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<br /> 'Tt�OF:'f'HHlt WI'1'll aU�I�t�In�pruv�:mr�u� nu�v ue•hen�dt��i cr�ricd on thr pru{�crty.►uid�dl rmrmcn►n,n�,pu►icnnu�ev� � ,,:
<br /> •- nnd Il�►uu�c. nuw ur hrreal7�r n part uf thr ptupc�ty. All mpluccuunlx un�l a►:GlUlunti,hnll :�I,��b�+c��v�rrd hy �hf� !�rcuri�y ' .�� . ,� "g,_y
<br /> ' � ° Insinimcnt. All��f th��fnreguin�t iv rrl'crr�d tu in Ihir S�rurUy In.UUmCU!u,lhc"l1�up��1y." � i ,.-
<br /> �.., _ _
<br /> RQ(2RUWFitt('OV►;NAN'1'S thul Iiu�cwv�r Is 1����•tidl�� scircd al'tl�c r,tutr henhy cunvcyrd iutd huti dic ri�ht Ut grunt
<br /> -�_ — .� �utd 4um�cy thc{'rnpeny nnd II�a1�hr. F'��yxKy 1�wuucumiktcd.4x�cpt tor ttt�ptnt►rcttir�t ul'r�tiurd. liurruwrr�t�;irrunt+and �.__.� - --, - -
<br /> ----- — wiU dafcnd gancraliv tl�r tidc Ic+ihc 1'n�{x��iy a�;.tinrl �tll clulmx und drntnnd�.�ut,1«�►���►��y�����u�,�n�a��«�y o�'rc«����i. _ �
<br /> ,_ ..: .. �.._.�......�.�_.._.- —=
<br /> _ .. Tiil� SEt'tlkl'i'Y tt�tti'1'ttUML'•N'l' cmnl►���c� unifin7n cuvcn.�nk G�r niUtunul u,r nn�i uun•unU'umi ���v�nant.. tvlth � , -
<br /> -:.' ...... � . ,
<br /> �.
<br /> . . .. �
<br /> �; , IimUcd v,u•latiun.r•by Juris�lictiu�i w cunslUutc n wiifunn�crurity in�u-um�nt cov�rin�,reu!pn�p�����y. �. _.: ,. •
<br /> � iJNIFfDRM(UVBNAN'1'S. R�mc,wcr:md L�u�l�rruvcnaiu aml i��!r�ct��foUu�vti: � �
<br /> . � 1. {'��yment oY Principul nnd Intcrc�p Prcpieyment nnt! I.nte l'h�v�;cy, Hu��ruwe��,hnll prumpUy pay wh�n duc ihr , .
<br /> principnl��I'��nd intcre�t un d�e�icbt evidanrcd hy thc Nate nnd nny pr.�pnym��U und I+�tc chnr�}er•dtw wider lhc Nula � , .,
<br /> � l. Itinds for'1'uxey t�ttd Insurtlnce. Suh,�c�t lo tirplicuhlc I�iw ur to u wriurn waiver t►y Len�l�r.Narr���vcr shidl pay tu
<br /> . � L�ndcr on�hu di�y mmuhiy p;�ymcnt.r• arc dur un�k t'ihr Nutr,until tlic Nutr i�Stidd fn Ildl.u,uin l°F'und;'1 li,r: f�U ycarly i .
<br /> taxc.r• nnd usscrsntcnls which ntay ulinin(tr►utity ovrr�his Sccurity bi.lrwncnl us u liru un Ihc 1'ru�xny:lh)yeurly Ic:�+ehnld (
<br /> �aymcnt.r• ur tin�und renls mi �h� {'raperty, if wty: lrl ye:�rl}� hnrurd i�r prap�riy in+ivanrc prcmium�; ld) ycitrly fliwd
<br /> �nsuruncc ptcmium,, iF any; (c)ycarly mnrtgugc in�urimcr pn`tniums. N'uny; und Itl nny sum�piryaMc hy Horr�nvcr t��
<br /> L.ender,in uccordance with�he pn�vislonx uf pur�ipa�ph H, in licu ot'the paymcni u1'm��n�;t�g� insur.►ncc prcmium�. 'fhese
<br /> items uro cuUrd"F.scru�+�Items.' L.ender m:�y,iu nny Iinte,cc�ll��ri und huld Nunds in un iunuunl no1 tu exreed Ihe muximum
<br /> ��mount u I�nde� for n fedcr�dly rclatcd mungcigc lu,�n may requln� Pur Bun�uwcrt c�crow iiccuunt undcr thc 1'c�lcr:il Itral
<br /> � ` � �sinte Seqlement 1'rucedure�Ac!uf 1'17�1��ti�ullcnded frum lintu lu lime. 1«U.S.C.q Zt�QI PI s�'q. ("RG5{'r1"1,unloss:nnNher .
