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.�� . �trc.3..+� , . .� t i • _ �\ �1i,'��A1 <br /> � � �' "J__�E_ -_ l <br />._` � .. , �-i_���wuvr��_.w �µ.�.�.---+�....1.�.._�.�._-..__._.._........-�_:�S".�_11�1_�Y��"�Yl�_ . ..._.._�..—....�1:..(...n.�=i. a�.�a.�--=�. .__°•-'�-'S�`�:. <br /> � �- - .f. _�_� �� 1 • ���Rl Qfvv�.� _'_-.�—.�.�w-.-�-��_-_. '. <br /> `� �__�� �� . .. __ . <br /> __ � Ifr.Qior�uwor'e Copy.Eiorro��r ahelt ba�ivon ono ooniormer!copy oi tho Nuto e��o�thte 6c+�urity'!t»trr�mesit, <br /> - . .��_°'`��'°°"`� � 1�. 1 a�ipar at tt�o Weopert ar• �lano�icid rAtorest�a� Qo�rr�eroc. rE�11�t aey part oi eho�w . -.. ._._ . <br /> F�Y��Y <br /> �=�------ intctrn En�t f Fald ar teen�Tcrrcd�ar!t e bortotictal Inton�t in L�rro�ver io r.u1d at trnn�icn�d end 8ornpwer ia eUt o ----- <br /> `"' naturel�pac��r�cvlahaut Lend3p'��or cvritten co��cr mey�et ie�i�piIUO�YtlQUIfB(liffiiE�IB46�lAyf1C11t If1�UII tiY ��� � <br /> _�� a l l aut�ie ec�u r c c l by t h io S e ou r ity �r�str�r�one, Hn►YOVOr, t h io opt ian a he l l not b o oser+r iac d by L on c�or 1! oxcr�c�iay ie <br /> - prohibltod by toderal l�cv aq vt thoeletaot thio8cuurity lru�trumant, <br /> it la+ndar axercicr�eh�o option�I.endar ahalf�ivo�ornuaoe nottco of soc�lepatiun.'I'ho notico aholl provido a perlod <br /> - ni not le�thdn 30�ays teortri eho deto tAa nuNea ie dallvot�9 nr meiled withM which�nrrowar n�ust pay ell eurne ricuu�d =-=- <br /> :::: by th1A�eo�u�ty T�stsum�nt.�t I�Of'PAWBt�AII�to�SAy(�86tIfH8�ta theex�atian�!ti�is�riad,i.�ndar mAy Invaf;e <br /> - any reme9icJp�rn►itte�f6y thl��ecurity anst:umentwiths�utiurt r�tieec�r afedon�arrowt�r. ----- <br /> � : . � `� 19. Hurrowor's Risht to�aiaatata,It Borrower rnoate cortaln r,�ndidono aorrowor�hell hevo ehe�lg1�t to hdve __ <br /> ��-�-n�� s er�farcament oi thiA Security(netrument dtecantinuod et nny tlmo prlar ta tho ear3ier of:(a)S clays(ur eueh othe.+r perlad - <br /> � �� ` z ' ?'� us e plieable lacv mey epcaity tar r�inetaeemont)betoro oala oi the Property p�irouant to et�yp�wer ai snie�cootelned in <br /> �-� Li '�' - ° thiap3eourlty Instrumont;or Sb) entry ot e udgment ontaroi�g tt�tn 6eourIty lnatrumont.l�o.4e conditiona ero thet ""'" <br /> , . .; Harmwor: (u)pays Lor►der ail eum�ahiQh t a �vould ba due under tMA Security Inatrumont and the Nato an if no , '� � <br /> . : � <br /> _. „ � ;,� � accvlarnHon hnd acauned; (b)ourea nny dofault at any�ther envonanta or ngrecmenta;(o)paye ail experoses inuumd in � � '� � ' ' <br /> :. ���f ., `� <br /> • • �� : � � ''' '' en�ora�ng thi�Seourisy fnscrumenti.inolu�ding,bui not 1�miteci to,rcaeanabla att�arnaye ioes•end(d}�,kea e.uoh aottan ns E, �=� . ,�'� ;,.,` ,�'�,� °: <br /> , ' ` , I,oi�dor moy reuisonobly require to c►ssuro that the lion of thie Seau�ity InAtrumont,l.vnder�a dghta tn tho Praporty nn� ;.•, ;;,.,, . ,t �� , � <br /> j�- y, ' � : , ,:' Darrawer'a ablig Q1IOD tO pA�y the flumA Feourod by thia Secu�fty inetrumonqahall cominuo unchan�ed.Upan r�Instatomenc ,� v'�' ,, ,t a � �; <br /> �,�1� ►;;, * � ;;+.; b y A a r r a w o r�t h i e S e e u r l ty I n A t r u m v n t n n d t h o a b l i g e t i o n s s o o u r a d h o r o b y s h a l l r o m a i n f u 1 1 y c f f c c t i v o a s i i n u a c c o l o r a t i a n ,y; ':;. � , ,'� <br /> � � � � had noourred.Huwevr�r�t hia right to re�nstaee ahall not apply in the cuso ot accotaratt�n under paragraph 17. .