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' _ -_.- '. --.:.r .. . swn . .. .... -_ - <br /> . , • , .,. . =;:,,t-°_�����, , ---_—�.�--�� <br /> . , - -• <br /> . ., _ _. ��.�-_�"r`.---- . s. ,..u_...�...._._._.__.,.__._„� - , .. . . --„- _— <br /> ���., ���"���`� �-_ <br /> -- �_ ,s__�.,�..� � _— -— <br /> ��.- - -= huh���mfl�lly c�yidvatc+n im�fiF;u�e I��sura�i��c ravcru�tc�I+�m�t nvuflnhir� Hs�rrawcr�f►ail pay tu�dcr�,►rl�n�uiuh��bom cyu��l t+� <br /> __�_�_ u.i�•d!�rlllh ui'Ii�e��c;►rly na�rl!',cigc Inaur�uirc�p��ndun►h�iu�t paid lry tl�irt��►wrr�vhcn tl�c imur;ut�c c.wc��it:c lupsrd ur rraticd t�► �Y.,,- - - -, <br />- -=�--=--,,:�� he in ef'f«t. �.e�tder ts111 itrcept,u46�ptt�1 r�i�+h�titt���p�iy�tte��tr��ti n I�si� rccervc In ilru nf m��rt;luuu inLUrw►ca Le�� resc�v� --- •-•-_----------- <br /> � ��^ �r� paym�ttln a�ay uu fa�q?cr Fu�cqtd►��:1,i�t the��p�inn ul'l.endcr,lf mnngnttr insurunc��cuvcrc��tr(iu tt�r umu�mt�md li�►•11u��eil�►d _ -- <br /> Ihut I.�ndcr n;yulrcaf pruvlJc�1 Ay an intiu�ir npp��uvcd hy l,cndrr u���in hcrunm�nv�lliihlr imd iN ui�tah�c�l. Rurru�vcr hbnll pay _- -_-- <br /> , <br /> �� �kc�piriuluinv rcquircd Iu uwlal�dn mm1�!ultc inrur�u�re In cl'Icc�,ur u�pruvidc��luv.r•runr, u�tii)Ihc nyuiirmcnt li�r m�+�1!}i�Ztc o � <br /> _,. . - • . . . . , .. » . .... . , ,. . , '.� <br /> _ - �-,y ht�utmn��n�lv h�urcu►Jat►.���Id1��►ly t�Pitt.n.��1r..nti.nt ha.iK�.n fiitirrut�cr�uul I.�ndL� ur upplf�uhlc Inw. <br /> -.._. ., , . <br /> � -- •-- <br /> .. a�"�`-�`-- U,luv�ttdon. L.�nd:r ur U� ugent uwy m�ihr reuwnul�l��e,nlel�r upu��u�tJ(n�p:�11��us ui'�ha Pr��perty. l.cndcr�hall�ivc — <br /> i���rowrr�Nalcc�rt the�I��i�uf ur pelar tu un li�.�pcctl��n�+pcc�tyln�ira�uimblc raux Ii+r thc i�►.p�cdun. "° <br /> °�� --� IQ�t'�Hldcmnatliq�. '1'hc pruticcvls uf mry t►�vura uc clulm li+r duttiu�ry. air�ct ur cuu�eyucudul, in rm�nrEUu�� with uny -- _ <br /> :;� �----° - cu�uicmnatiun u�uther takinK uPuny purt uf the Pruprr�y,ur fin•�vmveyunre in Itcu ui'r,m�irnmi�ti�m, z�rd tier�hy o�signed und _ _ <br /> �.���.�__., hhull hr pafd lu Lendcr. <br /> . • ., ,,,�� M: In thc cvcFU�►F a i"t,�! 1:�klnb�=!'titr Prs:F�:tty.thc:pr.x�c��it+tw!! he upplie�i tr thc 4��smti 4cturcd hy thf���irl�y t����run►ent. ----- _ . <br /> � _-, � ,. �'�= wh�thcr ur nu� thrn dur. with uny rxc�r.r•p:dd ta i�urru�ti�cr. In Il�u evrnt �►I u purllal U�kin�ul'�he {�r�q►erty In whi.h Ihc fidr � � _ <br /> � `; ,�, .�T` = ii�iirkci vnlur at'iho{'rurx:riy inunrdl�U�1�I�rti►re tltc InAing i�r��i�+�l t���n•grcutcr thun thc amuunt uf tl�c sum++�r��red hy Ibis ��� ,,�� <br /> y� .