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<br /> - � �� � Nie Licensea's salo risk, T�►� L.Icens�G I►c:rc�y wnivea i�s�y clnUn for dams�gea�i�ni�at t�ie • , � ;',_,�
<br /> ''�_ _ , l.teaatsar� it� afficer�� c�nploy��y� �Aeuts anci independent contr�etars for �ny da»auge o�� -- - -
<br /> rT ,;_ ` - ._`� it�jury tLat �iay result tt� st�icl impruvem�nt. If th� �icensor. i�a i�n saln dl��rc�t�a. _ _
<br /> � d:.t�:mitt�s tl�at sny part oe ell c�f t�� iqnrr�vc�m�nt must t�o remaved or i�dauia�ed by tlt�+ �:_ : _. _
<br /> � ..- - - � �,icensor,its employces�t��;ei�is� o�i7�le�andent catitxact4r;�v�rkin�fc�t�t�►� t.�CP,R5�1�t�'.!!'tl:� � ,- _--.--
<br /> � _ � � ttte course�f thvir cmplayn9ent or d�►tdes��itfi the: L.11`CA9UY, the Licenaee a�r�cq to ussudn�r� • �
<br /> ' � c�nd pay �Il casts rel�tin�a ta th� repincem�nt or rep�lr of the impravet��euR. � � ,
<br /> 4. L�FFEG°1'IVL� QA'1'E. Ttii� licenra �►�recment sh�ll takc ef�F�ct on the de�te � �
<br /> � it is executed by t�ie Mnyor of the Clty of Gr�nd Ialuud as dated bnl«w. �Q �Il(is�COAlIppO '
<br /> �� � � for aa indefinite term until such time aa it i� termivatPd as provid�:c� 1��re.�IfRNr. i ,
<br /> , - i ..
<br /> •� • 5. TERMINATION. Thin licenar, a�reement shali tcrminnt�upan ono or more ;� �
<br /> `�'�". c�f the follow�ng oceurrences: € '. � '.' :
<br /> ` �, , .
<br /> , ,;� .i ,,�t�; �;,.� ' -: •
<br /> ,i� �. .���� c�. T�IE SE.'N1CC O�SlXI�I l�.�ys wri4ten nmtic�af a�tentia� to t���ni�nat�bp any � �� � � >ti �i..
<br /> ��� it�`�?;'`� �;;:;,' . �,a�;v�e�r�n the ot�er pae�ry� � + �';�i�.4�1'�.
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<br /> ��t 1' :,'1 1 .1 . Y 1(�\
<br /> { �', �� `.,'' � b, 'Ti'iie I.3aensae's u lic�lian for a ermit to a14�r �;`� ' '` ,.
<br /> PP P , �,. ��,'�� , ;.
<br /> „ � ',`+'' ` � �• said impravement or any }a���t thereof, unless said permit is f�r N�ork due ta an � ' - , s �
<br /> ...::,'.•,' .
<br /> '•�`� '�' � occurr�nce as d�soribec� iu I�ar:��rAph 3 above and sflid wark has tha prior wrltt�n ; , �`
<br /> , �
<br /> � aPprav�►1 af tlhr: L.iacns�cr. '
<br /> 4 �.
<br /> c. Th� L.jncia�se'y construction or installatian af any structur� or � �
<br /> _ __-.
<br /> imnr�vement of a�y nnture upon the real estate awued by the Licensor except that
<br /> -- .
<br /> � . described in F�ragraph l nbove. [� - '
<br /> ___.-_- 11 nn�I�n�nrminnti��n nf t�l�s I.ic�nse Aerce�ilellt, thc Licensee sl�all be reauired��1lld � _.. ___._
<br /> :. _ _p.......- ---...._..-- -•- ;-
<br /> hereby Agrees� to remove said improvemcnt fram th� Llcef�soj's real estate at its own ' �
<br /> � expenae and without cost to the l.icensor. S�id remov�l ta occur na later thaA sixty days .
<br /> after recetpt of thc noticc of intentian ta tcrminate or �ny of thc ather accurrences set
<br /> . forth in Part►grnph S abavc. SI10lbIC1 1I10 L.1CCItSCO fA�I 1Q IlQ S0, thc Licensor may remav�
<br /> or cause thc rcmaval of said impruvement from the Licensar's r�al estatv and thv Licensee ,
<br /> a�ree to reimburse the I�tcensor far all its costs,
<br /> 6. SUCCES50RS AND ASSIGNS, This agreemeat shall be binding upon the
<br /> , � parties hereto, their successor and assigns.
<br /> . ,.,,:., . .
<br /> _ � .� �.;`�: � 7. ENTIR� AGREEMENT. This license agreement constitutes the entire
<br /> . agreement between the parties notwithstanding any other aral or�vritten agreements to the
<br /> cantrary. 11�is license agreement shall be amencled anly in writing executed by all parties
<br /> ihereto.
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