��. 4 � � , <br /> ,�; r , � ,�`: � �� �i��� u ,• <br /> •:t,, .;� � :; 1 9.S dv a f N a t a;C hamg o o f I.o a n S ar v ic er,'��Osa No to a�a pa e t i A l in terea t in t h v N o t e(tage t har�v i t h t h is S c o u r l t y y , + ; <br /> :•�• � � Instrumant)ma 1w eold ano aF mora tim�wlthaut priar nattco to Barrawor.A�►to may reault in n chango in thaentiey • + ; � ;,�.: <br /> ' ��;:�•,, ' ,,,;�{�;•;�, ' �IC11U\Y(1 11,R ZI10"�Afi S�TVICBP~1 that collec�v manthly payment�dua undor tho Nate and thie Ssourlsy lnstrument,Thara i� 5 r'i��� <br /> ����.;,,.,: � '°•� Also ma 1x+ �,�ia ar maro ohon c.9 ai tho 1.c�an Sarvicor unrelated to a ealo of tho Noto,lt thora{s a oh�n a af tha Lonn `� � � �''� �{ �'` <br /> ;'i, : , Y � � . . . �,...- <br /> � � ��� Sorvicor,Aarrawar cvill bo givon writton notice at tha ohan�a in accarcinnca with pacagraph 14 abpve And applicubl�la�v, `������ `;"�',��;r';��';����.-. <br /> ;• 7 ,' . ' tiy,;.^C�q'U�;..e;.,�'-l��.r <br /> . • 1'ha notIce will c�tatp tho nomv and uddre.4q at the new I.aan.orviccr and the addrea9 ta which paymentn ahould bti made. ,,'. �; .,:,,:,.,,�_,_„_„;._.,. <br /> �� ? � � 'I'ho nottce will olso cnntain Any athe�infarm�►t�on required by appllcable la�v. "� '* - <br /> 20. I�azardaus SubatancoA. aarrower ehall n�t cAUSa or�armit tha pr�ence,usa,dlaposAl,stUrago or ralense af `' '';�f� _ <br /> �;� " � � any Fia•�ardc�ua Substences�n ar{n the Prc�porty,Barrowor aha11 nnt du, nor allaw anyona elso to do,anyt�ing atteoting ''`� <br /> �� �� '" tho Ycap�tty that la in violatian ot any Rnvi rnnmorttal LAw,Tho procodln LWO&tlflt0llCr,9 AhAIJ flOj AppIY tp th0�StfSOt1C0� '!',:; . � - � '•:�,a?� <br /> �� � �� . �.�: �. �' i�se or ataraga on the i'raperty oi amall quantitiex oi Hazsrdoi�.q Su�9tAfICC9 thnt ore generully recognized to be �;�� `� � ~ �����-�-- <br />� �� �'' ' ` � ' o,p�ira�priato ta narmal c�idontial uses and to madntanance oi the I'r�pocty. � . '��;'?�.= <br /> � � ��`"�,'' Borro�ver ehall prnmptly gtve I.endar�vritten notice ot uny investigutian,claim,domand,laweuit or other uatian by �� �;;;;;�t�;���:�:�� <br /> � ',', ��_ ,.; ;`;. ' . any gavernmentnl or regulatary agency ar privAta party Invalving the Aroperty und uny Hszardaus Sub.9tnnco or !�. ,s': � ` • ' '��' <br /> ' , ]3nvironmontal l.ew af whiuh Harro�vor has aotual knowled�0.If Horruwer IearnA,�r ia natified by ony gavernmental or � � � • :11�.. <br /> � ragulatory authorlty, that nny romoval or other remediat��n af any ��oxardaus Substanca a4Peotin� the Praperty ie ' � �r <br /> , ''" �' � neces,9ary,I3arrawor�hall pramptl taka a11 nece.�.qary remedit�l aati�nA In accardanca with Rnviranmental � <br /> �i � � :� As used in thls ara ra h Z0,xNaze►rdaus 5ubstances"ere those euhvtonces datined as tox�o or hasr.ardous aubstances � • �' '���rt <br /> � � P !f P � � <br /> '1 �,•:„��:.;�.: : ' by ].:nvironmentol I.a�v anci tha PuUnwing auhvtanoes;gnsalina,keru5end,utliar tlatamabid u�toxiu petruleum pruJucty, �, - <br /> � � �'^ __ toxic �x,stioldes and herbicides, volatila �olvon�g, materiAls cantaining aHt�ytus nr f�rmatdnhydp, and radioaotiva �� <br /> . ----�- materiais.r�s uscd in ihis p�+ragc�ph 20, 'Fnviranmantai'mcana fcdorat iu�vs and iacva af iha jurisdiction cvhare tho - -- <br /> " P;apvrty ia laonted thnt rolata t�heulth,snPvty ar onviranment�l pr��tuctian. , � <br /> .... _ .