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, <br /> : _ ' , E� , �- - � � ' - ,�, ��,, �;;,:� <br /> �- ,d� -,- . - •' ' • . � _ <br /> � . . 4.�r".O➢1�'a..t,: .. � .,'��-:. _-. .:k.7.-�as�.,.,_ i_ , I --u '-s:.."'�_.—° ._..... . . ....., ...�.��:..,�: -...�..�.� �2+ �it,�!t .. � __Y._. <br /> ' 5�.,�+�rd�x..r.�-- <br /> , .,. .,. _ ..._...._ .. . .., .. . . ...,,�,,. — �_ __ <br /> �.� �. _ , . . <br /> �! 1 ' ' � -- <br /> ,::� � -�,.o� –- � _ <br /> ��- -Ya; 1�.��_;w� l���' �d���„�F� e� <br /> ---�.-� <br /> -- 'I't)(+��;i'�11�3�t tVt'1`H All tho (m�rovo�tc+nt� n�iw or horcaftor �n.*�t�d at� tAe pru�crty� ariQ eU r��ctien�►, <br /> �m'.�.°- _ - _ --� eppurionn�ccs�and f�ai��r�.�nnw or hercafta►e pattaP thc+prt��rty.All reple�nments��d addttlona�►hnll e��+Geecw-rrr�l _-_-.----.----.--_.___. <br /> - - --_—-- ------= by thin 8ec�utily In�teum�m�All ut ths tereg�ins in retcrna�tr in thto 8r.�uflty Tncrtrum�nt a�tho"Prcr�rty." � <br /> � BOltR0�lBfi G'�VQNAN7'6 thot Eint�wat ie IawPully saie�o!tS�u estato hcmby convayed�nd fuie tho iigfit tn ' <br /> grnnt�nd c�nnvoy tho Fcaperty�nd thet thv Praparty in unvnoumbcrcd�oxcopt eor onouni6ranccs of rc�ord. Dpli[9{Va! � ���---- <br /> _ ti��arronta and wlli dviond ganorolly tho titlo tc��ho Proparty ogainst n11 claim�and domondA,oubJept to any onvumbx�ancr� <br /> = " �t rer�rd. <br /> ,. <br /> THI3��CURITY 1N�TltUh!}3fV'I'enmbinea uniiarm cavanents tor nattona!�.se�nd non-unifoem e�vennnw c�ith <br /> -�� limited varintton�by�urtsdiotion to canstitute a unitnfin eevurity�natrument cavori�g reat proporey. - - <br /> � � UN1nAT2M GO RNAN�i.�orrawor and L endor cavonnnt�nd egeaa es toltoas; - -- <br /> � �-= = 1.Paymont af Y'rinvlpa{and Int�rest;Pr� ayr+�at aad ILate C4ae�as. �a,iordt�ahal!�iru,.�ptiy f�rsY tvi�o�i dtta ,�;; <br /> '�'`,�' -�'�; i ;. t h o p r i n o i p a i n f a n d i n t e r e�o n t h a d e b t e v t d a n c e d�y t h a N n�a n n d a n y p r o p u y m a n t n n d l a t o o h a r e s d u o u n d a r t h o N o t o, � L� �y f+�;. <br /> "��"�` � PP Y n P,orru�vorehetl ' ���'� ' - <br /> � , . �,.,;. 2. Funda far Texos and ��aur�nce. Sub t ta o licAbla IRw ar to o aritton waivor b � dor. . ,Y.,.,,,•,a, <br /> _ ,..., � . � <br /> , ,, �, • , oy to 1.endar an tho ct:,y munthtyp�yments a�w dua uodec the Nata,until the Nata ie puid!n tull,o sum ("Funde"�tar. �, ' � ;,,�, , <br /> ���, • - {� �A)yearly t�xos and�nte which mny attoin p�Iorlty over thie Seourity Inetrument as a lien on tho Proporty; (b) ,:�.;�',•,��{1,�;;;:' <br /> �� ' rr ` - yearly 1cASeho1�pAyments ur�rnund rent�o»the Praperty,i!on�; (o) yeurly hazard ta,�proparey inaurnnr.o promiume; ;��4"r'•���� <br /> . (d)y�nrly fl�ad ineuranco p�amiura�s,if onY; (n}ycAriy mart�ugc� �duranc�pr�mluma, iF any;mid(Qf uuy numti r�:�yabla ,�,,;;;,:t��:;,;._,•.:..