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<br /> . . �
<br /> 3, Th� Gicenaoe sh�till abt.�iu p�rnui;�4i�.�n ta i�aatail snid sanita�y s�wer lin� from , -
<br /> � th� a�vnerq of all tract� aer��s�va�inl� saicl lin� �vill run priar ta beginni��g installatian. ;
<br /> --- �------------ .
<br /> _..._..._... ; d. tf 4he conntniatian car rn�intajnai�or. of tl�e Licepsee's private s�nit�ry se�veP �._�---.:=--�---.. _,
<br /> � � serrrice li��a�d conn�ctivn tv thP Ci.ry's lRjt�,rcc�tor linc rtquires ttie exc.qti�atic�n af dirt� �
<br /> _ . r�moval af harde�urfaein�, or nny ath�r vie,ruptdun of the suif�ce of th� CI4y's utllity i
<br /> . et�sament, tho Licena�o st►nll r�st�rr� th�: sucfuce of the nrea to the same comditian as it �
<br /> existod immediAl�ely primr ta ths L.iaot��nc�'s work�n tha�r4a. The Licensee shall obtaiu All j .
<br /> necess�►ry permits �nd comnly w,itti t�� �iry roquirementa far excnvations t►nd au�'�cing � � •
<br /> whon doin�Any such war�C in s�id es�snmc:nt, ` :
<br /> � .
<br /> S. It ia und�rstuod by d» Ltaansoe thnt thc cannectlan fee �s S3,S0 per frant ' �
<br /> faot x 970,6 faet, or $3,347,1p, pnyablu to the Clty upan conneetion. It is further �
<br /> undorstocad by tho L1G0118A0 that all plumb�r's f�es and sewcr t�p fees are theix a�vn �
<br /> • exponse. ,
<br /> 6. It is utad.erstaad b���nd botween the parties thzt che conn�ctian ffec stuted in .
<br /> �raragraph S is n4i �an ,as�assmBnt but wi11 b� credited t�a future asses.ament in the e�eni ; ,
<br /> � � QI�►At a �x�itary sn�ver r�:�in is constructed to serve ihis nrea at som� time i�a th� futn�re. '
<br /> �; �
<br /> ?. Tho Licensee hereb����•�ives the ri$ht tu protest the cr�atian of any sanitary � �,�;,�.
<br /> s��v�r c�is?xact ta s,�rvu this area. ���<���`
<br /> ,. ..y�;-I.,;.
<br /> ' �1,'iC
<br /> . ,.-•'r
<br /> ; J, It is understoad�a�d a�reed that the Licensee can canstruct and rrnaimifl�n and �. . : .:;,,
<br /> ' cann�ct�c.�prnvate sanitary se�ver se��ice line to the City's Interceptor line i�t�e ,at their . . � �;�:
<br /> . i uwu re�k. Th�Licensee hereby��aives 1ny claim for da�nages�gair�s�the G'ity, its officers, ` :��
<br /> , �gant�� employees, and 'endependent cantractors for any dama�e or injury that inay r�saalt �
<br /> � 4a said prnvate line being connected to the City's lnterceptor line in said easement. The " - --`:
<br /> ( Glcan�ee agrees to remove the private line connection at any time such ramoval is necessary •
<br /> in order for the City to provlde publi� serviees in the area. such as the conatruetlon af a _
<br /> � cullectar sewer �uain, ar il►e ina�ail�tion, repair, or maintenance af other utiliti�s in the ^
<br /> � City's utility easement.
<br /> �
<br /> 9. The Licensee sl�all indemnify and hald harmless the Ciry from and agalnst
<br /> any and all loss and damage, claims, demands, suits, liabilities, and payments in contract
<br /> or tort rasultinB from ar as a result of the Licensee's use af the Interceptor sa�it��ry sewer
<br /> line in the City's easement area for the connection of� private sewer.
<br /> 10. This license agreement shall take effect immediately upon the date of the
<br /> executian of this agreement by both parties and shall continue far an indefinite term;
<br /> provided. that either parry may terminate this agreement at any time by givin� the ather
<br /> pArty ninety days written natice to ihe other. If the City should require the tenninntion of
<br /> this agreement, the Licensee shall be reyuired to exteud sanitary sewer service to thcir
<br /> buildin$ iu another satisfactory manncr�vith�ut cost ta 1he City.
<br /> 11. This agreement shall be bi�din� upon the parties hereto,thelr succe�sors and
<br /> ;
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br /> :
<br />