� . . SrcurUy In,lrumcnt immediutcly heii�m Ihc tnkin�,unictiti I�arruwc�t�nd l�:ndcr wher+��i,c ii�;rer in�w�iting. Ihe yunu ticcurrd hy �._,,. `��?�- <br /> °� this Security Instrument +hali he redurrd hy thc nnwu��t ul'thc pruccedr muUipHcd hy the I��Iluwing f'racdai�: li�l Ilw tutul � r � �� <br /> .. ,� . ;� nmuunt al' thc �umti�ccurcd ImmrJiutcly hcli�rc U�u t�ikin�, �lividcd h� lbl the tidr murkct vuluc ul'tNc 1'ruprrty immrditUCiv ��'. � - <br /> A~" ' ' bcli�rc thc tukin p. An y had,mrc nhull h�� puid tu Barro���cr. In ihc rvent ��I'ii par�iul tukin�; ut' tl�e t'rapeily in �vhich thr fuir s �,� ����+� <br /> �� � ' � murket vulue uf U��1'ru�xrt�� immcdiutcly hcli►rv ih��tnkin�: i+Iry,iham th��nmuunt al'thc.ums s�cur�d iinnirdiutc ty hcturc�hc ' ����. <br /> �.. ?�.-° ' - ti�king, unlcss t�orr��KCr�md I.cndrr u�l�rn�•i,c ugrr� in w�iting��r unlc+�,�rri�«�ni�1+►w nthrnvi,c rruvidr., thr prurc��dti�h��il , �`�" `_���` <br />__ �:� '• � ., = hc upplied tu thc sum�sccured hy tlds Security 1n.U•unknt n�hcthrr��r nut ihc,um.ur��thca�lue. -�. `r�-� <br /> " ` . It'�h� Nn��x�r1y i�iihtut�lun�d hy Hurru�vrr.or il'.ut'�.r notira hv Lcnd�r t��Hurr���v�r that�h�:e��n�U�nmur ul'fer+tu�uakc an .r-�::��. - <br /> ` � . iiwurd or �cttic u claim fi►r dinnn�cs, Hurr��w�r tiiU�w r. pund tu I.cndcr within �1► duy�. ullrr �hc diuc �hr m�ticu 1, g{vun, , _ q''_��._ <br /> ' � Lcndcr i�uuth��rlrrd tu rollcct und u I thc rurccdti,iu t.u niun,rlthrr tu r�sturi►duu ar rc�uir of thc Pr�, crt ar tu�Itc�uu�. �•�' �'�=' <br /> ' PP Y n I 1 1' Y {,,,�tt_;=�_ <br /> ` i " `� scrurcd by Ihi.r•Sccurity ln+�rumcnt.�vhetha•ur nut thcn�ar. - <br /> -- �„ Unlc.. l.�ndrr und Nurru�ti•cr uthcrwi,c uhrcc in �vriting. any uppUcutiun uf p��ucccni. ta priuiipid �I�ull nut rxtcnd ur , ; ,. <br /> purtp�mc ihr duc dcnc ai'�h�nwnthly pnymcnh rcternd t�.in p�►r:��rc�phti 1 iuul �ar rhun�;�tlu umuunt ut,uch paymcnt.. • "'H�= <br /> ,. I1.I3or�uwcr Not Itelri�ticdt 1�'nrbcuri�ncc fiy I.cndcr Not a�Viilv�:r.lirtrutii�m ul �hu Untv ti�r paymcnt ur utudilirutiun "� ,�,R�, <br /> .. aP umurtii:�tiun ul'thr�um��c�urcd hy thi.r lrcurit�� In�trumrnt�;�•;intc�l hy I.rn�l�r tu imy.uccc+���r in b�trr�,t ul'H�,rru�v.r.hull � ,�y,_��. <br /> nut uperutc tu relcsG,c the liuhility�N'the urihinul H�►rru����r ur Hnrro��•cr'��ucrc.r,or, in intcr�s►. l.rn�lrr tih;dl nat hc r�quire�l tu ,.� � �s,. <br /> , � camuuixc prurccdin�s i�gi�in+t uny .rurrr�sar in interest �n•ral'u�r ta ext��nd tinto ti�r paymrnt ur otl�cnvi�r iuudif'y+�marlli�uiun .