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, , . , EXHIBIT 'A' . <br /> " �99��sz�� <br /> � drad of land ia the We�t Halt (WY/2) of Sec�oa T�ieaty-one (21), Township IIevea (11) <br /> NoeYh, Rang+e Y'1ne (9) �Vat of the Si�h P'YL. Fi3lI County, Ye�r.isk�. morr particulariy <br /> dperibed a� Pollows: Commmciag at the quarter sscrion coraer besweea Sec�oas .0 and Zl, <br /> in Township 11 Yorth, Range 9 We� thmce East aloag the FasL West quacYer secsion line thru <br /> said Sec�on ZI, a distanc� af One Thousand Three Hnndred E'ighty-siz and 'I�►o Teaths feet <br /> (13865� to the iatersectioa o[said Fast West qnarter section line with the Wat line of Logan <br /> S�t ezteaded, as Platted ia the C'ity o[ Grand Lsiaad, Nebr.iska; thmce Yorthwest�► alon�; <br /> said Weat line of I.opa S� ertmded, a distance of Sizi}'-One and Tluet Tmths Fai(613�; <br /> thmce dne South along the Wat tine of ttie Coanty Road, a distaace of Furi�Two sad T3ree <br /> Teatb.s Feei (423�, as a paint of beginnimg, thmcr Southwesterly paralld to Aana S4tet, a <br /> distaacx of 'Tbree Hnndred 'I�mtp-#ive and 'Iti►o Teaths Feet (3Z5.:'}, thmce Sontheasterly <br /> paralld to Logaa Saeet, a distana o[ One Hnndrtd Si�y-Four and Sevea Tmths Fat (164.7� <br /> to a point Tweaty-�ve Feet (ZS') tfroom the ceater of ttie C.B. & Q. Be1t Line Rtilroad; theace <br /> Norsheast�riy and pacalld to the cailroad, a distance of 'I�vo Hundred 'Ibirty-�ight aad Two <br /> Teaths Feet (238.:� to the Wat ljne of the Countl Road; theace aloug the Westa�i7► line of the <br /> County Road, a distaace oi One Hnadred Eightr Faar and Three Teaths Feet (2843'y to the <br /> point of beg'snain� <br />