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r.��.•..., �. . : -��c.`M'_�r,�.�,"� . • C. r . -- <br /> ,�, ... ,.•-� � - � - .�.s.�rwr�7+€+x.. - � � - . ' I �' <br /> .,. . � „q} K'n 1 . • .itl�i <br /> �� � / <br /> �_.�._.� -�--.... .. . ' n ._.,:,._ ....�...��}2�o�.�:.�..... 7 -Y. �-�'�..� •'_ �. �.r� �.v.r.��� . . . (t'e.. .. .�a�_ .TT _-1 __� . <br /> 1. 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'4 { 1 `t:.'�i1��1 CI I•:.�: �1.45t��A1� it'�;;'' 1Lir ��- <br /> � �•::�•�:.°,--'. ..-.°.� � o�corrcd:lh)rurca any c�cfniiii of ony�nlir,•cuv�ai�i►ta ue u�rcm;.n�s;lc)Pclyt3 Q1I C1t�:ff�c.►i�tctiri��llu citlortlM�h�v t3t�cnri;� �r,��a<<r 5��13_ -��:�.,.. <br /> - -- - Insteua�ent,iiu�lu�ling,�t�ut uut 1[u�itcd la. roasu�foUla u1t��rueys'fccs; and (d)tnkcx eu�h actiuii os Lendce �nny r�:�4on�bly <br /> ---�---�,.; , r��sadru tn n�suso t�at the lt:n uf thi�Sccurity u�suument.l.sndcr�righte h�thv E'�p�-��ty and f3o����►wcr�ublig�Hon la pay 1Gu ----- <br /> - -------_--- s�tme �c+wirc�l By I�II3 :iCCitYI{�J �IIAlCN111C�11 HIlMI L'UlII�l1UC UlICJil1Ii�;CII. U�x,n r��Itl41il��111FI11 Ily ClprynLYCP, thie ticcurity <br /> -- — - Instnuncnt nn;f the abllgutlons cecure�horcby siwil centuin fully vff'�ctivc ns li t�r�acccief+ilirt�hnd��d. H��ar�vFr,thts <br /> �=i � u? ti�tht tu r�lmtnte ahafi nnt appty 1n tho cnso af ncrcicraUon onder�nrngr�iph 17. -- <br /> - -- - - --�������►f�':�s�c�`i,�s��s� a�l.uati ant�:cer. 7't3ee A1c�tL as ap�t!c�!interst ta the Nc.btt�(t�+getlur witli tE�ls '_;c�ur��y --__ <br /> Inytnunant)ni�yr'tK x��ld�i�u�►r�nurc tlmr.s�vithout prlor no�tcc to f3arrawcr. A�:ido mny result In n chc�n�c in thc cauUy _ <br />_ (ktw�vn as tht�"ti+�►u Se►v�ee�°)tt1�1 c�llects manthly puyments ctue under�No Nate nnd this:�ecurfty I��st►�ment. Thcro ulsa ------�- <br /> -'�Y`�:fi' mny bo��no ur m�ro chnnges af�h�l.uiin Scrvirc►tuimliitcci to o et�lo aF thc Nutc. IP thcrc ix c►ch�ngc oP thc I.asn yccvlccr, __ <br />��"_�� 9arrawer will tro F31ven wrUton nutice nf tlie change in uccnrdnncc �vith puru�ruph 14 nbuvo unci i�ppliriiblr ta�v. 7Yie nutico <br />. :� will statc thc nanio nnd uddress af'tho now I,�um Serviccr nnd Iho nddrcse tu�vhich puymcnta ahould Lc mude. Tho nuNco wlll � <br /> iAso cant►�in nny athc�t infurtnndon rcquircd by nppiicnblo lin�. <br />`�:#j � = 20. Haznrdaus 6ubsta�ccy. parrawcr ehull nat ciiusc nr pcnnit thc presenco,use,diapi�sal,storc►gc,ur rcicntic o f nny �� <br /> Hn��►iuiuus Sufistancox�n ar in tho Prapeny. Burr�wer xhnll not do,nnr�Itow nnyana cl�c m da,nnything nfPecting th;s <br />-� � Pr�pe�ry that iq in vialmian af a+�y 8m4runmentnl The procediog twp nentences shntl ne�t apply ta�he presence.utie,ar _ -- <br /> - stariigo an�hc Propeny of�mi�li qunntitiey nf Hi��i«daus Substumeti thut nr�gcnc:nlly recagni�cd ta bv opp�v�prl�tc to narmnl _ _ <br /> � residenNid usey►ind to m�intenance i�f tho Property. --- — <br /> ��'"� pan�awcr ehull promptly grve L�nder written nnUce of any investigmiun,dhim,demand,Inwsuit ar ather uctiun by imy -°°.