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=�^ .. , r- a= - <br /> ___ ,7 c�:3�t� _ <br /> _- � _- , f . . �a�et' -- � � . - ',� . _ `w"r���.rw.�-___ _ . ' � .�s�. _- __.. <br /> - o� <br /> . _ . ._.-.SL-� �L�E�7�°N` �... •"..___•_'.--' - - ... . .-•..---. `------ - �_ <br /> —=__------ — � , w <br /> - - -�:� _�.--,--��-- ,� ��� �,�1�`i��l� <br /> --_ - -----' 'Che l�unu+s �hall ho heid in un 1nStitull��n wi�ase d��x�sl�s nre imurcd t+y n f'c�1e`nl ugemy, IurUuntrutullty. ur u�d�y <br /> — _- -- -------- (inciudinA I,ercdee,if Lendcv is such ao in,tituUnnl ae in nny Fc�icral Hcnnc Laan Au��k. l.�ndee hhall npply tlic Fareds tn pay ihfl -- <br /> -���� Lsrr�uv I�cm��. I.�ndcr moy nut churttc t3+ircuwcr ti►r hutdfnFS nnd apply{nF111io Nundy.ium�iully iundyrin�t Ihe cscrr►w nE�:u�nu,or <br /> _��� <br /> =� - vcrllyin�l thc I:�ce�nv It��mv. QIIIC�H I.CIIIICP�tAyH I;UTI'lfW4P IIIICI'C.l'l llp lI1C F11114I4 11111I ll�►p�Il'i1�1I11 IUW�Il'f111I14 I�CIItICP{l�011I(C AUCII <br /> `�-_�----_--� u�iinigu. fluwavci� LcuJc► wuy icyui�c Iiuuu�rcr fu puy u uur•liuW iiia�µ�Gn tu►ittJcNeu�tcul�ettl�-�iutc:lu+� �e�nniiuK cc��l�. "-`---- --° _ <br /> -- :ucd by• Lcrtdc�r !n cctutcclian �vith ihis loan. unless upplik�►blo taw pr��vldc.v otttcnvl�c. Uufc.�.y un u�rccutau i.ti m�cta aT _--- <br /> --- ��; a}yPllcut�te luw n.�uirc.v lntcrest ta bo puid. l-�ruter stwt) nut bc�eyulrcd t��pay llurmwcr mty intecest ur curt�in�s�m tha F�usul.q. <br /> --- Bo»-c�wer and Lendrr nmy��;ceo iu wrilin ,Iro�vevcr, that Inlcre�t nhull tic pnid a��tiie FuaJs. t.cnder shall�;�ve tu Qnrruwer. <br /> -_ �� <br /> -- witb�u� rhnrgo, nn nnnuni necounUnII af't e ��mds, xhn�vinD c�e�iitx cmd dehity ti�tho �unds mtid tho pu�pn�o fiir which ench - -- - <br /> - �� deGlt tQ the l�usul.q titius madz.The l�unds uce plaiged�uddltlanu!sectuity far e►!t�utt�.q Geeurc�!hs�thl:,�arit,�l��.:isun�nt. - <br /> � i� If tho�unJs 6eld by l.�nder rxcecd�he nmuuaty permitteil tn bo held by i��plicuble li»v,l.ender ehull urcuu�►t tu 8atruwer - <br /> - fi�r t!►c ex��s f�ur;d�ln ncconiint�ti�vith �ho�t�ut��cment��ui'upplicuhte Imv. IP tl�c niauunt uf tl�c Funilx held hy l.emlcr art any -- <br /> timc ix not huft7cicnt tn pay thc Rrcro�v Itcmo w�cn dur, l.cndcr miry eo nutii'y Horrawcr in�vriUng,i�nd. in kunc�aitic Borrnwcr <br /> � hhnll pny to I.Fndcr thc lunuunt nccessnry t�� mi►k�up tho dclicicnry. Hure�»vcr shull mukr up thc�icflcic�►ry in nu�nurc thu�9 � <br /> - '� -` - twelvo munthiy p.