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Nlt�9, hu:;lt�tt� erx� �I fa, pr t ar ta exa�t�t 4�� --- <br /> - #.h�At�h�d 11e�d c�P Ytv�t dst.� Aprl! 2� l�99. by �nd h��r��n th� unc�nr��ipned and --- <br /> s� 'tT� :�TA�T� ��':t q� CA�Rfl, A ��4e� t�!cir� .^���e�ticrriy thereine9t-�r r�ferr� t� as _ - --- __ <br /> .. �_ �� �.��._ "t�►r►±a,�„� har��y �►t.nt�> t��d euk�wwledge: .� <br /> �: -� - pIS(X.1�MEH <br /> , � J'�� - 1. TI►at �a �orC of tho hn�naet�ad of t,hca undera I gneci 1 a �ras�t 1 y, vr i n t4�e -- <br /> =�'� -�A �w: futuro wl i l bo. oituAtc�d on tho fol iowinfl desaribsd reni aet�to� (he�rQt�ftor ' _ <br /> ��'����"""�'���` Rarool 1) nar �ro thore an1► bui Idi�pa oufflalanti to bn dptilgnAted da a <br /> .��,,��,,,�:a,,, <br /> , � .• ��; haneAtea�d� prc�sc�nt i y t o�eted u�n» ea l d Parael 1: <br /> � . •� - — <br /> % � ����,r:�,�.�1� A Ir�a!a/ Itnd caprlelnp �pi�t ol IAe Norlhwe�t, �u�rle�(MIN) ol Seotlon Thlrly-Six (96), To�nat►Ip Twlve -_. <br /> ,�P;::�-A�-�>�- � (121 �orth, ii�noo i�elve (1:1 McoE ol the 8!h P.N.� N�!I Count�►� Me0riel�� e�id l�ut O�in� �o�¢ _ <br /> p�rllculerly daecrlbed �e Iollore:� -- <br /> `'{'..•'.`°, � Mith refePenca to tho qortA�ast cav�or ol eoid N�I�� thoece �unni�p on �n tosu�ed be�rin� oi 9 O�o 00° �T==-�--_-� <br /> 'r . ' QO' E on lhe Meet Ilne of aeid NMi for a dlattnce ot 981.00 feeb to the eatwl POINY OF 6E81NNIN8; -__ <br /> �.t, . �----- <br /> ��,`;�. ` ` , , lhenco contlnuln� S 00� 00' 00' t nn the Iteo! line ot eAid MMj tor 889.08 fcet; lhance N 88� IE' 11' °�°'�~'�-° <br /> ` o tor �80,00 feet; lAence N 890 /8' ?0' E perellel with !he Nort� Ilno oP eeid NY1 for 1881.19 Ice6 ���.:-.-�- <br /> ��� ' ' ��� � ' to e Do1nR on !ho Eest line of onid NN�; lhence N Q0� 91' 10' E on the Eu! Ilne ot sNd NYi fo� "�`"�•=' <br /> ` `�'` .. � � i210,iT toe! to t�e MortStoee! co�nor of seld MMj; t�enco S 89fl 18' ZO' M on the Nor1h I lne of oald ��;�.��'- <br /> � . � � NIFj for 4182.0�1 lael; thenco 8 00� 00' 00' E lor 591.00 �oet; thence S 88� 18' 20' M tar 118.Q0 faet .�,';�`-- <br /> � to the POINT OF BEQII�Ii10, eeid lrncf, coelAininp 16,/11 ncrea �ora or loao� thu NorlhePiy �nd ` �M��'"'°� <br /> �.- <br /> ,. . . . .,: ;�;�.i��"-±�.� — <br /> � . „ Yaeterly 99.00 /eeE thoYaof beinp H�II Counly ro�d rlphl-of-aay. .� �_.: __ <br /> -,r.T- <br /> �� ��- 2. sha undora i gn�d aake�owl edge thnt wh 11 e the MortgAfl� vr t?Qed of Truot remo 1 ns .