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. _ . . . ... <br /> .,: _ . ��, , . ._ . . . �, � � ._. __� ;n <br /> - �: . .,. ' ., , ,�`: . . " .. It. ,_ __ _ _-_ _ -_ <br /> . \�, �.�� <br /> . , �,. � , <br /> .. . <br /> � � ---- . �:��.=� <br /> �.,�.�.,� .. <br /> ;�. ,, .. ; . �I��iJS'i'�D�.� �►�i� �1��� ' ._' ' ` .�- <br /> c���°�' # ,11 /�,.' ,� .. ._ _ <br /> ' (1 Ycar Trcasury Index•[tato cnp�1 J.V 4 V aa� .�_ _- <br /> . Tunc� �_,I9_.��_.. � - - <br /> TNIS Ap1USTA0Li3 RA'f[3 Rtl�i4(t Is nindc this � 2) c1�y of ._.__.-...._..--_' ------e—.----- ------ _ .,. _ <br /> ' and I� tncarporated In10 gnd eh�ll bo ctcemed ta amend and euppicment thc Mortgngc, qetd ot Tnu1, o�Securtry I]rcd (�hc "5tcurity . <br /> . ... . <br /> lastrum:nt")o!the e�n�e deto glvo��by tho undcrelaned(thc"Norrowu")to nccuro Bc�rrowcr'e AdJust�bto Rntc Noto(thc"Moto"1 ta idOfNF, � - --- �— <br /> _... ..-- -._ . .,,,. <br /> -----.. --- �- — <br /> �ED�_,rc+a�,8J►v�t�o9�„L. N AS.t�C A dN t3F AflA4►1D t:�1.ANd�NEA�AS,_K�,(ths "l.e�xlc�")o!ttw eamc�tate and cavetit�thc - .• <br /> - <br /> �� praperly describcd In I�o�esunty uuuumcnt end locatcd n�. <br /> - � 2211 Wo�f: 11i:h 5t. and 2Z95 IJo�t 'ilth St.� Grand Zslan�l� Nc G8F1R3 �- -: . ._`. ..- <br /> � (Fro�uny Addtess) ,� . <br /> Thta note cantaln� pruvWow RQowlaa tor¢h�nQa la my fntcrcal rnto wnd my monthly � <br /> p�ymcnb.T�le noto el�a IImIW the�mouul my Intcreat�ptc c�n ch�uga nl�ny oao Ilma Rnd <br /> . dso the mlNmum end tAe m�almum nte I muat p�y. <br /> ADAITIONAI.COVHNANTS. In nddltlon to the covenanta ond ogreement5 madc In the Sccurity InaUument,Borrowar nnd l.onder <br /> . Rvthcr covcn4nt and agrec w follows: <br /> � A, �N7'F.11�S'i'RA7'E AND ft40MTHI�Y PAYMEI�I�'�CZ{�1ANC[� ; � <br /> ;' `:i},'• ' 'i'he Noto pravides for en lniti4l intc�c.9t rata of .,._.QIa,5cction 4 ot the Note►�ro�•tdes for chungcs In the intcrest�ato ond the � <br /> : � mu��thly paynunW,as follows: � ' <br /> ;;��.' �. INT6R6ST RA 7G AND MONTNL Y PA 1'A1L�NT GHANGGS � ,.. <br /> �. :', (A1 CA�e�e Uate� ` : <br /> ':�•; ,�'���,` 'fhp intcrest rato 1 wiU pny mr�v chnnga on the firot dny of n�cemaeT __,19 92 ,nnd on thnt doy cvcry � <br /> `•' °• twelve ; , ., <br /> ,;��:' _ months thereufter.Each d�te on which my(mcrest rnte cruld changa fs rnitcd a"Change Apte." <br /> . , � ,� � , <br /> • , ' (B) 7'9e Aa1ea <br /> • �� �s' Beginning wlth tho flrat Changc Datc,my intere�t rato wlli hc bn+ed on an lnde.r.Thc"lndex"i�tho wcekly avcragc yield on United Stntts i , <br /> 71�.asury accurlde�adJu�ted to a con�tant matu�ity of 1 ycn�,n�made availabla by eha Federal Rescrve Bonrd.Tlic mo�t recent Index fiaure i � <br /> `�`' availablo as oi the dnte 43 daya bcfM�ench Chnngo Date is callcd thc��C.urrcnt inde�." <br /> If tho Indcn Is no longer uvnitnblc,tne Nate Holder w111 choosc a nc�v iadc�which la based upon comparttblo InPormntion.Thc Notc . <br /> Holder w1U�Ivc me notico of thls cholce. ! <br /> � • �: <br /> (C) Glculwdon ol Chaoacs i �; , <br /> Hefore each Change Dato,tho Nato Holder�vlll culculnto my new interest s�ce by adding twa and one/ha lf _,pe�centage <br /> _ ----_—, ��y�U�_ ? � e1p)Lp!!!e C!!i[CSl1 leuin;gnd�m»d►ne tu t6e nearest 1�'8th of 1�'o,su09ect w the Itmlte atntcd In Section A(D)below. I _ ,.� '' <br /> 7riis rounded umount wlU bo my ncw intcrest ratc until thc nexc Ch�r�qe Dntc. ' • � <br /> Tho Noi:4lolde�will then determtno the nmount oP the manthly puy�manc th��woutd 6c sufficicnt to rep�y in full ihe principal 1 am , ` <br /> .. � CAMCttd IO pW0 00 t�18{CIlA0g0 DAtO((15LD�ltlAQ31�y CIjUB��aS'O1C7119 by iFIC fl7AYUfi[y dAIG At fllg t1C�Y IAlCtCS!ff3t@.Th0(C9UIt Of IIIIA CAICUIOtIpil . ; '' <br /> �_. . <br /> (.:S_ <br /> — • - <br /> w!U iv,tno naw amount of my monthly paymcnt. . : <br /> (D) I�mlb on Interest R�te Ch�ages <br /> '�hc interest rAta 1 am requlrcd to puy at tho firsl Chnngo Dutc will not bc greater thtsn q-�5 —% ar less thc+n <br /> �.:j 5�25 �Jo.Thereafter,my I�tercst rato w111 ncvcr be incrcased at decrcas�on any single ChAnge note by more than two percent <br /> � _,_(�,,..