`=_. <br /> • ��t' ih� sunn ticcurcd hp Uii�. Serurity lnrtrumcnt hy r�u���n „Y iiny d�•man�l m�afa hy �lir uri�±inal H�m�u��er �n• liurr���ccr', � °— <br /> �urcc.tiur, in intcrest. An�� 1'urhrur.mcr hy Lcnd�r i�i c+c�rri�in�� �my ri�ht ar renudy +hnit nnt hc u ��•aivrr uf ur prcrludr �hc . __ <br /> cxcrclsr nl�uny ri�:i�t��r rcntcQy, ' <br /> 12, tiucr�w��►rw i►nd A+siKnv Noundt Jolnt i�nd �o�•crid �.I�thlUtyi l'o-�I�:ncrs. '1'I►� r��vununt. und ii�:r�rror�it. uf thi+ �? <br /> . Scrurity Imlrumum rhull hind an�l t+en�til thc ,urcr���•�. and u��i}�n� uf L��n�icr :u►d Hnrru��•rr. tiuhjcct tu tOc pn��•i+iun, ul' . , _ <br /> niriigruph 17. Harra�ver'. cavclllllll� 1111tI 11}!1'Cl`Illl`I11A .hull hr ,juint und �rrrral. Any l�urru���cr wliu ru•.iEnti Ihi. ti«�urity _ <br /> � ' � �ntitruumnt hut duc. nut'c!cecute thr N�uc: lu► f�cu-tiipninp thi, Sccurily Iti+lrutncnt �ntl�• I„�nurt�:u�r. �runt u�ul rum•cy� tlait .� d <br /> , Hurra�vrr'. intcn,t in thc Pruperty und.�r ihr�ernr,uf Ihi,ti«�urit�� In,trumrnt; !h1 i� nut prr.�unully uhliE;Urd tu �+ay tl�c�unn , . � �' <br /> � .. ��cured hy Ihiti Kcrurily Inti�rument:+md Iel u�rec.thut 1_�n�lrr and un�•�,thrr I3i,rru�crr nx►y a�rre t�,►xtrn�l, mudily, lin�hr:u ur �' <br /> mukc uny u�cummudution,���itl�rc�:ard�u ti►c trrm,uf�I�i,tiertu•it��In,trum�nt ui �hc Nut���ithuin�hat Huera���er'�ca���r�n. . �; <br /> • 13.L.iwn Churgcs. 11'�h�luaii�ccur«I hy thi. tic�uri�y In.truna�nt i,tiuhj�rt t��u law� ���i►irli,r�,n�;�ximo�u Irnm rl�;irt:r�. � <br /> - - - _-- - <br /> �uul lht�l lu��• i� finuUy Ini�rrrCtcd �u lh:�l lll� int�r�,t ur „thrr luao rhur�r����Urcl�d ��r U+ hc rallr.•�.�I in r��nn«du,� ���iu� �n� � <br /> � lauu ex�cr�l the permitted Ilmitti,thrn; 1+�►u�q• .ucl► luan ch�irg�� �h;ill he r�duc«I hy thr�imuunt uer..,ary a�r�dur� Uir ehi�r�.r ,� : <br /> ta tli� permittrd limit: �m�l 1h1 nm� �um. alr�;aly r��llertrd f'ram Hn��r�x�•�r��•hicl►rtrrrilyd permiUr�l Ihnit.�rill b�r�fundrd ta , ��• <br /> -- ---- - -- �!�ilt!l�ti. !.z!1!!tr �Zcly �•li.v�.�� u� m:ik.• thi. r.�li�nJ M} ra�lurini Q��� �n•inrfl�al u����il tuulrr Ihr Nut� ur hy mukinu u Jirrcl -- <br /> � �� � puyment t�� t�urra�cr�. if' u r�luncl r4durr. rrin�ip;d, thr r«li�rtia,n uill hr tr��:u«! ;�, :i p:uii:d prrpaymrnt �4}thuut uny ��. . _ . <br /> prcpaynxn��h:ir�c un�lrr thr Nutr. '� <br /> 14,Notlr�w. Mq• nu�i�•��a�H�+rr����.•r prurl�l.�l t��r �n U►i.tie.•uru� In,uuin►�nt rhall hr �nen hy �I�li�rrni� il ur h} �naillu� . <br /> ' II ���'111'�I cl�l+�Itlull UI�I�'+� :t�t�►li�';Q�Ir L•t��•r�•qull��u�e uf.Ululh�'1 �11�'Ihnil. 'I�h�•I�utl�:�Ilc�ll he�Ilr�'il�'�I U�Ihi' I'm�+rrt� Ad�h��„ <br /> nr unq �Hhrr addrr�� Hur�u��rr dr,IEn:uc, h� n�qirr lu I.��nd.