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� <br /> � ;. . <br /> � , _ . - . . <br /> E � �. -. <br /> , tt .. . <br />.—. , r n� •• ` . - , _ <br /> �,_. . _ � <br /> � ^- —•°---'�i:' ... . .. ..., . ... ,.��., � . _. . ,.��� `_r,��. ...,�j,.��r <br /> i�:.-�_=.:,_,_�:_�:_- == <br /> ._ 3 `� . - --. <br /> Al�llrTi0MA4YEttMB ��7� � �,W� '��[� �-�--_--- -- <br /> ,e P�t�:W�1YMF N'�'AND ACCRUAI.OF'Tflt:HiNAN�K CIIAKf�)G�liccn�Auugh t�i�►nc�t h:►vu h►L��y�t�uro th;ui tho rcgul.ln c�hcdutc;l n►wit�y p�y�►Knt;'1 huvo tho rl ht �`�+'=�` - <br /> � m • ►r the�hnla aruaunt avrin m�nu tn tUU manv ttnw ur W asi Prtun Unia w Umo,U rhn lcnd[ Insdtuilun Utat�u c my contruct ca�!� �ste:�thC f ianndro c � �?'�`=z'='�a=-- <br /> W"�W. A P W� � F� h�to da�y <br /> - i knaw my iittanro ct►,�go►rfi!Aa Ics"a if t rnakc a►c��riy payttinet.snd lt witl bo htgttr.r IP 1pay late�1 aleo ce�uIIn��ze� nt nny nrccsan►��eaju5tnkiu tn my wial(ln_+�a _- _ - <br /> c her�n n 1)i t e�r l icc tc�t In my f inn l b l l l;!a lso knaw t h ai�l►a nr.►nun is c hown nn I hn rovc r s a sld o fu r��►o Nlnan��c(;har gc,7b�n1 ui 1'a yinent�,ond tho'il�tal�:ila t'r icc aro - � - :: <br /> esunwu�a ba�ca�m�ns c�sump��un�na�yau wllt��coi�o cach af tha paynicnta exacUy an It9 Juo dr►to:mid I tcn��v thnt thcro�vlll Ea no mfUnd if 1 prcp�y b�rauso Qum in :_. _ = <br /> � � nothio�to rciLrtillP 1 am chaeged ot�a d,UtY 0.� tho Icnding inetituUun doe�nat cumputo tRe finanro chnrgo daii�,imd IP 1 prep:w thc�rhulo nmou�lt y�su wlll�fln:J ';� , •, ..: .#`�=�__'. <br /> . � . . .. lu nw 17w tmc.u�ud �ni{��u uf(lia flddrk�J CPid�p:.(Intcr.:•t y t�ic�:nunttn�p:o;rdum knmlm��(�tL`1Ctl!^!�"�f11CIhM•p�M��pnwu�n�of IAy i?bMIP W{I M fl�iM?d 4f!4�M . r . `'' <br /> �chcdukJ dsle��ut�anuunGy uf my►aunthiy p�ymrnt uWhe ncwnl�ntcg und wnounts af tha rcp�y�nenls thnt�pay tu yau,t know thal n rellmd otlesy Ihan 51.00 ^ ._ _- <br /> ' .. wlll no�t►o mndo.1 inoy volunmtliy pmpay�ho omoun��i��w�s�vu,in ttdl nr in nny tlme.�P 1 mnko a panlal prepaymeM.1 must conUnua to muko my�egular • -- - <br /> " - :. WYaunu+untU t Aavo pald uQ auouats uwcd. � .:�� " �' � •. <br /> ' � IMRt�pTANT NOTiCE A80UT WARRANTi • SHLLER 1#Bq88Y DIS��.AIMS At.l,WfJ�RA{dTiE� BXRSE8f3�D OR IMRLIEp, � <br /> __ __ - . : - -- _ <br /> �F M�ft�MAN1Y1t]11.41'Y AN�FfTN�89 F R'i iCilt,AR PtJRPS8�ON At,�,Gi0t90�AND B�RViCE9 UNL�9�1 S�t,1.ER - <br /> �^ _�� ' � � FUpNi�H�q�UY�t�tV1YH A B��ARAY�; LIMiYL(�i WApRANTY Ofi���1W��@ON��iAe�'MAa�BY B�LLE��N i7� �� � -. - <br /> . . • 0�'�:�'�E3�1'�A�1�F;(H) hw�2 Ritd,in detatl�tha k�,r =�'t T'P:U WAF�AM1"1"Y"wtd�M�ti�arnpnn{e�thi5 ro�uract.ti rzplatn;thc�onali8anv a�i ci�rsiss�ssances In - -... _ ... .. <br /> • • . �vhich tho tnanufaMutrc�pmductv wlll bc rCµ�frcd or c� tnkc nollco at tha Nmitndonv an tho wnmmly,«nd 1 paniculnriy mcagolec thut nny Implicd wenunty , <br /> which appliee tu the gaxi9lnsty anly uv lon�n+the�vnrm !r scrvtre cantmct.