�ymcnts,iu �.cndcr'ti xalc cilscrciiun. <br />- '`�� Upan payntent in lUII oP all sumz secured Q�y thts Security Intitrument, Lender tihnll pruniptly retUnd tu B��rra�ver nny <br /> ' � �{�� ��f���' I�undti hcld by l.endcr.IP,undcr pnrn�ruph 21. Lrn�lcr nitidl ucyuiro i►e scll Ihe Pn�}nrty.l.endcr, priur t��the urquixitiun or tiale <br /> � �,., <<�;, _M. <br /> ;.� ' �`� "'�:'` nf thc Praperty, shall npply any Nundr held hy l.eixler�►t the Nmc uf'nrquitiition��r Milc tGS u cectUt u�ulnst thr tiums sccurc�l bv <br />-(=�l ` thix Sccurity Inrtrument. -_ <br /> �/ - ��.�;: i.AppUcaiNon aP Pi,ymcnty.Unlcsy uppUcablc luw pruvidc���thenvhc,ull puymcnts r�:rcivcd hy l.cndcr un�lrr pa��u�ruphti <br /> � 1 iind 2 �hnll hc n lic�t: itr�t. ta i�n rc � ment rhnr tcv dnc undcr thr. Nutu; sccond, a+cunauntn � - <br /> PP Y P P�Y t payi�hl�undcr nnri�Friiph 2: n . .. .__-_...._. <br /> �z'�' -•:'� �= thir�l.ta inicrest�iuu: ti�urth. ta pri��ripul cluc:imd I�►tit,tu any luto rhiirbc.r•duG undur thu Nutu, - <br /> �.�� -`��i^:;►,Y�, � �.• -- <br /> �.,��. ,; 4. Chnt}�ey; l.knv, darrawer shull puy :dl tuacy,i�ssctismentx, chur�,�ti, 6nes und impaxUiuny uttrihut��hlc t��Ihc Properly __ <br /> �,_ :; ._• <br /> • wMch muy uttuin pric�rity��vcr this Sccurity Intitrumcnt, und Icutich��id puymcnts�ir�t�uun�l rcnts, ff nny. Harrrnvc�• shuli pay ==�� <br /> � � 'r" thesc obUgati�u�s in thr mumur pruvidcd in puraFruph 2,or if nut puid in thut munncr. Hnrrowcr sl►nil piiy them on tio�c dlfc�tiy ��._=- <br /> '.: ,,.,, { to thc�x r���n uwcd puyment. Aarrrnvor t+hul l prumptly Il�rnish ta l.cndcr a�ll naticcs ui'umnunt�ta hc puid a�idcr�hiti parugraph. � =�^°° <br /> � 11'Narruwer nu�krr thcsc piiynuntti direcUy.8c�rruwcr rh►�II prumptly f'urnish a�Lendcr reccip�s evidencin�;thc puymcnts. _ _ --- <br /> =�r^;t' � .. &�rrrnvcr�hull pramptly dixcharge s►ny Nen which hus pri��r ity uvcr thi+Srcurity In�t�umrnt unic„F3��rruwcr: (u)ugrcca in Y �:-- <br /> ��� �i�-� ' � '� w�iting tn thc puymcnt af the ahUgnNon securca hy tho licn in a munncr urrcpti�hl�tn I.�ndcr;(b1 contcsts in go�id tidth thc Hen ;��_� <br /> h ur dcfcnds u�,dn�t cnfi�rr�:mcn1 uf thr ifcn in, Ir�ul rnccrdin�ti whicli in thc I.cndcr's u fniun u rcU� tu rcvcnt thc ° ��'•-;; <br /> •"..;�..: �:- Y� , <br /> . enfarcement c�i thc licn; ar(c)tiecurer•i'�am�hu h��Ide�Fi'�t'the Nen unbi�!r���ment tinthfiictury tu I.rndrr nuhi rdinnting Ihe Ilen tc� •-��°.-- <br /> , ' " ., thir Securit In.rtrumunt. IP Lcndcr dcurn�incx tluu am ��j�`:.� <br /> Y Y Puti uf the P�urchy i. �uhiect t��u lirn �vhich nury iUlidn {�rluriry ovc� '���, . _.._. <br />. , . � ,. . thi�Security Instrumcnt, l.cndc�•mi►y �ivv Hurr„a�ur u nuNre Idcutil'ying tl�r lion, Hurruwcr tihull sutitily the licu ur tukc�mc ur <br /> ' nurro c�F thc i�ciianv sGt fimh t�hovc wi��bt 10 d,iys��f thr�ivin��d aaticc. -- <br /> • � S, Hu�ard or Property Iruiurunce. 