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<br /> � ...._,._.u��___�___.�:;c, � —
<br /> ^*F�..w`r r.,_ .. ,� ... . .. _ ._._ .' _. .. .-. ._..._ . . " .. . . ..
<br />. 1' '_'_ _. - �i7R71w �,O'5��� . _ '_,_
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<br /> � npplici►hlc In�v muy s����lfy Il�r rri�i��iitc�»�i�il l,cl'�,i•� ����c��i'�h� i'r���xrly ����rst���itt to nnv p���vcr uf�idc cont.�iu�d In tl�i+
<br /> ' ' Security Instriuncnl;ur lbl rnny„r�,��►��i,;mcnl cnt'ur�inh ihlti ticcurity hi�;h�umen�. '1'husr randi�luny urc Ihnt 1lurruwcr: lul .
<br /> . pirys Lendor :►II tiums ��'hich Ihen w��uld br dur tmd�r Ihiti 5rruri�y Ins�rumen� und th�: N��tn i�r II' nu ucrelcr;�li��n h+ul • , „
<br /> � orcuned;lh)curc�nny d��i�auU uf nny uihrr�u��enunts or liur�ra�enly;le)pays zdi�x�xrn��.incui rcd in rnt'��rcin�:tids Srcurity -
<br /> , ::.._. . _ '_ _ . . ' _. -
<br /> - Msnumcn�, ine{u�{inti, hu1 n+N Iiniited tt�, reuswu�blc uttorncys'frer,tind (d) tul.c� ruch a�Uun a.r• Lendcr i�u�y reaxunubly _: ... _. -
<br /> ` . `. rr.i uin:tu a�sur�th�t thc lien uf ihi�Sccuiiry In�trument.Lendcr�ri�hlx(n Ihu I'ru)erly tt114t llorrowcr\��hli�tUi�m t��puy lhc I
<br /> I �' 4 i�..
<br /> ,.::_::.-_. .__,,�....,_.� -
<br /> .. .-: � xwu� +ccmcu l,v llii+ SecwHy iu�lwu���u :h;1ii ���ttttttt: unchattgecl. tl�H�i� r�dnelotemunl hy liun'���vcr. ll�i.r• 5ccuritv ._......_............_. _
<br /> , - In,tnimcnt untl Ihu ubli�iui��ny sccs�md hrruhy shull rcinid►�luily cl'fcrtivc:�ti if nu+iccrlrraifuil i1�1i1 �K�:tu�srtt, 11�mc�cr,thl.r• . -
<br /> rigl�t U�rcin��utc�holl not upply h�thc c+��c uf ncccicruQon undar piirn�rnph 17. .. .
<br /> • :'�` 19. S�iie oP Notei �h+mue uf I.�»>n Se�vicen Thc Nute or n p;u•tial inicrc�l fii ihc Notc ltuticthcr�vith this Sc�:urity
<br /> Ins�runtenq muy hu xuW unc or m��rc Qmex wi�huut priur m�tice w Hurru�rer. A sule mny rrudt in u chnngc in thu cnUty
<br /> (knuwn uy thc"l.uan Scrviccr")th:u cullectr munthly paiym�:nt.r•duc und�r!hc Nutc�md thiti Srrurity In�trum�nl. 'I'hcrc nlsu
<br /> mny hc une ur nu►r�chnnl;uv ol'the�l.u�m Scrvi�:cr unr�l�ue�l ta n sul�uf Ihc Notc. H'there i�u chiu�g���f ihu l.�u+n Servi�cr, .,,-�.
<br /> I�arruw�r will bc givon wriUon nolicc ui'thc du�ngu in accordmtcc with pui'a�rnph I�iihuv�and uppli�uhlc lii�v. 7'hu noUcc
<br /> �vill stutc ihc�u►ma and nddr�ss��t'thc ncw L��un Sarvicrr nnd thc itddress�u whid�pnyments�h��uld hc mndc. '1'hu nudre�vill
<br /> �il�o Guna�ln a�ny othor ini'ormntiun rcquiitd�y:►ppUcuhir.Im��.
<br /> ZU. Hi�+xirdouy Substunces. Horr�nvcr shull nui cuuse or pemdt thc presrncr.u,c,disp��snl, ,torugc,��r n lea.c uf uny . . .
<br /> Hi►zardouti Subytunccs un ur in �hc 1'roperty. Bonuwcr shnll not du, nur ,�Uo�v ;u��•unc clsr ���du,anythin�a ;�CfecUnb thc
<br /> • F'roperty thut is in vlolt�tian of any �.nvironmcntnl l.uw. Thu prcccdinc�«�a•rnten.�'s shull ni�t apply ta thr��rrsrn�a usc.��r '
<br /> , sturiig�:on�he 1'ruperty of smuU quumitirs ul'Hazardi�u�5ut�titimcc�that:n•r�,cnuri�ll�•rcc���;nir.rd to t+c ap�n�opriatr�u nui7ni�l .