� . <br /> � . � NUN•UNIFORM COV�NAN'TS.13orrawor and Londer furthor covenant and apree as followa: ' �� - <br /> _ • 21. Accelee�tion; ltemadies. Loiidar eha11 give natico ta Nar�awor pr�or to accoloratian fail��ving � _ � a <br /> - , ]la�rro�ve�'e breaoh o!any covenant or agreeniont In this Seourity lastrument tbut not prior to acceleratinn ! � : ,� . lT <br /> . ' �� under psr�g�Aph 17 unlass appiiceble law pravidoA otherwiea).Tho natice shall apeoify:(a)the dofault;(b�tho I. <br />; • � � � uction requi�od tc� ouro tha dotault; (c) a dato, nat IeAS then 30 deye trom tho date the n�tica is given ta � �� �1 � ' <br />� �` � �� Horrawer, by whleh tha detault muAt be curcd;�nd ld) thet feilure to oure the detault an or bafare the dato '� �;�_ <br /> � ` � ' � apooltiad in tha nptico mc�y reAUH in eccolaratian c�t the aume seoured by thiR Seou�ity Inatrumane ond Aate��i � „� <br /> thc+ Proparty.'I'he nailco Ahall iurthor int�rm N�rrative� at the right to reinxtata eltar acceteraa�un and tho ( � <br /> �; rlght to bring a caurt uct9an tp easart tho naa�oxietonce af o detoult �r an � athvr datenea ot fi�r,�rratver to 4 ,,�' <br /> �� eccaleraliun and xolo. li �t1�e 1l�feult ie not oured an Ur baPuro tho dato Apeui�iad in tha nntice, l.cndar� at its �� <br /> ' �� aptlan� may require immediete payment io tull at all auma seoured by this Soourlty InAtrumoat witl�aut ` ',' <br /> � ' �� � `.� turther domand und rnay �nvc�ke tha ppwor at eale and any� other romedies pormitted by applicsblo law. . � � <br /> Lender eholl bo ontitlad t�oi�llece aai oYpensaa inou�red �n pursuin$tha remedle�pravlded in shia paragraph i � � <br /> 21. inoludlrtg,but nat limltv d to�roASOnable att��noya'feog end co91A uf title evld�oncv. � <br /> • � If tha pawer nt eule is invaked,'1'rusteo Rhall record a notice of default io eaoh county in whloh eny part af 1 ' <br /> � tfio Proporty is laaatod and shall mail capioa ot suoh natico in thv munnor preyvribod by applicnblo luw ta . ; , <br /> • '� �', Iior�awor ond ta thd othor porAOns preacr�bad by appli�ablo law. After tho timo requirod by appUcablo faw. � � <br /> . '1'rusteo�ha11 gi vo pubHc n�tice c�f salo ta thv erscmA ond in thv monnvr prosoribod by appHcable law.T�uAteo � <br /> � withaut domand pn tiarro�vor, Ahall soll the�roporty at pubiic uuction to 1ho hiEha4t biddar ot 1hu timo onc� <br /> p1�►ce and undor the torms doAibnatod in the nutico of aAlo in on� ��r more parcoly and in ony nrder'PruAtoe <br /> detvr�ninea. Trusteo may poatpano qale af all ar any parc�l of the Prnperey by �ublic annnuncoment ot tho , � <br /> ; : time and place �f nny prov�ousty sohedu1od Aalo. I.endor c�r ita dovignoa may purchase thv Property ut any � <br /> � ' � solo. • <br /> �;' a , <br /> {,. ..;� <br /> ' ' �-8RIN81�s�ae�.o� Form 9048 9/80 <br /> v�a�n o�o InIU41o: <br /> . .. {{� .�v �1.�� � � <br /> Y <br /> i <br /> ' � . <br /> ..l .. <br />—- } r . , . . .. .. . . <br /> t �, �. . . <br /> ,+,' <br /> , �� . <br /> t , .. <br /> '��i. <br /> , . :,F;• . _ . . _ <br /> `�+ „ <br /> � Jy � <br /> . i7 . <br /> I <br /> 1 <br /> ��L. <br /> ``' <br /> � �ul.. , <br /> 1 �F 1 <br /> � � N/ � <br /> •:j� ' � <br /> . <br /> � �. <br />