8urruwcr +hull kccp thu im�ruvemrnt. n��w oxi,ting ur hercaf'tcr crccted �m thc � � � <br /> , � PrapciKy in�ured iiguin�t lins hy lire, huiiird� inrludcd wiU�iu�he term extrudrd cuvcru�;r" itnd �iny uNicr huturds. including _._,:..��.�.�`'��� <br /> �� Ilo�xlti or flnuJin�;,fi�r wiilrh l.�ndcr rc�uires in�urimcc. '1'hi+in,tn•�mrc til►ull hc muintuin�d in�ho am�uunh�uui li�r Ihu peri�kl. ' ��-- <br /> ' �,,,;. .. <br /> - - ti�nt Lrn�lcr rrNuirc,. '1'lic imur.�nrc rurrirr pruvidin�: Ihc in.rurancc shall hc ch�ncn hy Qur�uwcr�uh�cct tt� Lcndcr'ti uppr��vid �" •,m;;— <br /> which �hull nut hu unr�t�,�►��ubly withhrl�l. lf Hur�uw�r lidl, t�� muinti�in cuvr�•u�� �le�crfhc�l ►ihuvc. Lrndrr muy. ut l.ender'ti =�'.`:•;,.�.,..,� <br /> f T . � opdun,uhl�dn ruv�r��bc tu pr��tcct I.rndrr'ti ri�±ht,i��thc Prap�rtY in i�rc��rduncc with pur�u;r,�h 7. �:�. _ __�+'�� <br /> All imuruncr pu8cic+ and a�aca�nl� tihull h� uc�cptuhlc tu I.cndcr und �hull inrlud� ii ,tc►n�lard murt����c rl�iu.rr. Ix�nJcr .`� � " ''��;3: <br /> shull huvc thc right ta huld th�pulicie.�onl rcnc�vul,. II I.�n�lur�'et�uire+, k�rn�ru��•er�liull prun�ptly gi��c to I,cn�lcr ull rcrript�ul� _ �,�,� <br /> • idd prrrniunr,�nii mn�•wul n�,licc.. In Ihe errnt at'lu... Rurr��wrr rhull Z;ivc pr„mpt natire t�►thr in�ura�nr�rurrler anil I.ender. :.• f <br /> , . _. <br /> • .Cndet'ntav ntnl•e�tr�►oP uf li���il'niN m:�il���r�int�lly hy Hnrr�+u•rr , •=:��''!� <br /> �_ - Unleks l.rndrr and�iurrau•er athrrwi�r���:rcr itti H�ritin�*, in�uranrc pr�xrrdr tihatl hc aipplied to r�tituriulun ur rep,dr ot the ��"- �`— <br /> , . Pr„p�rrty damngcd,if Il�e r�titarutiun ur rcpair iti crnmm�icuU�� Ica,ihlr und l.cndcr'y��ruPlly iti nut Ic+�cncd. 11'�hc resturiuinn ur . . . '�� _� <br /> � �. . rcpnir iti n��t c.:��numir��llv fcu�ihl�ur Lender'��C�urity ��•aul�i h�Ir�+ened, lhc in+tu'unrr �r��cccd.r�Dul) bc uppNcd t�� lhc sumti ' � � <br /> ., <br /> ,. . �rrur�d hy thiti Sc�urit�' inrUtntt��nL ��•hrlh�P ��r Itul Ihrn�I�u�, wiih itny uK��«ti p;�itl U��urn►wrr. IP H��rn+wer nh,ulduns 1h► . <br />•� . Pruprrty. urilor. nnt un,wrr wiU�ln�0 ilay.u n�dira 1'r���ti� I.en�lrr th�it �h� in�urunre rurrirr huti uftcrcd tu tictUc u rlulm, thcn .. , -- <br /> . I.cndcr muy cullrrl thr in,ur�nrr prarc�d.. l.rndrr ma�• u�c thc pn�rced. a� r�pair nr rctiturr thc F'ro�rt�� or t�� pay ��onc .. <br /> �c�urcd hy thi,Srcurity Iny�rumcm,�vl�rthc+•���•n�,l Ihcn dur. Thr 30 day p.i