(c 1 huve rcud,tn detail,the sep:►mto"L1M1'I'HD INSTAI.i.ATiON WARRAN'PY"which <br /> Ii niacic accampmilcy tAle cuntmcl.G eapic�im tho cun�f uns and cireumstnncc��n which thc jll}nl i i of tho sldins,sidinR ncccs+arfcs,and�uucn�wlll bo irduno.I . <br /> Inko notticc af tho Iimitnti�nr an iho wnrmnty.nnd 1 particulnrly rccopnlr.c tho�nny implicd wmmmy w c npplicn to Ilir InctnllnNon In�t�anly i�r Im��n+thc wnrtnnty ar .. <br /> esrvico conuacl. <br /> IIMUED WARRANn� F�aole�nd exclusire rnmedy a ainst rou or your asstQnee sAafl Da ilmited ta my rlgAte and nmedie�under Ihe e�preu 10 year 1IM11ED � <br /> WANRANiV You ertend 10 me ot the time 1 alQn Idts �ontract.My oxclusire rlQDts and temedies under tho warranty shall 6e In Ilou ai atl other tiiht�or re�ne�let. � <br /> pt law or In eQutqr,w�are pnrmltted D�apD�ic�Ele atate law. � <br /> � � " All MANUfA6TUREQ WINDOW PROOUCTS ARE NOT 6UARANTEED AOAlN3Y CONOENSATION, MOISTUAE FORMATION OA FROST. PROOUCT8 ARE NOY 6UARANIEEO��AINSi . <br /> � " CORS0510N D(fE TO AOYERS£CIIMATIC CONOIiI0N3. <br /> � ; BUVER HEAD TI1E SEPARATE"IO IIEAR LIMfIED WARRAHiV"WHICH IS A SEPARAT�WRITTEN INSTRUMENi PEATAININO SOtEt1 TO MAlIUFACTURfD PRODUCf8 OF , � <br /> � � TNE PACESl�1TER COAPOBAflDM AND WHICH"IIMITEO WARRANTV"HAS BEEN OEIIYERED 10 EACN RESPECiiY�BUrEA IN CONMECfION NIITH TH1S 8ALE. PACE8ETTEA'S <br /> � • 10 YEAA llMii�O WARR�MIY ANA TNE FOREUOINQ PROYISIONS AEQABDINQ CONOENSA110N UO NOT APPI�10 SIOINO. ' <br /> iuri�er, i��P�c�sefter Corpor�tion nieke�ND AEPRESENTATIUN OR WARR�NtY OF ANII NIND OR NATUAE WN�TSOEYEA,E1(PRESS�R IMPl1E0,WIiN RESPECI TO " <br /> THE ENER01 SAVINaS I CDULQ�A MA/ACHIENE 9Y USE Of TNF.PRODUCitS). I undernand tMt any ener�sarinia 1 m�y acAieve I�dopendent upan�numEer ot <br /> I�cton, Includiy, Eut not Ilmited to,tha I�pe Quantity�nd puAifty ot IasuHtion In my home, the pa►ticular die and style ol m�home, tAe hpe ol Quoliq at • � .. <br /> con�trucflon ol�ny Ao�e,my p»t�cu�u��te stliie,tt;a num6er o1 openinjs In my Aome,proper mon(tartnp of t�ermoslet setttn�a,climatic canditfona�n� loc�tlon � <br /> ai my hom�,�n0�ytn I�e type ol tr,er��consuced for heatlnj�nd air condltionin{put�oset. • • <br /> " wre� caiu�u ' • <br /> , HPI�:CIAI.