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I� . � ' . ��� ����l1Sl��� -- – –_- _.�___. <br /> ' 9.r�a��.�ut� or l�sc�omo e nt���y �o nnX pxqaead�.ng ar �ul.� �,t� n crmu�t �� <br /> � ' �.�" �i'�` t b�nkxup�oy n� ��obe�to �� ��ha� �auz� aP genexe:� nx �.im�.�esd �ux�.e+� <br /> --_- __ <br /> - - - ��� d�.a�3�fl, a3.� ex eaee� �eci ��8�� pge��xlly �.n�a�txred by ae�d �r�ae�oe <br /> _ _ `5" b7C UtI�.CI �Ifr��t'���,Q�AY� (�UB�Ua�.rl� 7�:6EiH011tiLlQ.i �ul�:�t1Y:IlEi�/8� �HBd� �kl�f� vY -- — - -- <br /> _:_ �.�uuaeRAd � st�l,c� ��u�Ce� ox H�rFCe�',iei <br /> .. . -- -�. �► a�s�y in me4n�as�.n9�ng• Lsraggc�rutiing -- <br /> .-.� s;1.;= O� t�Q�E7ltit�3.fl� euah �roa�a�3nr� r�r �,���oo��.r+� the�.�u �ea�a���.�a ��.�h�a - _ _-- -- - <br /> �.�.�,t'�-.�., _ _- ��rnl3EldFi*_' �hall he �..n additir3n�1 �eb� �€�u�€:€� �y �h�� t�::€� e� T�t��� <br /> j�, " �� �;. in l�ko mannor wi�h �ho prinaipa� debt h�r+�ia deevribed� (n) <br /> 8one�ia9.ary, ox ite ugen�e, rop�oeeetative o� workmen, are n�xthor� --��-�-- <br /> ' ��M• .'•T n ` ixed �n en�ar a� any ror�aonnblo t;lmo upon or �.n any �art o� tho <br /> ��-�� � � prnpnr�X for �he purpoed o� �he eumo and fos tha putpoee <br /> � ���,�._ � � of porForming any ofl tha acste �t Se authosiza�d to poxform uader �he <br /> .-.,;� . tormc� o� thio Dorad o� Truo�� (�) uny Porbeor�nnao by Bonafiaie►s�yr ox - <br /> �� , �� .� � Trus��ee in oxorcieing any r�.ght or remedy hereut�der, as othsrwiee � <br /> � a�forded by ap�liaablo law, ehull no� bo a waitivar o� or prealude <br /> . tlae exezoiee� o� sny euoh right or remody hornundor� a,im:ller�.X, �he <br /> waiv��r by Denefiai.ary or T�ruo�oa of uny da£�tult o� True�or under -------- -- <br /> • . �hie Deed o� Truat oha].1 not be deemed a w�ivor aP any other or � <br /> � � '. oimilar de�aulta oubeoguenbl,y ocaurringp (g) exteneion o� ��ho �im� - <br /> . for payment or modiFica�ion or funortization o� the eume �.aaured by <br /> , thid Doad ai True� !!� <br /> granted by Beae:�ioiary ta any euac�esar 9.n -- <br /> , � interaet o� Truetor ehall no� operate �o xeleaea, in aay mannor the � <br /> � liability of tho original Truetor and Truetor'e 4uvcsesaor in - <br /> . in�orest. Benefiaiary ehall nat be raqui�ad �n aommence pxoaeed- - --- <br /> • inge againet auoh euooeeeor or r�fuea to extend the tiane �or � --- <br /> � payment or otherwiae madi�y amor�iza�ion oP tha e�uma and indcabted� ��-i <br /> � neee eevured by this D�ed of Truet by rea�on oP any demaad made by ��,=---- <br /> the ariginal Trustor and Truetor'e euaoear�oro ia i�tioxaet� (h) `'=----- -- <br /> . ivithout affeoting �he liabili�y nP �he Truetor or any o�her peroon �����. <br /> , liabla �or the paXmen� o� the obligations and indebtodneee aeaured �±�'+��� <br /> by thie Deed oY Trus�, and without ��#ea�ing the lioa or oharge oP �`��- �� <br /> ._., _ <br /> tlzis Deed oP Truat upon any �ortion of the Prcperty not tihari or = _,�Q .�� <br /> __ thereto�ore rela�aed ae eeourity Por tD�e Pu�i� ���� .,� ��.i u���,� ��".;�, <br /> . obligatione, BenePic.iazy may, from time to tima r�nd withaut notioe ' �"��� <br /> (i) zeloaea any perean ao liable, (ii) ex�end the maturity or alter `�� .�� ` <br /> any o:� �he tierma of any euoh obligation, (�,�.i) qrant other indul- � ,"� <br /> -. geaoea, tiv� ra�.paae Qa� xevonvey, or �auae to be releaeed or �-°y�'='-- <br />, � reoonveyed at any tim� at BenefiaiaL�y'e option any parcel, por�ion <br /> � or aZl of the Proper�y, (v� take oc release any ather or additional . ��"� <br />•, eeoux+ty for any abligation ar indobtodnees herein �rten�tioueci, �� � <br /> (vi) make compositiona or o�her arraagomoato wi�h debfiore in �� :: -- <br /> relatian �hereto; (i) in add:l�ion to the righte and powere givon L•o '•��--- <br /> the Truatae and HonePiaiary hexei.n, the eene�iaiary shall have all � <br /> euah other righ�a botih in law and �qui�y far colleotiori of the � =�':w <br /> indebtednees seoured heraby as it would have but for thie De�d af <br /> Truot� (1� all covettants and agreemen*A �f Trnti4•.r�. �et fbx�h in • <br /> this Deed At Txuat ehall be �oin� and sev�ral f (k) �hi� Deed of <br /> Trur�t ehall ba qoverned by �he lawa of the State of Nebraeka, (1) , • <br /> in Che evon� any one or mor.a of the pravia�.one aontained in �hia <br /> Daed a� Trus�, or thQ No�e ar any ather aeaur�,ty inatrumenC given � • <br /> ia aonneotion with �he indeb�edneea hereby aeaured ehall for any <br />� , reaecan bm held ta be invalid, illegal or unan�araeable in any � <br />� reapeat, ouoh invalidity, illegality, or unenPorceability ahall, at � <br /> thn upLion af Denafioiary, n�.t a�Snui. auy other pravision of this � � <br /> � I � . <br /> , � <br /> . <br />_ � � -- ---- - - - - i <br /> �, ' <br /> � <br /> ; • • <br /> '�� �, <br /> �R <br /> � � <br /> • ... <br /> � , , , , � , ' <br /> � <br /> ' �. . <br />