<br /> la�v thut npplics t��thc Flind,sct+n lexscr iimount. !t'su.Lcndcr inny.+u uny timc,cullect nnd h��ld fUnds in.m amuunt iwt tc, ,
<br /> excccd thc Icxscr ,im��unt. Lendcr nx►y cstimatc thc ;�mount uf Fun�lx due un the h�i�i. ut' currcnt data uod irusuaaMr
<br /> • csdmiites of cxpcndiwrcr af'IUtur4 F�xcn��v Itcm.or othcrwi.�in acrurdi�ncc�vith;�pplicnbl�liiw. ,
<br /> � � Tho Flinds shnll bo hcld in au inv�itution wh��sc depusf�s arc inrurcd by i► fcdend ugcncy. instrumcn�uliry. ur rrn�t�•
<br /> .. (including Lvndc�,if�.endcr is surh r�n inuitwianl��r in nny Fcdernl Humo L��:u�Hank. Lendcr sh�iil apply Ih�Funds to pay .
<br /> tho Escruw Items. Lender may ne�t ch:+rge �unower 1'��r h��lding:►nd npplying thc fund�, winuully imulyzinZ: thc e�cro�v .
<br /> � account, ��r vcriPyin�; Ihe Escrow Itents, unle" Lencter p:ryti Iior�c+wcr intem�t �m ihe Fund. and upplicable luw prrnii��
<br /> Lender to makc su�h n chtugc. Howcvcr, l.eeider miry rcquirc Hu�TOwer t�� puy a unc•Ilntv rhnrge 1'or atn indeprndcnt rrc+l � ;
<br /> � cst;uc t.►x rcporting servi�e uscd hy Lender in cunnecuon wuh ihis luan,unl�,+uppll�uhl�law prnvides nthenvi�r. I Inlr.�a�i
<br /> i�gmciurnl is mnde nr applirnble Inw rcquircz intrrert tu tx pnid, l.ender tihali nal be required u�puy B��rrowcr imy intcn��or �
<br /> _ can�ings an Ihu Flmd�. Horcmvcr imd l.endcr m:q�agroc in writing,huwcvcr,tliiu intcrest shall hr p,�id on thc Fundz. Lrndrr ,
<br /> �hall givc to Bnno�vcr,without churgr.+�n annual aca�unlinp ut'�hr Flotds, xhmving crcdit�and debils tu Ihc Funds und�hc �
<br /> purpuse fi�r which each debi� to the hlindx��•a.m;►�ie. 7'he FUnds asro pledged;►�i�dditii�nul security tix ull�um,�ecured by �
<br /> this Srrurity In��niment, � �
<br /> If the Funds held by Lend�r �t«ed thr amaunt, pennitted tn he hcld hy applir.iblu I:iw, Lendcr shall uccri�:tt tc• ;
<br /> _ -- Ft�nY,��er far Iha�x�c�s Funds io a.�ordiuicc �vith lhr rcquiirn�cm� uf applicuble li►�v. If �hc nmoum of ihc Fund� hr.d h�' t f
<br /> -- Lrnuir at any time is n��i sultic�cnt tu pav the Es�a���. Ri�m.i:i�e� dtte,l.et�der::jay�:i�tk�if� HQt!'L�lYC!'!!!��fllin`, :uid.lfl ------
<br /> r--- -- --- -r_
<br /> senh iasc Florro�rcr shall pay l�� l.cndcr Ihc a�nc�iinl mcc.san• la nu�kr up �hc deficicncy. Butrutti•cr �ht�ll mukt' up tltc
<br /> deficirncy in no nu�re thun nvclvc monthly pa}•tnenl�,ut I.endert�olc diti�retiun. •
<br /> _-•-•._.�_._. _ tr��n �,:�ymeni in Pull oi'all tiums ,rcured by thiy Sccurit�• In+trumcnt, l.cndcr shall prnmpUy r�l't:~d tu f3orso����r any � � .