�i. ,\n� m,lir�� lu I.rrnlrr .I►all hr pi�•��n h� tir.! ��lu„ m;ul tu „ <br /> I.l'11111`I•'ti:ililll't�� �Ull�ll l►CI'�111 IN:IOy NIItCf it�It11'tti� I.CI1�IdP tlC�i�!Il;ltl'� ��� It�t1iCC tU Ij��I'fn\tCl'. :�11\ i1��liC� ��fu\illCll 1��1' 111 111t+ <br /> . ., ti�rurily Intitrutncm�I�iill he dr��m��l tu hii�r h.��n�i�.�u t.�H�+rr����.r��r I.�mdri ��hrn�i���n a�p����ul�•il�n Ihi�pari►pr���h. „ , <br /> . . , .. IS,Go��erni��p Luet Sc�•crubiUt��. "1'I�i. S��rurit� I��.n�uui.nt ,hall h� ����rrn.•�I i.v I:.I�� 1;��� and �hr I:i�� uf �h►� <br /> ' ,�uri�dicUnn in ��•hirh thr Pr�+pctiv i,loc;itr�l. In Ihe 4�«���t 1h;u :m� �au�i,i��n ur rlau.r nf tl�i� ti.ruriq In,trwnrin ur 11i� Nut� <br /> . rnnllict���•ith appHc��hlc Inw, nurh runtliri�h,ill nui allr�•t u�h��r��r�,�i,iun.��I�hi.ti►rw•it} I�i,irumen�ur ih�Nn�r al�i�h r�in hr <br /> gi��rn eft�rt ��•ith�nu th�cunilictin�; pruvi,i�m. '1'���hi�rn�l Ui�pru�i,i�n�,��(Ihi,tiriu�it� In,u�umcnt :m�l thr N��tr;u•��drrlarrd <br /> h►hc�recr:�hlr. <br /> . Ih,Hurr�►aer'�Cop��. Hurr����•er.hall hr}�.i�•rii unr c��nlnrna�J.•n�+� �d thr Uutr aud uf Il�i,ti�rtuit� Imuum�nt. <br /> 17.Trundi�r ul'the 1'ropert� ur u Henci7ciul lutere�t In Hurru��cr. I!;�II ur:u�� pan ul th�I'rup��ri� ur a��� int��r.,i in it �, <br /> ' i. .uld ur trun,l'rtrcd I��r il u h►ur(icial in1��n��1 in H��rrrn.rr i+,��bl u� u;u�.l.�rrr�l:,nJ li�a•i������r �.n��t a na�ural prr�uni��ithuut <br /> � � I.cndrr'� priur ��•ritlei� cun,un�. I.�ikler in.►�. u� i�. upti�ai, rr��u�r.• imm���l�ai.� p;qmrm in IuII n! :dl ,un�, ,��rurr�l 1�� U�i� I <br /> Sc�urity Imlrumrul. Uo����er, thi. apti�m.l�all n�a hc����riiti���l h} I.rn�lrr il r�rrr��r i.p�„hihur�l h� Irilrral I;iw ,�,�,1 Ihe�I:u�� <br /> ul�thi�ticrurity In�trumrnt. ' <br /> . ll'l.cndcr�trTCl•e�Ihi���r1im�. f r���l��r�hall ,�i���H„rn���.�� n��ui��ul arrrl���un. I'h�• nnU«�.liall �r�,�iJ�.� �k•runl��f u+rt � <br /> ' Ie+�11►un .;0 dayti i'rum thr �I��tr Ihr nntirr t� ilrli�rr���l ��r u�;iile�l ��idiin uh��l� I{urn���ei �uutit ��:i� .il� ,um, .r:ur.��l h} thi� <br /> � ti�rcurlty I�t�truuunt. I1 Hurn���•�r I:�ih 1��pa� U��.c�uw, ��ri��r a,th�� .��pir;niun��f�lii.��rri���l. I..�n�lrr ma� invul,�� �u►� rcinc�li��� i <br /> �knnit�rd h�•tl�i.5.rurit� In.uun�rn���ithuut t�urther nu��.•r ur�l�•�l nn Il�,u����rr. � <br /> 18, Hurruacr's Kl�hl tu ltcln�talc. 1f Hurru���•r mrel, r.�tain u�nilitiun,. Hurru�<<•� ,h;�ll ha�c thr ri�lu tu ha�•r • <br /> � � rntiarem�nt uf Ihir ticrurity In+trununt di,r�mtinuc�l�u an�• tinu�.riur tu th� ��arlirr ul: la1 5 �la�. I��r �ud� ��tlirr ��rriu►I a. i <br /> ��ppllr�iMe lu«• muy tipccii'y ti�r rrin,t.ih:o��nt1 beti�re ,ale ut �hr 1'ru�,rrtp ��ur,uunt tu uny p����er ��i .ulr r�mtain��l in thi+ <br /> . ticcurily bi�UUUirnt:��r Ibt�nl�•�•��I'a ju.lpmrut�mG�rrinZr thi.tirrurn� I��,uum.