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�.t� 11 . , -.� ., � -,�'., �.�. �: �� :� , �'.: ... � . ,. .. . .. 11 ��j�..... , <br /> � . \l ' • + ��4�-1 4 � • _ . �e . . 1� • ( �.i��� T - <br /> `�` . r . _ _ ..- . . - 1-. . �.\ .. . _ . - , - - . , .����. _ <br /> \\��� . . . . . . � . <br /> �_ .. .� <br /> ; <br /> "__'_�'___�n5�' ' _ �r._ <br /> l.._.---- . . . <br /> �k . � 91�� �.04 0�'°1 ... -.:� - <br /> '� ` '1'(1(ili'PHE:It 1VI'1'H all thc impruvcmrnl+nu�v nr hen�iftcr rrtrt<<I on ihc pruperly.u�ul nll rn�ewenl�,uppuitenm�rr�, . <br /> ' und iixlure.n���v ur her�ullrr n purt uf Ihc pr„pruy. All i�epl;�ccincnt� nn�l addili„n,�hi�ll ul,o hr ruvcr.d h}• ihl. tieruril�, <br /> ; . Intitrumcnl. All ut'It�c 1'arc�;�ing lx rcfrrnd�u in Ihi�ti�curlty InHrume��l a��he"11�uprn�." • <br /> �'.c.._. .. _. Nt)12R(1WI:it CUVIiNAN'I'ti th,u Hurrua•rr i�lawl�,rd ul' �hu�.liil� h�roby runv�:�cd und hi��thr riE�h1 tu F,rant , . <br /> . iuul�unw�y ih�i'�upr�ly ;u�d that thr 1"raprrty 1�umnrnt»tkr.vl,�xc���t fur��nri�mhnu�c��.uf'�•arnrd. Hurru��•cr�vnrr;u�t�and . . . .. . _ _ <br /> ... ...�, - - �ti�lti ti.:t'cnd ger,cratly the t!:!:tn the!'r��w�r�v u�rd��ct all rinims ui�d dem��ud�,.,uhicrt!��nnv��nrumhrun.�.u1'rerard. �------ <br /> � � - '1'F�is sr;cu�►�'Y IN�TI:tjR1F.NT cambinc. unil��►rn� cuv�nnnty I'�+�• ��;N�anul u.r i�nd nun-unitiirm cuven��nl� wilh � <br /> Umitcd vuriiuiun.r•hy juri.r•diction to constUutc u unitiu•m sccurity intilru�ttant cuvurinE���+d pr«prrly. <br /> ,,� IiNIFt)RM COV6NANT5. llurru�ver nnd l.cntt�r c��vcnunt and u�:rcr u�li�llu�v.: . <br /> . 1. {'nymcat of P�incipai ond Interesl;1'repuy�ment nnd l.ntc Churpcs. Rurruw��r,htdi pnmtpAy�,��y when dur thr <br /> princlpal of nnd intcrest t�n ihr doht cvlllClll'l'lI Ily II14 NUIC 1101I 1111V �)Pl'�ilYllll`Ill i1111I I1UC Cllar�:rs du�tmder d�c Nutc. . <br /> � � 2. l��u�ds fur'll�xes nncl Insuranre. SuhJc��l tu u��plicahl�luw ur a�a wriucn�viiiver l�y Lrnder,liun•u«�cr shall pa��tu <br /> Lcndrr�m thc�li►y i�iun�hly paymrntti ;ar duu undcr Iho Ni,ic, until�ho Natc is 4,ai�1 in tiill, a�um 1"I�und�"1 1'ui:liU y�arly ' <br /> tu���s i�nd�isscs,ments��•hirh nuiy �inain prl��rlt�+��v��r ihis Sccurity Intitrum�:nt as a licn un�h�1'n��,cr��•: lhl �•early Icu�clinld <br /> � � p�iymontti ��r gruund rent� un thu Prupuny. it any: (c) ycnrly huzar�l ur pmperty imuranre E+rrmium�: (dl ycarly Iloud <br /> � ', insur:incc prcmium:.. II' iiny: lcl ycurly mon����;c inruruncc pren�iumti, it' amv: nnd lt) an}• .ums p:iyahlr hy Huttu�vrr tu <br /> • . r'�' accordun�:u wiih thc prrrixiuns ut'p;irn�;r�iph R,in licu ul'th��paymcm ut'mun�;.t��in�uruncr ptvmium�. '1'hc.� <br /> . , iWms urc c.illed "[scruw ltrms.' l.cndcr miiy,u�w�y tintc:,rullcct anJ hul�l Fluids in an amni!n�m��m r�rcrd�hc iu:►xinnun <br /> � . umount a lcndc� tbr ii 1'�dcrally r�liurd mungiibu loun ma►y rcquirr t'�,r k�urruwcr� c�cru�v iicc��uni undcr thc fcdcrni kcal � , � <br /> � Issla�lu SclU��tnenl IYucc.lums Arl uf l��'1-1 i��anunded I'rum timo u�tim�, I'_l�.C.C,§ :6111 rr.