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., . .,., . :,; <br /> ;�� ��, , _.,�\,. ,, _. .. , -•~� � ,� � -' ,�, �� _ <br /> _,, :. �.. _ <br /> , _ ..� = <br /> . --- <br /> .. _ <br /> �.d..,�, ,_ <br /> .... - -.. . .. ..__:.....____..._. - •-�- <br /> .�... .. . . _ _ .. <br /> . _ . • - �;�:�: <br /> � __ ��� �.o�o8�r ��:� :���y� <br /> . . 'i'(KIEi7'HI?N WITfI e�lllhr.itnprovcmcnts naw ur hr.:cuftcr�!nn thc prupe�ty,uud tdi aiisrmenty, np�u�te�i+��u:•:��and -` _- _ <br /> :.�; ° � . fititu�:� �����v �,n c�rcuftt�r n pa�t uf ihr peopetty, AU «piucements un�l nd�lUiauv �hnll ulsu hu ruvice��l hy thi.r �ecurity , . .. . - r,= <br /> � Instruntenl. All of tho ti►rc�uio�;i� refcrr�:d tu In thls tiirurl�y Inr•Innnent c�4 thr "N�•upcity." . � . <br /> lIQI3RU�Yl?[t Ct�VI�NAN't'ti that Rurn��vcr iv l:��vi'uliy tioiti�d ul'Ih<<ytult herchY cuttvoy�d iutd ht��Ihc:��i��M t�►�;r.►nt und . � ,. <br /> . ��nvcy iNc �'m�r�y c�nd thut thc Pruperty Ix uncnc�mhrn�l. excrpt f�,e��ucumhmures ui'rccord. 13�a'rnw�:r �wrer�ntx and will - , <br /> .. .. defi:nd�enrrully ihe titic tu the Pm�xrty t��;uinwt u114'I1lIIli9 Al1lI al`Illl!lUI9. siih►rct ta�u�y eacumhrunccti of rrcurd, . .. _ _ <br /> .° '� .. . . TIIIS Sk+t'l1RI�'Y INSTEtUMf:N'1'cunildu�.r• wtif��rin 4ovcnams li�t nuUunul usc und nutt•uuifi►rm ruvcns�ni+tv11h timitcc! ` , � <br /> _ vuriattuny by Jurirdicli�n� tu consUtutc ii um t�um sccuri ty IIIV lRll l ll`O l Ct 1 V1 I 1 1 1�; I�d i �h�l`1�I�I y'. ( ... .'--. -----. <br /> UNIFORM C:OVLiNAN'I;S. I�turotvcr nnd l.�nd�rr��vcaaint un�l ugrcc ur ii+Uuwti: . . <br /> . 1. Pt�ymc��! uf 1'rencipitl und L�ttinst: {'Ycpuymcnl und I.i�tc t'hu�ry;�w. Burn►wrr �hadl pr��n�pUy pny whro .lu� thc � , ., .. �. . <br /> �� princlpAl af itnd intcrest un th�:dcbt uvi�tcnccJ hy thc Nutc i�nd uny pr4puyinrnl t�nd lutc rhurgrs dur undcr thr Natc. <br /> ' Z. l�'uncis fur '�'ox�w imd li�tiuruncc. SubJcrt to iip�lirahlc It�w ur ta +i wrilten waivcr Ny�d�r. Hu�ruwcr yhnU puy to <br /> l.endee��n thc diiy manthly {�i►ymcnts+uc duc undc�th�Nute, until the N��tc is puid in full,u suu�("I�unds"► li�r. (u)ycurty tuxey <br /> nnd�axcssments which muy uttiiin priority uvcr Ihis tirrurUy Instrununt uv a licn un thc Nrup�rty; Ibl ycurly Icii�chuld p:rymcnts t <br /> ur�ruuad rents un 1h4 Proprrty,il imy;(cl ycarly ha,eard ur prupc�tiy insururmc premiums: (d)yrurly i'lund insurnnrr prcmiumv, � <br /> • If any; (e) ycnrly m��rtgugc insurancc prcmiurns, if any; ���a v�a��y sumti payublc hy [�orruwcr tu Lcndcr, in ureurduncc with <br /> .. tha provisi��ns of parngruph 8. in licu��F thc p,►ymcnt uP�nurtt:agc insurunr�:prcmium.r•. 'Phrsc itrmr arr ci►Ilccl "F.scrow Itcros." I <br /> l.cndcr muy, iit uny time, c��U�.