•ORpCR G(tl)I1.9�1 knuw thnl yuu huvo mensurcd my hi�u�e i�nd i��openingR sn�hiu yuu cim mnke�ho pnxluct+ti�fft my pahicular houwo�md th7t tho paxie , <br /> ' pmbubly wlll nm fl1 nny athcr houycs,no I know that 1 cannot conccl�hix cnnlraa n�uny Ilmo aRcr thv perlocl of timc ylvcn 1a me by luw in which to canccl.Aflcr thnt <br /> Icgal pcN<�d M tlmc,1 know thnt 1 havo thc ubliantlon u+p:r�yau in fUll lhc umount c�wcd. <br /> COb7MI:NCI:M�NT Oi�'THfi FINANCE CHAHGht 7'hc ilnnnrc chn�go qntcrc+p i.r c+ibuatcJ�a stan whhin 30 duyti oi Ihc dntc oithig contmct,exccpt in tho c�•cm <br /> �ou camplclo�hc lnvmllntlon oP�he gaxlv nnd acrviccr ctin c+nrnhc�date,Ihen�he finnnco chnrgc(intcrc�q will l+ogfn ta nm un�hc dale that I aign�he Complctii+n Ccnlilcmo. <br /> o amuunl M flnanco chnrgo UntcrcsU moy la morc or Ic+s Ihnn Iho nmouM dieclased depending on thc nnx�un�y 1�+:�y you cmd my�imciincxc Im m�king pnymente. � • <br /> ' QHLIOA'fIQNS PCECIAININQ TO PROPkltTY INSURAN4E:AN[1 MY R�AI.�STA7'Ei 1. 1 pramise ta kcep my huu.e In�;uod repair und kcep It in5urrd for m ._ <br /> ' IenA 807(�at itw rcpincemem vadue by buyln�;n flro nnd oxtended cuvensgo In�urance pollcy.The Imumnre cumpany ntuH t+e nppmved hy you,and the�x+Ncy must hitve <br /> n bcncticiury clau�c which airy�:ihut you arc to l+c aid it ihcro ix u lo�s,7'Iw invunmco company murt ogrcc thcu it wlll n��t c+mccl my pi�licy withaut �xl teQing yau.1 <br /> uutharizu lha fnAUmnra company to�.�y you dircc�Py Tur nny turs.Y��u can ch�w�so lu u�IMs in+u�unco paymem tu rithct rcpay any mm�umv 1 owc yau ur to mpuir my • <br /> h�x�sc.1 hi►vo tho uptlim i�f pnwidinu pm�eNy Imuranc�•thruu�h un cxi�tinu pd icy i+r thrnubh a�xdicy indcpendcnUp uhtoincd und pakl fix by ma 2.1 uh�i promlu thnt I . <br /> 1 wlll aut ullow anyonc cisa to pinco nuy my n�ul ctitutc wlthaut yc+ur w�fucn�xnni+�ion.3.1 pmmf�c ta pay nll tasc�,u��etirmcmv nnd uthcr rhurgos on my rrul f <br /> estnte when due.4.1 pramise to 8meiY mnke nU payments nn my pdi��loans secnred hy my rc:d estnte.1 aho pmmi�e that 1 w�ill nat earcad,rcnew or chnnge priorla:m� L _ � ' <br /> -.- - ------ - -- -- uitlxsttt yrn+r usittcn�rmlxxiost,9.!E i da nrn in;u�c my h�ucc oo t�i�iTilt n►y othcn olsltgatianv io my mal e�tats.shrn gnti raa da tt fcst mc!t'}•cus uart tlust}�+ts cics mu lts��c -- --- - <br /> ' ta1.if yuu do pay nny uf thexc ab11gnUans fur mc,!n�;rec a�pay you back nn dcmand pluw lntcrc+t ut thc hiNhcst lua ful camnut nuc as intcrcst.UnUI I p�y yc�u bnck, r . <br /> thcsc umi�untx will bc udded tu my dobt tn y��u whkh���ccurcd hy my reid cstc�tc�md huuw. 1 kn��w thi►t if y�n�dccldc ti+huy imuruncc fur mc thut yuu do aol hnvc w <br /> abtnln any homcawncr or IfubiBty insumncc. � <br /> . g MqMYiAQCs�1 hcrcby_grnnt,ba�gain,scil cimvcy ond m�m nge h�yi�u,ns Mongugcc,my mnl estncc und huu�o Inruted ut my"Addretic"dcglgnmcd on the athcr sido ; _ _ <br /> � ---- nf ihi+cammct na eccunty mr aii nmaunta�uo to yaa unqc�I�tx inatnUmcnt�ntca contmci. [---�--- -- <br /> DUF.QN AAI.Ft If 1 xcll,lencc ar�Ivc my hauac ta nnyano trcforo i havc tblly p:dd iill l i+wc undcr thl�comract.yi+u can dccluro uil ihat i awc under thiv contaict payublo ; <br /> cn anrc nnd 1 agrco to immcdiatcly pay yau�hut uim�um. I � <br /> pFFAU47Y 1 wtli lw in de(nult undcr this rnntact i(:1. 