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<br /> _ —_---- --- ' ..-•--— ._... i•4 .. -- �y, . , . ,. ... ��sr-.-
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<br /> k��.w»i�. . . ._ . ---- .�,. ._ - _ _ _
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<br /> ��Y)(ii:'I Utilt\VI'I'H ull Ihr Im��r��vetncnt, nu�a ur la�r�a11►� rr«:tc�l un Ihr �n•upri�y,n��d all ru�rmcnh,n��purtenntu��y, , ` , ;_
<br /> ' , a�ut 1'i�lt�r�s no�v ur 1►e�r;Nl.r n�►au ul'Ihe pmperty. AU rrplucrmrnir ni�d uddi�lum�hnll :IIY11 (k!ruvcrrd Isy Ihl• ticrurll�•
<br /> � � U�ru-umrnl, AU ui'Ihc fur�goinp i�rcf�rrrd ta in ihir Securi�y In.U�umrnl u�ihr "I'r,►lkrt}•." • � _
<br /> ; liORltl)WL•;It('(1�GNAN'1'S Ihiil Nun'a�t•er ir Ia�vlidl}' rrl�rd uf Ihc c�UU•' I�rirl���rum.>►vl:�nd h;tr Ihr r��;hl tu�i'anl - � -
<br /> ... _ ._ ._
<br /> .._
<br /> __ :' � anGl canv�y thc{'���puuy und Ihnl thr Prup�tty�iti tmanrumbcrrd,r�rrpl ii�►•.�nrumhr+uK�.uf r��curd. li�ucua�cr �vnrrum.+�nd _ _
<br /> -.-„�--�-;----..... w►I)�l��il�nd uupCRtllv(ItC ti11C It1 tI1C PIU►1CIty.Ib;1I0r1 tll)l'181tt1y i��td���tl1t11it1s,sUIiJCCt IU:Ill)'�•I�G•t111►hr1111Ki���1'rCCt�rtl. � .,.
<br /> _ 1'Hlti aGCUfti"i'Y iNS'1'ftl�4iiiN'T wmhiner unit'nrni ��aeeu:utta Cnr ni►tinn:t l u•� ;u�d i�un-u�uturm r�wrnuntr ��•ith ( — . ... _
<br /> ., limitcd vi�rii�tlans bY.iuri�di�:tiun 1��eunstiiutc n unil'ami sccuriiy in��ruuicnt cuvri•inp iL:�l prupert}•. l .. '
<br /> UNIfOKM('f)VIiNANTS. Hurn►wcr und l.endcr cavenimt�md oNrc�+�ti iblluws: �
<br /> 1. 1'►�ymenl oQ 1'rincip►d nnd IniC��ertt Prepuyn►ent und I.��te('hurgeH. Ilurruwcr,hnll prun�pUy pny whrn�lur Uir �
<br /> principul ot'+�nd intcrc,t un ihu dehl��'iilcncc�l hy Utu N��tc und;m}�prcpuymcnt nnd I�ur rhnr�;c,�luc under Uu Nuic.
<br /> t. H'unU9 fbr'11�xea�md Inyur�mce. SubJ�c1 to.�p�licnhlc lu���ur t��ii�vritte�i wi►ivcr hy I.rn�lor,liun•uw4e�hull puy tu i
<br /> Lc�idcr an ihc duy i»omhly p;rynwnt,ur�:duu�inder ihc Nu��,umil �hc Nutc is pa�id in 1'ull,i�,um 1"I�und�'1 1'ur: lnl y.urly
<br /> tuxes ar�d assc,sntanls whlch nitly nllnln pri�n•iry uvcr tltis Sccw'iry Instrumcnl ur u licn on lh� I'ru��rt't);lhl y'4:►►'ly Icn,cNt►Itl �
<br /> pnyments nr g�uund rums un Iho F'r��perty, it' mty; lc) >'eiu'ly haci�rd or pruperty in,ur:►ncc pr�miumti; (dl ycarly Iluud �
<br /> insurnncc premiums, il' ;my; Ir) yrurly mortgi�l:o insur:mcc prcmiumy, if a��y; +►nd lfl ony tiumr piryaMc iry Hurmwcr�u
<br /> l.cndcr. in urc��rdi►ncc with thc pri�vi�ium ut�parn�raph 8. in lio�� nt'thu paymcnt ol'mort�+igc in+urancc pnmium�. 'I'hc,c ,.
