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� . • _ - '. � . - -- - <br /> -� - ' � i� , ; � . ° �� . � •.,� , � �- t . ,; <br /> � . � ��.::�__� --- --�- —r - - .,--�-=� ..._ :� � � : - - • - - . _-=-_ ' ���°"-° <br /> �='1.�-:�t���.� �� '����,�� E---- __._-,_�__�--_ <br /> �_���_ � � ..,. � <br /> �. -�------ �e�taNM�w_r►_a��,t:ns7�c����'r�. � � <br /> , .'i� "�°"'- ,�t'Hlg I�SSfCiNl�1CN"�����NT�Ltt4��R ip r��arse Rad��aauleq thia .Z�tl�_ ..:, dayut._t�1�__._..�.__.98�4��;en�in - <br /> ;Y ,,+; t-.,�• .;„1� Ina�z��vrel�d Inle�a��r�ohsll E�o daarliezi lo Rmpn�1 qntl e�aF��temo�.t Iho MQrtpu�o or pnad at�'vi�Ut,F�orolrroffot raterre�i to ng ihe _ _•�-- - --. <br /> 6 � �`���- "'='y�`'*` � "l3�r�urlly Ine1PUment", o} 1he c+ame dete qlvan by Iho u�derAlpnec1, h�rolnefter ratorro� tr�ne Iho "QOIfOWOi", 10 �BtlUfB � <br /> ' "` ,.� �orros�rer'e InCebtedFraee,Rereinslt�r ret�rr�d to�e�i�H"M�+te".!�Nt�Mt?Fk:C�GF�AL FIb�VIN��ANQ LC)AN AU9t�CIAti IUN�F -'� <br /> ��� �_...'W_=.,====_'__ ' <br /> � l�NANPA 181,ANq,Etarefnt�fter roferretl toae Iho"Lon�ler",of 1ho aemt�date a��d CpYaring tho prapony doamibod In tho Sacurlty -�� <br /> ,__ <br /> �rm�nz- . Ir�etnt►nen!�+ntl{t►onteci nt: _______ <br /> . - - . 21x6 N. }foc�ard Sti.. GPtlflf� IE3ZAF{d� NE 688fl3 <br /> - ------- - - - - - <br /> --.�.—...� . _ ,�. .. ----. .�m�m. n.» <br /> 4�_ �''F * (Pwporty Addra9a) _— <br /> . .. ��, ..z..;;.�,� W'tfFtE886Tti: � ; — -- - <br /> �,r � �0 i� ,�.� - <br /> �,t�* ���. 4� WMEREAe,Oorrower�nd Londer have aproad thnt nny rente and proflte�attrfHulnE�to to tho pro�orty aV�uuld oonfltllute � � - <br /> �`�� ��°.', „ _` additlanpi neautlty to thA landor for tho pnymeM ol tho Noto: �;`'�,�� -_ <br /> � ° ��'�:� �� � �� NOW,PMEREFORE,N le nproc�d that t�o Socurity Inflf►uman!ahall bo amended heruby end doomod tu Inoludo tho follawing � .� �`�`= <br /> _ � . � ,r� <<�,.�.. <br /> I„ - . �_ praviolo�e: � `w;:� ,�_ 'j ` �_ <br /> � . <br /> f s L A�,pa���q�nta uo �aQ�i $Q�!Colloattc�Rlahte_Borrowar h�3roby nbsolutoly Hnd unoondlUonalty ooalgno Atl '�� ��� <br /> ��'`, , r rente, Iseuoa ond pratite ot tho praparty to Bonoflolary, Lo�dpr ahall have tho rI�M, powor and Authority durinQ tho -����� *����_ <br /> �, , „ ,. <br /> • r; aonqnuAnnd of tf�o Soourlty Inatrument to aolloot th�rents,losuos and protlte of thp pmpc�ny a�d of Any poreanal ptopOrty ' � f�s�'�-� <br /> ,�,-. . � looated thereon with or without tnklnp pasapealon of tho property affeotod horoby. l.ondor,howovor, heroby aonsonte b ,' • , �_�, <br /> �� ,. ,. 8orrowe�'9 colteo�'on and rotentlnn of nuah ranta,laeuos a�d p�otite ae thay Aoorun nnd beoome payablo,oo long ae 8orrowor , „ _, _ <br /> �>�� is not,at suoh tlmo, In dnfault with rospeot to poymant of any Indobtednesa eoaurod horoby,or 1n the perfon�anae of any <br /> � �'1�-_ <br /> �� � • ' apreemont horaunqor. +��,� <br /> . � �'� � 2. AanolMmont at fl°aeyi,Q�, It flny avant of Qefault i� roapeot to the ��ourity InatrumoM ahAll hava ooaurrod and bo � '_. �;�-�- <br />. } • � �� contlnuing, Lender, ae a matter oT rlght and wlthout notlae to 8orrower or unyone olaiming undor 8or►awar, And�vlthout � �.�'!'