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<br /> npplicnblc I��v mny �pecl(y fur �tiinvintcnirnl) hcfu�v salc ui'Ihc Prup�►ty pursuamt t�+tu�y pnwrr uF�i+lr rnn�idncd in this :-.• .�_j..
<br /> �� Sr��urity InstrumrnL• ur lbl cntry ul'i►,iudpment cnfur�ing�hi.r•Srrurity h�tilrumcnl, '1'hu�c ruu�fUluns+uti thnl li��rn�wcr: ln) .
<br /> . , �+ayo l.cndcr all sums whlch Ihio ��'��uld hc duc umlci• thl.r Sect►rity Imiruuient unJ ilir Nutc n+ II' iiu urcilcriitian h�ul .. .
<br /> :— - � uccarrc:�f:lh1 cures any defaul�ut'uny other cuvrnnnt�or:��recn�4n�s;Ic1 E�ays uU exp�nscs in�m�rrd i�t enti�rrintt thiti ti�:�urUy _ .. .._- -•
<br /> ----- - -- - Inytru�uent, {nrl►Fdiu�, Gut �tiot lindted tu. rcus�+t�+�hl�� �+uumcyti' fro�; nntl Id) li�l�cs 1UAI1 Ul'U1111 115 t.endcr mGy rc�awum�hiy — __ . .---
<br /> _ � � nyulrc tu nssurc thi�t thc lir��uF thls 5ccurity h�.i�un�cnt,t.endrrk riglil.r• in ths�1'�a�wrty.u�a I��u:uwar�aUli�uti��n a,p;�y Ihe ' --_.
<br /> .. � ; aunts sccurcd hy this 5ecu�ity 1��,l�uut.'�1t shal! c��nt4ce�a,: !�n,•i►m�ued. U}x�n reinstuternenl hy t•lurruwer, tl�is S�curity �-_`�_
<br /> : ' -- inrtnm�rttt�►iui ih�abii�,,�►ti«ns sccun�!h�rchy 4hal!ntt�;!�n 1'ully cl't'ccUvc us li'nu atcrcicn►Ilun hnd uccurrcJ. Howavcr,�hlr t . _:' . _ -.
<br /> � '', righllu rclnstut�slial)not npply in tNc ciiso oF��rccicrauun undcr par+�urnph 17. , •, .
<br /> - 19. tii�le oP Nute; Cha�nge uf I.oan Scrvicer. 1'Nc Nute ��r�� pailiul inWrost in lhe Nute ltu�;cihcr wilh Ihiy Sccurily _
<br /> InstrumGntl tnny bc s�ild aia u� muro tlmcv�vi�hout priar notice tu Harrrnvcr, A +ulc muy resuU in ii chnn�c in thr untity ,
<br /> (knuwn i�y Itte"L�,nn Servicur")thni ruliccis nwnihly pi�ymrnty�luu undrr�h�Nutc�md�hi,Scwurity Instrument. Thcre i►ko , .
<br /> . muy bc anu ur murc chunti�s of thc I.���m Scrviccr unrclut�d w a.r•nl�aP th�� Niuc, li'�hcrc iti i►rhain�c ul'thv l.ann Srrviccr,
<br /> . � Harr�nvc�will bc bl�un �vriucn notice of thc chnn�;u in uccurdu�ico wi►h p;+rcigrnph 14 nbovc,��,�i��nni+�,►t,i� iu,�. Tlia noticu
<br /> � will�u�tu thc nnmc i�nd uddmss i�f iho new l.oun Scrviccr amd ih�uddresx tu�vhirh pnym�:nt.shnuld bc m:�dc. 1'hc nu�icc will .
<br /> ulsa a,muin imy othcr infannutiun i•c��uircd hy uppNcuhlc Inw. . r
<br /> t0. Hor.i�rduuy Substi�nc�s. Horr��wor shi►II not cuusr��r perniit thr pr���ncu,usc,di�posul,rtori��;c,��r r�lcase ut'uny ,,
<br /> Hn�iudau�Subst�mccs on o�in ihc Property, Bormwcr .r•hall n�n da, nur nllow anyonu �=k� t��du. nnyth►n�z c►IFec�ing ihc
<br /> . F�raperty thnt i.r•in violnNon of uny E:nvironmenu+l l.i�w. 'I'hu precedin�twu xentrnces�h;dl not upply w the presenca usu,ur • , •
<br /> staru�a an ihu Propc��ty of snuiU quunUtics i�1'Nnzurdous Suh�a�nces ihnt arr gencndly rec��gni•r.cJ tu bc uppmprimc to nnnnul � � .
<br /> resido�tinl uscr itnd to maintenance of the 1'roperty. ,�. . •
<br /> l�orruwer shall prumptly giva Lcndcr writtrn notic�ot'any invc.ti�atiun,cluim,deniund,lawsuit��r ulhcr u�11on by uny • .
<br /> �avernmental ur rebulutory i�gency or privme pi�rty imolving thv Propeny iuid iuiy N�uardaus Subslnncc ur Fnvironmrnuil �`��` � ,
<br /> Luw uf which Horrowcr hus uctuul hna�vl��dre. If Hprrmvcr Icums, ur is nulificd by imy govcrnmwnwl or rogulntory # .
