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. _ �;.: : .. ,— 1 � .. . ,.. . . ___ . - <br /> ., _ ..... ; <br /> � `_� `�. <br /> , , - <br /> _ .. . . �.,. , . .. ' ,�� <br /> : . • -„:-� <br /> -: .-. --_ �1�,� 1040i�'� � . --- ::-:�.- <br /> 1= <br /> 1 'i .. ... S _ .. '_.: _-. _- <br /> ' �, puytncuts ntoy n�►lun�cn c�r�ip�i�tid, at Ihc aptiun ui'l.cndcr, IY nmrt�ngc It►surunr�ruv�ri�t;c tin thc antunnt+md li�r ihi�criud . -.. <br /> �+ Ihut l.�nd4i• rcquirc.rl rruvidcd by a�� insurcr uppr�weil hy (.�ndc�n�nin hccumcr irvail��hlc nnd i��uhtalncd. Ilus�ru4;cr shull pny '� . • . <br /> • `�" thc pr�iulumv rcyuir�vl ta�uulutiiin manttal�c inyuruncc in c1'1'cct,ar���pruaitic n lars rc�e►vr,until Uw rc��uU'cnicnt tiir nnnlgut;c . <br /> �� (n+aran�Y cndti itt nr«uYlnnc��vith+iny wvllten uµr�emciN hct«•�c�t Uur�'a�t��►•und Lcn�lcr or+ippliri�Gl�I���v. , <br /> - 9. Ins�ticctl�►n. [.�ndcr or its ngem m;ry inuk�i�Easun,ihlE:rnu•ir� up��n�in�l iny,cr�i�m�ul'N�c Prop�a��y. I.�adcr shuli �lvc - . '-•- • . -. <br /> _ - --- Bu�t'u«�e n��k�N1 Itte Iinx�uf i�r ��rk��p�;�n inspertiun tip�cilylun r4usunublc rue.c ti�r thr inr�ctian, - �- ----• _ - ---- _ <br />_ :-,-- _.".,.�- - 2a, i.'o��a:;�sna!lon. Th�p:c:�c_t!� e•!'Nn; µward�►r��I:�Iui tirr d�►�na�;r�. �lirr�t ur cun,�yucndul, in cunnec�is�n �vith uny �.._ . - _-_ ---- . <br /> . . �utldCtlltt�tit�n er ctther takintl ul';►ny parl ul'Ih� Pruperty,u�• ti►r cuov4yun�� in licu i�l r�md��tttltttiutl, arc hcrct�y ns�ig�l¢d�Ind j <br /> shull bc paid a� l.�ndcr. � <br /> In the event ut'u tulul lukiug uf thti Pru�iei�ty, the pr��wecds shall hc applir�l tu U►� untn,e�u�'�d hy this Sccurity Insu•ununl, � . <br /> � whethcr�►r nat thcn duc, with uny paid tu 13c�rru�ver. In �hc cvrnt af a partiul tukinu uf'thr Pru�krty {n whi�:h thc tidr � • <br /> ' mu�kct vuluu of thu Pruperty inuncdiiHCly hcfarc thc tuking is cNuid tu ur�reutcr�hun thu+�muunl ��f�hc�ums �ccurcd hy �his � <br /> Sccurlry In.r•tniment immccU+ucly bcti�rc.thc tnkinb, unicss Horru�+cr iuul L.ondcr uthGrwi�c�igrcc in writing� (I1C tiUi115\Cl'UfCI��1y1 <br /> this Sccu�ity Instn�nicnt shnll hc �cduccd hy thc .uni,unt ut'th� pruc�cd+ multiplic�l hy the ti,llowin�; �'ra�tiati: (a) thc totAl ; <br /> �� amatmt i�P ti�e sums secu���d hnmcdiincly bet'orc thc iukin�;. di��i.lcd hy lh1 �hc fiii�• nnirkct viduu at'th� 1'rup�n� innucdlutcly <br /> � � befi�re tha ti�king. Any balt�ncc tihull ix puid tu Burrawcr. In thc cven� ot'n purliul taking uf Ihc 1'rupeny in whi�h thc f'uir <br /> . markct valuo of thc Propchy immediutcly bcfurc thc�ukiny is Ir��ih:�n�hc imwunl ul'lha�unn .cc�ucd imnudiatcl�� bM'��rc tha ( <br /> ." � tiiking, ut�l�:ss 8ui•ru�vcr und