1 don't mnkc u paymenl when due;or;.1 hrcuk t�ny pnmilw I�uad.�lu yuu{u d�h cum���ct;ur 3,tiun►ething eko , • <br /> hnppcnr��hlch cuu+ex yuu u�MHeve in ti�w�l Gdlh lhat 1 du nal inlend tu pay yuu ac prund�ed:ur A.I defauU on uny uhliNaNum G�r ahieh l um udng roy homo u,culluterol; ' <br /> or S, Somc�hinp hnppcnv to my houvc whlch ihRa�cn� your rightti,II'uny,In ii. � <br /> CO1.LtCfIpN C�137''1t fl'1 nm In deinult of thi�crnitmc�nnd ynu demnnd A�II paymen�.1 unde�rlund thnl y��u huvc�he right to forccincr Ihc mangugo 1 huvo glvcn to � <br /> � yat and lu hnve toy I�uu+v nu1Q iu�epuy uu awuuni+1 u���yuu.8�fu�c u�y huu,c I,,uid.���u«itt d��.dt th��t th�f,�µ requfr�ti.1 undtr.,tand thiit tP you him nn uunmey ' <br /> to a�siat you In tho cnf�ncment of your rig�t+,inrluJing ihe.ide uf my huu�e���u luw�uit, a+�nc�u pay yuu G�r reaynnabfc iiuorncy�.'tces nnd tor u�hcr nlatcJ expen+c5 <br /> huch ttv muA mst+,tltic iccorchcs and moncy you ex�+cndcd tu pnncct my hnu+c,Ii you��rc nUnwcd iu ralicct ruch umaumv hy Inw. I <br /> (YfN�R RI(:NTbt�You can ch�x+�c nm lo enti�rx uny of thc rights unde��hi+eumr.�rt+i.utten o+you a•ant wfthout Intiing Ihcm.Or,ynu cnn Jclny enG+ning nny ot thc i <br /> rlphtv wUhout luvinp Ihum.Yi,u cnn al�u usc nny righiti nnw„r In iho futurc�!i�rn tu yuu hy inw. <br /> QEI.AY9s 1 knnw thnt yau will u+c you�best cifonr ta in�udl thc pn�iuct�I um punhn.inH un my huu�e,but 1 ut,u unJcrtit��nd thnt!n tiomc+�ituutfony yc�u muy cnmuntcr , <br /> dclnyx thut aro cuused by etdkca,wcu�hcr cundiU�m�,dclny.r yuu ha�c in uhtalning matcrinl�.ur G�r uthcr nu.�mti Ihnl urc hcyand yuur con�ml. I wlll nut huld yciu liublc <br /> far such dclnyx. <br /> RkQUI';,tiT F(1!t FUI.1.P�1YlNM:N'1'7 lf 1 mn iu d�fuult tmd�r thi+caWa�ct.�nu rnn dc�•turr�ill Ih:d 1 u��r undcr tl�h cun�wcl xqnhl���I i�n�e. 1 u�!f¢�tu pap}uu inle�e+i � <br /> � un thu�immunt ut the m;iKlmum cuntarctual r,dc uliune�l h�la«unlil ihr,nnuunt I u«<yuu i,p�dd. 1��I�u I,nu�� Ihnt}uu c.�o�i,reelu.e Ih�mutll�ugr I l�a�e N��en In y��u. <br /> ANAITNATIt1Nt if 1 hovc+►diyputc i,r clnim with ynu conccmin!