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<br /> ._. .., .�t,� : - . : .. . ,_ . . . , _ = ���
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<br /> _ .a::,���
<br /> ,' q��wiia�to�A�..��3t�»�at Rcbt, � =.-��_
<br /> i, t. (�)lktiul►.Lcnd:r►ri9Y�cx�r,p!it_t llntllid b.Y rC�(I�l9RIpL�1 ltfl�4A�Y�h�:Secrrinry in Ihe casc af poymcnt dcfaull�.rc�nlre • . .. . '"��.,��:t:'_'
<br /> :, '; � Immcdleto paynunt ln fi►t1�►1'nU eumv sccotc�i by slia�•c+�s1U'l��5t�u+nent if: . .- .
<br /> (q klorrawcr dtfaalt�ttY 6ttillt�ta,�oY Ir��t�ll�r�Y���t�nth`b 6'aY���r.itt r�qulred by�hla 5ccurUy In�i�umcm��rlur�o or an "��`.
<br /> . . tho duo dutc ot th�:n�nt a�At�tldy Rayt�+�e��t,ur .,, .� .
<br /> � � '•� pq[iorrowcr dmfc�tttl�by!'c�lilq,fnr u pe�lod oi�Mny dpya,�n tserfnrm any mhcs ubll�ations cantnincd In thls Security . ; •
<br /> - - -- lnsltusuept. _
<br /> _ --. ,_-� Ri11'',aio'��'�:taw��rtst:l,AY�tt�t�v�.�,�,tTMlcr SMU,IP;�mtUttd I�r o�rlh:at�tc law ond wllh Uq pdPt aAprovnl uf tbe Stccctary,tcq�um � � ,
<br /> ...... . ...... lnineattnto�ay��+:nt la R�1� af�11►trr sun�v stru�ml dy thti�axuni�Y lee,m�nxn►ii: -- -
<br /> , p)NI ar pan of�Ltio i'.x�xhy i9 at�invier uut9f<md(�xMr t[v►n trv deviso or desam�y�ho fl,^'n`�ver, and ,
<br /> r 7�f
<br /> , ' (ii)71w Pmnc�lv roH a:�u�,'ad M;r tha��unh��r�t m g�+ntcn ay AN ur hor pdnwry� a��iitcnto,c�r thc pu�ch�.ur or
<br /> . � � gmntr.o docw sa�v:s+�py th�►}1���arty b+u h;a t�r Mn cn�i;t R�s nu bccn�ppmvcd in accor�larcc with reyulrcment�of tlic Sa:rctary. . .
<br /> • (c)Na W�l�et,!�ci�cu�7titP�►er.s ocauT tt41c wauld permit Lcnd¢r to rcquire Immcdlntc pnymcm I�full,but l.cndcr docs nat •
<br /> rcqulre s�v:h�,�yntr,nl�, I.en�J!:r ds+:s�.ot wulve its righia with rc5��t ta subscqucnt evcnts.
<br /> (d)ResaleQorb o9111�Jn Secr+l.�aY�ln m+mY chcumstances rcaul�tlons issued by the Secretflry�vill Umlt I.ender's riahts,In � � . ;�
<br /> the case of p+iyarr,nl�4+tfr.itkl.tt�rcq�f�o immedlste psYment In full and farectose If not pald.This Security Instrument dacs �
<br /> not authorlm 4ccelvrcuion ur tarcGlou�rc IP not pormittcd by rcgul�tians oi thc Sccret�ry. ..
<br /> 10. Rel��Qtciaeal. Harrawer has a right to be rcinstatcci if l.cnder t►ns requfrcd immcdiatc p;ayment in full becauso of
<br /> Battawer's fniluro to�uy an c►maunt due under tho Nato or this Sccurity Insrrument.This right ap,^.:icc even flfter fareclosur�
<br /> proceedi�a ure instituted.To relnstate the Security lnsttument, Barrawer sh�ll tcnder in n lump sucn.�U nmountq rcyulred to
<br /> � brina Rono�ve�'s account current including, ta the extent they nro obli�ation� af Qorro�ver under this Secu�ity Instrumcnt,
<br /> �, 6'oreclosure casts c►nd reasonable and custamlry attarney'a feea and expense� pronerly associa�ed ���ith the foseclosure .
<br /> - �+rorceding.Upon relmtntenunt by 8arrower,thls 5ecudty Instrument e�ad the obligat�ons thut it sccure9 shall remain in effcct:+s
<br /> if I.endcr had nat required immecliato payment 1n f1►11.Howcvcr,I.cnder is nnt teyuircd to permit�cinstutcmcnt if:(i1 acnder has , .
<br /> acccpted reinstatement oitcr the commencemcnt of forcclosuro proce�din8a within two ycure Immediatcly pteceding the
<br /> " fu ure�or(iii)r instat mcnt�will adversely ifcctthc priotity oi the Ncn cr�e:+pcd hy thispS c�u�ity Instrument�� �round�in Ihe , ;
<br /> .�'� 11. 8orro�er Not[Te7aused�For�euranca Eiy I.endec Not a Wa(ver. Extension of the time of pavment or modificndon af ( ":�
<br /> amortizution of the sums secured by this Security]nstrument granted by Lender ta uny successor in interest aP Ba�rowe�shaU not t
<br /> ' • operate w rcicusa thc Ilnbility nf tho uriEinol Horro�ver or Borro�vcr's successor in intcrest. Lcnde.shall not be requircd ta f _
<br /> commence procecdings ug�inst any successor in interest or refuse to eatond�ime for payment or oth��:��ise madify RmarUautian f �, ,
<br /> of' the sums securcd by this Secutity lnstrumenl by reuson of uny demand made by the original Earrower �r Borrower's I '•` _
<br />- successors In interest. A�y farbearance by l.endcr in cxcrc is iag any r ig h t o r r e m e c i y s h a l l n o t b e a wniver of or preclude!he � i:''.� .