�ry. l„!:l:S{'.�1"l.unlcti,unuthrr <br /> lu���thut;�pplicr ta�hr F•lmd�uts a le..rr i�mount. If sn, l.rndu�may,i►t an}��im�,rullcct+md huld Fund,in an itmaunt nut tu ( . <br /> � cxccrd �hu Ic.rsrr um„unt. Lrn�t�r may cstimnlc Ihc utnuunt i�l� ilu��d+ duc un thr ba,is ul'rurrenl �I;n:► ;ind r�,ixnnuhlr � , <br /> � • rtilintut��s��f expenditures nt'tlUUrc Escrow Itrmr ur atherwisc io+iccor�imcu with upplicaMe l:�«•. + . <br /> , The F►mds shull he hcld in an institution whusc depoai��:�n insurrd hy a f'cdcr:�l ii�rnr>•, inst�umentulitp, u�rntity <br /> lincludin�l.cncirr.if Len�lcr is such an insiitudonl ur in uny Fidcral Hc�mr Loiut Kaink. L�ndcr�hall���q�ly Ihr Fund�t��p�►�� �� <br /> Ihu Escro�v ltcuis.�ler mny n��t churgr Surrr�<<r t'�r hi,tclinc nn�t applying thr I�und,, annuall�� un;ilyzing�hr c�cro�v � <br />';�::" uccount, or ��crit}�ing thc �xcr���v ltcnn, unlcsx l.endcr pays Hrni�n�..r intcm�t un �hr Funds and applic:�hlr law prrmi�s � � . <br />-�;;:, l.�ndcr to mak� tiuch+� rhargc, Hu�vrvcr, l.emlcr may rcquir�k3uiTU���cr tu puy i� �,nr-�imr chargr fin•;�n ind.pcndrnt rc:►I `• ., <br /> c,tutc iax np�riing yrrvicc u.rd hy Lcndcr in cunnectiun wnh thi. I���m,unlcs.applicuhle I,i�� p�w i�lr�„th�r��iti�. !'iil�..:m � , <br /> ugrccntent i,m:sd�or appUrablo l:�a•rrquir�s intcrest tu hr pcii.l,l.�nd�r+httll nut hv rrquirr�i tr��ay Hun•�»�er am�imem,c ar � ' t <br /> `� � cuminFx�m the I�un�9�, l�or�c�wer und Lendrr miiy ug�er in�vrilin�,huwrvur,ih:u intcrc,�sh:ill hv�aid un the Funds. Lrndcr , ; � , <br /> •,;,` shall givu tu Ban�o����r, ��•ithout chargr,un unnu�il arruunting i�f'thc I�und,.�hu���inE crcdiis ,md drhit, to iii� l��md. un�l thr <br />-;�'.' • purpaso fnr which rach d�hit to thc Funds�vux mu�lc. Thc FunJ, nr� plcdtcd a,iidditi�,nul tiecurity ti�r aU wm�,rrtn'ed Ny S' . , • <br />- thi.r Sccurity In,lrumrnt. i � :` • . <br /> • , If'Ihu Ftuids hcld hy l.cada� r��ccd thu nmountti permiued �u txr h�ld hy upplicahlc I;►��•, Lrndcr rhall accuunt tu � '. <br /> � � Eiurruwcr 1'or�hc c�r�s.Fundx in;iccnrdancc �vith �hc rr��uiremcn�s uf applicuhlc taw, lf th�amuunt uf lh� Fund+ hcld hy i . ' . <br />_ ' � �` Lcndcr ut uny timr i.not sul'lici�nt tu pay thc Esrra�� ltem� �rhrn duc,t.rn�ict�m:ry�o n�,titc�i�rru��rr i�t wttit{���;.:in�i, ii� ��� - -- . -- <br /> su�h cti�c Boir���►•er sh;+ll puy to l.rndcr thc amount nrccs.:+n• t��mak� up Ihc dcl'ici�nr}�. Hurru���.r �hall nx�kc up Ihc � . <br /> ' deficicncy in ni,mor�th:m twclvc numthly payment:.;u Lrnde�\.ule di.rrrrti�,n. . . <br />__- --- ----- - - Ilr���Y!lv�l�.nf in Inll nl';�II eunts�CCUP�J hV l�llti Sccurit� lnurumcnt.Lrndrr,hall pruntplty rclund tu Hurru�+�cr mty � - _ <br /> Funa`hei3lry [.