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<br /> � ql �. 041.�� ` ._ . -.�
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<br /> • '1't)li[ti`l'i11:k �VI'I'H nU thc I�npruv�nicnl.uuw ur hrrc;dt�r�rcrlcd un IhC praperty. ;md ull eu�rmrnl.,uppurt��nnnrcr, ` '�
<br /> � nnd lixlun:x nnw��r lu�rcult�r��pa��uf�Ite�n�u�kr�y�. All �tiplacrnicniti wul ndJition, ,hidl ul.0 hr ru�•.i��l hy thlti Serunty „ ,
<br /> '�,: �- , insir►ttt�cnt. AU��f!hr lur��uin�!I�r�fcrn:d t��In�Ids ticcuri�y lnstrumrm u+ti�r"I��„perty,,' , . . .•, _�__
<br /> ----- .-•��...... -
<br /> --,--_-- RORRQ1YIiFt�Yri'1tNr�N'1'S Utat I�aRO�ccr Vy I��wl'ully�cl.r��i uF thr c�ttNr I�rr�hv�unvcycd an�l ho. Ili� rll;lu l��tir�uU _...__.._.:- _-_ _, __
<br /> —r - �, - - and r��►�aev thc Pr��{a�nv a�td thut lhr Prnperty iti uucucumlkr4d,��xccpt tiir�nrumbruucc.oi'recurd. ii„rr�►��4r wntrants nnJ ; : ,
<br /> �
<br /> . � �vill defcn�gcncr�dly Ihc Alle 1��Ihr I'rupr�ry:►giilnsl nU clnims and dcmmtd.,suh�ect tu uuy cu�uwln,u�cw.af ncnnl. - .. .
<br /> __ 'I'HIS SfiCURITY INS"1'RUM[?N'1' �y►mhinr� unifu�•m covcnunts lur n►►tiun;d u�a and nun•uuHium <<�rcn�etit. «ith . _ _:... ._
<br /> limited v:�riuNrnts by jurisdirtlun�n can+ti�ute a►unif�u'ai ticcurity inrtruairnt�i,vcring r4id property. .. '
<br /> � UMhOttM CUVk:NANTS. l3orru�vcr��nd l.rnd�r ruvrnunt iind u�;n��iiv tiiUu��•�;
<br /> 1. Pa►ymcnt��P I'rincipid uncl interest;Nrepuyment iinci I.�ate Char�e.w. Nun�u�vcr�hull prumplly p��y whcn duc tlic
<br /> . � prinrip,+l ul'und intcresl an thr debt evidenc�d by�hc Natc nnd uny pr��puynt�nt and latc churgrs�luc undrr thr Nuta
<br /> . � Z. htinds Por'll�xcv und lnyurunce, Suh�cct tu a+pplicublr I:i�v��r tu a�vrlucn�v:►ivrr b}�Lrndcr.Hurru«�ur,hull p.ry u�
<br /> L.ondrr un thc diiy nion�hly puymrnts i�rc duc undcr Uie N�qr,until thr Nutc iti�iai�l in lull,:�.um l"i�undti") t'ur: lul yraely
<br /> tuxcs nnd avsos,mentr which ntuy attttin priurity av�r Ihis Scrurity Imirumriu �i,u lirn un tNe Proprrty:th)ycurly Irci�chold
<br /> � pi�ymrntx ��r gn�und renls un ihc 1'roper�y. H' nny: (r) ycurty hur�rrd ur pmprrty insur;�ncc pnmiumti; Id) yrurly Iluud .__
<br /> insut'�tncc premiums, it' any: (c) ycarly rnortgai;c insur;�ncc promium,, il' any: and lll uny sumx p:ryuhlc hy Hurru�v�r to
<br /> • Londcr, in accarduncc with �hc pruvizia�e i,t'p.u•:�±:�•nph R,lii liru ut'thr payincnl ut� murtg+►t;r imuri�ncc prcmiums. Thc�c .
<br /> � itcros iiro cull�d"Eticruw ltcmti,' l.end��r ntay..0;o���um�,r��ll��t und hi�td Hund,in un umuunt nui tv excecd thc muximum , ,
<br /> ' ., untuunt +� Iender 1'ur n 1'ederally rcluteJ rnortgi��r lr:vi min� rcqaire F�,r k�rnti+�v�r� �scruw itcruum undrr�he 1'rderal Rcal ! ' ',
<br /> E�tnte SetQcment 1'nxedures Act ui�197�3 ns umm�de�f 1'rum linte tr timr. I�l'.ti.('.� 26t11 c�r��•q.C'hHSPA"►,unlrtis anothrr ! ..
