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<br /> " ` ,.' oppifct�hlc linv ntuy r��c�'Ify fo� rcln+t+�tcat�ntl t�cfur� x�lc ��i tl►r 1'ruprrly pur�um�l lu any pu�t•er��1�alc c�n►udn�rd io Ihiw
<br /> tircu�iiy In.tn�mrnr,ur(h►cnl�y ot'u�ud�;u►cnt rnfurring ihl�Srcuri�y lutiu�umrm. 'I'hn,c rundUfum nm duit Nur��o��•�r: tn) • _
<br /> � . ' puys Lrndcr :dl su�u.r• tvliich Ih�il �vuul�l he duc undcr this tirrurilp In�u�umew nml Ih�� Nutc u� ii'nu n�celrr:�tlun I�nd , ,
<br /> ° • - , cmcuncd;th)cun++�oy�IcP;u�U��f i►��y ulh�r cuvcninttti n�u�!r�cmru�s;(�1 p;�ys;�II c�p�mcs incurr�d iu�nt�urcin�t tl�i,Srcuri�y .
<br />---- --.�'. .---- - In�ini�»�ttt, inclodi�t�t, hut nW Ifntll�d t��, rcawnabl� uUrtnrv�'t'4es; wid Idl uikr, �urh ��et(un a� 1.ru�lcr u�uy rc;�.rtmnhiy '. .
<br /> - {-- - -- - -
<br /> r�Nulr�tu asruh��hnl thc lictt of Ihiy S��urily lnalrtun��tl.L�nder�rights in tNr f'n�i�rny sitd{ktrruw�e�;ti►FlI6uUui�tu puy thc ._ ..� '�-
<br /> ' ' rums secured by Ilii� Sc�.u(ily Uti.tn�m:nt �h;tN enntistur ►+►��•h�,n�nd. Upu�� reinstatentrut t�Y 1lorrrw4�r, thl� Scc�iril�� �_� ,: : ��, _,
<br /> _ -.. ~ � - instrumcnt iuui�Ne uMi�;aii.�ns�ccttircd tfcrch�•.hal!r�ntuin t'ully��!'1«tiv�u�li'uu�sccrirrathm hitd uccun•rd. 11o��evrr,tlii, ; � _. _ ,_
<br /> . �ight to rcintitAlc sht►II not apply in lhC cu�C ut�arccicr+Uiun uudCr pnrugraph 17, f . . • .
<br /> _ ' . 19. Si�te oP Nnte: l:hun�r u4'Lu:�n tie��tcer. "I'I�r Nnte ur a p��rtial iiurre•:i in Uic Nutr �tuEt�lher witi� thi,Scrurity �
<br /> Inrl�•umen�l nu►y bc sold uiu ur nturc tin�rti ��'ilhout priur nu�icc 1u Hun•a�vcr. A �;�Ir muy rcauli in ii rhun�;c in thr rndty .
<br /> lknuwn ns�hc"Lunn Srrvicer")Ihnt cull��:ls munthly pavntcnt�du�undcr ihc Not�+md ihi,Scc►n•ity Instruntrm. 'I'hcr�idsu
<br /> mny tx:onc oi morc chung�s of thc t.��an tirrvicur unr�li►tcd t��+�sulc ul'thc Nutc, It'Ihcir is+�rhnn�c ai'Ihr l.uiin Srrviccr,
<br /> tlorn�wcr will tw�;ivcn�vrittrn nulire af�h� chsui�c in urcardiuirc wi�h par�i�r:iph Id t�bu��c+md uppllcuhle I+►�v. 'The nutfr��
<br /> wfll suuc thc nnmc amd��ddre+y��f'thc nr�v l.uan Scrviccr�►nd tt►c addns�tu which��aymcnh�huuld hr nuidc. Thr m,lirv will .,
<br /> al.0 cunti�in uny othcr infc,rniatiun rey�dred hy iipplic+ihlc I:�w,
<br /> l0. Ht�utrdouy Subwtnnccs. Hun'rnv4r shaU nu�ruuxc ai•permil lhc pr��e�u:u,utie�dispusui,yt��r;i��,nr rel�asa ui�tin).