° <br /> ,,,:,.,: .�.,,,���; � IIovcrnmcntnl c�r re�Sulatury ugency ar privatc pnny involving thc Pmpeny und nny Hu��►rduuy 5ubstnncc ur Einvirrnimentul �- <br /> . +�+t4.,r:�ti�aN- � r , 'i;'_=�� <br /> l.:►w oP whfrh H��rrowcr hux i�ctuni knm�led�,c li'Sattowcr Icums,ur i.r nutiflcd by uny gavcmmcnti�l ar rc�uintory � 4__ <br /> :N� `� i�uthority. thut�ny �enuwnl ur other remedli►don af'uny Hu•r.iirdaus SuNsUmco nf'iccting ihc i'�nperty iy�eceysury,Sarra�ver .t = <br /> - � ; �• � . st�ull prmnptiy Inkc i�ll nrccsyury�crncdial i�cUnns In i�ccurdimco tivith Enviranmentail Law. � i� <br /> ,.E'-"'�',r :,,; �, ;: , Ax u�cd in thiy pu�u�;rnph 2U."Hn•r.nrd�u.r•Suhst�ncoy'arc thoso sabstunces drfinod us toxlc i�r hnzurdaua xubstc�nces by � '-�•' "" <br /> - `''' Envirenmentul l.nw nncl tho fo0awln�xuh�tunc.:s: giisallno,kerascno,uther finmmnblo or taxic petratoum praducty,tc�xtc ��'' - <br /> . , � '��`�I' ; pesUcides nn�l hcrbictde�.valutUe a��ivents.miitcrluls contidnin� uvhcst��w ��r fimnuldehyde, and rudianrtivo mcncriulx. As - - <br /> � uscd in thiw purugrupl►20."Lnvirnnmcntnl l.��w"mcun�federai lu��ti nnd tawq af the Juriscilction whrm 1he F'r��perty Ic laciitcd � --- <br />= . . � ' ", I �hnt rclutc ta he��lth,hnfcty or cmi�onmentc�l pratec�ion. �`";?�:;-'�' <br /> i NON-UNlFnitM COVBNANTS. Burrawcr und l.cndcr furthcr covrnzint nnd i�g�:c nw fc�lluw�;: <br /> � � Zl. Accelerufion; Remedics, I.ender xhall Rivo notice tu Burrower prtnr to acceleruqun 4'oliuwinp Norro�ver'a �'� <br /> •� . � � ' s n hu ot rtur tu accele�utlun u�der aru �•� h 17 �'���=? � <br /> breuch af uoy covu��mt ar uurcement In thly�ec.urlty in teume t( t n p p li p n��,�• <br /> �� �� I u�tess appllec�6le Inw prnvld�s olher�visel. The notice 9hu11 xpeciPys (ul thu dePuuli;lb)the actian rec�ulred to cure the . �.� <br /> , , defoults(c1 c+dnte.nat Icsy than i0 da�,rs(hom thc dnte thc noNce ty�tiven t��Harrower,by which the defuull must hc ��4,���'�-°° ------ <br /> • � � cu�e�l;u�d(d1 thut Paflure ta cure Iho dePuuit un ar before tho d��te Apccified ia the notice muy rcwult In ucrclerutiun uP ,�-=r�!: '•-�== <br /> the sumq xecured by thiy Security Inytrument nnd xnin of the Praperty. The n��tice shi�tl fl�rthcr tnPorm Borru�ver uf r, ;;, ��� <br /> • � Iho right to reinstt►to aPte�acceterntian i�nd thn ri�;ht tu brink u cu�u�t ucliun tu uxsert ihe nnmexi.r•tence nt�defualt ar ,��- <br /> -- - zm ather defense ofi iiorro�ver ta�ccefieration a�d 4uic. ii t6c dcfnuii i,noi cure�i