<br /> luw thiat npplies tu the Flmdz sets a lcsscr nmount. If sn,l.undrr may,at uny timr.roUcct and hi,ld f�unas in mt +nnuun�nat tu � �,
<br /> cxcrcJ� the les�rr innrunt. l.rndcr mny usUntute thc :unu�+�u rt' Funds �luc an �hr hi+�is of'curcant d:�U► imd rea�unuble �
<br /> �slinuitrx��1'ceE�cudittrrc���f 1'ulu��6scrow Itcros ur ulhrnvis� iu;�rrurduncc with upplici�hic law. ,
<br /> ' Tho Fundti shull hr held in a�n in�lilutiun whuse dc�x�.ils arc insurcJ by u I'c�lrr;il ugency, imtrununlulliy, ur entity , .
<br /> tincluding l.endcr.ii Lc�ider i.�uch im ins►itudanl ur In any i'vd�rid Humc Lu:�n H+utk. Lendcr shnll upply thr Funds tu puy i .
<br /> � thc �,cn�w Itcnn, Lcttdcr muy n��t chu�gc Bc�nr��er t'or huldin�and upplying thr Fund�, :innuaUy ;maly�ing thc cscrvw f
<br /> urcount, or verifying thc Escn�►v Itcros, unlc.r� I.��ndcr pavx Horruwur intcrest un Ihc t-'undx .►nd uppHcnhlc luw pertnit�
<br /> l.codcr lu nuikc surh u churgc, Nr��c:vcr, l..un�l�r may rcquin N��rro�vcr k� pay �i�mc-tinu rhargc for an ina���cndem rcul j
<br /> . • e�tnt�I;�x rc�xirtin�!scrvicc i�scd t►y l.endcr in co�mcrtion wnh this I��i►n.unlc+s+�pplicuhlc liiw pruvidrti uthcrwi+c. Unlc�s un i •
<br /> agrct�mcn►is mudc or uppUruhle luw rcyuir��int�rcyt tu bc paid,l.rndcr shall m,t h�rcquircd t��pay t�urruwer uny intcrrtit ur ' ,
<br /> ' � r�unings on�hc Fimd�, Iiiittawcr:tind t.cndcr may ngrcc in«��•iti»�:,ho�vc�'tr,th:+l intcresl shall hv p:►id un the F�und�. l.rn�lar
<br /> ,hnll givc to Hurrwvcr. �vithout churge, an annuiil i�ccauniing oF t�c hun���..4�"wing rrcdil.und d�bits tu Ihc fl�nd>and thc �
<br /> purpmr far�vhich each debit t��Ihe Funds wus nuide. 7'he F�im�l.,ur Rdo.'vr�1;i+:idditioniil �ecurity liu all�ums.��cu►rd by �
<br /> this S�curiry Instrumm�c. � ,
<br />• lf the FunJ� heW by l.cndrr �rreed thr amuunis p�r�iiurd tu he held by ��rplir.ihlr luw, Lrndcr.te:dl ��ccrtu�� to E ,
<br /> - ::: : , .
<br /> - Aorri����cr for thc c�ccti�i��mJ.i�� ,�tco�s1a�cc K•ish tlti:re�uirente:tt,tz!'upp!':cahle I;�•v, I� i�e auwuut uf tlir Fun�i.hr��+ ny �_ ; ,.
<br /> • l.ender.0 uny timr i�nut+ul'ficirm t��pay the E.rrc,�v ltems «�hen duc. I.cndcr may �u nntit'y Darruwrr in aiitin�,,aud. in � --• - -
<br /> .unc �:iw Horruwcr shiill piiy ta L�ndcr�hr ,�matmt nece.r.ary ta makc up thc dcl'icicncv. Hurru��•rr �hall mukr up Ihr ;.