�ndcr, If,under parapraph �1, Lendcr �h:dl :tttjts�rc ur se!!Ihe 4'rorrrll�,I.r�dar, prior tu Ihe ucqui�iUun ur f <br /> �alc ��f th�� 1'rop��m•. �h:�ll apply ;uiy Fund, hcld hy I.rndcr ut Ihc iimc�,1'aryui}iti„n ur,alc a� u credit a�ain�t thc sunr.. � <br />;n:� �«urcd by this Scru�•it�� Instrunwm. � <br /> 3. Appliruticm uf Puvments, l�nlr., appliruhl� law pnwid�ti ulh�r�t�,c, all paymcnl� rcr�iv�d hy l.cndcr undcr , <br /> p.�r.�gruphs 1 and 2 tihall hc applic�l: first,tu.►��y����i,,�ynicnt rhnr�:cti.luc undrr�hc Nulc;tircond,lu anwunt, payahlr undrr , <br />� paraigraph 2;third,tu intcre�t dur:(uur�h.ti�principail du�::wd lust.�n any I:ue rh;ir�c�dur unilcr the Nute. <br /> 4. Char�;es; l.leas. H�+rrr�v�r �h,ill puy i�ll u�xrs,a„c�.mcnts. ch;u•�:c,, tin�� and impi��itiun, attrihuiahlr tu thi• <br /> Propeny�vhich may auuin priurit� rver ihiti Securi�y lmtnim�nt. and Irmrh�d.i paymrnt��,r�ri�und rentti. if uny, f;urn,u�cr <br /> _ , �hall pay lh�+r ahUgmi�mti in ihc manncr providcd in p.�ra�riph 2.��r if nw pai�t in that �ua�incr. Harru��•cr,hull pay thcm un . ' <br /> timc�Urcctly to thc persun ow��d paymrn�. Aorro��rr tihuU prnmptly furnish tn I.rndrr,dl nutircti ul'aimnunn tu hc paid undcr <br /> Ihiti parnbraph. If F3��rruwcr tnakc� the�c p��ymtin�.�lircctl��, l�nrruw�r�hall pi�tnnptly lurni,h to l.rndcr rcrcipts rvidcncing <br /> thc puyments. <br /> - Hi�rrowcr shull promp�ly di+chargc:my licn���t�ich hu,peiarit}�i�v�r this Srrurity ln•n•um�nt unlr.s Rurri�wcr:(au a�:nc+ <br /> � in wriNng to thc pnymcat�,f thc c,bliguti�m,rcured hy thc licn in a mannrr arc�ptahl�w l.rndrr:�h►run� g�x�d t;iilh Ihu <br /> • licn by.or dcf�ndti uguinyi rnforcemcnt of thc licn in.lruid pn�credlnrs��•hich in thc L.rndcr',upiniun uprr:nc Io prc��rnl Ihi� <br /> � en(urcemum ui'thc liar, ar lcl+�currs frum tha holdcr ul Ihc licn :m a�reemcnt +ati.farturp tu l.undcr,uhi�rdinining ►hc lirn <br /> Ic�thix Sccuriry Inxtrununt. If l.rndor dctcrminc� Ihat any parl uf Ihc Prop�n� i,.uh.jcct in a lirn ahirh ma�� :utuin priurity <br /> £ uver this Security Inrtrument.l.cnd�r nu�y give Hurmwer a n��tirc identil'�in��hc lirn. Hurruurr+hall tiatisl'y thc licn or takr <br /> � �,nc�,r m��m��f'thc uctions,rt funh.ibnvc within I1�dayti��f thc�i�ing uf nu�irc. <br /> S. Nnxurd i�r Propertv lnsuri�nce. Burruwrr�h.ill hrrp thc impru��enunt, na��•r�i.tin�ut hrreatirr rrcrt�d un�hc <br /> ', Prnpcny insur�d uFuinst losti hy tim.ha�ardti inrludcd��•ithin thc tcrm "retendrd cu��rra�.r" und an��uther h:v.ardti, including <br /> �� floi�dti iir flaiding, for whirh Lrnd�r rcquirc, imurancr. 'I'hiti inyuran�c ,hall hr m:�intainrd in Ihr amuunt�and (ur thc <br /> D': <br /> :k: <br /> � <br /> Fnrm J02M 4N0 ip�ier:nj nt���¢r.� <br /> �' : � <br /> :�' <br /> 7 <br /> ] <br /> I <br /> i <br /> �` <br /> 1 <br /> � <br /> : � <br /> F , <br /> . <br /> ��� _1_ � - <br /> � <br /> _ - -- - - _- <br />