•m. "I'h�,•c:�,n�li�i�nn arr that N��rnn�.•r: �a►payti ; <br /> � Lcndcr�dl �unn�vhicl�Ihcn auul�l b��ilue un�l�•r il►i.tic..•ui�t� I►i.irum�mt ,uul �he ti��h•,i. il n��;i.rrlri:��i��n ha�i ��c�uneil: �hi � ` . . <br /> --_ —_,__--__ � Curvs ilnp dCti►ttli'uf an� uthrr rurrnant�ur agrc.•ntrnt.: Iri pa�,aU r��a•n,r•, in��tn�rJ i�i �•ul„ir�nZt Ibi, Serurit� In,�ium.�nl, i <br /> � . including. hut �iu� Uinitrd t�,, i.a�ui�ahl� auuru.�.' I�c,: :�n�l��I► tal�c. ,urh a�tinn a,�lr� mu► ���a�unahl� ir��u�r.• �u a„urr � <br /> � " thut thc Urn uf�hi�tirrw•iry In�trumem. Lendrr'ti ri�!ht, in thr I'r„pri�t� an�l li�u�ru���r'.nhl�}�atiun 1��pa� Ihr.w��.•rrurc�l h� � <br /> k thi, S�rurity h�,trumenl �liall r���nu�ur unchan�!.•�I. 1��,un rrin,tuirmrni h� Hnrru���r, thi, tir.•urit� ln.trum.�nt anJ thr ! <br /> ubN��uiunr .crurrd hereh�• ,h�dl r�main lullv rllrrli�•r a� it na ircrrlrratiuu ha�l��rrw•rril. Ili,arr�r. thi. ri�lit p, r�imtatr.hall ; <br /> �'•� ' fi nat apply in Ihe caw uf urccicruNuu undcr pura!!��t�pl► 17. , <br /> � IN, Sulc uP Nutci Chunµc uf Loun ticr�icc�'. 'I'hr Nutr ur .� parti;d �ntrrc.t iu thr Ni,tr IU,�rtbri ��•ith thi. ti�rw�it� <br /> 1 !. , IntitrumcnU may hc�uld unc ur ni��rr�I�»r,witlu,ut prior nu�irr��,liurr���rrr. �\,,dr m:�� re,uh in a rhan�:r in dir��mit� �I�n����n <br /> � !� uti thc "I,uun S�rvk�r�.�Ih;�t rullcct�munthly r�i�mrm�ilur undrr Uir N�u.�an�l thiti ticruriq In�uumrm. 'I'I►crr al��,m,i� hr�mr <br /> nr nu>re chun�cs��I'Ih�Laan ticr��ic�r tutrrlalyd w a tial��ul Ihr Nutr. 11 thrrr i.a rliau�.c ul Ihr Lnan tirr�irrr, li��rrrn��i ��ill hr <br /> , � givcn writtcn uulicr ul'thr changc in�icrurd.mrr���ith p�u•aZ�rapl► I�ahu�r and applicahlr I;ia. "I'hr rn,t ir����ill ,tatr thr n:�n�c und <br /> �C , ��Jdresti nf' thr ncw I.��an Scrvircr :md thc,iddre,� ti,«•hirh p�iynuntti,huuld hr m�ulr. 'I'hr ni,tirr �cill al.0 ri,n�adn any �,th.r <br /> , inti�rmiitiim rrquircd hy�ippliri�hlr luw. � <br /> , Z0, Hnxurdouti �uhstunc�w. f3nrruwrr tiliall n�,t r:�u�r nr ��rriiii� thc pn�rncr. u,r. �li�p�,,;il. .tora�r. ur rrlrau uf any <br /> . 4 HaiurJix�s Suhr�unrrti ���� ur in thr !'ru�nrty. N+�rruwrr �haU nut �lu. nur aUu�� ;mpunr el..• �u �lu, an�•thiu�: �dl'rr�ing thr <br /> I'roperty thtit i�in v1��InUun uf imy 1?nvir„nnumal I.a«•. 'I'hr pr�crdin� �a•��,cn�rnrc� �h;�ll n��t �i�plv ��+ �hr prr�rnrr, u�c, ur <br /> : �t� ' sturugc:nn thc Pre�per�y �;1'smull qu�mtiticr ui'Ilu�urduu, tiuh�timrr, Ihut are,�rnerally recu�ni�c��w hr apprupria�e tu nurinal <br /> ' � � ,,�., rctiidcndnl u�cs imd tu nxdntcnimcc aP thr I'ruprrry. <br /> ' i��u��.�,��a Farm 3028 8/90 � <br /> '�� • ., � <br />