;`,. �,.. .�: . .„ ... :Y% . �. �� , k� - ' --_ -- __
<br /> `�\,r _
<br /> _:'_. . ;,' _ �•: _ _ r �` '� ��... - . .-_ --
<br /> - �� ��i . .. - � � P . � , � •'-�.-:� .
<br /> \L r
<br /> ,• �
<br /> ..._......��...�...-_._ . _ .... .... 1 - � __-- :f�� -
<br /> • ,;`.tP` '
<br /> �. � ��FicaM � M -io��� -r _" :S_ ._ _. _
<br /> "1'lK.ifi161Mi!� 1V1'I'!I ull Ihc intpnwciu�nt�n�►�a ur hiirullcr ercctrd un Ih� ��rupeny,an�l uU ru�cntcutti.npptnirn:mrrr, � - "=�_-
<br /> `, - �md li�tun;• qi��y ue i�errul'lee i►pnrt at'Ih� �n'u�tt`ily. All rrpl��CCm�:ntti altld ndditiun��httll�dso Ir ruvrn'�I I►�1lth�Sicew'lly ,
<br /> In�t►unt�`nt. A!I(11'Il�c li�rcEt��ini1 i��rlen��d tu in Ihiti ticrui'fly Imliu�ncnt���tt►c"Ihup�ity." . . .
<br /> . '._
<br /> --- ----.:_. . ., 1�111�htt}1.V,l:E�l'UVl4Mr�N'I:S Ih�►1 Ilurru���`r iti hn�•li�ll�•,ci�rd nl�INc��.�a�r h�r��by cuu��cycd n�id hn� tGc ri�ln �u grunl . - - ,
<br /> uu�)c:�t��ti�ti (h�i'r:�perty mnl ihtjllix.�1'�up::cty ��un�ucwntkn•d.rx�•cpl for r�tcuatlir:urc��ul'rrcurJ. Nurra��•4r�vnrri�ntti+�ud t _.. . ... .
<br /> �
<br /> .. ��111�{.t:11d�rnrr.tlly'tNr t4dr t���he F'���►pr��tv u►;ulu.t all rlaint�nild dcuuutds,suhj�et tu u��y cncuuthrtnrrti u1 r4et+r . i -- .- -
<br /> '
<br /> 'i'iii� yF.l"{iEtITY !Nti'CkUR1t�N'1' cun►hU�rs u►►ifunn c�►vcn�uu� ti�r n+Ui�,nul u.c ni�d nun-unil�mei cuvrunut, �viil�
<br /> , � � Iinlit�d vurii►Uu�i�hY.i�u�lvdicliun li�cumUtutc u unili�rm�ccurl�y in,aumenl ruv�rluH reai prupchy. .
<br /> UNIfORM CUVi:NAN'1'S. Il��rcu��•rr�ui�l l.endcr ru�•�u:tat au►d u�rcc a�fulln���ti:
<br /> 1. 1�Uymcut uP 4'�Inrlpnl und I�Ucrc�l: 1'repavmcat und Lutc l'hu�{tt'.r•. Rurnnarr,hnll pramp�ly p��y whcn due thc .
<br /> . F�rincipul oi'+i�id Int��r�r,t on Uio dcht evid�i�r�d I�y�hc Nu�c nn�l au�y prrpayoirn�uud I:u�chni�gc,duc undr►•�hc Natc.
<br /> 2. H�ndv Por'n�xcs��nd lnsurHncc. �ui����:��„a��,pii«�nio i�►���ar U�u«riucn wuivcr hy�Lcndrr�Hurrwvcr shuU pay Iu
<br /> l.cnd�r un Ihc di�y momhly p�iti'mcntx;uc du� undrr thc Nutc,uuUl Ihc Nuta iy p;ii.l In full.u �um 1"f�undr"l fu�:(u►y�•�rly .