►Ihv��uantity.quaihy�+r perli+rm+imc ai thc pna�urt�.1 undcr+tnnd thnt my tli�p��tc mny hc cuhntlilcd <br /> ta and sctUcd accarding ta tho mcdintlamnrbftrntion pn�gmm thm m+�y hnvc Jc�rin{��l in my rummuntty.1 id�u knm�tbnt uny dceldun roudo h��,m nrbitrmnrl,l w��u1J bc <br /> emcred In tho cuun huving Jurl+Jlrtlun avcr mo imd y+�u. ' <br /> SAUVAGk VAI.Ut:1 1 knuw ihal Ihc wlndnw�.w�wdw�irk.,tdinp.brich und othcr;n h;i�c tu h�rema�ed hy yuu fur thi.imta0aliun h.n�o H����h•agr v�duc. <br /> When yau rommo them,yc+u cnn hirvc them for whatcvet put{+i�rc you wun1. <br /> SP�CiAi,SITUATI0115t Uuc u�Uw uni�ucneti+��f+unK u(Ihc ptuQu�l+tlial y��„,cN•�pl��c�dnu��(�ml 16 q}iiia�.Uiidll��{i•}��Ilf�igh.�i��l t�fl���uti�y hati�(���cYicV. -- <br /> und uccopt this camaKt.I uko undcrsinnd thut ihic wlc�KCUrrcA in m�humc rn.l ihat���u und 1 m:�y n��t ha�c had;dl Ihc.•urrce�tnturmaU.m Im{��nam tu�hi�tan.ucUan <br /> iu aur flngcnipv:1 glve yuu roy cunsent to cumet:uq• „hviuu�crr��r,lhat ma} ha�r�x•rurt¢�i w•hcn thr hlank,m iht�catitr.�ri�ccrc cumplctcd. <br /> INVALIP PROV1510Ntit If imy pmvi4iun„f Ihir cnnlRic�viula�c.ihc�,n�m�d i,mi�nfurcuahl�•.thc rc�t��f ihe rumairt��ill hc�ali�l. If any pan��f thi.cumnu�titquiroti <br /> paymeM uf morc intercvt Ihnn ihc luw{nnnit,,then y�.0 wilt unly havr thr rigtot tu cuUert Irum me ihe am„unt ul uucntit aMrh thc la��nUa��r yuu tu cullr�•1. <br /> C0MPI.ETENF:Sti UH'7'HIK CUN'1'RAC'1':Thi�cumract r:m unly f+c rhangcd ff M,th yuu unJ I;�gnu in w�itinp. <br /> NOTIC@ ' <br /> ANY HOLOER OF TH19 CONSUMER CRE�IT CONTRACT IS SUBJECT TO ALL CLAIMS ANO QEFEN8E8 WMICN THE <br /> DEBTOR CbULD A88ERT AOAINST THE 8ELLER OF QOODS OR 8ERVICEfi OBTAINED PUR�UANT H�RETQ OR WITH <br /> THE PROC8808 HBR�OF RECOVERY HERBUN08R 8Y TH� pEQTOR 8HAl,l- NOT EXCEED AMOUNTS PAID BY THE <br /> - _ -- � @�@T09 HEREUND�R. - <br /> INNURANCF CANCF.I.4ATIONt If 1 havr mquc�icd insurmrc in tht�purcha,c.l nurv em�rcl,uch rryue,t I�,r inx,ru�irr fur+my rc.i�un ailhin fdtc�n(�S)dnyti ftam <br /> thu Qato aP Ihl»contn�cl by n�,tilyinp you or�hc huldcr ot'thi�cun�n�r1 in wriUn�t. 1 kn�+w�h,U thr c,wrcUat��m uf my r�wcragc��•ill hc a��angrd��•ith Ihc in+uranrc carticrl,� <br /> , nml ii fLll tcfund uf my prcmluml*1 tn�;cthcr with o�lic;�hlc finnncc char�:c wil)lx cnditcd tu Ihi�runuact. <br /> PLEAbF NpTl�.t If 1 huve rc ucaeJ In�uruncc in thbpunhau,l will rerrivc wilhin Ihiny�tIq dapti u ccnificam of inwrimcc�nuic fully de.ctihln�Ihc imurencc covcrugc. <br /> 1 knmv lhnt tf thcro iv nny can�Ic1 In thc rnvcmgc or ific InnKua�;c uf Ihc ccnitic.uc uf in�ur:mrc uod Ihr(uUuwinf�NuUrc ul 1'ru�x�.cd Intiur.mrc Ih:�t I,mi r���rrcd unlq tu <br /> tho cxtcnt x�aicd in thc follnwinp NuUcc uP 1'ru�,rcd t�rumncr.t tdcu kn�»�th:u I h�nc In�ur.mrc covcragc un y il'1 ha�n c�cn rhargcd t'ur i�. <br /> . NOTICk OF PROPOS�D INBURANCE <br /> I tokc no�lcc thal cithcr Crcdit I.itc ur Credll AcclQrnl:md Hculth In� hnth.Kitl Ix�nppNcahle In Ihi�In�uillmrnt S;ilcti('nntr:iet„n�hc n vct,c��dc„nly if <br /> � - 1 hnve chu�en it by elgning Iho rcyucat For�uch�murnnce."fhir Intiurunce wlll nnly r�wct thr�r�an sll:nmN thc mqur.t n�thc r��.