<br /> ' Hai�iir�4�us Substunccti on ur In Ihc Pn�perty�, liarru�vcr �hull nut du, n��r :illuw :�nyunc rltic tu du, nnylhin�; afFectin�; ilir
<br /> Pruperty Ihin is in viuliuinn i�f nny Envirrumeutc�l i.uw. Th�prcccding two+u�itcnc�:s shall nut upply to Ihc pr��cncr,u�r,ur ,
<br /> , stcrra�;c nn Ihe F'r��prriy ul'smaU��ulu�dtir�ut'N�u�vduu+Suhsl�mcrs ih;�t.�re ge+ierully rrcu�;nizc�l to hr�ipprupriiitc tu nurnu►I
<br /> rctiidcmiid uses imd to u�aintcntuicc�,f thc I'rupcny.
<br /> • l�urrowcr.hnll prom�,tly givc Lrndar wriUcn nutier at'uny inv��ti�i�:.uiun,claim,demand,luw�uit ur uthar uctiun hy�uty� i ' ..
<br /> � �nd any Hiuurd�mx SuhsUmc�or tinvirunmcnu►I I
<br /> . �o��ci,�u�cauiil ur rcg�Uutory u�rury ur privatc parry involvin�, tl�r I'rup�rry ,
<br /> La�e �,i' ���hirh Hurri�wcr hns actual knu�vlud�;�. !f Horruwcl' Icuntx. ur fs nntilicd hy any �±iwcrun�t�ntul ur rcgtdatury , .
<br /> • innhorit}•,th:it i+u�•rrm��vul rr rsh�r rrmrdiadun uf any tluzt�rduus 5ubstancc af(rc11n� Ih�t !'r:.��^rty� is nrrc�+nry, flurru�vrr i
<br /> � ,hitl)}nrnnptl�•tatic:III Ill'C4'S�:iry rr�n�diid actiu�i�in+�cci�rdunrc+vilh Envirunmrnt.�l L,t�v. -
<br />. , .as uscd in�hi.pur�►�:ruph;0,"Fl�u.;u•drz+•�uh.l:mcrti'urc Ihu�c sub�timr.:s dc1'inc�l us tuxic or h�uardaus,uh,t+mrr�hy f
<br /> Enrironmcnli�l i,nw und thc frllowin�; ,ub:.ta�rc�: Nusolinr. l�rrusrnc, other tlmnmahh or tuxic prUOl�um pri�durlti. tuxic '
<br /> E�c.tici�lr. iutd herbicides, val+�tile solvenls, maWrial. rrr,t,r��iut. ushcst�,s ur 1'ormalJ�hydc.;ind rudii�activr miUeriul�. A.