�.';__ � <br /> uncat 1 e f i ad a�d a I 1 er► an ea 1 d Para�1 1. thAy sha i l have no r 1 ght proeent 1 y or • ,°°� <br /> i n t,hc� futur•c� td rr�ka t� dc�e i gnat i c��i af hcmie�atead an PAroo l 1 o i r�o l ud 1 ng wi thout r°'�--��"` <br /> � .: I I mi tat l on, i n tha event af a fnreo l asur� or truetee's oa l e undar thp mortgag� ""�`�- "'��- <br /> or Qaad of Truat. • „"�.,-`� _, <br /> ' � a n e to thia Dieolai�rter the ;�Y�. ��� ��� . <br /> � • � T <br /> -- L. <br /> T� ��r_�gned e_k�c�w��c� tlu�t �f, _on�r�ry ... _ . . _ : . y _�_ . d..�6�. <br /> �. -� <br /> caatablleh a homegtaad on sald Paroe) 1 during the time the Martflafle or Qeed `'�`T ; <br /> of 'iruESt ren►n 1 na unat�t I Rf 1 od and A i l en upon P�raA i 1� they ahA 11 have na r i ght �� � �'�. ; <br /> ta mako u deaiflnat.ion aF homvet�ad 1n the eva�t of u Poreaic��uro or truatee's �l " ` <br /> -- ---_ <br /> � .� . . �01 e undar tha Mc�rt.qe�ge or Q�ed af Tru�►t. �� <br /> . ,-- ....::.... .... <br /> � � <br /> . 4. Tho undera i gn�d �tato that th 1 e aaknawl�dgment 1 s th�i r k�owi�g and va 1 untary .,.�._ <br /> �iat and dca�d und oar►at i tutes a wr i tt�n d1 sa 1 a 1 mor and �oknawl edgmen� undor the � <br /> : NebruakA Farn► Hc�ataad Pr�teotian Aat. and thp undArsia�ed do horaby disolaim � <br /> , .� pny right to dealgnatA a hcxnae�sad 1n �h� event of default upon euch Niort@age � . _ <br /> ar p�ed af 7rust or In the wvr�r�w of a Poraclasure or trustaa'8 s�le und�r tfio � - <br /> t�brtgago or De�d af Truat. � <br /> . 6. Thc� unders l gnc3d furtht�r undc�r�t.and onc� nflree that th i c� aaknuwl edgmc�nt c+nd . � <br /> QiaulAimcar c�hall be f11ed Ao a PrefAC� ta and beaomo � p�rt af the Mortg�ge or . � <br /> t�o�d af Truet. . <br /> • Dated Apri 1 ?., 1999 � .� <br /> iYI 0 � . ':a./Y <br /> l)OitAN U. M1�3S � � ,� <br /> � .���.� `� �.�J i <br /> t�mTMY A. t�ass ; <br /> �TA'fC qF N�i3RA.�i!(A, tX)i1N1Y (�- t1Al.t ) 3� , . <br /> ,. , <br /> The faraqoing instrument �r��c� aakn�wlc�dged hc�forca mr� thls ?nd day of April. 1�99� by n � <br /> UORAN p. MD39 a�d OOttATHY A. MOS�� huettand n w1 f . � ��,J . � <br /> - —_=—_-- �M�AA�SLil�111�f�ti� �� //� ��c7 � <br /> � <br /> � �\ ���ro�oHm�W�. ' �' NOTARY PUBLIC .� I <br /> �t �AV` c.-. � � <br /> i. �.. . \l `,-. . . L„ • � � <br /> , , � Sy ' <br /> .� i ` � . : �� � � <br /> 1` J , � 0 u. I <br /> ,� !� ' �` � i'�` � N � i� �- 1 . � � <br /> �� ry •.. a � . � " ; <br /> "\ i� � Nk � ' ; �' <br /> �"� � f� .:ti h k q+C � ' � . •• - . .'I i'�+ I <br /> T - . �� 7 !j � 11 p V 1' C�' •,. `. 1 � 1 <br /> �, � � Y <br /> . � ' � � � � � , .P i <br /> i•• ,. � � � <br /> �` � � � ; � � ' <br /> � � � . � � ' <br /> � . <br /> . <br /> ,. • " ^ � � <br />