<br /> itents�u•e ci�lled"F.�cr�nv Item�.' l.�nder mi�y,al;uiy lime,rull�ct und huld f�unds in iut:unuimt m�t tu exc�ed thc mnximum
<br /> •�nt��unt n Icndcr ti�r u fcdrr:�lly rcl.ucd mongugc lu�m mi�y rcquirc i'u►• l;orruw�r��scro�v arc�umt �mdcr th�: fcdcrul Rci�l
<br /> � Esti�tc Seulrmr.nt Procedurcy Act ol' 197�1 iis:�n�end�d t'rc�m�iiuc to�imc, 11 U.S.C.��bUl rt s����.1"Rt'sSNA"L unlcs�nnnlhcr t
<br /> la�v that nppUc�a�thc Funds,cts u Icsscr+imount. It'u►, l.rn�tcr nuiy�,ut�my tim�,«+Urri i►nd huld Funds in nn umuunt nui tu i
<br /> excccd thc Ictiticr nmount, l.cnJcr muy rstimatr tlir imunint ot' Funds du�� un thc ha.i� ul' cunrnt duUi u�id reinunaUl� .
<br /> esUmntes��f cx�.rnditu�e:��f t,.ture�.cruw Itrms or��Ihcr«�ise in�rcrurdunro�vith uppiic:ihlo lii�v. �. � ...,:.;. .
<br /> I � �,��.:.
<br /> • Thc Fund• shi►11 hc hcld in un inxtitution ��'�1lKC t1l`�1(t�Ilti i1R IOyUI'ClI IlY u fcdcr,d ii�c�icy. +nstiuntcntulily, ur cn�ity i ,;: ,
<br /> (includii�g I..endrr,it'l.rnder is such im i�i+titution)ur in.my F�=dcriQ H��m�l.oun Bank. l.�nder+h��ll t�pply Ihe Ftutds tu p;ry I _
<br /> , � � � thc F:scrrnv Item�. Lrndcr nwy nnt ch.�rgc Bu�ruwcr t'or h��ldint: und applyin� thc E�unds, unnuully nnulyainy thc e.cro�v
<br /> .i;�,',. � iucaunt, nr vrritying thr rsrr��w Itcmx, unlexs I.ciider p:rys Nurcuwcr ii�tc�vst on lh� 1'unds und uPPlicnhlc law perniits I .
<br /> I.rndcr to u�akc.urh u cha�;ec. Huwev�r, 1_ender ntuy rcyufre Bum�wcr 10 puy .�une•tintc rhur�;c t'��r un indep�nd�nt rcal ; ,
<br /> �rtuW tux rcprrti�e u���icr u�e�i hy l.ender in runnectiun with�his luuo,unl�.,:ipplicahlc I.n��prm�ide�uthen+�i+�. Unlc��.u�i �
<br /> ugrcemcnl is n�ude or applir:�hlr luw roquiros intrrvtit to fx�paid,Lrnder shnll n��t he rc�µiir.�d tu paiy 13urri�wer:my imcrest ur `
<br /> � enrnin�;ti��n thc F�unds, [�t�n•����•cr tutJ L�ndcr m;ry ugrcc in wriiin�,hawcvcr,thut intcr�,l,hull hc pai�l un thc f=im�1+, l,rndcr �
<br /> shall givc tu li��rr��wcr, withutu clu�rtir, an annuad ucc�umtinp af thc funds,,huwin�;credih cmd dchit+tu th�� I��mdx i�nd thc �
<br /> purpus�for ��fiich c:uh dchit titi thc 1'und,wi�ti mn�ic. 7'hr t�und�urc plcdgr�l ii�.�dditionul+ccuriry t'ur,iU�ums�rrurcd hy �,
<br /> thiti Security Instrumi:nt. �
<br /> It' the t•lmdti hcld hy l.endcr cxccrd thc nmounts per�nitted tu bi li�ld hy applicuhlc In�v. Lrndrr�hull lirc�unn tu .
<br />_ .-- - ' B44T4441'C I4�C l�lu uXCCSS I�wids in accurdancr with thc requirenunl,�,t'applicuhlc law. N'Ih� auwu�n ut thr F�md.r• hrld h�� i .
<br /> l.rndcr au uny timc is ni�l ,ufl�icicnt io pay thc Cyrrow Urm.�vhen du�. Lcn�fur m;iy .o n„tii'y H��m,�4��r in writinti,cs:::t. i:i � - - ----.
<br /> such ci��v E3i�rrowrr tihull pa)' to l�rndur thu amount ncrez+ury �u nr.�ku up thc dct'icicncy. lii�rr��wcr ,hall mal�c up th� , . .