} °---_-- <br /> j� �� � by Harro«�vr to I.ondcr,in nccordanc�with tho prnvIsiurtca�t parngcAph 8,in ltou aP tho pa ment oi moregoga insurRnoa 'x�,�_--- <br /> tl y <br /> , •a . � , � premiuma.Th�e item�ure culled"I?scmw Items."I.,�nder may,at any tima,aollec:t and hold Nuncta In,�n amount not == <br /> •� �� to oxceod tho maximum amou�it a Iondor f�r n frxlar�lly ralated mort�;nga loam m�y requlre for Harrower'a e:3cr�w <br /> c '�� � � ` account undar tho feJoral Roat Fstato Sattlemant Pracedure.9 Aot oP 1974 es amanded trom timo to timo, 12 U,S,C. �_��� __ <br /> •' � �, Section xGOI ef seq. ("RfiSPA"),unle.s.g anathor law th�t upplies to tho Funds aota a lesser amaunt.Itso,l.endec may, =_-- <br /> . at any tirnu,colleet end hold Fund.9 in an Amount not to exceed the l�ser amaunt.Londer may eatimato tho amo�,nt af -,,�.,,,_ <br /> `' � Funds duo on tho basia of ourront data and reasonablo estimates oi ouponditures of futuro F.soraw Iteme ar atherNlsn in -,�:'`:�`•'- <br /> . acoordance wIth appHcnblo la�v. ;. 't' _- <br /> ' Tha Fund9 ehali br�hoW in an inatitutton w}1osa daposlts aro tnsurad by a federal agonuy�inr►trument�tity,or entity ` '" ",,. -�' <br /> i ��;�;:�,.'Ii�.:•*t y� _N���;�;. <br /> . � (lnuluding I.�nd�r,iP 1.r�nJc+r is a�wh an Instiwtlun)ur i�i azty F�dnral IIama I,aan Dank.I.ondor ehaH apply tho Punda to �;,;,..� .� �� i. <br /> , pay ha ls.scrow It�mH. I.ender may nat oharge Harrawer fa�halding and apply�ng ttla Funda,onnunlly analyzing tha '�`� � ,. ;.. �`, �'` <br /> �� �` t t;,.�;';;��.'. . `r�l�,ti_ <br /> � �aormv account,ar verifyin�the l:scrow Ituma,unless I.endor paya Aarro�ver intoreat on th0 Funda and applicablo low •,• , .,,:.;,, i`.���Ar�„ <br /> pormits l.ender to maka auoh a oherga. Hawover, L.ondar may requiro Borrower to pAy e one-time ohnr�e far un ,� . '. ••�••W—� <br /> indopendent real a.9tnte tax reportin$se�vice used by I,endar in conneodon with thie loan, applieable latv pravldea � • - <br /> ' ���; � � atherwisp. Unless an ngredment ia made or applioablo law requires interest td bci paid� I.endoc�hnU nat bv requtred to ' ,= <br /> �4.. , pay Borrawor any intore,9t or earnin�an the Funda,$arrawer A�d l,c+ndor may agreo irt wrlting,howevar,that interest ' �� <br /> ehall ba paid on tha Funda.Lender aholl give to Bonowar,without oherge,an ann��el accaunting ai thv Punda,aha�vin� � ' _ '��T <br /> . . � credits and dobita to ttie Funds and tho purpnse for whloh eaoh dablt ta tha Funda was made.'The Fundq are pledged aA ' �._' <br /> additianal seourity for all Aume seoured by thia Security Inet�umvnt. `` `'�`-- <br /> If tha l�unda hold by l.ender oxceed tha amount�pormitted ta be held by epplicable law,I,.endar ahall accaunt ta •'',�:�`�r <br /> , , - �• Harrowvr for the exc�a,q Funds in Accordenoe with thc requiremente o!eppllcable law. Tf the amount of the Fund9 held �'� �� �`�,f'�-, <br /> - -- . by I.ens�c at sny time da nat euftic(ent ts�psy the I?scro�r ltems whest dtse�I.encler msy�o not4ty Horrower in�r�ting� , �-�l=� <br /> and,in euch caae Aprr�wor ehali pay ta I.vndvr thv amount neceaqary to make up tha de[xciancy. Horrawer ahull muke <br /> ' up tho dofic9oncy in na marv than t�volve manthiy paymont�,at Londor's r,afe diacratJan. . •�.