a�: l�q -__-- �
<br /> � pays Lcnd�r idl rum� �vliich Ihen �vuuld h� duc undcr Ild, �ccu�lty Inr•tnimrnt :m�l �h�� f�uw nti N' nn aercirrutiun hud
<br /> . . �ncurr�d;�t�}��unrs any dnf�iult��f�iny o�hcr cuven�uus ur u�trcr��lcnis;lr 1 pny;�.�II c+cprm�ti im�tumd In 4idbrvin�t Ihl+Sccuel►y • -
<br /> .._ ... �n�trutucnl, inc{udiu�, hui nut Umited t��, rclixmtubk: au��r��cy.r•'frcy� und (dl �i��c� v�i�•1t �u'Uui� nv I.citdcr moy niiyunuhly .. _.: ,
<br /> �r:qulr�W ussur�t thtit U�c�Ilen oF this Scrurity Inst�ui��cul,Lrudrrti right+in Ihc 1'roE+rtiy:►m1 ilarr�m�rrw ohtiNatian tu p��y tt►r -- _
<br /> = --=� sumr scci��d h� thi:: SrcuNty� tt�.rtn�mefit vl�n!! r��ntin�►r �in�•h�+ngcd, t��N�n rrllldt'.!f't11t`iil hY It��rn�w+�r, U�1. ��•,•ur1�y �_..- -_ _.- -
<br /> .- -�-- -- - instnnncni umi tha uGN�;etiuny recarec{hcrrby�h�sl!crm;�in Cully el�fecti��e u+!f n««ccelc�ru�ir►�lr,id uccurre�L Nuww�rr,thls t ; _ - -.
<br /> right to ruinstiu�sh�il)n�t npply in Ihr a�sc ul�nca�lrr�uion undr�•puriipn►ph 17. , .
<br /> • 1�. S�to of i�oto; Change uP�.uuoi 5ervlc�r. '1'hr Note ur u pc�rUnl intr�'��u in�hc Remi Uu�!�Ihrr wilh Ihin ticru�i�y _
<br /> ' In►�U�umr.nt) may Ga suld��nc or murc tinteti withoul prior noUrc lu Narn+���cr, A �uli� mt��� n+,ult in a chungr in�hu cndty '
<br /> . . �kn��wn i�s thu'Loan Scrvlcur")thiit cullccts munthly pttynt�ntv duc unilcr Ihc N��t��itu�l U�I� Sartu•ity In�tru�iunt. '1'hcr¢ulsu
<br /> mny hc�,na��r mora chungws oP the Lunn 5ervlcer unrcliucd t�►u�ule nt'thc Nute. IP Uu•�u i+a rluin�;c ul'Ilte Luiui Scrvicrr. .
<br /> Horru���er will ha given wriui:n naUcu aP the chungc in ucc�rrdunc� wllh puru4rupli 1�3�iht,v�u,nd appliuihl�� law. 't'hu nolicu
<br /> wlll ntnta iha nnma imd uddre��ut'Ihc nc�+�Loun Srrvircr nnd thc nddre�s tu���1t1►'h puymont��+L�auld hr made. 'I'hu n��Ucc will .,.
<br /> nlho rantafn uny athur infanmuion required by iippUrublc linv. ,
<br /> 20, Haaurelnu�Subyti�nces. Barrowcr�hnll not ruusc��r prnnU thc pr�scnr��,usc.disq�,��el.�t��ri�pc, ur rolousc ut'nny
<br /> Nn�urd�►us Suhtitiincos on or in thc Prop�uy. Hnrra�vcr shall not du, nor ullo«� unyunc eb�: tu do. �urything afFccting �hu
<br /> " P�r�perty thut 1�in vic�lation of any F.rovironmenti�l l.a��v. 'fhc preccdln�;�����+•cntcn�•t s�hull nnt apply tu�hc prescncc,u,c.��r
<br /> ,r•tarngo on tltu 1'ropurty of,muU��u+►nUdcs oi'Hn•r.ardous Suhstancc.�hut arc gcnrrnUp mru�;nirxd lo hc apprupriiiW tu num�al .
<br /> resldentiul u�cs and to midntennncc of thc H•op�rty.
<br /> Hono�v�r shull promptly givc Lcnd�r wi•iltcn noticc ot'uny investig�ttiun,claim,dcmitnd,luwsuit ur othur actiun hy uny
<br /> .i_� govemmanti�l or reguliuory t+gency ur private puny im•ulvinA thc F'ro�rny and any Ht�ianlau: Substance ur k:nvironmena�l
<br /> i,a�v i�f �vhich HoRUwcr hi�s uctual hna���lcdgr. If Borrowrr lcurn.. ur i� nuUticd t:q� :my tiuvernmcntal u� rcguliuuty � ;
<br /> ,�;:;;. � atuhority.�hi�t i�ny�emo�•al m•othcr nnudiulion ��f any Narardau.tiuh�tamti ulT�ctinh iha Nroperty i�ncccssu�}�,Horruwcr ��� ;.; �':��',;:; .
<br /> >�.�,�; sh��ll pn�u�pt�y tal:c i�ll neccs�an�rcnudial acti�ms in i«rrrd;�nre��•ith�s��•ironn►�ntul l.ou�. . ,:,.,`;;.;,;.�,'
<br /> ";7c ''` As ase�d in this pi�r+igaiph�0."Hazarduus Subxt�mres„;►►r thrs��ub•t:+n���iseSined as tuxic ar hi�r.ardc�us subvtuncc�hy �;�'�:":.
