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<br /> � ° n��pUct�hlo Inw m+ry npccify fur nrintitntr�nrnq h�li�rr sulc �H'Ihc Nru�iruy {�urs�u►nl ta uny pu��'rr uf s;�li ru��l�iinc�l in Ihis �': ��': ��-`-'�"="_�
<br /> .. . Sccutiiy Invn�ument:ur lhl�n1ry of n jud�mrnl rnf'u�'rin�Ihls tir�uriiy (nrttun�ent. 'fhu�e innditians nm Ihiu Hun�►wrr: lu) ��, - •
<br /> ' ' . p:►y� I,cttder all �;um� whl�h thcn �v��uld bc dur tu��lrr thiv tir�urlly h�virnmrnt nnd Ih� N�qi n� If n�� acerlcrnUnn h�td '
<br /> - uccunwd;(t►)currv nny defuuU uf'uny��thcr c,wrnan�r��r i�gmenun�5;lc1 puy.r•aU rx�Kmrs im►n�eil in enii�rrintt Il�f,Sria�ri�y 4--- -
<br /> — -- 1►�Rlrtfl�te��t,linkKlin�, t�ut iwt llniltrd tu, rcau�aahlc aRuatcyx'fc�.r•; :u�d ld) tuksy such i��tian st� l.�tulrr tt�aV rea��muhly „ _-- .
<br /> - --_,- reyuirc h�n�siirc tttat Iit�'lien uf�h{�Scrtirlty In�lnmtr�it,i.��ndcr\ei;�ht+in 1hr I�t��{urty und t�ttrn►�ver`u[,li�;�►d��u t�►pa�y 1he I•:, "-'-
<br /> - . ��...._.�..�.....�..._._.�.
<br /> . sums scru�cd by ihis 5«urity lastn►mcnt ,hnii cuminuc w�clmngc�l, i7�r��► r�liititat:iu.�tit nS� t..�,�c��srr. tM:; Sccurity i �
<br /> - -;,� Inrtniment�in�i tne ubllgutk,ny�ccurrd I�rreby,hi�l)r�miiin fully rffertivr a��f na+�cceteruti��n hud��ccurrcd. Hu�vrucr,�i�iy -- _
<br /> rlhNl tn rcinatutc sltall nut i�pply in Ih�rus�t ui'ucreleruUun undrr p:►ru�raph 17. I'
<br /> • 19. tinlc oP Nutc:l:hangc uP I.oun 5e��vlc�r. Thc Notr ur u pm'tfid intetrti� in Ihe N���c Itopcihcr �vi�h�hi+ ti�curity �,
<br /> Inslrtmientl may hr suld mic or mora�imcs withaut priur nulicc tu N,n�n�wr�. A sul: m;ry rc,ult in u cha►ng�� in �hr cntity
<br /> lkrn»vn ns ihe "Loan Ser�•icer"1 that rullecly aic�nthly paymm�h du��under�he Nuic imd Ihi.ti�ctu�ily Instrunu�nt, 'flr:rc nlso j,
<br /> may t►e unr��r mum chan�,e,i,f�he Lo;�n Servlccr�msclutcd tu u,ate u1'the Nate. li'thrre ic u chan�e oi'�hu I.u��n Srrti�icrr, i
<br /> B��m��vcr will be�iven wriuen noUce��i Itte chi►n�e in n�:rardan�c «�iih p.►ragr;q,h IA uhuvc�md:ip��licuhl��I�nv. 'I'Nr nnti��c i;
<br /> will stut�thc namc und uddr4tis of'thc now Loun Srrvicrr und thr addre�+tc�which paymrnts shuuld hc mudc. 'I'hc m�Uix will ,
<br />, . , nlsn co�uuln uny othcr infi�nnaUun rcyuircd by tippllcublc li��v. �•
<br /> 2t1. Hau�rdai�s`ub9t�nces, Hur�'owcr shull not riw�c or pcnnit Ih�pre�encc,uye,dispust►1,,torugc.�,r rcicarr��t'i►ny �
<br /> Niu•.nrdouv Substunces im or in thc Propcny. Hu�YO�vcr sh;►11 not d��, nur�illc�w unyunc ck� t�� do, anythinl: i►i'1'acdnl; �hc �
<br /> ' F'raperty that is in��iola�ic�n ui'i►ny�nvir��nmente�l Lnw. 'fhc prc�cding t���a sentcnccs shull not apply tu Ih�pro,rn�v,usc,ur i'
<br /> � • stnra�e on the Propcny ot�small NuanNlies af N+►znrduuy 5u1*rtunrer that arc gr�cri�lly rcci�wnir.cd to he upprupriuw tu narm�il t I .
<br /> . residenUNl usas and to maintcnancc aF Un F'roperry. �
<br /> . porrowce rhall p��ampUy givc Lcndcr writicn nuticc ut'uny invcsti�itti��n,cli�im,dcmimd.luwruit��r uthrr+�ctiun hy a►ny
<br /> , '+„ � ' governmentul .ir rugulutory agency or privalr p�rly invulvuts the Propeny���,a����y Fi��.a�a����+s��n.am«<,T cn����mmenril � ,
<br /> � l.nw of which Battmvcr ha5 actuni k��uwled�;c. li Buno��cr leams, ��r i� n��titicd hy nny gavrrnmunuil or rebulatury I :
<br /> ' uuthority,thut imy rumuval c�e uther remcdiittion uf any Hiu:in9uus Subzti►ucr nl'f'ecting the {'�'upeny i+�iccrssary, Burru�vcr � �
<br /> . shull pn►mpAy take+ill neces�aq�R medicil.�ction�in accurdan�ti���ith Environmental l.i�w. � ,:��
<br /> As used in this puriigrnpM�U,"Huzurdaus Subxtiince�"a�r those substanccs defined u�t��xic ur hiiturduus�uhslance�hy � i,
<br /> Enviirn�mentul I.u�v imd Ih� f��llo��•ing subtitnncer: gu�oline,korusenc,��Iher fliimmahlc ar toxic pctrolcum products, toxic
<br /> � pc�ticidcs and hcrbicidcti, votatik +nlv.nts, miucriulti cnnlaining arhustm or t'am�;�ldchydc, und radii�acllvc m�itcriah. A+ '. .