an a�befa�e ihe dni�;pccifieci 1n ��� ' Y ���.. -- <br /> the nutice.Lendcr i�t Ity uptt��n muy rcquire Immedli�te payment In tidl��Pi�ll tiumy r+ccurcd by th ty Sccur ity Inylrument • � <br /> withaut i'urthcr demi�nd und mi►y Invokc Il�c p�nvcr ��P tiulc und uny iHher �emediey permitted by uppllcublc It�w. '''�' ' <br /> _ -____�� _ �___ ._ I.cnder Khutl be entltled to collrct uU expemey incur�ed In pu�vuin6 the remediev provlded In thlti pnrt�gruph ZI. ^�- • � <br /> --- : - _ lncladin�,but nat Iimitei!to��•e�sonu6lti�aftorney±�'Pce�i�nd r+►.4tti nt titl�c�vt�l4a�c. _ . `��- <br /> � ; • „ IP the Power aP xnle Iy invuked.'IMiwtee shidl rec��rd u nutice of defbult in runc�ounty� In whirh uny purt uP thc � <br /> ' ' 1'r a p e r t y(s l i�c u t r d u n d r;h u l l m u l i c u p l e s u f'r�u c h n u q c e i n t h e mun n e r preycrihed h y i�p pllcuhle luw tu Hurru��cr imd to ' �,3,, <br />,;� - the�►thcr persans prescrlbed by i�ppiici�Me Itnw After Ihc timr rcqulred hy uppUri�hle Inw�'llrustcc�hnll give pu611r <br /> notice of rudc ta the pc�r;ony imd in thc mnnnt�r presrrihed hy upplicubie Inw. Trustce.a•ithout demi�nd on Hurrower� l <br /> � . shull scll the 1'�apc�ly i�t puhUc m�ction to the hl�;heyt hidder ut If�e Ilme��nd pluce pnd uader the term9 designeted In , ° : <br /> , tho nnticr ut yule In�me or mnre pnrrclN und In nny a�dcr 7Yuytcc dctc�min�w. 'Ihu!�tco miry potitpaae knlo oP idl o�uny � `•' <br /> � purcel uP Ihe Pmpe�ty by publlc unnounrcment i�t the tlme und pliree��f uny prevlouyly r;chcduled st�lc. I.ender�ir Ilr+ � . <br /> � deyiHnee muv purc6oyc 16u i'��a►NePiV 111111iV RAII'� • , . <br /> Upun recelpt uf paymenl uf the pricc hid,'lYuxtec xhull cieliver to the purchuxer'IY�ustce's dced cunveyinp the . <br /> Pr��perty. Thc recitaly in thu 7Y•uxtcc'x Qecd.r•hatl hc p�lmu Pacle c�•idencc uf thc truth oP thc sti�trmcnts mudc thcreln. <br /> , ;, ' 'llruwtcc hhull i�pply thc pr�needy uf Iho r�ulc In thu faQuwin�urd�r: 1u1 to uU cusls und cxpensc���P exerci5in�the pmvcr <br /> �� .. 4 <br /> . a � . <br /> I • <br />�' , . <br />'� , . <br />.� � �� <br /> , � F'urm 31128 4.�W1 qarqe��,�n p,��,•�� <br /> – '. ' . � <br /> ' { , � ., <br /> a <br /> � - <br /> _ . <br /> , y � ._' <br /> _ •--__�— .. c,_. �. �..�_.....�.. _.. _._ �.__._:......_"_'-_—_ - �,_--.__ _ r — _ —_ _ _ -_ ____ _ __ _-__ _ _ _ —__— _'__ ' '. - . <br /> -___._ __— _._. _——_ -- _. . . . .... . _ <br /> -. _ . .:- -. _. .. . _. . _. .. —_ _—.__. _. ._ <br /> '� _ ..'\ — -- ._ . .. .. . . ' ' ' '. .. . .. <br /> i <br />. . �i 7" . . � i <br /> <. <br /> .. ' -• . u . .. . <br /> • ' , . . <br /> �+ • <br /> ' a � ' . • .. r • . <br /> � <br /> '� • �. <br /> �a � . . .. .. ,. <br /> � . <br /> :. .. . .. � - �e' .. --- <br />