<br /> :.:� • :. �`� ����'���'`
<br /> F:nvironmu��t.il Law im�l thc S�OUPH'ITI��Uh51i1111�cs: ;:asidinr, �Cil��U11L`,rthes tlammahlc ur tuxic petr��leum pr��ducts,tuxic �.;:'�:
<br /> ' �,.; pusticidcs und h�tbiride�. ��ol;��ile sulvent.. mat�ri,tl� ronti»ning asbe�tus rr l�nmrildch��dc, cjnd rudi��iic►ivc iniucrialw. :1� ��'.;�'.;, " ...' ,
<br /> � •� usecl in this paragr��ph'_(�,"fim•iranment;il l.u��•,.mean.ie�lrrul l:ia.anil la».c�t�the iuri�di�tian tit�hcre the F'roperty i�I��r:it��d � . ; `,�'... ;�i• -
<br /> thi�t rclato t��hcidth,safcl���n•rm•iroamrmtil prutcction. '� � . `'';,�;'' �
<br /> ' NuN-UNIFORM COVEN:\N7'S. ki�,rru�vcr i►nd l.cndrr funh;rc.��•:n;mt and agror as ti►Ilo���s: '��:'` `' '��
<br /> :,•i,�:.•.
<br /> `'`_i Zl. :1c�elrri�Uou; Remedies. L.�n�1er +hnll �;ive noti�� to ktoraw���er prjur tn ac��ele�aliun fnllo�cin� Harro�ti•rr's C . i
<br /> ' h r e i�c h u f a n��r u v e n u n t o r i i g�e e m r n t i n I h l s S e c u r i t y I n s t r u m c a�t �F�u t n u t p r l a�t c�u c c e l e r i�t l o n u n d e r p:iru�ru ph !7 �: ���
<br /> . untess oppliciible Inw provides uther�visel. 7'he naUce shi�ll specit4. (ll)lI1P d4PtlUlli (hl tho nctlun required to cure th� � _
<br /> doPuuU;lc1 a date�nut lesy Ihaa�0 duys from the duw Ihe nnti�r i�:�iven tu Rurruwer.by whlch the dePuult mutit he i �
<br /> cured;imd Idl that Pnilure to cure the dePault un ur hefure thu dute�p��►ifted In the�utice mi�y result ir�nccelerution oP ' �
<br />._'____.... .. ..... ..._-_ . S
<br /> tbn tiumq:;ecured by t�ls�ecu�•ity inst�ument anci saio oi ii�e i�roperiy. '�n0 iiQilt�{iiAl��YiT2Iii'i�8�itiiii :�iii'iYiSTi'i'ti� !— - _ — `
<br /> tho riRht tu reinhtute u�ter uccelrruUon und the riuM lo hrinp a cau�l uctluo tn u��ert the nuo•existence uf u dePuuit ur
<br /> imy utha�dePense nf liorro�cer to uccelera�ti�m und sidr. If Iho defuult (!����t cured un or hePo�e the dide speclfted in ; '
<br /> ,,, _.___. �he,noUce.I.ender ut its oaNun amv rcuulre immedii�tu pt»�ment In ftrll af idl�ums xecu�ed by thls SecurUy Intitrument �
<br /> �tilthnut Purther deroand�und muv iuvuke Ihe p�►���er oP�uW und uny ather �emedl�w perm�ttca bv appiicu6ia iuw, ��— '� °'--
<br /> l.ende� yhull he enNtled 1�� colleet uU expenxes incui•red in pursuinp �hu mmedlcs providecl In Ihlr pur����iiph 21, -
<br /> IncludlnR,but not limlted to.�eusuniible uttorne��s'Pers and ca�th ui'Ntli+e�•ldence,
<br /> 1P thc puwer oP y�de Is In�•okeA,'Il�uxtee xhj�ll rerord u nntl��� nP defuuU In cach coimtv in ��•hlch nny purl of th�
<br /> F'r��perty Is lacuted i�nd slu�ll nu�U cupie�oP�uch n�iU��in Ihv mtmner pn:.scrlhed h}�upplicuMe lu��•tu Hnrro«•er tmcl lo :
<br /> the other persons p�escrihed b��uppllcuhle In��•. After Ihu Iiine reyuli�Q h}�uppllcuble linti•.'Irustee rh��ll tiive puhllc
<br /> natice of sule to the ptrsuns und In thr mt�nnrr prescrahEd hy tlpp11�•ahlu It�tir, 'Il•utitce.«•ilhuut d�muad un Nor�o«�er,
<br /> shull�ell the Yraperty i�t pubUc uuctlon to the hl}�htht hidder nt Il�u Ume:+ad plsue uncl undur thu termy deri�nuted io
<br /> the nutice uf sulc in onc or m��re pa�•cel�and In um�nMer'llrust��e drtt�r+nlncs. 'Irustee mnv postpano tialc oPuU ur unv ,
<br /> pArcel oP the Praperty hJ�public i��nuuncement at Ihv Nme und pl�a�e+�P,�n�•prerloutily scheduled sale. I.end�r or its
<br /> dcslgnee muy purchnsc thc Pruperty ut uoy��i+tc. ,
<br /> Upon receipt uP puy�rnrM of'th�� pra��s hld,'Iru�tee rho�ll deU��er tu the purchuser 'Iru�tee's deed convevin� the ; .
<br /> : Properly. '1'he recituls in the 7Yus¢ei's deed shiill 1►r prinn�fucie c�•Idencr oi'Ihe t�uth of the stutententy mi�de Iherrin. '
<br /> '`� � � 7�ustee shAll upply�the pru��c�e�ls os the xale in lhc Pi►Uu��in�urder: lul to all costs n�d expenses uP exe�ci.r•inp Ihu pow•e� , �
<br /> Fnl'm�1RN 4;Y11 �p��¢��„l��pdtr��
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> , �
<br /> � �_ __
<br />