l.cndcr athcnvisc agrcc in writinK ar unlrs�applicuNl� l:n�� uthcrwisc pruvidcs, thc prurcr�lti shuU � <br /> bc npplied tu thc �ums sccurcd by Ihiti Sccurlty Insu�umcnt whcthcr or nut thc .ums urc thcn duc. I <br /> .. !f�he Pri�perty is ahandancd hy Hurrowcr,nr if,:dtcr noticr hy L.endor tu B��rruwer thut thu ri�ndenmur ulicrs tu mukc an <br /> uwnrcl ur setUc a cluim tiir dainugcs, B��rr�iwcr fails t�� re,pund �a I.�:ndcr within �ll di�y� al'tcr thc da�r thc noticc is givcn, i � <br /> Lcndcr is uuthorixcd ta a�Uect und uppl�•thc prucccdti,at its upti�►n,cithcr w n:.t�+r.!tiun ur rcpair uf'thc Pruperty i�r ta�ho.unts <br /> securcd hy this Securi�y Instrument, ��•hethrr u�'n��t �hen Juc. � . <br /> Unl�ss l.cndcr :md Bi�rro�vcr uthenvisc t►gr�c in �vriting. :u►y :t��yliciui�ai ��I' pra�eeds t�� principul �hall nut �xtend o�• � . <br /> . pu�tpunc thc duc dut4 of thc munthly pay�m►nt.retcrnvi tu in pur,�gr,irh. 1 wid � �,r rhungc thr umuunt ol'tiurh puymcnts. ; � <br /> ,;.; 11. Borrower Not Relcused;Farhei�runcc By Lcuder Not ii 11'uiver. F.xtcnsiun ut'the timc fur paymcnt ur mudilici►tion 1 <br /> , , uP u;nortii��N�m��f th�•.ums s�vurcd hy thix Sccurity Intitrumcnt�riint�d hy I,,ndrr tn any rurressur in intcm�t u!'Norruwcr.hnll , <br />� . nut operatc t�,rolcusc thc lii�hility i�i'thc uriginul Hi,rm�vcr ur Hurm���r'ti tiucr��sxun in intcrest. l.cnd�r.h;�ll nrt bc rcquircd ti� i � <br /> , rummanrc p�'orc:cdinbs i�guinst any rucccsti��r i�intcrest ur rcfu.c to cxicnd timc t'ur paymcnt ur��chcnvisc modit'y�muiYizutian I , <br /> , � vf 1h4 sunts secunJ hy lhls S�curity Imtn�ment by se:is��n of any t�r.�d� hy tho ��riti»al f3orri����tr �n' (3arrt�wCr's : ; <br /> . . �ucc�sxors in interest. Any Punc�urnnce hy Leudcr i��e�eiri,ing anq rf�:ht ur reuiedy shull nut he ;� �vi►i�•er ��f ur pro��ludc thc ; • <br />, excrcisc uf any ri@ht or rcmcdy. i <br /> ' 12, Succ��s.tiors i�nd As9i���.r• Bound; Joint i�nd Se��ecal I.i�I��l�ty; C��-si�;nerh. 'I'he cuvrnanu an�l a;;m�mcnts ��f this � <br /> �.. <br /> ___-_-:-,. Secu�ity Instrumm�t sl�ull l�ind iuid b�nrtit th� tiurressnr. ,md a,±i�m of l.cndcr and Rurru�vrr. ,uhjcrt tu thc pruvisi��ns i�t' � ' <br /> _ - . -- -- <br /> parugruph 17. B��rrowcr'� �u�cetant. and :�ereent�nh ,hull h� jnint am! ,c�cral. Any I�urru�vCr ��fiu ru-�igri� thiti Sccuriry � . <br />�mcnt hut dcros not cxccutc tbc Nrtr: l�i) is ru-,icnin� thi� Sccurity ln.tnuimnt unly tu iuurteag�. grant and rusrvey thul . <br /> .�;:;�. .. gorrc�wcr's inwrest in th� Prnpes�y und�r thc tcnnti uf thi>Sccurit} Imt�Y�m�nt: �b► i.nut persunall� obligatal tu puy thc sumti <br /> ' � secured by this Sec��rity Instn�mcm; :In�l(41 agt'cc�lha�t Lrnd�r�td um�rther B��rra�eer muy ugrcc tu uxWnd. m�xirt}�, ti�rdcur or t � -- : <br /> . mukc�my ucc��mnwdulium���ith rcgard tu th� tcrmti ul'thi. ticcuru� 1n.trum�n� i+r thu Nutc without that Hurrw4cr', ron,cnt. <br /> � 1�. I.