<br /> iux�r.i►nd atisr�,rnrn�ti which m��y iUta�iu p�•iority uvrr this tieruri�y Imt�unu n�a�a licn un Ihc{'rupr�ty: (hl)'ca�ly I.ntichuld
<br /> _ _ p,�yment,r• „r i;ruund ren�s un th4 F'rupeiyy�, if u��y; lct yo�►rly iwi,ud ar pruperly inyuruncr premimn�: ldl yc;►�•ly Ilu�xt
<br /> _ in���runcr pmmlu�i►s, it' ��ny; 1��1 ycarly murl��agr insurnnrr prcmlum�, il' imy; +m�l lll nny rum, pnyi�blu by Rorrawrr tn
<br /> • I.cndcr, in ac4urduncc with thc pravisiunr ul' paru�r.iph N, in licu ol'thc I�:►ym.:ni uf murtga►�� in.urnnrr prcmu�m�. 'Thc+c
<br /> ' item�are culled"Esrraw Itetns." t.ender may�.;u:ury iune,c��llrct:uid huld Funds i�i+�n;mtaunt nnt tu crrecd the nu►ximwn
<br /> antaunt a Icn�lcr t'ur i� f'rd�rully rclutrd ntutt4n�r laan muy rr��uirc fw• 13urruwcr'ti c��ro�v accuunt uudrr th� f��l:rtd Kei�l
<br /> Estatc SCIII�:Inct11 Nrucodures Art oi'I')7�t:►s;m�endc�y I��um iim�t��Uu�c, 1�U.ti.(', �:6111 i�r.�rr�.1'.RF.tiPA"),u��lrys;u►uthr►•
<br /> . la��v thul applia�tc�thu 11�nd�+ctti u Icti.rcr amuunt. li'�a.Lrndcr muy,at any tinw,rallrrt und h�,ld{�unds in un umount nui tu
<br /> exceed the Ic�ycr amuunl, l.ender nuiy «�im+uc �hc +unuunl uf Funds duc an thc hatiis ul' current dulu and reu��mablc '
<br /> exUmiucs of cxpcnditur�:y�,I'futuru�,crow Item�ur u�henvisc in+�rcorduner�ti�ith nppllr.►hlc I:nv. .
<br /> Thc Funds �:hidl bo hcld in un institution whu�c depu.ils nro In�urcd by a i'edcri0 u�;cn�>', in�Irumrntidily, ur�n�1y !
<br /> �including l.endc�.if l.cndc�Is�uch i�n in.�itutiun)ur in+my F�dcrul Hu�uc Luan I�unk. Lrndrr,hull nppl��thc Fund�tu i I .
<br /> thc �scro��• �tema. l.endcr mny nut rtuugc Rurr��wrr f��r holdin� und appl��ing thr f�und�. unnually :�nalyrin��hc c.crow � .
<br /> uccuunt, ur �crifyin� thc ��cmw Itcmy. unlc�ti l.cndcr pay, liurruwcr imcn,��•�� dic I�uods iutd+�pplir:�hlo Inw pri�mll� � ,
<br /> l.cndc�tu m;�kc such a char�;c. Huwc�•cr,l.�ndcr nu+y rcquiro I�utr��wcr to p:�y u �m�-timu��hart:c fur an ind��kndent rval . .
<br /> � crtutc u�x rcpurUng scr.�icr u�cd hy L�ndcr in runncctiun with thi.luxn.unlc�+:�ppliu�hl�la�v prnvidcs uthrr�ri,�, Unlc.�an
<br /> ugrcemcnt i�made ur upplicable law rcquires intricst tu hc p.►id,l.rndcr�hall n�,t he rryuired iu pay Bunuw�►'uay intcrc.l ur :
<br /> enrnings�m thc Funds. Borru��•cr iuid l.reidcr muy ugrcc in���riling,huwcvcr,that intci•c�i�hadl hc pidd un thu Fund.. l,rnd�r � . _
<br /> shull`bc far�whi h���h dchit tu�i crl undti wu��madc�"Th��FLndtih rr'plod�cd u�u�ili�ioniil ���uriry for�ullhwml�ti��w��d1hy ,
<br /> rum .
<br /> this Sccuri�y In�trumcnt.
<br /> IP lhe Funds hcld hy Lendet �xceed lh� :tt�tuuntti �xnuitled tu be hcld by •ipplicahlc I.�w, l.rndcr �h,tU a�cuunl lu
<br /> Burrowcr for ihc cxcc,x Funds in arci�rdimcc with�hr n��uircn�cnts uF applic.eblr I�iw. lt'�ho :►nu�unt oi"thc!-�und�hcld by ,
<br /> - "----_- l.��ndcr at any timc is not .rtd�ficirnt tu p:�y thc is�crow lirtiii u�nen clu�,Lrs:t'.:'s s::ay �a ttnli4;Y R��rrnwcr in wrilin�;,and,in =-_ _-- ---- _•
<br /> " sudi cusc Borrowrr �hull pay tu Londcr tho ;unuunl nrrc,curv tu ntukr up lhc �t�firi�ncy�. B��rru�vcr �hall makr up the
<br /> detiricncy in no mnrc lhan twclvc munthly paymc nt.,ut l.�ndcrk���1�di�rretian. �
<br /> =-;�:.,_ �i��n�,g;mrnt in full of uU sun�y �«ur�d h)�thia Scrurily In+teument.Lcnd��r tihull prrntpth•rcfund tu Aurn���•cr viy -_
<br /> �-, .�,� --- �._ � ...1.,. . . ..i '�i�.n�ir .