<br /> ..:... ......� dcficicncY in n�,m�m thun twch•r mu��ihly P;►>'ments,ni I.rna�r'.wly di,crciiun. ,
<br /> � Upon piryment in full U�:1�1 swnx secureU ny�his Securiq' �Il\II'UIIICUI. t.��tticl �ilti=i j:i�iiii��:i� ::.:Ur�(:T �::.•:S•w:.!'::l�� �- --- � .�
<br /> Funclti hcld hy l.rnder. If,tuidcr para�raph �I. l.rndcr yhidl urNuirc ur�rll�hc f'�'i�p�rty.l.rndrr,prior tu the a�Nui,{tian ur i ,
<br /> tialc ��f lh� Pruperly,�hull upply un�� Fund. hrld hy l.cndcr al Ihc lim� uI ucquitiitiun ur ti,►I� :n a crrdit against thc .rums
<br /> sccurcd Uy this Srrurity lnstrumcnt. �
<br /> i, ApplicuUun af Pi�yments. l�nlc,. applirahl� law pru��idrs uthrrwi.c, aU pa�•muiu, r�rcivcd hy l.cudcr undrr ,
<br /> paru►�ruphx 1 und 3 shall hr i�pplicd: lirtit.tu any prep:►yment chi►rEe,duc un�ur the Nuw:,ccund,tu:uttuuntti payahle undcr �
<br /> pnr.+g,ruph�:third,ta interetit dur: luunh.tu princip:d dur:and latit,tu any late rhurgeti duc under the Nute. �
<br /> 4. Chi�r�es: I.ienti, f�u«�,����• 1hu11 puy ull taixr,, atiti�,�mcnty, rhi►r�rs. 1'incs and impo,itiun� attributuble tu thr
<br /> Properq�which may aUain 4�riurin r��cr thi,Srrurit��Intitrum�nt.and Ic:i�chi�ld paymm�t.or gri,und rent,.if uny. Rarr��wor
<br />, vhall p�y Ihese��hli�ati�,m in�he m;�nncr pr��vided in pura�raph 2,ur it'nut paid in thai manner.Hurro��•rr�h,�ll pay�hem un
<br /> � time directly n��he per�c,n�•��cd{+;�••mrnt. 8orri�w��r tihull prumptly furni+h tu I.ender all nuticu.ul';►mou�tt.tu tx�paid und�r
<br /> this pm:lcraph. li�dafr����•cr mabe+the.e p.iymenly dir«tly, Il�irruwcr,h;dl prcnnptly 1'urni.h�u l_rn�icr r�ccipts uvidrncing
<br /> thc p�ymcntz, .
<br /> � Ai�rrowcr shiill pr��mp�l�•.tischargr any licn which hii�priuriry ovcr�hi,ticcurity In,u•ument unlc�s Sorru�ecr: U�)agrccti
<br /> in�vriting ro thr pnyment of the ohliguuun�ecurrd hy�hr licn m:i mannu�acceptahlr ti�l.end�r;(bl rc,ntetit�in�;uud(aith Ihe
<br /> llcn hy,ar dcfcnd�a4�imt rnfurccrnent of�hc licn in,Ir�:�d{mxccding,which in thc l.rndcr',opiniun uper,uc to prcvrnt thr
<br /> enfc,rrrmen�oP the licn;or(r)�erurr�t�rum th�hi�lder ul'�h�lirn an a�rcrmrnt.aui,tactory to l.endci xutx�rdinating thc lian ,
<br /> �o this Sccu,•ity Instn�mrnt. lf Lrudcr�1cwrn�incs�h.����,y i�:,n�,r�n� Pruprrty i,�uhjcrt tu a licn�vhich ntay�attuin priuri���
<br /> . � �rver this Securiry Instrumcnt.4ender may�;ive Hi�rn»var a ii�,tu�id�nlit'ying Ihr li�tt. Bon•uwer tihttll.rutisfy Ihe licn oe tuke
<br /> onc or morc of thc actions.ct ti�rilt abuve within 111 d�iy,uf the�ivin�u(nuticc.
<br /> S, Hu�ard�r Prapertr�ln.r•uromce, i���rri�wcr�hall t�rrp Ihc impruvrmunts now�risting��r hrrraller urccir�!un�hr
<br /> Prapci�ty insured against lms by(ire,hu�nrd�includcd within thc tcrni"cxtrndrd ruvcru=�" and any��►hrr h:►,:ard�,including
<br /> flood, or tlooding. for ��•hich l.rndcr rcyuirr, in,urancc. 'Thi� inrurancc �hall hc mainta�nc�i in Ehr am��usitti :tnd 1'or thr
<br /> �
<br /> FurmlU2:t 9U0 i/a�tr'��l�,p��ti�•��
<br />_ �
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> . �
<br /> .
<br /> '
<br />