<br /> uu�hari�y,ihi►t any removal or ather r�mcdimi�Wi of'nny Hn�ardous Subsluncc uffccting the Nraperty ►s ncce�sa�y. N��rrowcr , ,
<br /> shall�romptly take ull necessnry remediul ucUrn�s in i�cr�9rdiuicc with 6nvirunntenti�l Luw, f',:••,;,, ,
<br /> A�uscd in this parugru��h 1Q."Hiizi�ritous Substanrr:'arc thoxe suhxtunccs dcfinUd,►n toxic ur h�uurdouti sub�lunces hy ; .,
<br /> �nvinmmcntal L,�w und the Pollowing+ubsuinces: gt�st�linr,kcrusene, uthcr tl.unmt�hl4�c�r tc�xlc pcuulcum prc�dueth, tuxi� �
<br /> �tilicide�a�nd h�rhicides, vali►tile xulvents, muterialr �:rntaining aslx�tm ur i'��rn�aldrhydo, und radivactivo malurii�ls, As ,
<br /> p'•
<br /> uscd in thiti parii�,r.�ph 2t1,"Environmental I..aw"mcan�frderul fati�•�.►nd I:��•,s oi'thc Jw•i5dlrtlun where thr Proprrry k locuted �
<br /> ' that mlato to health.safery or cnvimnmenad pratectlnn. �
<br /> �� NUN•UNII�ORM COVENANTS. Borruwcr und Lcnd�r i�ulhcr covcmim anJ iit;rcc ns 1'aUows:
<br /> • � �A. AccelerAtian; Remedies. l.ender ,hall �Ive n���im to Harruwer prlur k�t+cceleri�Uon P��lluwinF Borruwer'o `
<br /> breac0�uf uny caveni�nt ar a�;rcement in thls Security ln,r•trument lhut not priur to ucrelerutlan under purugruph !7 � .
<br /> _ • unle�,w uppUca�ble IAw provldes uthe�wisel. The nutice.r•hrtll spedfj: (ul lhe dePaull;(b)the uctlon rei�uired to cure the
<br /> defnult; Ic)i�dute.nut les9 thi�o 30 duys i��m Ihe dute the nMica is tii�•en tu Hurruwer�by�vhlcb the defuult must be :
<br /> � ' cured;And(d1 that fnilure Iu cure the dei'ault on�►r bef��re Ihr dute ypeGlf�erl in the naqca mqr reyuh in�cceleruUuo uf t ;
<br /> - - ___— __
<br /> the�umy secured"oy this Sccurii,v L�rir��z�i�nd�ate i�!'t�r°ro�rty. 'C4ic Qo?�C!��h�!!4'u�lher 1nPorm liorruw��oP �.____
<br /> • the right tu reinstt�te after i�ccclerudun unci 1he Nµh/t+�bring�i court actfon 4��a�.�ert lhe non-rxlstence uP i�de�atdl or (-
<br /> uny ulhcr defense af Horro�cer to�ccelerati��n�.md w�le. 1P the dePu�dl Is no4 curad��n ur AcPure the di�te specitiie� in .
<br />�� ____,........__.. . _ the nuUce.Lender ut Its upUun�nay rec�uir�imm�diate pa�•mm�l in���II uYu119umr'se�ured by thiy Securlty Inslrument ;
<br /> . a�ithaut Pu�thQr de�nAnd en� m�y Invoke ahe power vr anie and :my vincr ie�a�iir; ��m:tt:� b, «Nr��L�iZ�!° l���. �- - - ---- -�-- --.
<br /> Lender shall hc enUtled tn a�Uect ull expensev Incurred ia� purruin� the remedles provided in this pi+ri��;ruph 21, i •
<br /> IncludinR,but not Ilmited W.rei�sonuble uU��rnevw'fcey und c��a9s uf tlde vvidenc�:, '
<br /> � lf the power of si�le is invoked.7lrustce shall r�cn�d:+noticu uP def'uult In euch county In�vhlch uny part uP the ,
<br /> Property Is loci�ted und shi�ll muU copler oP yuch nod�w in the munner prurcribed br upplicnhle law{0 liurro�►�e�und to
<br /> the other per+aos prescrlbed by uppUcahle luw. AiYer Ihe time requirt�d hy vpplict�ble luw,'IYusloa»hull�1�•c pubUc
<br /> naticw uf tiulo to�he personti unci iu shc munner p�e.r'crlbed b�•upplica�blc luw. 'It'ustee,withvut demand un Hur�uwcr.
<br /> shall seU the Propartv i�t public uucUun tu thc hi�;hesl I�idder i�t Ihe Nme und plucu und under the termy desi�nt�tcd in
<br /> the nolice oP ynlu in une��r mure pi�rcels and in uny���der 7Yuyten determi�ey. 'll�t�.vtee mav p��rtp��ne side uP idl�r i�ny ;
<br /> � pi�rce!uP the Proparty by pub�ic imnuuncemenl ut Ihe time und pluce��1'unv pre�•iou�ly y�'heduled wile. l•endPr���Its i
<br /> . , clesi�neu muy purchiise the Proporty ut uny si�le, ,
<br /> Upon receip4 �►P pavme�t i�f the pric� bid,7Yu.rtee.rhitll deli��e�� ti�the purchuxer'Il'ustee's dced cam'eyM� the � .
<br /> � Property. The recituls in the'll�uhlce's deed 9hu11 be pr�ma iitcie e�•idrnce uf'the truth aP Ihe+tittements made therein. ; .
<br /> ' 'llrustee shi�ll upply Ihe praceedv uf'the sale in 1he Pull���ving urder: la►tu uU a�stti and expenses��f exercising the power . ;
<br /> ,.
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