<br /> ._ F�md,hetd by l.encicr. 11', under pivagruph'I, I.endrr.h•rll acyu�m ar tieii�nc�-�,periy, i.���«���, t�;�:zr:•...•• =:�...':....
<br /> ' ,alc ��f th� f'�aperty. shull apply any Fund� hcld h�• l.rndcr at ihc �imc uf acqui.itiun ur .alc i�� a credit aigain.t tlw ,ums
<br /> sccurod by thi�Sccuri�y Imtrumcnt.
<br /> �` i. AppllciUion of Pi+yments. l�nle+� arpliruhl� law rn��•idrs uthrr��i�c. all puyntrnt. rcccived hy l.endcr undcr
<br /> . pn�agraphs 1 and�,hull hc applicd: fir.t,1�� any prop.iynunt rh,u�r.duc undvr th�Nute:.rr��a�l,lo umuunt� payablc undrr
<br /> .� parc+gruph�:third,tu intcn:,i duc:iuurth,n�principal dur:and In`t,tu uny latc rh;u•grs�luc undc•r thc Nutc.
<br /> 4. Chu�[�es: l.iens. t�orrowcr �hull pny �ill taxr�. atitius.m�nts. rh��s�:e., finc.r uitd impusitiuns ittt�ibulubl� t�� thc
<br /> . Pmperty which muy uuain prinriry uvcr thi� ticrunly In�trumcnt,and lo��xch��ltil pa�nuniti rr craund renl�.iF an�`y iurowrr
<br /> "• shull pay thche ohliguti�m� in thc munnrr pruvidcd in �ara�;r,�ph 2,ur if na�p+�id in ihat m.umer.Bort�•��cr,hall ► them on
<br /> � '' time dirGCtly ta the pers��n uw�d p;�ymenl. Hurr����•er.hali pri�mpll��furnish ti�Lencl�r all nrtirc�of'am��unta to i+e paid under
<br /> this parugruph. If Horro���rr nwkcz thl'sC��it)'111CO1s�11f�•�•t1}.Bon�a��cr�hull pr�,mptly furni�b to!_cn�icr rocciptx evidrncin� .
<br /> thc paymcnts.
<br /> H��rrowcr,h�dl promp�ly ditichurgc any licn ��hi:h ha•priarih���vcr thi.Security Imtrumcnt unlctiti Bcm��wcr. lal agrcr�
<br /> in N+riling tn!he paynunt uf thr uhli�!�ui��n�ccurod b� thc livn in a manncr ucrcptahle tu I.cnder:lt,�ci�n�c}ts in gaud i'ai�h the
<br /> licn by,ur ac(cndti;i�:uin�t cnforccmcnt uf thr li�n in. I�gad pr�xecdin�y which in thc I.cndrrti upinion�,peratr to prcvunt thc
<br /> enf��rcemem�,f�hc lirn:ur Ic)yccure�fram ihc hulder�,f thc licn an aprcrmcnt�uii.iaclury tu L�ndcr tiuh��rdinnting the li�u ,
<br /> to thiti Sccurily Intitnuncnt. If l.cndcr dctcrminc�ihut anp pan uf Ihc t���,��ny�, +uhjrrl lu a licn which muy +main priorit� •
<br /> ovcr�hlx Security ln,trumrni,l.cndrr m:ry givr Hurcuwcr�i nutirr idcnlifying thc lirn. F�urru�vrr,hnll�ali.fy thc licn or take
<br /> unc or more uf�hc a�ti0sts s�l fotth.Itx�rC��•ilhin Ill da}+��I'lh�•±:ivitl�;uf nuli��. ,
<br /> S. Huxnrd or &'raperty lnsurunce. l�un•u��rr,hall kcrp thr impr���•raue����nu�v cxititin�: ur her�:dler c�crtcd on thu
<br /> Yruperly insurcd ucain�t lu..r hy lirc,harud,inrlaih:i�rithin thr icrm°c�Irnded�u��rragr"and uny uthcr hatard�.including
<br /> flou�lx u� floodin�;. Fur which l.cnd�r requim� in.ur:mro. l�hiti in,�n:mcc ,hull hr maintainrd ia thr amounls and 1'or thr
<br /> l�ulltl 412R 4�9D �/tii�r 2 n/A pi��i•.0
<br />, i
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br /> 1
<br />�,
<br />