��an Chur�;��. if thc luan ticcurcd hy thi+S�cwi�}� ht�ulim�nt i. .uhj�rt t��u la�e t��hich s�t� nt��xintunt I�r.�n chargcs, <br /> und thal law is tinull�• intrrpr�t�:il ��� that tha IIIIL`I'L'\I ur uthcr l��an�har�r�crllcrt�d�n• ta h� cullc�trd in runnarti„n with !hc • <br />. loan cxcecd the permittcd limits. then: lal an�� tiuch Inan rhargr �haU br r«lure.t h� thc amuunt ncru��un• ti�rcJurr tho chargc <br /> � ta thc perntittcd limit:and (hl an)•,ums alrr;i�l)• cnllcct�J t'r�mi t�urru��•�r��hi�h ��«,a�a����„�u�a i��»�►."��� n� ���iu„�i�a« � <br /> sorra�vcr. Londcr muy rhoi�sr tu makr ihi, rel'un�l hy re.tueing che prinri�al a��cd undcr thc \utc rr h�• making a direct � <br />_' , � piryntcnt ti� Borr��wcr. If a rcfund reducrti principal. th� rcdur�i��n ��iU h� ucaccd a� a p:u�tial ��r�pa�mcnt �vithout uny <br /> , , ''. ' prcpaymunt rhur�c undcr thc Ni�I�. <br /> ��`�, � 14. Notices. Any nutirc a� Bnrru�vrr pruvid��l G,r in�hir Srcuritp Imu•umrnt.[iaU he hn�n h} �te{i��crinc it or b�� muiling ,.• . <br /> ' it hy first rlu�s m�1il unlc:ss applirahlc la�v r�quir�s u�o uianuth�r mcthutL '1'h� nvti��,hall h�dir�rte�! tc�tha Propurty Address <br /> i�P �tDy ulhor u�ldres, Horrowrr tktiignal�.r hy nulic� lu l.endcr. An1 m�tico t�� I.�nJcr �h;�l) hc ii�•cn h�� ti�ti! clurs ntall tt� � <br /> � l.cndcr'� uddres, titatcd hcroin ��i•an� �,�hui•addrr�, Lrnd�r �k,igniur, h�• nuticr tn Hun•u���er. :1m noticc pruvid�d t���r ia this <br /> Sccurity Instrumcnt ahull hc d�cntcd t„huvc hccn gi�•�n t„ klurru«•rr ur l.vrnlor ��hcn gircn aa pr���•i�led in ch�s pal'agraph. <br /> 15. Guvernin� I.uw; Se��er»hiUt�. Thi, Scrurii� In.n•umcnt �hall bc ;����crnc�l hy t'rd�ral la�� :md thc la��• ��f the <br /> jur;,dictian in which �hc Property is li,rated. !n thc r�cm Ihat an� pravi+iun ��r rlausv uf thi. Sccurity� In,tnm�4m ur�h� Natr � <br /> conilict�with upplicublu lu���. ,uch canflirt.hull nnt alFert uth4r�xr�i,iunr i�f th�.ti�ce�rit� ln.trunwnt i�r thc Nutr whirh�an h� � <br /> - givcn effect without thc contlirtin�; pn,+•��wn. "f�� Ihiy cnd thr pr���i>u�m rf tl�i� S;�uril� 1n,Irumrnt an�l thc Ni,to urc dcrlared <br /> to bc scvcruble. <br /> `'; 16. 8nrrowcr's Cup��. Hurru��•er,hall hc giv�n unc r�,ulin�m��l rup� �+(th� \��i.:;�n�l al thi,Srruri��•In,trumcn�. <br /> Fo�m aaza arso <br /> ,,,..,, � <br /> . <br /> �. <br /> �� <br /> � <br /> « <br /> .� <br /> .� <br /> I <br /> . <br /> + <br /> . � <br /> ; • <br /> r ' <br /> 1 <br /> � _ <br /> s _ _ <br />