<br /> _ _ .,.. , - '_
<br /> � Fun:t:hcld by l.c�nder. If',under purarruph w I, l,�ndcr ahall aryulr�or sen thc rropeny, i.on�ier,pr��r c��� «.'y«�:-��;������ --- -
<br /> sulc of thc 1'rupcny, shull ,ipply anv Fund.hcld I�y l��ndcr at thr timc ui' .icqui+ltion ur salc as u crrdit against thr �unts �
<br /> secured by ihis Securi�y In+trument.
<br /> i, Appllci�Uon of 1'u�•mentv. Unlc�z applicablc law p�ovidc, uthrrwiw. all paymcnl, recci�•�.�i by l.endcr undrr
<br /> parnsraphs I amd'_shall hc upplird: fir�t,tu imy prep;q�uirnl chargr,du�undcr thr Nutc: �camd,tu amount�payable und�r
<br /> pnrngruph 2:third,t��intcrc+t�luc:founh,tu principal due:and la+t,to cu�y I.u�rhui•gcs duc undrr thc N�nc.
<br /> 4. Churgcw; l.icns. Huiro�+rr �hull pay all taxc., a>.�ssmrnu, rhurgcs. 1'im� ��»d impu,itiun� attrihutaMc tu th4
<br /> Prapcny which muy attuin pri�nit� �n•rr thi�Security Intitrumcnt,iind Ira>ch��ld p.rymrnt,ur gn�und r�nt,.if.�ny. snrr�wcr
<br /> tihull p.�y thc+c ohUguti�my in the��anncr pro�•idcd ln parug�aph ?,ur if not t�aid in Ihai mannrr,Hurrowor sh�ll pay Ihcm un
<br /> . time directly ta�he per�on uwrd p:iymcn�. B���r�m•cr.hull promptly furni.h to L�ader:�II noticrs i�f amuunt,tu I�e paid►mde� .
<br /> � � , this pariigraph. If Bunuw�r makas thctic p�q�»cnts dir�=ctly.Banu�v�r�h;�tF �romptly Furnish ta L.cndcr rcccip�.nvidcncing
<br /> . Ihc�a��men�s. '
<br /> I�onowcr shull pr��mptly di.charFc uny licn�►•hich ha�priuti�y uvcr thir Sccurity Instrument unlcss Hurrowcr:(a)a�:rc��
<br /> in��ricing to thc payment��f thu obligatiun ucured by�he liun in a nr.mner acceptuhk tu I,cnder;lhl contests in�oud ti3ith the
<br /> lien by.or defcnds a�ainst enforcement of thc lien in.Ic�al pn,crcding�which in�hc L.cnder',opiniun aperutc ta prevern the ,
<br /> ` enforc�ment of the licn: ur(c)secures tram the holdrr of th�lien un agreemen�.atitil:ictnr}•�u l.cndrr subordinaiing the licn
<br /> � to thiz Security Intitrumcm. If Lcndcr dctcmtiac� that any part i,f�hr Praperty i�suhjcrt tu a lirn which may uttain priority
<br /> ' , over rhis Security lnsuument.Lereder may Eive Son�x�•er a notico i�lentifying the lien. Eiurn,wrr shall satisfy Ihe licn ar takc
<br /> ' onr ur m��rt aP the aetionti set fon[i�buve within I ll days oY the giving uf nutir�.
<br /> • 5. Huzard or Property ln�vrance. Dorrowcr�hall kerp ihe improvrmrni+nuw rxi.�ing u� hercaftcr crcctcd un thu
<br /> properly insured aguin�l la+s hy fire,h:►tard�includccl within th�i4mi"extended�avrraFr";�nd uny u1h�r hazards,iacluding
<br /> floods ar floading, for which Lcnder sc�;eiir�a intiuranrc. 1'hi.imu�i�ncr +hall hc maintaincd in thc antount. und fur 1ho
<br /> Fb�m 102N 9i'HI �p�i4e•:n/n�aitrv
<br /> . . . _ 1
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> I '
<br /> ( •
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<br />