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- --� _ �. �'. (/ .� ,ti �,-..-, r r . ` - ' - -- ' , '! ' " __ _,_�. <br /> n 'o. --...-.+r±.', c' <br /> �_ y M1__ r�.,�. _ <br /> . , n a��. <br />- � �� ...-�. w...: ..o_..__�.w._�L.�...�...��:1_+.._.r_.._.+ �..�...�._.____.._;.:5.�_:.Yi.. 1�.M.iCY2?t.'L�n3�._.�. � . . . . .�_..._-_.___a).c�r-`aamcmi __— --_.. <br /> . ...�.. __ _ <br /> ' . _..' '- ' <br /> .�'--`—�.� �ai:�`�..E-.'-_�.��'_�� ._.""__. -._..._..:- . -=:" <br /> -� 9�� �����Q -.-- - _ <br /> . �;--�---__�,.� tb:rin�i9 dta��l.endee requir�n. '1'he la��uranca��arrlcr prc+vidinu the ins�rnr.ra ehc�p t►a cha.;en hy Ron•ua�cr eub rct tv Lcuderb � _ --- <br /> � -- • nppn�vnl�vhEch sha�l not h�t!nee:►gnnnhly tti�lthheld. ►f Hi+rrc��eer fnih to maintain rmrrzgr dc�crf�tt atsa�•e,L�ndes may�at �.���._�_....-_-- . - <br /> _ 1_endcrk��ptiun,oUtc�lt�r.nverar�tn p�utcct Lcndcrt�ri�htx i�Iho Nroperty in necardnitco�vi�h pc�rnaraph 7. <br /> = All in,u�•;mco pc�liriev nnci ecn�wi�iH Fhal)ho ncc�pl�ibt�to L.endc�mtd yhnll lnrlu�le o etundnni n�onLta�'o rluuse. l,�r�der �'� <br /> _ — - . shall hn��e the eight to hoid thc palictev und renownlx. If Lcndcr rcqu{res,pu�TUw�r ai�all�rc�mptly wlve to Lender i�ll recelptv - <br /> - u�patd prcniiun�5 nnd tr.nnwid natices, ln tho avcnt�f loas.Honowcr shall giv�o prompt notico to tho lnsurw�cp ci►�7I�r��nd -.-�� `�`-� �:-- - <br /> - l.e�Hlur. lxn�lee inuy�nuke�►rcu+ti��f Ms�If twe tttaclo�rampt}y by Barrnwer. --�-� <br /> , � UnkSS l.encler and�oma�ti�cr atherw}ae agree In writing,itr.;uranro�rocccdo sh�li tx�nppiied to restoiatia�i or►��puir ut -° -- - <br /> .� <br /> ° � M - thv !'iro�crty dnmuF;ed, if tho restoration oe c+epnir is cxonumicnliy few,ible�uid L.endc�k �:ef���ity i� nc+! Ic�sened. If We .� _.- _---__ <br /> �`�""' msturcufnn ar m�air ia nat cc�namicntty fen!,iblo ur I.ondcrla ticcu�ity would ho Icssened, �ho insurnncc pr�ceeds sl�idl be <br />. ' "�' �� • �►ppUed t��thc eums sccured by thi9 Sticurhy Tnstnro�ent, w6other ur nat dicn due. with c►ny exce5y paid ta Bnrrowea Ii -� <br /> " ��*;� _- [lurmwcr i�hnndimv tho Pruperty,nr docs nrn ans�ver wtthin 30 duya n notice from Lrn�trr thiit thc lnsuruncc cnr�lcr has - - <br /> �;�3 ��{ �r .'� uffored tu�;etNo n cluim,lhen[.ender moy callect tho lnxurunco preceeds. I,ender mny usu thc pruceedv to ro�nir ur n:storo �°�'b <br /> =�- ��-�� tho F'r�perty nr ta pay num�tic�urcd by Ihle Security Instrumrnt,wheUic�ar not ehcn due. Thv 3U-dny perlod w�ll begin whcn � ������'-�' <br /> � _ `�-�"�'- thu nuUcu ia pfven. �� — - <br /> � � �" Unicss'�.ender nnd Harrawcr athonvl�e a�m��in wdting,imy iippIiciuiun of prucceds to principul shull nnt oxtenQ nr ���'`��� ` �- <br /> i/ .�,�N.