<br /> msidenlial uses nnd to maintcni�n�'c i�f thr f'�•uperry. �
<br /> Aorrower lhnll prc�ml�ily givc l.ender written nwucr at'un}�invrsti�niion,cliiim,d��mitnd. la��:�uit i�r��thrr:�etiun by i�n}• ,
<br />. : gavcrnnuntul ur rcgulatury.�gcncy or priviuc purty im•al��ing Ihc 11���p�rt)'and um� N��lardou.Subsu+nrc���•tinvirnnmcntnl . ,
<br /> � � l.inv ��f which �orrc•�ver has i�cui�il knowledge. lt' Harrnw�r Ieurnr, or i� n��titiad hy imy g�►�•ernmenti►1 or rrguluwry ";, ', :
<br />. �� nuthurlty,tt�i�t uny retnu�•:il or uthrr r�mediiui��n af'uny Hururdou�Suhy�uncc at'iccting th�:F`n�pert�•i. neces+ary, Narru��rr '� . :,.,�;`,,
<br /> ' shnll prc�mptly tukc iill nccc.r•sury rcmcdiul ucdons in acr��rda�nca��•ith Environmuntal l.ii�v. i. `:�;
<br /> • As used in�hiy parag�:�ph 20. "Hari►rdc�uti 5ut�ti�unccs"ur�ihosc substnnccs dcfined t�s trrir�,r hazarduuti tiubsti�nccs b� i
<br /> Environmenti�) Lu�v and tha fi�Uc�win�;�ubsu�ncex: gi�suline, kerusenc, ��ther ilummuhle ur tuxic pe�rolrum ps�,duct�, tc�xic
<br /> p�sllcides nnd hcrhicitics, volcuilc solvcitlr, matcrials cuntuining uxhcstos or fonn;ddchydc, und rudioiirti��r matcrials. As i
<br /> used in this parngruph?l►,„6nvirnnmen�ul l.uw"ntei�ny t'odcrul luwti and luw�ul t4�c jurisdictiim wl�cro th��F'rapor�y i�loaucd I
<br /> thut r�liuc to hculth,tiafety nr cnvironmentid p����crtion. ,
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANI'S, Aun���wcr nnd l.cndcr further c��venant�ind n�:rcr uti 1'ullo+v�; i
<br /> Zl, Accele�allun= Remedies, I.ender shi�ll �ive noUcc tu Horrower prlur to ii�celeri��irn Polluwin�; 8orr���r•er's i •,
<br /> � hreuch uf u�y cuvenant or t��reement in this Security Intit�ument lhut nut pri��r to uccc4eratiun uniler pi+r���Gri�ph 17
<br /> unle�,r upplicuble la�v prusides i►therwkel. The notice shull specii�•: lul Ihe c�ei'uult�Ib1 thr uciiun revd+ired ta cure Ihe • ,
<br /> �'',�'' � dePuult;(�l a datc,�ot I��.r•thun JO duyv Prom Ihe dute the nutice i.r•ki�•4�n t�D�iorru�r�cr.b�����hich th�deSuult musl hr.
<br /> .--- -_--= = - eas•s�4:Ysss!!s�!tt�s!4'a!l�rt�!�c�r+`4he defuult on or hePorc Ihe dute sp�dQed in the nolice ma�resuH in ucceleratiun of � i
<br /> the sums yecured by thlv Security Inylrument and side��f�he Pr�pe�tv, The nuUce shall fUrther inf'orm iior�owe�oi �- --=' —
<br /> the rl�;ht to relnwtnte a�Pter ucccle�nU�m nnd the ri�;ht tu brin�;u cuurt uctiun to u+sert�he nun-exlstence��P u defuuU ur :
<br /> uny uther defentie uP llurrower to ircccic�i�tion und hule. IP Ihe dei'i�ull is nut cund on or bePo�•e the dute tipecii7ed In �'.
<br /> ' :�—_ ` ' - `- 1�10 Qolt�C�i,enur�oi iii�i�ii�ilii���ii�i�t�u�r�33:i:ii���:SS�F'»Y!l2:.�!!!!!!f!!11��1'i!!)c�une c�cured b�•this Security Instrument �
<br />- w�ithout f��rther demund und marv im�okc thr p�m•cr uf hide and un}� �►ther �emedles p��mitted hy appllcable li�w, �
<br /> Lender yhall be entitled to collect all exprnties lneurred in purxuinu the remediey pruvided in thiy puri��;raph 2l, �
<br /> includinp,but not Ilmlted to,i•eu�unublc uttornevs'fees und cus15�►i'title evldence.
<br /> IP the power uP�ulv is Invuked,'IYutitee shidl reca�d u noUcr oP deii�ult In euch caunty in a�hlch��nv part uf thi
<br /> 1'roperty Iti IocuteA und tihidl muil copies uf tiuch noUce In the man�e�prercrlbed by iipplici�hle luw t�i Ha��o«'e�und tu ,
<br /> Ihe uther pertiuns preticrihed by i�pplici�ble lu�r•. f�fter the Nme requlred hy upplic��ble lu�v, "IYustee shwll �ire public
<br /> notice ni sule tu the persuns und In Ihe numner prescrlhed bv uppUcuhle Inw. "Irustee,��•ithoul demund on Horrower, .
<br /> ��� !�ht�ll sell the Yroperly ut pubUc uucflon to the hi�he.r•t bidder s�t lhe Umc iind pluce�md untle�the Ierm�desi�;nuted in
<br /> � the nutice uF rule In une��r mure parcclx und in anv order'llruytt�r detrrmines. 'Irustec muy puslpnne si+le of aU or an�•
<br /> � ' pi��cel uP the Propertp bv publir u�nouncemenl al Ihe tlme a�nd place oP an�• prc�•iously schedulcd r�de. Letider or 9ts
<br /> � �. �.` desi�nee muy purchase the Property nt nny sule.
<br />_ � Up��n nceipt ui'pnymeM uf the prlce bld,'Iru�tec shi�ll deUver tu the purchust�r 'll�u+tee's deed cunveyinp the
<br /> Prope�ty. Thc recit�als in the'Iru.r•tcc's decd shidl bc primi�Pucic evidence oi thc U•uth uf the sta�lemcnts made therein. .
<br /> � 'll�ustee shall ttppl}�thc pr��ceetls af'thc+ulr ln the fuUoa•inp order: �u110 uU casts und e�pcntirs uf excrciyin�Ihe pu«�er
<br /> ���
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