<br /> cxetcisc of any�ight or remedy,
<br /> 12.Su�om and Aeaiga9 Bounds Jalnl and 9cveral I.labllity;Cu-SiAaen.Thc covenunts und�8recmcnts oi'this Sccurity �
<br /> Instrument sAall bind and benefit the successors nnd assigns af[.endcr nnd Oorrower,subJeCt tu the�zovfsioriy oP parngraph 9.b.
<br />_ -------- -�. .
<br /> _ —-- ...
<br /> Barro�ver's covenants and ngrcements shali be joint aad seva►al.Ang°a�av:cr�:ho ca=:lgns lhss S�cur?ty Insl[ument but ars �__ _.._-_ _ _ ____
<br />- not execute the Note:(a)Is co•signing this Security In�trumeat only to mongage,grant and conve�•tRat Borrower's interest in
<br /> the Property under the terms of this Securlty lnstrument;(b)Is nat personally abligated to pay the auma secured by�his Security �•.
<br />- __,._, .... , lnst�umcnt; and (c) �grees that Lendcr ond any other Bo�rmvcr may agrcc to extend, modifl�, fanc�ar or mAkc nny
<br /> ..ti�ti . .�;ee�,��q�ha, pnr:c,acr's consent. i .. -
<br /> --- accommndtnions with rcBarq ca�ne tcrm vi ii�i.Sc..aiity tsstiiii�i:i.:0. . '�° �r)'
<br /> 13.Notc�es.Any notica ta aorrowcr provided I'a�in this Securitc lnsirument shall be given by cicli•�erin@ it or by mulling it by ( ,
<br /> rrst cl�,ss rnal)unlcss npplicable law requirc9 use o(nnother methad.3'he notice shall be dlrccted to t:`:e Property Address or any
<br /> - other address Horro�ver designntes by notice to l.endcr•Any naticc to 4ender shall be r,iven by first cla�.�mc+il to Lrnder's addre�c , , �
<br /> ' stated herein ar any sddress 4ender designates by notice to 8orrower.Any notico provided fo�in this Security Ins;rument yhall
<br /> = be c9e.med ta heve been aiven ta Borrawcr ar I.ender���hen given as pravided 1n this parugruph.
<br /> f., 1�.Gov¢Rning I.ow�Sevcrobl8ty.This Security Instrument shall bc�a�erned by Fedcral law and t[�c law at the jurisdicdon in �
<br /> �• which the Propeny is locnted.ln the ecent that any ptovision ar clause of this Security lnstrument��r cFce Note confllcts with ap• �
<br /> � pllcablo taw,such canilict ahall nat uffect athe�pravisions of thio Security Instrument or the Tote�vhich cao be given effect
<br /> wlthout the canf]icting pravisian. To this end the pravisians of this Secu�itY Instr4ment and the Note ure declared ta be
<br /> , severc�blc. •
<br /> , � 1�.Barrawe�'s Capy. Aarrower shaU be given ane conformed copy of this Security Instrument_ ,
<br /> l6.A�.signmenl ot Renis.Ilorrowcr uncanditianully asslgn5 itnd irRnafers to l.ender ail the rents�n�i revcnucs of the Property. . , , ,
<br /> Borrawer uuthorizea Lender or I.ender's agenis ta collect ihe rents and�evenues and hereby dire.ts each tenant ai the Property
<br /> to pny the rente to 4ender ar l.ender's agents.Hmvever,prior to Lender's notice to Aortower of florrower's brca�h of any cove-
<br /> nnnt or ngreement in the Security Instrument,Ao�tawer shall callect and reecive all rents and revenues of the Property a9 t�ustee ,
<br /> Por the benefit of Lender xnd H��rrowcr.7'his ascignnunt of rents constitutes an absoluic uxsignment and nat un assisnment for
<br /> � addltlonal sccurity only.
<br /> If l.ender gives notice af breach to Botro�ver:(n1 all rents received by Borrower shall b:held by 8orrowee as trustee for benef i�
<br /> •� of'thc ents oIi thc Prapenyaand(c)e ch tenant��f�hc Property1 haU pay all rc��duc andlunpaiditoeLendc'or�l.cnder'siag nit
<br /> on Lcndcr's written dcmand ta thc tcn�nt.
<br /> Borro��er lias not executed any prior assignment of the retus and has not�nd will noi perform uny act �hot wauld prevent
<br /> ; I.ender iram cxcrcising its rights under thi�paragraph Ib.
<br /> Lender shall not bc requircd to cnter u�wn,cakc cantTOl of ar maintain Ihc Property befarc or nfcer gitiin�;noiicc of breach to
<br /> -`� Ro�rowzr.liawcv�r,�rnder os a;udicial?k ar^o�:�ted receive�may do so ai anL�Ume there is a brcach.Any�arplication of reats
<br /> shall not curc or waice any de(�ult or imalidatc am�o�her right or rcmedy�of Lcndcr.�fhi.us5ignment of rcnis ot the Property
<br /> �!• shaU terminate��hen thc debt cecurcd b� �hc Sc�urieq Instrument is paid�n (ull.
<br /> i
<br /> i
<br /> i
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