��i± _ <br /> . _ ___ _ _ Upan payment in full c�f all auma Recured by thia Seourtty InAtrument,I.endar ahall pramptly ratund to Horrower � :• .�L_,. <br /> .. any Funds hvld by i.onder. Ii, undar para�raph ll, Lender ahall acquire �r soll tha Proparty, i.ond�r, priar t� thQ ,_..�_ . <br /> acqui�ition or salo nf tho Propo�ty,ahall apply any Fundv hcid by I.onder at tho tlme�f Acqutsitian ar salo a9 u r.redit � �� , ; � <br /> againAt tha eumA Reoured by this Securlty 1nAtrument, . , • �-_ <br /> � 3. Applicati�n�f PAymenta. applicabta 1Aw provides nther�vlso,all paymont�received by I.onder under `' ' , - - <br /> parograp ha 1 an d 2 e ha 1 1 b o app l ic d: f irat,to any prepaymo�t c har�c.v duo undor tha Noto;secund,tn amount,v payable � � ''= <br /> �mdor paragroph 2;third,ta inter�,wt due;4�urth,to principat due;und last,to any lata charges due undor the�Noto, � <br /> 4. r�18ig8A� �.�011A, Horrawar ahall pay all tAx�, a�.gea4menta, chs��es, fine9 and impositianA attrlbutnble ta tha •� ,. <br /> Yrn�:�ty whi�h mey attein pri�rity over thia Serurity InAtrument, nnd leaaehc�id pnymonua ar gcamd rontA, If ony. <br /> Bormwar ehnil pay th�ge nbligationg in tho manncr p�nv;dcd tn paragraph 2, �r it nnt paid in that marmer, Barcawac �� ' ' <br /> ahall pay thom an time direotly to tho pers�n c�wed paymont. Harrowor ehatl promptly furniah to l.ondar all natices of � � � <br /> • amounta to be puid under thia para6�aph,IP Borrc�wvr makt;s thcwe payments dtrectty,fl�rr�wur ahall promptly turnie�h , � <br /> ta I.ender recaipt�evidencln�tha paymot►ta. � � ;� ; <br /> Hnrrawe�ahaU pramptly di.schargd any livn whiuh hae prlc,rity avor thiR Security 1nAtrument uniea,9 Aarrowor: (a) i '����':'�'`��' <br /> ngreca�n wrJtin t�tho pnymont c>f thv obligatinn sccured by tho lion in u munno�accoptublo tu I,onder;(b)cuntcsts ln E ���''�`���`', <br /> � �� gaod faith the l�en by, ar defends a�ainAt�nfarcoment af the lion in,lo�al pruceedinga whioh in tho l.�ndar's np�nian ; "�' <br /> oparate ta prnvent tho enfarcament�t th�Ilan;nr (c)Recures frnm tha holder af the lian an a�re�rr�ent sutiHPactary ta , <br /> , l.vndvr aubordinuting the l�en tc�thla Seaurity Instrumnnt,IP Londor dotnrminea tt�at any part at the Yroperty iA aubjeot I �.��� �� <br /> ta a lien which msy attain priariry�ver thie Security Inetrument,I.�nder may �;iva Aorrow�r a natice Idontify ing the � <br /> lidn. Aarrawar ahall s�►tisPy tha licn or take nna or mora ot the actinna set farth atx�va wtthin 10 days aP thv�ivtn�af ; • <br /> � � nuticA. <br /> �� � <br /> � � �-�IRINE1�o�oe�o� v�o��o� o i'arai 9ttx3 918Q ` <br /> initlote: I <br /> . � � i <br /> � . <br /> _ ; .— _._��„_� . . _ . . . . . <br /> ��� ,� <br /> r , . <br /> n <br /> �" l... <br /> ; I <br /> + , , <br /> .1 <br /> � s <br /> , <br /> t '• <br /> � . 1 <br /> � .. ' <br /> � n { <br /> i �. . . �' � . . �. . <br /> : * " � . <br /> . , . <br /> 1 <br /> �. � <br /> � <br />