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El'J fc►at; <br /> � , thonco running Eo:�t alan� thr� Sauth baundury linn nf �n1c1 I.nt �1 , � d�t�r�ncc� . <br /> af 7fl fo��; thflna� runni��r� Murth t�lang �nt! upon n� 7E1 f c+ot: di��Liint: from <br /> ' end t� tha Eost houndt�ry lino of e�itl (.�� A , t�� thE� poi�t. u!' in-• <br /> te�rsertian of seid lin� c�nr,i tnv shoro lino of Ghc� lc�ko ai.t,uc�t.od in ����id lot. <br /> 4; th�nca running ��J�storly along and upon thn shaz�o lina of� iinid l��ka to 0 <br /> � point ��horo said shor� linr;t intorsacts tho �act bounciflry lf nn nf t;f�a t.r��at: <br /> ond <br /> ' A].1 of Lot Throo (3) , Nnd the lJast Ona Hplf (W':) af Lot Twn (?) , in "I'nlu � <br />- � `�� Swt�d�.visian ," boing e po.rt uf tho N�rCh�osC Quartor of chn Northonc�t. (�uoa'° <br /> �� - ---- tar {�l�qN�'-:) uf �Qetx�� Tkl�rt�r-Throo (331 . in Tawnehip L•lovci+i ( ti) North � - - -- _ <br /> R�ng�a Nino (9) Wost af thn Gth P.h1„ hnd c� tract of .land lying 5auth r��icl <br /> od��cc�nt thareto, bo�ng a par� of� Lot Four (Q) in s�id "Pnlu Subdivlaian � " • <br /> -- which is moro narticularly describod as fol�ows , to--a+it" deginninn nt th�� <br /> Sauthwcaat cornar af anid l.ot �hree {�) Ch�ncc� running �o�t nionc� r�nu uN��� - -- <br /> tho S�uth Boundary lin� af soid 1'hrao (3) ond Lot Twa ( 2) for c� dta- <br /> tana� of 112. 5 foot; thnncQ turning Ht right nnglos and runninc� Sput�.h a <br /> diAxance of A0,0 faot; thr�nce Curning and running �Jost and parn11n1 a�ii:h <br /> tho South baundc�ry lin� af snid Lots Thrce (3) and Faur (A) , n dinl:a��ac� �f <br /> ' 112.5 faot ; thonco tuTning and running North a dist�nca af Q(1.� rQO4 tQ Chr <br /> �t;��.. Southwoat cornar af soid Lot Thraa (3) � Chs point �if �oqinning <br /> � �nd <br /> � All of Lnt� Fourtaan ( �A) and Fiftaon ( 1a) nnd PArt af I�aur (d) , Pnlu <br /> Subdivision of a Pt�rt af Gha Narthoast Quartor of Gho Nartt�anot Q��ni•tor <br /> (N�yNEo) of Soction Thirty-thrpe (33) , Tawnsf�ip Elovon ( 11) Nnrth, Nnnc�o <br /> Nina (9) W�st af thn 6th P .P1, � mara particularly doscribad n� tnllows: I���� <br /> ' � g�.nning at a point nn tho West linc� of sflid NE',NE',; sc�id point bainr� 33.0 <br /> �,, feot South of th� Nnr�h�v�9t carnar of �c�id NE',NE'a ; th�ncc� runninp ;inut�.h�rly <br /> � along and upan th� l•���st lino af said N�'.NE', a dist�+nr.c� af �l02.E� f'nnt. t:n t.Nn <br /> Southweat Cornor ai l.nt l�i ; thenco runninc� ��storly ol�ng �ha Sout.h linn ��f <br /> Lota 15 and 14 a di�tanc� of 192 .0 feat ta tho 5authF�ast r.orn�r �if i�l; <br /> thenca runnin� N��rthc�rly along tho Eoat line nf Lot 14 �� �iist.nnca oi Gfl. 11 <br /> 1', feet to a carnar af Lat: 1A ; thonco running Narthwost�rly n dia�nncu al A1 .t1 <br /> feet to a carnor n� I.ot 9�1 ; thenca runninc� NartMousturly a distanr.0 ul <br /> 208. 6 faet tu 6h�� Suu�hw�sL c�rnc�r ai� LoG 3 , thc�nca runnln� NUrthnr•ly nl��n�� <br /> tho �Jast Lin� of Lat 3 a distanco of 1Q7. 0 foot. ta Lho Nnrth►�4�e�t r.arn�+r n: <br /> Lot 3; thonce running :•Justerly along tho North lino ot l�ot A r► distuncu ��f <br /> 174.3 feet to thc� Nc�rthwast corn�r �f Lot Q , tho point �f' hoginniny <br />_ ' ,ind <br /> • Tho East Half (E'•,) af Lot Ta�o (?.) , in "I'�ilu Subdivis�on, " bntni� �i �inrt n1 <br /> the Northeact Qut�rtor oi tho Northna;L Quorr,or (P�k;',Nk:',) al '.��+ct.�nii 117 i �'t y <br /> three (33) , Tawnship Elovan ( 1l) Nort.h , H��ngo Nino (!l) I•JasL ut t.lin Gt.h 1' .Ft , <br /> and a tract af land ly:lnc� �auth and ;jtl.��r.�nt. thnrnt.o, hc�in�� n 1►�+r1. ��� � rt. <br /> Four (4) of said "Palu Subdivisian, ° v�hich is mc�re {i,�rt•scului�ly �1�+�.�•►•�h�+�l <br /> as follOws , to�•m'it E3og:inninc� at rha 5nuthun:;t c-ornf:r ��1 Lut lln�� ( 1 ) u! '.�ii �1 <br /> „p�lu Subdivisi�n , " thoncc runninq l�J��st. ;� lc�nq ,�nc1 �,��un t i��� :�uut h I�nun��nt'V <br /> i lino of said Lot Uno ( 1) �►ncl Lat. T��o ( :'1 tur ,� di:,t.:ii��:�� u1 il ' . '� t ����i , <br />� � thance turning at right anglos and runiiin�� ;�uuth �i �list.,�nr.�� u! �111 • �1 t ��ut , <br /> � thenco turning and running �est ��nd �iur��l lul wit.ti t.f�n 5uut.h !���un�lnry lir�n <br /> of said Lots 7wo (2) and Qno (1) �+ d�st.nnco o f 1 1? . !� t a��t. t.n ,� ��������• ��i� � ���� <br /> � East lina of sai� Lot (Q) , n di.sY.ancc� ❑i 40.11 1 n�►t, t.o t,hu `�nut l�u�i�,i. � urr►���� <br /> of said Lot Ont� ( 1) , Uainr� tho p�int. oi bu��inn in��, <br />