�tur euch�y�ul'in�uranre tih�n�n. <br /> � BuhJcc�In ucccpiuncc by�hc Intiuruncc co�apany,thc In�umn�•c wlll hc clfccU�q.reR�P I��I:i)unJ�v�ll cunlluuc��111y fnr Ihc t1u�tltM�nl muulhti uflct Ihe cl'1'c�•G�'c tlul��r��u,i) <br /> � to tfio number of mamhly paymenw.1 undcr�tand ttun thlti punicular imur�cy•�n nnl pnn ldc caccr,�ge.fur my lad tew p.�ymcnt�..nHl that dudnx that xriud uP tlmr 1 <br /> wlll nnt hnve uny ingurunce cuveruge.All henepta unJ pnxeeds uf Ihe Imur. Q i•wi��pald a>>ou nr�n u(m+mclal in�NwUun iP it purch�iu.the Mtitullmen�%alc.('amrart <br /> to tho extcnl c,f itv imcrc�t�nnJ nny h�iluncc w1I1 tw p�yuhlc tu mc.Thc imduF� 1 uf Cn•dit t.ifc In�ur,mrc i�Ihc nm�nm�nqu�rcd a�rcpay thc Ti�tal,,1'f'aymcntti: <br /> ' �hercufter,tha insurance decrcaisew hy Ihe umoum ot ench num�hly paymem un 4 v�•dyte 30�la�y had�. If 1 mn iulmty��hlipated un the In,talbnem Sale�CunUa.���ith <br /> i�Co-Huycr,and wc hnvc hi�lh�i},ncd thc r�yur+I fur Crcdil I.iCc Imun�arc,dculh h:�o ti i�t po payahlc tmly aiih rccpcct w thc f u�l imc nf u�tu dic.tiubJce�tu rxclutiinn�. <br /> . • cOminnllanv ar wi�itlnp�xdcxl slutcd in Iho imuruncc p�licy�tt ccnitiratc.('redlt Ace ef11 i�dHcuflh In�ur:mcc i�Pu�thc tunclit unwunt uf 1/1UIh uf carh munlh'�p,�ymcnt <br /> for ctich duy Ihi�t 1 um tutully dlvuhlcJ duo to un inJury�+r 4icknc.�whilc I owc any p, •7'Ip yuu:huac�rr.I ui�dcr�t:wd Ihut 1 havc tu lu prcvantcd Irum w��rkmy duc <br /> ` � to such tmal dl5��b111ry fur murc Ihnu fuurtcrn IIAI�r�n,ccutl�r dayr Ixfure thc incur.n �nKi11N p��Id hack tn thc fir,t J��y uf m}•tdr:dt+ahillty.I also know thut 1 <br /> , cunnnl oGtnln uny insueancc from yau It I um nvcr 6.9 ycAre ut uKv haluy,nnd 1 utcn (�W hui ttte yuruncu coccrugc provldtYl to mc n�uy coutuln n ntt►xlmunt <br /> amounl of coverago whlch wlll nut puy In some cn�cw.lhc enUre mm�unt Ihul l o�re yi��uc tu�pe�ryatmiu�ri;miuum uf rue�ra�c,t.ucd In the intiur;w�•c pali�y. 1 <br /> , knuw�hul uny unpulJ amuum In excesa of thc Insuruncr c�nemgc will atill have �u hr E,:�ta. P�ho!n)�eUmem tiulc,('umrirl 1+pnp.��d In ful)�ulur tn Ihe lu�l p.�ymenl <br /> data.uny unc�imcd insurunw pnmlumv wll)t+e mfunded u�me in thc umnner prouHlxd hy law.W�It In Ihitty 1�I�I day�.(���II r�rci�e ihr ccndlra�c��i in�urau.r mort <br /> y fulty dexribtn��my insuruncc cnvcruZe. If thu Invurancc i�nut accepted by Ihc imur,�nrc a�mp.itly,�'nqlil rcrcivr n rct�unJ„1 ihc ii��ur.mcc prcmlum,1 h�i�e p.ud. , <br /> y� � i <br />