iud ���111 hrNin��•hci�thr nutirr i+�iven. .. . <br /> �, Unle+� Lcn�ter und H�►�rua�er uthrr�ai,e ugrec in w•ritin�. ��ny applirutfun „1' prurrrd. a, princircd �h�Jl nu1 ext��n�l ur <br /> > pnstpunc Ihc due datr �+1'th� nu+nihl�• p;iynunt, rvlrrnd tn in �►:ira�riph� i an.l 2 ur rhun�:r Ihr untuuiU ul' Ihr paymcnt+. It' � , <br /> und�r pnri�gruph?I die 1'r��p�rt�� i,u�•yuir��l by Lrn�lrr. I�arr����er', ri�lu U�am in.ui;mr�rulicirti und procer�l.r resulling 1'rum <br /> ' � , dunui�r tu tl�c 1'rupertv priar tu thc�ICl�U�11U1U1 tillil�I�1iN1111 Ll'I1lIl`I'IU(Ill'l'C�CIII ��1'thv,um,,erur�•d h}•th�ti tirrurity�In,trunuiu � ' <br /> . inmwdiinely priur tu�f�r uc��uitiiti„n. . • . <br /> . 6.(hcupum���1'r��tie���•uUuu.11u1nN�nunce�m�l 1'rot�ctlun uP lhe 1'rupi�rl�i Horr����er'r Luuu:�ppltcutiunt L�i�tiehold�. <br /> � _ • Hu�•ruwer.hnll uecupy,rrt��l u,r thr 1'rupr�i��n•r„��rr',prinripal r.•,iJ.�nre��i�hin,itl�•�luy.aftrr Ihr crr.•utiun ut Y. <br /> • thiti ticcurlt�•Imlrwn�nt und ,ludl ranlinu�•tu���•rup�• thr f'r����r�ly o. Hun���.�•r'.princip�il r�,i�lrnrr iia•ut I�a,l un.y�;�r uRcr <br /> � thc dutr��i�k.upunr�•. unlr,� Lrnder��th.r�vi.�a�nr. in ��riting. ahich runu�nt .I►.�11 n„t h�•unrra.nnahl� ��1lhhcld. �,r unkti, , <br /> . �x�cnuating •:irruuntan�r� cxi�t ��•hirh ur.� hr��,nci Hurruu��•r'. r��nuul. Hurn,����r .h��ll m�i �I.�uu�. J,unat.• ur imp:dr �hu , <br /> , I'ruperly. uU�►�v II1C 1'rupel'l� N� �I�kl'�uf�Ne, ur ci+uunll ��a+t�•un Ihc Pr�q�►•rl�. N++rn����'r tiht�ll h� In d�laull i(tu1) ti�1�1�1tutC <br /> ' iirtian ur pr�K•cr�lin�. �vhrth�r ri�il ur ri iminal. i. bel�uu ih;u in L�mlrr',f���ud I;iiU� �u�lpmt•nt .��,ul�l rr,uh in li,rfrhurc ut'�hr ' <br /> _ . ._.. ^ ...' 1'ruprrty urntbrrwitir m�itrriully imp;dr th�� li���i rr.•atr�l b�•Ihi,ti.�rurity Im�rumrm�+r Lru�l�r'.,eruiit� intrrr,�. Hnrr����rr ma>• <br /> � cure tiurh u drf:iult iind rri�ntu�e,ilti��fUt 1�I«I 111��.�I"it}!1'a(lll Ili, h} rau.�n?�Ih►�;�ruun ui prure�•dm� tu hr�li,tnititied��•nh a rulin�: . <br /> Ihat, in l.cndcr', �!��u�l failli d�tcrminiiti�m. 4�rr.9ud��� lurfriu�rr ui thr linrn���.�r'. intrir,� in �hr 1'��up�rt�• ��r utlur mat��rial <br /> . ,� .. impnirmcnt ut' thc licn cnat��l hy �hi� tirc��ru� In.trumc�i� �+r�lrr'. �,rcuri�� intrrr.�. li�n•ruwrr ,hall al�u hr in �Icl';iult i( <br /> Hun�u�vrr,dw•ing thr i�,.�����rri��:�ti„��i,�������,.. gu�•r m:u�riall�• I;�lu nr inu��ctu:ar infurinatinn ar.latrm��nt.tu I.rndrr lur I�iilyd <br /> j �- to pn�vide IAn�lrr with uny matcriul inlin•mutiun►in rnnnrrUun��ith tlu• luan eri�knre�l hy�thc Nuu, inrludin�;, hut n�►� Hmited <br />�' . ' tu, rrpr�sentntiun�r�mrernin�:Hi�rruwrr'r urrup;u►.