<br /> used in this parn�;raph«0,'.tinviri�nntcntal L:��r'.mruns fcder:U li�wti und It��vs�►f Ihu,�uri�dictiim where ihe f'�'uperty i�I�,rat�•d ` '
<br /> . 1Nat rclntc ti�hcalth,sufcly ur ruvirunmcnl:d pn+terlian. � �
<br /> nON•UNIFORM COVGNAN'fS. Hn►ti�»�cr iuid Lrndcr funhcr covrnam amii ugrrc us fulluws:
<br /> 21. Accelerntlun; Remedlev, l.ender shidl �;Ive notice to Hurru«•cr prlur!o uccelc�aUon folluwin�;Rurru��er's 1 �
<br /> • breuch uf nny cuvenunt or u�;reement in thlr Securll,r Inytrument 16ut not prior tu acceleri�dun under paru�ra�rh 17 ��,�,
<br /> � � unlesti uppUruble Inw pruvides utherwkel. '1'he notice yhidl+peclfy: 1��1 the default;lbl the»ctlon reyuired t��cure the �
<br /> defuull;Icl i�diUe.not less thna�0 di�vs i'rom Ihe dutc the notice iti�i�•en to Hnrru���er.by ��•hich the defuult mutit br ,
<br /> cured;u�d ld►Ihut failure to cure the dePv�dl un��r hefore the dtUe tip�iQed In the notice mi�vi cesv9�In ucceleraUiun uP �
<br /> ,,,;,,;
<br /> _ - - - - -
<br /> __ _
<br /> the sumy secured hv this Securiiv imirunicai ttnti�t�is+iF ih:s!'ni�:ly 'rhe ns�ti'-f�hsl�4�t��!"r��form Borrower oP �____._.._____ _
<br /> � 1he ri�;ht t��relnytute uiler��cceleruUun und the ritiht h�brin�u rourt ncUon tu assert Ihe nomrxlstence uP u�lefault or
<br /> iuis uther deienso uP Nurruwer to uccelerijUon und sale. IP the defauN is not cured on ur before the dute c��cified in { -
<br /> ....... . . 1 the notice.Lender ut its uptlon�nuy require immedlutt�i��•mcnt io i'uU ui'ull�um�;�ec+arcd b�•this�ecu�it�•lnstrument I •�
<br /> � , ��ithnut t1��t��r dcmund nnd n��+v invnke t1�c po«•er ut'yuie nnd unv oii�c� re�.cea�or.vei'ui�.�r� ily� 8i2Y":«�!� l:sW. �=_.._ :,_ _ .._ _�-_
<br /> Lencler shall Ae entitled to colleet i�ll exprn�es incurrecl In pursuin� the remedir• pruvided in thls puru�;ruph 21. �
<br /> i�cludln�.hut nut IimUcd tu.rcusonnble.�uurncys'iecv und costs ol'UUc crldrncc, •
<br />:- IP the po�r•er i�P s�de is im•oked.'ll�ustee shnll recurd u noUce oi'defuull in esch ruunty In whirh uny pan ui'the :
<br /> �ru�ertv is(��cuted und shull n�uil capieti uPsuch noUce in Ihe nmm�er pre�cribed t��uppUcuble luw t��Itarro�+cr and to
<br />- •� the uther pertions prercribcd h�• �ippliruhlc lins. Ai'Icr Ihe time required b}• i�ppliruMe lu�r•,'1'rutitce shull�;i��e public
<br /> ! notice oP tiule to the peryuns nnd i�thc naanner prcurihed h�•upplic��ble lu�,•. IYustee.���lthuut demimd on Ilorrmr•er. :.
<br /> chu0 seU lhe 1'ruperty nt publie nuc�iun tu Ihe Iti�hesl hidder ul Ihr ti�nic und place und u�der thr.Rcr�nx desi};nuted in
<br /> Ihe nuUce aP sule In une ur mure purcels und i�un��order'Irustee detosmines. 'Irutiter mu�•poxs�crr�e,�de oP uU ur unv
<br /> ' pt�rcel uP the Prv►pertv by pubUc unnuuncement ul the Ume und pluce of un}• pre�•iousl�•zchrduled s�de. l.ender ur itr
<br /> ' desi�nee muy purchutie Ihe i'rupertp id i���y sule.
<br /> ilpon recelpt oP puvment ui'the pricc bid, 'Irustee shuU dcU��er to the purchuser'IY�u�tee's deed cw���e�ing Ihe � .
<br /> Pruperty. 'Phe recltulti in the'll�ustce'x deed shull hr prlmu Pucie c�i�lence af the Iruth af the slutementy nn�de therein. � - -
<br /> 'Irustee shidl�{pply the procceds uf Ihe y:�lc In the i'uUoa•in}�urder: �a�l to ull custs i�nd expen+es uf e�crcltiin�;the po�r�cr
<br /> g, ` Fornl s11'.S 4:9{I �p,rc,��,�/n�a�ei��
<br /> 1
<br /> �' '
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<br /> �
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