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CAUnty , Ne�ireska, exc�p- � ' <br /> txng thar�fram cert�in tr.acts of ]�qnd m�sc� �art,�.cu].�rly dASCri.boti: Parx of <br /> L�� Four (4) of "pfllu Subdivisian" , b��ng a Subdivisaon of part oF tho N�� f <br /> NEy o� 5ection 33, in Township 11 North , Range 9 West ot' �ha 6th I�.fN. , more � <br /> par�xc:ulerly d�scribed ae fal.loti�s: Commancing at a paint nn tho Sou�herly <br /> linq of said Lo� Q, sAid point being 158 feet East af the South►veat corner � <br /> of said 4, thenaa running Southeas�erly elang and upon the Southwester- ` � <br /> Xy lino of said Lot Q, a distanae af 41 feet; thenco runnin� South alang ' ; <br /> and upon the East bnunde�y line �t saxd l.a� 4 � a distenGe af 69 Peet ; i <br /> thence runniilg Eest �long tha South boundary line of said Lat 4, a distance � . <br /> of T8 fe�t; �thence running Nort•h elong and upon a lino 7H feet diatant from � <br /> end pa�a11e1 �to the £�st hn��ndary line of said Lot Q, to the paint oF in- � - <br /> tersection of said line and the ahare lino of the lake aituated in said I.ot G _ <br /> A; thenGe runniiig tJesterly along and upan tho shure line of s�id leke to a ; �� <br /> point where sa�d ahare line intersecta Che East boundary lino of. the tract ; <br /> and ' <br /> All of Three (3? , end the West One Half (W'z) of Lot Tt�o (2) , in "Palu i <br /> � Subdzvas�.o��" bexng a part af the Northeast Quarter of the Northoast Quar- � . , <br />------- � t;,r �:��;S:E;) ef SQC�i�n Th?rt�r..Th�ee (33) S in Townst�i,p Eleven (11) North, �___ _ <br /> Rango N�ne (91 l�ltst o:E the 6th P.M. , and a tract of land lying Sau�h end �� <br /> Iadjacent thqreto. be�ng a par� af Lat Four (4) in sazd "Palu Subdivision, , <br /> --=_ . .-�:-- <br /> which is more aarticulerl.y daaaxi.bed as fQ��.DW9, ta-��rit" Beginning at �he <br /> . . ,--- . -,--- <br /> Sou�t�weat corner o,f s�id Lat Thxee (3) thence running East aiong ana upon ; - <br /> the South Baund�ry lina af sa�d Lat Throe (3) and Lot Two (2) for a dis- . <br /> tanae o� 112.5 feet; thance aL• right anglos And running South e <br /> d�st�nce of 40.Q feet ; tFience tux� and running Wes� and parallel with , <br /> the South boundary lxne o� sa:id Lats Three (3) and Faur (4) , � di.stanco af <br /> 112.5 feet; thence and running North a distence of a0 .0 feet to i:he . <br /> Southweat carner af said Lot Three (3) � heing the point of beginning <br /> and <br /> � Al.l af Lots Fourteen (1A) and Fifteon (15) and Part of Lot Four (4) , Pelu <br /> Subdivision of a Paxt of the Northoast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter <br /> (NEoNE;) of Section Thzrty�three (33) , Township Eleven (11) Narth, Range <br /> Nxne (9) Wast of th� 6th P.M. , mora particularly described as folloi�rs; Ba- <br /> ginning at a point en the Waat line of said NE';NEo; Said point being 33 .Q <br /> , feet South of the Northa�eat carnar of said NEaNE�; thence running Southerly <br /> alang and upon the Wpst lina af said NE';NE% a distance of 402 .8 feet ta the � <br /> i Sauthwest Corner of Lot 15; thence running Eastorly a].ang the South line of <br /> Lots 15 and sa a distanae of 192.0 �eat to the Southeast corner �f Lot 1a; , <br /> thence running Narthorly along the �ast lino of Lot 1Q a distance af 69.0 <br /> � feet to a cornar af Lat 1h; thonce rur�ning Northwestorly a distance of Q1.0 <br /> , � feet to a corner of Lot 1a; thence running IVortheasterly a distanco of <br /> 2Q8.6 feet to the Southw�st carnei of Lot 3, thence running Rartherly <br /> , � the West Line of Lo�t 3 a distance of 107 .0 feet to the North��est corner of <br /> Lot 3 ; thance runni�g W�sterZy along the North lina of Lot A a distance of <br /> . _ ; 174.3 faot tu the North���est carnor of Lot A, the point of beginning <br /> and <br /> � The East Half (E'Z) af Lot Twa (2) , in "Palu Subdivision, " being a Rart of <br /> i the Northeast Quarter af tha Northeast Quartpr (NE;NE'a) of Section Shirty- <br /> three (3�) , Tawnship �l�ven ( 11) North , Range Nine (9) LJest of the 6th P.M, <br /> � and a tract of Zand lying South and adjacent thereta , being a part of Lot <br /> � Four (4) of said "Palu Subdivision, " which is more particularly described <br /> ; as fallows , to-��i.t Beginning at the Southoast corner of Lot One (1) of. said <br />' ' "Palu Subdiviaion, " ��ha�nae running lJost along and upon the Sauth boundary <br /> i line of said Lot One (1} and Lot Two (2) far a distanco of 112.5 feot; <br /> � thencP turning at right angles and running South a distance of 40.0 feot ; <br /> ' thenco turning and running East and parallel with the South boundary line <br /> , of said Lots Two (2) and One (1) a distanco of 112.5 foet to a point on the <br /> ; East line of said Lot (4) , a distance of 40.Q faet to the Southeast corner <br /> of said Lot One (A) , being the point of beginning . <br />, � <br /> ! <br /> i <br /> , <br /> ; _ <br />