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f <br /> ' � 99- s�s18y <br /> EXHIBIT "A" <br /> Lot lrventy-four (24) and a tract of land comprising a part of Lot 'Itventy-three (23), more <br /> particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said Lot lrventy-three <br /> (23), thence westerly, along and upon the south line of said Lot 1�venty-three (23), a distance <br /> of One Hundred Fifty-two and Thirty-nine (15239) feet to the northwest corner of Lot <br /> 1�venty-four (24), Hidden L.akes Subdivision Number Four; tlience detlectin� ri�;lit 173°19'15" <br /> and running easterly, a distance of One Hundred Forty-ei�;ht and 1�venty Seven Hundredths <br /> (148.27) feet to a point on the east line of said Lot 'lrventy-three (23), said point also being a <br /> point on a curve; thence southerly, along and upon the east line of said Lot T�venty-three (23) <br /> and also being along and upon the arc of u curve to the left whose radius ls 170 feet, a distance <br /> of Elghteen and One liundredths (18.01) feet (long chord distance 18.00'-lons chord del]ects <br /> rlght 80°07'00" from the previously described course) to the point of beginnins, all in Hldden <br /> I.akes Subdivision Number Four,Hall County,Nebraska. <br />