�:t und hi�ld Funds in an umatmt nut tu cxrccd thc maximum umuunt i� Icndcr for u i'�dcrully <br /> rcls�tcd m��ri�agc Ioim muy rcyuirc iiu Rarruwcr's cscniw acc��unt undcr thc tcdcrul Rcul Es�utc Sctticmcnt Prurcdurc+ Act of ( <br /> 1974 its amcndcKl f'rum linzc tu timc. 12 U.S.C. Scction �601 e�sr��. ("RFSPA"), unlcss anothor luw thut upplics t��ihc Funds <br /> • scts a IcYSCr wnuuut. If so, lxndc� may, iu any timc, c��llcct und hnld Fundti in ;m umuunt nut tu cxccc�l ►hc Icsscr um��unt. � ; <br /> � l.cndcr muy cstint;ticc thc umuunt��f Fundx duc on thr husis uf rurnnt data i�nd reaxunublr estimatrti uf cxpcnditures�d'futurc ; • <br /> 6.v�►v�v �tc�ns ar rehcr���itic in uccorcittncc�vith i�pplicaAlc Inw. � . .' <br /> • '6Y.ze Fun�i�� s[�a't h�� b.cld in un insdluliim whusc Jr{x+�its arc insurcd by a tcdrn�l ugrnry, inxtn�mcntulity. ��� cntity � .. • <br /> �i��luding I..endcs.if l.�nu�r is ss�tE�an intidtutian)i�� in�v�y Ftrlcral Hrnnc l.aun I3ank. l.cndcr.hull upply thr Fundy tu puy thc i , <br /> 6scruw Items. Lrintar mi�y m�t r�2ar�e rx�►7�*.�cr ti�r holding and upp lying,t hc Funds.;�nnuu l ly una ly z i n g t hc e s u r a w u c c u u n t,u r ; <br /> vcrifying thc k:srn�w ltcros, �n?c��Lcndcr�.���s Burruwcr intcrest��n tha M1r.nd�und.y���licablc luw prrniils LAnder tu makc su�h � <br /> . o churga Huwevcr, L.cndcr n�v r�quirc ti���•ruwcr t�� puy n unc•timo rhargc ii�r im imt���ndcnl �cul c�lulc t.�x r���rtln��crvicc <br /> ' . used Ny l.cndcr i� conncrtiun �vith thix loun. unlcss upplic.iblc law pruvidos uthcr�visc. Unlcyti aa u;;recmcnt i� mndc or - <br /> nppUcablc luw rcquin:.r•intemst cu bc paid, lAndcr xh:ill not bc rcquircd tu pay Bi�rruwcr any intrre�l ur carnings rn thc Funds. ' <br /> Barruwcr und l.cndcr muy a�;rcc in w�iting, haw�vcr,thnt intrrest shull Nc puid on thc Funds. l.rndrr shall givo lu Rurruwcr, , <br /> �vith�ut churgc, tm �innual ttccounting ut'thr Nundr. rhowin� rredit�and dcbitx tu thc Funds;tnd thc pumi�.0 far �vhinc �ach <br /> ' dcbit tu thc Funds wus muJc. '1'hc Funds arc plcd�cd+�s addi�ii�nal xccurily for all sums scrured by thia Sccurity Instrumcnt. <br /> •- ---. _ <br /> If thc Funds hcld hy l..�mier cxcccd the mnuuntti perntittcd ta he hrld hy .ipplicabl4 law, l.cndcr tih.ill tucaunt tu I�arro�ver <br /> - -- - - - <br /> - _ei<<i�it�ra : ...... <br /> far thc excetis Ft�nds in uccordancc with thc rcquircmm�ts of�ippliran►c 1uw. �i�hc amnunt of[hc �undr h�t y y — - <br /> timc iti nnt sui'ficicnt t��p��y thc Escrmv Iwms whcn aluc, lAndcr muy,a notil'y Aurru«•cr in«•ritinE. ;end, in such cusc Rurruwcr , <br /> shull puy to l.cndee thc um��unt nccrssur}• ti,uiuk� up thc dciicirncy. Brrmwcr