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, , �1 • <br /> gg�oszss <br /> EXHIBIT"A" <br /> A tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SEl/4SE1/4) of' <br /> Section One (1), Township T�velve (12) North, Range Trvelve (12), West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, <br /> Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of said Section <br /> One (1), said point being Sixty (60.0) feet west of the southeast corner of said Section One (1); Wence <br /> westerly along the south line of said Section One (1), a distance of One Thousand 'Irvo Hundred"' <br /> Fifty-Five and Thirty-Eight HundredWs (1,25538) feet, to the southwest comer of said SEl/4SE1/4; <br /> thence norWerly along the west line of said SEl/4SE1/4, a distance of One Thousand Three Hundred <br /> Fifteen and Nine Tenths (1,315.9) feet, to the northwest corner of said SEl/4SE1/4; thence easterly along <br /> the north line of said SEl/4SE1/4, a distance of ltvo Hundred 1�venty-Seven (227.0) feet; Wence <br /> southerly parallel to the west line of said SEl/4SE1/4, a distance of Eight Hundred Seven and <br /> Sixty-Eight Hundredths (807.68) feet; thence easterly parallel to the south line of said Section One (1), <br /> a distance of One Thousand Ttventy-Nine and ltvo Hundredths (1,029.02) feet, to the westerly <br /> right-of-way line of Highway No. 11; southeriy parallel to the east line of said Section One (1), a distance <br /> of Five Hundred Nine and Forty-Four Hundredths (509.44) feet to the place of beginning. <br /> Attachment to Deed of Trust dated June 14, 1999, Trustor as Darick Barnhart <br /> and Gayle C. Barnhart, husb nd and wife, and Trustee as Five Points Bank. <br /> nart <br /> C � <br /> Gayl C. Barnhart <br />