�"`°' <br /> � �� ' ' � repard ta the vatue of the t�ue1 eatata or the Intereet ot th�8o�rower thoreln,aholl havo the rIQM to apply to any aoun having � �� . `��� <br /> � �urisdlotlo�to appolnt a�eaelver of tho properly. • "`' <br /> • 3, fl a t t�Poaanoa e�e,ln oAOO of dofAUlt In the paym�nt of tha eald prinolpai Note ar intarc�el,ar any pArl therool,as It '�'- <br /> � . �• ,,, ehall mature,or in the oaso of falluro to keop or perlorm any of the oovc+n�Me or c�praomente oontAlnod In tho 800urity Inetru• • � :� <br /> , � ment, then the Londer, ite euoaaesora or o881gna,ehall bo and Is heroby euthorlied and empowered to take ImmedlAto . • ; <br /> • poosooslon o}the eald promisos theroin daooribod anQ to aoileat the�onte theretram,and to A 1 tho rocooda thereoi to the -��.� <br /> PPY P • �':: <br /> - psymen4 ot tha Mote. � <br /> � b. Ap il�aa_�IQ�at��ntp,IAaues and Prot tA.Att rento oolleotod by Londor or the reoelvor ehstl bo appltod firet to paymoM "� "�� <br /> � � of the ooste of management of the property and aolieotlon of reMe,Inaludlnp,but not�imited to,rooelver'a lees,premluma on .• �'s����� <br /> • . � ' , reoelver'e bande and reaaoneble attorney's leeo,and then to the euma aeoured by the Socurity instrumenl, Lendor and the ; ,.��; � <br /> -_' � __ ___ reoelver shall be ilablo to aaaount onlv}or thosa renta aotualiy reaolved. � �� - <br /> � • 8. �onA r �g�n at Prov�slan�.Eaoh c�f the provislons aontalned In thla Anelgnmt►M o1 Ronto Rlder And the Saourlty Inetru• •� ` � <br /> ,. ment ohall,�unleae otherwlse speolflaelly required,bo c��struod In aaoordanco with NobrAeka law, and �n 1he event any . � � <br /> provislon hereln or thereln oontelned ehall be detormined by a oourt of oompetent Jurladlotlon to t�o unAntoraeable,the eama ;_ � =� <br /> .. ehatl da aonatruea as though auoh unentoroeablo provlaton were not a paR naraoi or ii�ereoi. ��_. � _�_` <br /> 8. EltAnt of Nldn,��xcopt a�opooifloally modlflad by or Inoonelatent wlth thta AaslpnmeM of Ronte Rlder or by Any othor � i ,_� <br /> , � applloabto Nder,all of the terme nnd provl�lona oontalned In tho 9eaurlty Inatrumant ohnll aonUnue In 1u11 forco And oifoat, �� <br /> . . IN WITNES&WHER�OF, 8orrowor has exoouted thla Aasl ent of RontL�e Rlde►a-�ole ilrst notod above. � <br /> � � <br /> .. � Uoo ard E. Sla�tt�orrowor . <br /> �. ..�.��- - - ---- � ,. . <br /> . ,. , nicp J. nnn�arrowar ( . <br /> � � <br /> 8TAT8 OF N�BRASKA) <br /> :. tfl�: � � _ <br /> , COUNTY OF HALL ) <br /> . On th19.28�_�dey of....rM�y..._,._.__�_,�g.93 .,belore mo,the undoralgnod,a Notary Publio duty oommissloned and <br /> ' � qualifled far anid oouMy,pereanally aamo..Lenq�r�l .�.t _Sl.or�r� nnd. J�r�ic.e_1,�S1c�qn�huAUand �nd wife�_. <br /> ,to bo ihe Identlael pereon(s)whose namols)lefare�ubsoribed <br />. � to the forogoing tnstrumont,and holahelthey Aaknowlodge tho oxecutlon thoroof to be hlelherlthelr voluntary aot and deed, � <br /> � Wtt�988 my ht�n�1 nnrl NnMrinl Rnnl nt Gr•Aad 't�lnnd, NebruHk� . . _ _ <br /> . , <br /> __..�.... ________ _. <br /> _ In eald aour�ty,tho date aforeaotd. , <br /> ' � �� �� ., • . <br /> � qMN�LKASKii ✓ U4.t.�,� � • �'`e�•:•�L � <br /> ---=: _�--- . --- _ . .. <br /> �A, p� 1� NOtary Pub11C " - - <br /> � My Commlasion expiros: _..._..�._G!�'_'�__t..��°1.,._�`l q�p..______ I <br /> �r Ma�oao IrAa1 • <br /> 'i�:� � , � <br /> ' � �. , <br /> �A,. � <br /> . j <br /> �. l. c_• ' , . I <br /> � i <br /> : � �. � ,. f �: _ <br />