shall makc up thc d�ticioncy in nu nwrc than , <br /> _ - t�1CIvC qlonlhly p:lyAlCOtti.Ql Lc�lUcr�s suic�ii,crciiun. : - -- - <br /> Upi�n pi�ymcnt in fuU �•f all .unts +ccurcd h�• thi. Sccurity In�tn!m�nt. l.rndrr .h;►ll prutnptiy ret�und tu Q��rrc�wcr uny <br /> Fundc hcld hy I,�ndcr.lf, undc�•parii�ruph 21. l.cnil�r sltull ticquir4��r�rll ch� Pruprm•, l.cndcr,prior lu th�ucqui�itic�n ar,ulc <br /> of thc Pmpcny. �hal1 appl} ��m• runds hcld hy ut thr timc of ar�ui�iti�in ur sulr,is a rr�dit uguinst thc sumx sccured hy. <br /> this Sc�urity Inst�zimcnt. <br /> 3. Appllcaeia��n�F iP�n,��sats. Unlc+s upplir.�hlc law pruvidcti�+th4rwiw, all paymenl.rcccivcd hy l.endcr undcr paragruph. <br /> I :�nd 2 shull bc appti�vf: tirsc. t�i any prcpuvmrnt rhiirges�te,c undcr thc N�,te: ,crnn�i. a���muun�s puyublu undce �aru±'.ruph z: <br /> third, to intcres�duc: ti,urtB. ��,r���.��al duc: und lutit. tu;.any� lutc charge�duc undr�•thr Notc. <br />. � 4. Churgt�s; I.icns. 8i�rrowcr shull pay ull tuxeti, :assrs.mcnts, rhargcx, linrti und impu,itiuns attrihutublc la Ih� I'ruperty <br /> which ntuy tittuin priority uvcr thi� Sccurity Imtrununt, and I�auhuld paynunts ur t.ruund ren�.. �c'any. surru�vcr �hall pay <br /> � thcsc ohHgations in thc munncr pn�vidrd in pariigruph 2. �,r if nut paid in thut tnanncr, fiurri����cr.ha!1 pay them un tim�dircrtly . <br /> to the persi�n awed puyment. 8nrr��wer.hull prumptly fiuni,h t�� I.endcr uU nutiru.��1'amiiunt� �u he puid undrr ihis parugruph. <br /> lf Bnrrowcr mukcs thcsc p:►ymcnts �lircctly. f3urr��wcr.hal! �n,mptly turnish t�� ncciplti cvidc��ring 1hr paymcnts. <br /> Ro�ro�vcr shall prumpcl}•di�chargc any li�n a�hich t�:t.4 t'ii�ril�'��t•Ct thiti Sorurit� Im�rumrat w�leti.Burru��•cr: (u) agrc�s in <br /> writing tc�thc p�iymcnt ui�Ihe uhligutiun ���urad hy� thc licn m:���r+nn<r ac�crtablc tti�Lrnd�r: (b)ranusts in guixl Puith tho licn <br /> by, i�r defend+ u�ainsi rnli�rcem;nt �,f �ha lion in. Ic�al pruccrJin�. ���hirh ia the�ter'. r�+isii�,n nperatc tu p��vent the <br /> � � cniorccmeut of thc licn: i,r(r)sccurc� trom thc huldcr rl thc lirn an agrccmrnt,:ai.i'a�:un•tu Lrndcr suh�,rdinuting thc licn ti� <br /> • this Sccurity lnstrument. !t'Lcndcr drtcrmincti thut ;�n� �ar� uf thc Prupcny i,+uh�rct[�� a lirn ��hi;h muy a�eain �ri��rity� uvcr <br /> this Sccurity Instrumcnt, lAn�lcr muy�;ivc Narrn��•cr a naii�r idcnlif)•in�;�h� li�n. liurr�����rr�hatl .ati,t)•the li�n��r lukr unr ur <br /> marc ui�thc.�rliuns sct funh ahi,�•���•ilhin 10�lu��� ��I Ihc gi�•in� �,1 n�ui��. <br /> i 1 <br /> Form 3028 9'9� <br /> • P.ry�a 1 a�b <br /> .�{ <br /> 1 <br />.! <br /> 1 <br /> � � <br /> 1 <br /> '' � <br />... �1.. . __- <br />