� , �,4, ;,,, ' pustpane th�duo di�to af thc muntf�ly payments refe,ned to in p��rii�mphy 1 nnd 2 or el�unt;o tho nmount af the pnymentv. If �_� -- <br /> / � a �,, 'F under paragrnph 21 the Propeny ia iicNuired by l,cnder,Hnrrawerk right w nny insurance palicicw nnd pra;ccds rasuUin� ;__ __ <br /> x`'� �'��' � t'rum ci�imugo tn tho Aropeny prinr ti�the ncqui�iNan ahidl pUSS to Lender to the extent af tho,ums secu�ed by thiv Serurity '� - <br /> ,;; _ � ` �' Instrurncnt imnudii�trly prlar to tho acquiAition. '. '�' _ ____ <br /> ' -�� r �� 6. Occupnncy, P�esc�v�tlon, MnlntenAnco nnd Protectton uf Ihe Prupertys Harmwcr'A l.nnn AppllcuHon; i�;, _ <br /> • ,� Leiisehuldy. �nrrower shull occupy.etitnhlixh.iind uso tho�aporty ay 8nrrrnverk princi{�al�ugidencc wlthin xixly duy�+ufter • • <br /> �J � ' the executlun oP this Security Inscrument imd r�huU candnuo ta accupy the Prapeny ax aurn�wcr4�principul rasidnnro for at — <br /> ' Iei►st uno year iifter tho dnte af accupuncy. untes�; I,ender nthenvlse ngreov in writing. which consent �;hc�lt nnt be � �'"�'-`�� <br /> ; • , unrentianiihly witl�held,ar unless extenuuting circumsuinceti uxixt which aro boyond Barruwer4;rontral. Rarr�wer shnl) nnt � <br /> �-. <br /> - destroy,dumugo or impuir the Propeny.uilaw tho Propeny ta deterinri�te,or commit wnxtc on thv Property. Barrawor hhi�U � � � = <br /> - he(n dofault it'nny forfeituro uetfon or praceeding,whethe�clvU ar c�iminul,iti begun thut lo l.ende�4 gaxi fuith Judgmant <br /> c�uld result in fnrfcitu�u �f the Property ar atherwlso mntrrlally impuir tho Hen cremed hy thia Sccuriry Instrument or <br /> � , � L.enderk secur�ty interoyl. Hnrrawcr mny cure such n dcfault nnd n�inytmo,us pravidcd in pi�rug�aph 1 K,by ri�uging the�icNon � ��t -,;,,,,m <br /> •• or procecding to be dismitised wlih u ruling thut,in l.endork��xxi fi�ith determinntlun,precludeti forPoitura of the Buna�verk '.;A:�; <br /> „ � imerost in Ihc I�npchy or n�her mzueriid lmpairmcnt af the lien creuted by thiy Security Inr•trument ar I.cndcrS ticcu�ity � • `� - <br /> : interesl. Hanwwcr hhnll ultia bo ln defuult if �urrawer, durin� ihe loun applicutian prc�cesy, g.rvo materiully f'ulrc ar ����� <br /> � � inuccu�nte lnfimnadcn ur stcnementr�ta Lender(or fniled ta pmvide l.end�r wlth uny rnnterlul informutian)in cnnnecdrni with ;;�-.;,�� <br /> . thr I�nm evldenced by the Nate, including, but nat limited to, reprosentutlany cuncerninp� ponower4 accupnncy ai' the , , � <br /> Pru�x ny i�ti u principi�l mxidenco. If thle Securlty Imtrumcnt is on ii Icaschaid,8nrrawur slu►II comply with i�ll thc provision� ". ",�� <br /> � of'tho lca+e. !f pnnower acquircti f'cc tillc to tho Property,ihv Icuschuld und thu Pco titte 4hull not merge unic�ti L.endcr ngrces �t�r=-- <br /> t�+ihu nmrger in wridng. , .. �. ;� <br /> � � � � 7. Protcclion oP I.endcr'.v Righ!!► in thc i'roport,v. If I�annwcr faily tn�x:rf�rm �he covcnimtx und agnemrntc � _� �� <br /> .. -.-- - «unaine�! in t�is Set:su!!y ls�tru�ns, nr therc 3x � Isga! }ncx,r�ding that rnny s{�nifle�iniiy t1IYC{:I LCtt(IC�S ryshts in the ---- �:. <br /> Pruperty�such m i�prncceding in bnnkniptcy,proNnto,Q�r ecmdem�c�dnn nr farfeiture or to enforee luwy ar rcgulutian�),thcn <br /> l.endcr mny do nnd�ury far wNc+tevcr iv ncccssury ta protccl �he vi�luc af Ihu Praperty i►nd Lendcr� rights in Iho Prupony. � � -:�' <br /> � l.end�>r�uctiuu�nu►y incluiie Nuvin�uny numti,ecured by n lien which hriti pri��rity��ver thir+Security lntitrumont,uppea�inA _ _ ..