�.�irom the rota of intorest i have been pnying fo�the prcccding tweivc months.Thc minimum Intcresi rate an thle loan wlll ncvcr bc <br /> ir.a.a than. -`�•z 5 %and the maxlmum Interest�ate will ncvcr bc nreatcr than 1 z.25 °'o. <br /> !E) �ttective D�te of ChtaRes <br /> hty new lnterest rate wUl bccomo cffectivo on cuch Changa Pato.1 wlll pay the tttnount of my new monthlp pAymcnt bcginniRq on the first <br /> monthly payment date after thc Change Date umil thc amount of my monthly pAymcnt chnnges ugain. <br /> (� Notice ot Ch�a�es <br /> The Note Holder will ma11 or deliver to mo n natico before cuch Change pAta.The notice wlll advlse me oP: <br /> (i) the now intcrost rota on my lonn aa of the Ghangc Date; <br /> (ii) thc amount of my monthly paymcnt following ihc Chnnga Aatc; <br /> (11!) nny additionu!muttcrs whlch thc Note Noldcr Is requircd to dis:losc;and � <br /> (iv) the uddress of the tusaclotion you could contact reearding nny questions about tl�e ndJustment no;ice. <br /> 8. CHARGES;I.lENS <br /> Unlfatm Covenant A ot thc 5ccudty Instrumcnt is amended to reflr�os follows: <br /> 4. Charga�Uem.Borrawer sh�ll pay All taxes,assessments,and othe�charges,Qnes,nnd Impositions�ttribucable to the P�aperty�vhich muy <br /> nlluiii a�p�lority over this Sccurlty lnsuument,and IeASehold puyments of ground rents,ii any,in the manner pro�•ided under purugraph 2 hereof <br /> or,lf not puid in such Borrower mnking payment,when due,directly to thc paycc thercof.8orrower shall p�omptly furnl�h l.endcr <br /> all naticcs of nmounts due under ihis parograph,and in thc cvcnt parrowcr shall makc pnyment directly,8or�ower shull pramptly furnish to <br /> l.tnder recelpts evidencing such paymonts. Hor�awer shall pramptly discharge any licn��•hici� has priority over this Security ln�irument: <br /> hoWever. Por��wer �hAl! not be required to discharge unY sucl� llen so long ilS BOt(pWCI: (:i)shall agr:e in writing ta the payment aP the <br /> � obligaUon sccurc+�by auch Ilen in the manncr acceptabic ta Lcndcr;(b)shall!n�zoad faich comesi such licn by,or�;fend a�alns�enfarcement of <br />: such Ilen in,legal proccedinEs which in the opinion of Lender operatc to prcvcnt�hc enforcemcnt of thc Ucn or forfcieure af thc Pruperty or any <br /> I part thereof;or(c)shall securc Prom the holder of such licn on agreemem in a form cudsfnctory to l.ender subordinating such lien to thls <br /> ISecurity laat�ument. <br /> � li Lender determines that nll or any pa�t of Ihe Aroperty is subject Ia a licn whieh may attain a priority m•er thi9 Securlly Instrument, <br /> L.ender shell give IIorrower a noticr identifying such lien. Borrower shall aausfy tiuch lien or take une or more of the actions aet Porth above <br /> within ten dnys of thc giving uf the nacicc. <br /> C. NOTICE <br /> Unlfotm Covenant 14 of the Security Insuumcnt is amcnded�o rcad as(ollows: <br /> ld. Nodrr.Excepl for ony nodce requited under applic��ble law to be Niven m another manner,(a1 any nauce to Horrower provided for m�his <br /> Security Inst�umcnt shall be given by deUvering ii or by mniling It by(irst class m�il to BorroH�cr al thc I'roperty Addres�ar at Such���hcr addreac <br /> as 8orrower may designate by nadce to l.ender as proviAed hetein,and(b)any notice l0 4ender shall be g���en by fusl class mail to Lender's <br /> uddress stated herein or to such other address ns Lender may desfgnato by notice to liorrower as prnvided herein.Any notice provided tur ro thfti <br /> iSecurlty Instrument shall bc dccmed to have bccn given to Barrower nr I.cnder w•hcn gi�•en m thc manncr dcsignated hcrcin. <br /> . <br />�, � <br />: <br /> � _ - _ <br />