<br /> . used in this pura�,euph,�.0,"Envlranmcnud Luw"mc+my fcdc�ul Imvs nnd laws of'thc jurisdicti�m whcrc thu t�•��perty is luratcd # i,
<br /> that r4•late to hea�lth,safety or environmenud protccd�n. ► � -
<br /> NON-UNI�ORM COVGN�1`TS. {inROwcr iind Lcadcr t'unhcr covcn;ui�and�igrec.��f'ullowx: I , _.
<br /> 21. Accrlerutian; Remgc�ies. l.ende�.r•hnll�ive nuli�ti W Uorru��•cr priur tu y�v�rlerutlon Pollowln� Horro��•r�'s C I
<br /> b�oach uP flny cuvenuM�►r agrerm�nt In thiti Security Inssri�ment (bu1 n��l prinr tu:1��u9cr�tian under pi+ru��oph 17 ;
<br /> � ' unless appllcuble I�w pra�•idev u9hir�.�lse1. The nutice shnll specif�: 1a11he dePmdt:�M?cC�e:�rttvat required to cure the � � , �
<br /> • '`�' def�u�ps(cl i�date.n��t teks than;iil da�s�um the dute the nutire is�;icen rt�r 1��rrr����ar.Rr�� ��k�P��1�Fhc dePuult mutil he i �
<br /> �----- c�!red4 nnd!��lhns 4'�llt�re t�►curN IhN tleF�ult on or hefore the date spt*�+�na�t9 da�tl�e t�c�:eie muy r��alt in uccele�siUon uP ! ��
<br /> " '. Ihe sums secured h,r•this Securily Instrumenl und tiule oP the Pr�►pc�t��. '7'Ae m�3�a�c���1a11 it�rther inPorm Bo�rower of-- , –.
<br /> � the ri�ht tu relnslult�af�er n��eleri�Uon nnd the rlFht t�hrin�a court actlon tan atisere H6�e nomexistence oi'u defnup ur � . . '
<br /> • i�ny nther dePenso of 93urrua•cr t�►acccicra�tl�m and.r•ule. IP the defuult is na!nuEt�a!crn ur hefore thc dnte tipecif7ed in ••
<br />�-------._.-.�:...._ .,; ,�3 . o i 11 Coll c..mc�u.s� 1 v Ff 4 tP/ ��Iv 1,c�unt�11) ---
<br />-- - ,_--- Q'i8 i�Gi{CF.i.ciac�iiO iia is�ii�z:f i11a�i�t�itfia: fii:.it..:32::�.:;mrr.. R�it..f:...............:_:_fiL�.►,. l._�.:___�L_�., _R..!__..----- �
<br /> � wtthout iY�riher demi�nci und mciv invoke thc power of vale and �m�• uQ9a�r e��nt�iiliy permitted by iippliaiblH I�ti�'. �
<br /> ' I.ender shull be enlitled iu cullect ull expenses incurred in purnuinp; Ihe rcm�dics pruvided In thls pu�ii�raph 21. �;�
<br /> IncludlnM,but nu!Umited to.rei�tionuble uttarneys'fees und costs oi'1UEe e��8den�r. . �
<br /> IP the purrer of 4ate iti im•nked,'Irustee sh�ill �ecord.i no�ice ol'deG�ul! in each r,�untv In which unv p��rt�if the
<br /> ' {'�op:rty is laci�ted artd vhall rnAil coples uf tiuch noUcu in IQac m:anner prescribed b}�a��atiruhle lu�v to H�►rrmver imd to
<br /> ' the other persons prescrihed b�•nppllcuble ln.V. Aflcr the time reqoired m�• upF➢ica@�te I:iw.'IY�ustee yhull };i�•e pubHe •
<br /> ni�tico uf tiule tc�tl�e per�uns And in the munner preticribed by i�ppUaebte Em�•. 71�u5te�.��ii6�aut r,leanand un 1lorra�+•er,
<br /> shnll sell Ihe Propert�•at puhlir.�urtian lu Ihe hi�;he�l hidde�ut thc Ilmc i�nd plaicc a��d und�r ihe tcrmti desi�;nated In
<br />` Ihe�otice af'sule in une or mt,m parcel+und la►my order 7rurtee determines. 'l�utitec muv potitpot�e side oPull o�u�y
<br /> ; purcel of the Pr��periy b,r publir announcement i�t the time and pluce nf uny pre�iuusl�•!�cheduled r�ale. l.ender or lts
<br /> , deslfinee muy purchuse the Praperty ut nny side.
<br /> Upon receipl oi'pi�ymem of the prlce bld,7rustee shull cteU�er to the purchuscr 71�u!;tue'.r•decd cc►m•eyin� thc
<br /> Prupertp. The recltal�in Ihe 71�ustce's deed shull he prlmu Q�cie evldencu�►f Ihe Irulh of thu�tutcmenl�mude therein.
<br /> 71�u�tee shull appl�•the proceedx of Ihe yute In Ihe PuUowioR order: lul to ull cuyts und expenstis oP cxercisin�G Ihe pur�'er � ,
<br /> ;.... .
<br /> ,
<br /> . • ;.�:.
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<br /> - I�orm.101.!{ 9 911 yti�cr�iq h pol'ru
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