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" y �r�yabla� (i� �hat if tho Proparty c�r any pa�rt <br /> .. m �: ar , bohoma duo r�nd <br /> ' � �-�"' ���`� . � �r paraol �horea� eha11 be tmken or damaged under �he powex of <br /> -��. _ eminc�nt dama�.n, the eraArd iPor any Propertx 90 teken or demaged <br /> , :�,�q.#:�� � (inal�iding eovoranaa diamagee �o the remAining prem3.aeaj ehal]. be <br /> �.._• �� paid to the B�ne�iui�xy Rr�d E1����.0t� �Yl �u�� ��: �:i pnr� ai: the --_��-- <br /> fi �-��� �= o tion oP tha HonePicia in reduo�ion oE the in�ebtedneee he�eb <br /> �. � � hr � P �Y Y <br /> ,�:,� .� ,.� ,•.;, , eacurec�� (�� that tha Bono�ioiary ehc►11 ha►ve �ho r�.gl�t to inepeat <br /> _ . �ha Property at ouah saaoonable timea ae �he 8onefiaiary mcty daeir.e <br /> , �-' . to detormine Truo�or�s oom�liancse with the covpnanta aontained in <br /> '""�' ' thie Doed a� Truet� (k) thst the Hene�ioiai�r ma�y ro�eaee fsom tho <br /> . • ` � lien hereo� any parL• or paroel og �ha Property without requirinc� - <br /> - atny aoneideration therefox, and (1) that Truetar �a lawfu�.ly eei2ed <br /> • , of eaid promieoe and Proper�y in �e0 eimplo, that the eame are� ��ea <br /> , Prom all li4no and enoumbranaeo oxvept aa may o�herwioe bo ep�a�l��.- <br /> . aally noted horein or waived in w�i�ing by the HeneEio�.arY9 tha� <br /> • Truetor will oxeoute or proaure any �ur�her neveeeary aeourannoe o� <br /> . . title and doee haroby warrat�� ge�►e�a11y t�he ��,��,e �a ea�.d Propert�r - <br /> . f�rever dofend the eamo r�guinet th� olaime and damande aY a11 <br /> ' pereoae whomeoevar, aad ths� Truetor�o eepnrate eetate, wheChar <br /> � veated, oontinc�ent or ia expeotanay, ia hereby ooa�vayed and Tzuetor � <br /> _ . ____-��-- _ _ doea hereby expraeoly waive, release ail righte and be�e��t� o� �y _ <br /> homeetead, dowez, ourteey, appraiaoment, exemption and st�y lawa �f <br /> thie atate. It ie agreed �ha� the intereat provided �or in <br /> � eubsoat�iaa (qj above ehall bo at �he sama rate ae epaai��.ad in the -- <br /> Note aeaurecl hereby p� �tt� psia�g�,A�a �he�eoE a�ter default and — <br /> -. _ ,:_ _ _ . . _. _ <br /> . . . .. __-�� <br /> - maturity. "-- . - _ <br /> �.�,ST <br /> r.��� <br /> ' � . fl�c'O�IDa Tn the event Trustor, without the prior ��ritten <�� � - -- <br /> ' '� " a�neent o� Benefieiary ehall sell, transfer or oonvey c+r oontraot - - -- _ - <br /> ,� �o ee].l, tranef�r or oonvey the Propexty, or any par� �hereof or ��•�r <br /> : any in�eree� �herain, the en�ire balanoo oP tho indebtednese hereby '} ��� <br /> s. �h..r.. <br /> � seaured ohall boaome r�nd be immediately due and payable at tho • ���`-� <br /> � option oP Henefioiar�r� provided, however, BonePiaiary may waive ,�r1�=�� <br /> eaah aption �o acaa].arate i�, prior to euah Aale, tranefer or � ��:�'*�i�6- <br /> ., aonvoyanae or oontraat therA�or, Bene�ia.iary and �he pereon to whom v<<<; �� <br /> � tho property ia to ba eald or tranererred reaah an agreement ia ° �•: <br /> � , wri�ing �hat the credit o! auch pereon ie aetiefaatory �a �en�£iei- <br /> ary and tha� �ha intereet payable on the eums oeoured by �hie Deed <br /> , of Truet shall be a� auah rate aa HenePiaiary ahall reyueat. ' � � <br /> ! T ��tDt Ae PurCher socurity for the payment oF the Note and <br /> , th� indebtedne8s thereby a�i�enaad and tlid �dL�ur,ur�iiad �f aYl o� " <br /> 3 <br /> -_ ' _'_—_'_'--'— ''__ L _... .._ _...' '__' _' <br /> � . <br /> 1.,• <br /> .. ' �, • • . <br /> � <br /> . '11 .�� . , , � <br /> 1 " , <br /> ' . <br /> f <br /> ._ �; <br /> �` ' ' , <br /> � � <br /> : ,. i . . , . . ' � 1 <br /> - . , <br /> __ .. .4- • - ' • <br />