<br /> det'icicncy in n��nturc�hun��Lrh�c munthly paymuntr,;it l.rndcr.l.ulc�liticration. i
<br />---__...... . . � ;
<br />-_ �----- - L�V�1 ��iij�itl'ui�� iii i�ii� :i :5:::«:`:: `•::'.-'!'-"���v I��i� Si`C1IPIIV �I151RIO1CI1�. �.l'lll�l`I'`�111�� �1iO111(1��Y 1'l'�lllll��ll orrin�•�r iin}• _ -
<br /> Fu�id� hcld hy Lendcr. N',undcr purat:ruph _'l.l.cndwr yhall an�uirr ur ticll thc Proptr�y. I.�ndcr,priur lo Ihc acqu�ti�uun��r � —
<br /> �
<br /> ,alc��f thc Pruperty, yhiill :ipply uny 1'und:hrl�l by Lvndur al thr timu ��I'ur��ui,iliun ur �alc as a crcdit���!uinst Ihr .uni� '
<br /> . ti�curu�l by thls Sccu�ity Instrumcnt. . �
<br /> i. Appllci�Nun of Naivments. Unlr�+ appliriihla la��• pr�,vide, „ihcrwi�r,all paymcntr rccciveJ hy l.endcr undcr
<br /> puraaraphti I und 3 xhi�ll hc applic�i:I'ir,t,tu any prrpa�ymeni rh.ug�ti�luu im�lrr thc Nutc: �crund,tu:imuum, pa��ahlc undcr i
<br /> purugraph 2;�hird,tu intcrest duc:t�uu��th.�u principal duo:und li�,t,tu any late rhair�;cs duc under Ihc Nute.
<br /> 4. Chu��;es; l.lens. Hutrawcr ,hall pay all taxcs. ;►s,e,�mcntti, char�rti, fin�ti and impu,itians attrihutable u� thc
<br /> Nrupurty which may lutuin priority iwcr thi,Sccurity In,�rumm�t,and Iraschuld paymcmti�u gruund nnls.if any. Bi�rruwrr
<br /> �hull puy thcsr obligutium in thu ntunnor pruvidcA in pura�n�ph�,ur it'nut paid in ihai manncr.Harruwcr+hall puy thcm on
<br /> � timc direcUy tu Ihe persun ow�d puyment. I�urrnwur�hall prumptly furni�h tu l.�ndcr all nuticus uf'unu,un�,tu bc paid undcr
<br /> this puragruph. If'fl��rr��wrr miikc.il►v,c paymeniti dircrlly. Hi�rruwer tihull prumptly Ilirni�h ti�l.rnder rcccip�ti c�idencing
<br /> ,. thc paymen�s.
<br /> porcowcr shuU pr��mptly ditirtmr�;c iun•licn which h�i,pri�,�iry uvcr thi,S�curity In,tnim�:nt�mlus,Horrawcr:lu)agrrez ,
<br /> in writinH tc�Ihe payment oi'thc ohliguti�,n scrurcd by thc 1 irn in a m�inner acceptable tu l.cnder:�bl cantests in gc�od 1'i�ith thc
<br /> lirn by,or dcfendti ugainst cnfurcemcnt uf thc li�n in.Icgal pr��rucdin�;x whirh in thc l.cndcr',opini�m c•perutc tu prcv�nt thc
<br /> rnforcomom�f thc licn:��r tc).ccurc�t'rum Ihr hi�ld4r uj Ihc lirn;►n ugircm�nt�atitii'artc�ry to l.rnder tiubnrdinating thc licn
<br /> to thiti Security lnstrumunt. If l.cndcr dc�crminc, that any part u(thr Prc,perty i.yuh,jcc� ti,a licn�rhich ma�•aittain prii�rity
<br /> over thix Securi�y Insirument.Lender may givc H��rruwer:►noticr idrniifyin�;Ihe lien. I�urcuwcr,hall,iaisfy �he lien ur tal.c
<br /> onc or mor�of'thc acd�,ns sri iar�h+ihovc within It►duy,��f Uie givin�;uf'nuiicr.
<br /> � 5. Huiurd ur p�uperty lnsurance. Hurrm�rr,hull kccp th� impn,��emcnty nuw rxi,ting on c�rc.�f�rr crected on th�
<br />� Pro{x�rty insured ag.lilttit I��,r�hy fil'C,hu�anls included�eithin thr trrm"rxtendud cuvrrn�u°�ind;�ny uther ha�ards,including
<br /> fl���ds or tlooding. (�+r ��•hich l.cnder rrquirc� insurancc. 'fhi, insurancc .h;ill bc maintuinrd in thu amouniti and t'ur thr
<br /> Form 3028 4,411 ��wer:u(n�k,qr.��
<br /> �
<br />�
<br /> 1
<br />.
<br /> I �
<br /> �-- — _ _ __
<br />