__ ,� . =_ <br /> - {r��iu�,i,riyiii��ru,anabtc uii��moys'fces ana enterin� on thc t1'operiX la mnke rupuira. Alti�ough l.onder m�►y�nkc+ iicqion , . .:. `• �- � <br /> � - -� ' undcr thia purug�nph 7,I.endcr dcus not hnvc to do sa. � � <br /> Any:�mounts di+hurxed by Lcnder undcr this parngn►ph 7�hull hec��me uddiN�mnl dcht i�f pc�rrn�ver secured by Ihi4 � <br /> .. Sccurity Instrument. Unless B��rrower nnd I.cnder ug�cu a►��thor tcm��of payment,�hesc�unuuntw+hnll bei►r interest frnm the . -- <br />, , � dut�ut'diyburticmrnt ut thc Ni�to rmc nnd yhull hc poyuhlo, wUi►lntcrrrt,upon ���dce from l.cndcr tu Burr��wer rc��ucstinb <br /> • p��ymcnt. <br /> d, MortKugc lnsu�uncc. IP l,rncicr rcqtdred mnngn�;c Intiurunco ns u cuudlUun uf muklnH thc loan ticcurcd hy thig • <br /> . Security ln�tn�ment, H��rrc��ver r:hail �ay thu prcmium.r• �cquircd tu malnt,�iu �hc �rnri-tya�;� i�i.urun�c lu uffccl. If. fur ui�y - <br /> , � rec�son, ihc mortgagc intiurc�nce coveri�t;c �equired hy Lendrr lupsc� ��r cca,c. to he in effrct, E1��r�awcr eh►ill puy �ho � � <br /> prcmlums rcquired t�� obtuin cavonigc substuntially cNulvnlcnt tu thc mun�;u�c in�urnnrc provl��u�ly in effi�rt, ut u cntil . ' � <br /> huhraintinlly c�uivulont u�thc cost to 8urr�+wcr uP thc mon�;ugc insurancc prevluu�ly in cfl'cct.tinm un altcrni�lc nlortgugu <br /> insurur uppravrd by Lendcr. If::uhs�undailly c��tdvulcnt mongugc intiunmcr. covc�ugc ir not�wailuhlc,Barrc�wcr shnli pay m �' ' <br /> . l.endc�ciich munth rNulA tu��nc•twclfth of ihc yeurly mort�zabc intiur.mcc premium hcin�raid hy 8onnwcr whcn thc <br /> � In�urnnci��•�w��rnge Inp�ed��r�ei��rd tu hc in eftect, l.endcr��•ill accept,use:ind rrtain thcrc payrocut+a,;�lus,r�,��vo in Ilcu <br /> � } ' . of'mnn�a►ge insurimcc. Li�sv r�srrve pi�ymenh muy nc� lc�n�;cr he rcyuirrJ. ut thc opti�m i+f I.rndrr, if mortguge lnsurunce <br /> cuvcri��;u lin�hc aunuunt mtd ti►r the perlud that l.endcr reNuiresl pruvlded hy un inruror�ippruvrd by Lcndor uFiiin hecnmcs <br /> mcdluhlu nnd i�ahti�lned.Hurruwcr�hall p�ry thc prcmlumr•rc���dre�l t��muin�uin mangu�c in�iu�unce in cfPrrt.��r tu pruvidu u <br /> li�s�rc+crve.until the rrquirrmrnt ti�r murtguyc inrurimcc cndti In ucrurdunru with amy wri�tcn uprrumen�tu�twcen Hnrraw��r <br /> � und l.ender��r upplicuhlc luw. <br /> '� ,,, 9. In9pectlan. Lendcr ur its u�cnt mny mukc reuu,nuhlr cnirir� upun im�in,prctium �+1'thu Yroperty. I.undcr tihull <br /> givc I�orrowcr nuticc ut thc�imr uf c�r pria�t��i�n im�cd�m spccifying r�r���,nahlr cui�ti�fur ihr lm wr�i�m. <br /> ,. .; . 10. CandemnuUon. Thc pnxccdti vf cmy awiird ur cluim li�r damu�c�,dirrct i�r ci,nticyucat�iil,in amnrrtion with��ny <br /> � SinpleF.imlly-•F'��nnleMuc/FredAlu111nciI,y1F0lt�tl�ti"1'It1�11M:N'1'..I�um,nn('uvennnt, 9/90 i�u�.qc!��/np,�g�•e� �r — <br /> � ��rc.�t ta►ra Ru.inru�Yumn.lnc.■ I <br /> Tn Ilnkr f,tll t•Iftq's7U031Ki U YAX f116%UI•I l:q ( <br /> ' • ! <br /> ---—-'�- ----- <br />.._. _. `��_—� .................... ..,.... L. . . ._ _ ' _ _ <br /> � _ . . � ; , ' , • <br /> 1, , <br /> . �. , <br /> �tl <br />. i n � . <br />. � . � <br /> .{� + � j1. - ' � ' <br /> k4 1. , , . . . �. <br /> • �. <br /> � � 1 <br /> �}' . ( . <br /> 1L�.�_ ' � <br />