•y i�l�hr I'rupr�1y ir ai priuripal re,i�lrure. II'thi�ti�cw�ily Intiuunirnl i.r an u <br />_ ; Iru«�huld. F�►rru�crr ,hall r�,mply ��•itli all thr pru�i.i�ui, �,f thr k:i,�•. 1f N��rrn��rr .�rquin�+ Ic. �itic tu tho Hrup�rty, thc <br /> Irasrhi�ld awd t{��tc�tiUr,hull u�,t me��r twl��•,,Lrndrr:i�i�•.•,t„1hr tnrrltrr in��ntin�;. i--. _. ._ . <br /> :, �_ — 7'.Prut�rttun��i'I.encler's 1�i�hty In the Pi•oprrl�. ll'N�n�ru�«•� I;iil,1������i li+roi Ihr cu�rnanh anil at�rrrm�•nt�cunt:iincii in - -�_ - <br /> � � this Scrurity Intiu•�uu��ni. ur thrrc i�u Ir�,:d prur«illn� thai nr,�y +i�niti.•�uiA� :dic.•� Lrn�lrr'. ri�ht� in�hv !'r���rr1� i+urh u,;� <br /> • prcxcccling in bankruptr��, priihai�. liir a�nd�Inn,uiun�+r furli•itm•r ur�„riifi�rr.� I,i��, ur r��culi�tiun.�. th��n I.rn�lcr nia�• du:md <br /> ' pay fi�r�vhairvcr i�nrcr.,ury tn prutrcl Ihc �;dur ul Ihc 1'mPcrry and I.rndrr'. ri�!ht. in th� I'r„prr�y. Lrml.•r', arliun�nwy. <br /> '�� � .� � �ncludc p.�ying ��ny .umti �ccurrd hy �i lirn ��•Id�9► ha, pilurily urrr Ihi� tircuril}� In,trim�cnt. apprarin� in r��url. paqu�� <br /> , rcutianablu ulu►rnc}•.' i're.�m�l entrrin�un�hr P��uperty tu mak��rrpair,. AlthnuF�h Lrndrr muy r.�l�r urtiun un�l.�r�hi.p:n:��r:�ph <br /> '��'� � 7. I.cndcr d�x�nut h,ivr tu d��,�,. <br /> �' , Any umuuuts ditihurx�l hy I.�'nd�r un�l�r Ihtti r;�r;i�!r,q�h 7 �h�dl hrr�nu�• ad�liNun+d �I�M ��( Nnrint�•cl' �cc�n�rtl hy Il�iti <br /> .. ' ' ' Sccurity Instrumcnt. l�t�lcs.r Hurrnwcr imd LrnJrr a�;rrr t��uthrr �rrn�.�d ��a�•�nrn�. thr,r amuuu�, ,hall hrar in�cr.,t li���m thr • <br /> �� dulo ui'ditihuPticmclit ut thc Notc ratr �md �hall he payuhlr, with intrrr�t. upun nuticr li�ni� I.rndrr tu 13uri�����•rr re��ur.ting <br /> paymcnt. <br /> 8.Morl��ue Intiurnnce. If Lcndcr rcquire�l murtga�r i��.ur;u�rr ii�a runditiun�,1'nwl�inp thr Inan�rrurr�l hy tl►i, tierurity <br /> ~ Intilrumcnt, B�rrruwcr �hull puy thc premium. rci�uirr�l tu maintain thc nwrt�:u�:� in�urunrr io rtlert. I1. liu• uuy ma,un. thc � <br /> , murt�.�gc insuruucc cuvcri�gr rcquirrd by I.rndcr la>>�c+ur r�a,c� tu hr in rffrct. N„rruwrr ,h�ill pay tl►r prrmium� rc��uirc�) tu I <br /> . ohluilt covcrugc�ubsluntiully rquivalcnt tu Ihc mnrl�!�i�c intiurun��:�prrviuutily h� �11'rct. u1 a ru.i u�h�tun�iully r��ui�•iden� tu�hc <br /> _ ^ ri�st tn H�►rrnwer ut'the nwrt�;�i�x intiur�ime previ�►utily iu et'frcl, frutn un uhcrn�nr murt�u�c in�urrr uprruv�d h�� L�•ndrr. II '. <br /> • „ � � <br />• � F',�,�!���4 form 3028 9/80 • <br /> '� ." . . .. .. <br /> -- : :���- __.—_ . <br />