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;� . . � .. — —'r`_�" `. .��, 7i�`_• , - - - . . . ' _ �_- �-_-= <br /> -a� -. • ___. <br /> ; — _.. -__..- .. <br /> � <br /> �. � , R _ •�- I _ <br /> ��- � <br /> � � � , -.. -..._-.. . .. ...`a.__.. ..w� . ..... . . .. • .-,�- _ _..__ — __ <br /> � -�.� ....,n,•.;.-�t�"_.r.'..'"'.'��::�_..v- .,--��- . <br /> • .. , �. . ., • , '. .` � ' -,. <br /> ' �._ <br /> '� -— _ '_ � ' ��� ��� � =��u '�__'_-_-____"_ _. <br /> �J <br /> - - t ;,�,h �� <br /> — -- - - _— ��tr�s� <br /> . � <br /> ._ .__.. ...._---- <br /> - — ---- THty YAU�1'O�E:Lt.mlde thw.���.a tleY ot r -�,11�� ,eY ar�i�rna ���rr�iu E:. c:rnd�t i <br /> - - �+nd C�t�y 13e L. Croxax �u ba� d en�! �t�t� ae a ne ee ence an�l c}ut Cnn�nte ��comnon� � <br /> _— ------ ►�l►�s t�r.l.�:n�rddro!s!� �iQt1 �.t�cha�evi�ll�b��Wna�Kivar�_Nl�t�A��3 y�._..�. <br /> '--_ - Qt�NI"Truatt�'���dlld�R��MAI06�1111111710 eddtM!li P.Q.BOM 487�WOQfI f�A'6t�(VQbt�pki1Qk38b3�(hp�Allt"TN819o;'Rrtd"FI811l�iClity"�� <br /> - - 60R VAl!lA9i�CONSlO€RATi4t1,lncledlt�IAo tndsbfedne�f�lanfHled M►itn�xed th�fiuSt Mrein ueatrri.the raclfpt ot wAkh IS herrAY <br /> — - -- s �ct��d.Yrusvar b�►�r��t+�rc�at��t��f��canvmy�,artQ assipn�to Tnnta, !N�AUST,WiTN PBYY�Oi SAi6,fm th�b�lif and <br /> �a�' t�cu�Uy ot I�+wfktac�r,wide and su5f ecf to tM t�n and con�litiom of tM�tloe�t o!�Prost,thr rQai p�op�fy tNscrib�d aa folbwt� <br /> _ ,�: <br /> , A truct of land in thn Southaoet Qunrter (8T31/4) a� 3ootion Twonty-8ovon (27). TaWnahip � <br /> - - Ton (lA) N�reh. Ran�e �levc+n (11� WeaC of the 6th P.�1.. Hnll Cati��xy. N�hxa�ku ma�re paxt��nlni; <br /> ��,.`�� doacr�.bod ae fallawao CommoncinA nt � point ninoty�ehroo and ano hu1P (931/x) rodn no�r�h <br /> , .� �, �. u_ <br /> � , �_ of thn eaueheaet coxnor of Soction Numbor Twonty-ec+vo►� (27)r Townehip Numbor Tan (IU) <br /> - _ _ ;�- <br /> North of Ronga N�unbor Slovon (11), Woot o� !ha bth P.M.• thance running No�rth al�ng the <br /> .. ;;:,.,�:•}�, Eost lino of euid 9on��on Twanty-aovan (27) Ono Hundrod Sovonty-Twa oud Ono Hnlf — <br /> , '`- s '',,� � (172 1/2) faee• thenao running eouth 83 dogroos 10' Woet� �t+to Hundrud I�itty-twa (lSt) ��� -��Y�-��`-��y- <br /> l `� � , fnot� tRonao runninB South Ono Hundrad Sovanty-two and �na Half (172 �) fc+nt. thonce <br /> �+��. .: <br /> � - � runninII NorCh 83 dagzues 10' Eaer (°�A. il degreos 4S� �) Two Hundrad Fifty–two (252) <br /> ' ".�"�.''` '' �•..;' fout to the place of be�i�nin�. --- ------ <br /> .. �;. ' �.�� � <br /> �� , <br /> . ' . [�-=�� <br /> � __:. ��ti. <br /> _, <br /> , - - - <br /> ____..__ <br /> �,:-�= <br /> . � ���� <br /> : . � ����� <br /> - —.;�,fi_ <br /> �- <br /> �., _;,:;:.:� <br /> . ,� .-,�,_.,:� <br /> „ "'A�a�.��� <br /> , ?OOETHER WITN,oll rant�, proflts,royaltios,income and othor benoflts derlved fram tho reul propertyr oll leasea or subleases covering tha �•: �e� <br /> ' raai o ort or ony po►tion'thoreot,now or horoahor oxisting or ontored into, and ail ripht,titie and(ntereat ot Trustor iheroundor, all in• ��°'�-�–= <br /> , P► P Y � - <br /> . tere�ts, estate or other claims,hoth In law and in equHy,whlch T�ustor now has or may hereatte�acquire in tho repl propertyo ali eosannenll, ''��,�r^;� <br /> ... <br /> - �— �� '�' rlghts�!-xraY. tsnements.hQt4dlt4rtl4tlf4�O�tteR4t�Q�tlte�eo}4t4d lA4�4to: �!I ell 9nd gns rlghts nnd grotHs. water righ�s and woter �, ._„�._...+ �- <br /> stpck�all right,title•�nd interest oi Trustor,ouw owned or horeotter acQuired,in and to any land lying within tho right•o}•wcy o}ony�traet or •f ;,:. r ' <br /> highway ad�oining the rea)pr�perfy,any and all bufidinps, NKtu�es, improvoments, and�ppunanancos now or horoaiter erettod thereon or ='`� , ` <br /> • �.,:_. <br /> _ �_—__ 6dloncinp thereto,fherein roi�rrod to os"ImprovamonY'ot"Improvementt"1,and any and all awords made for the taking by em(nent domain ____ � ��, �� <br /> � --------�– _ u�'— <br /> - or by arty protoeding or parehase Irt Ilou thoreo},of the r�hole or any part of tha reol propertp. <br /> �• All of iho foragoing ostato,property ond intorost horohy convoyod to Trustoo haroin coil�ctivoly roforrod to as the'Property". `''�'�'� <br /> �:1' , TNIS DEED OF TRUST SHAII SECURE� � <br />:� (a)Tho payment of Indobtednesa evidenced by Trustor's note ot even date herewith in tha principai sum of...._,� .._ __�._..� ...._. .. -... � ' ` �- <br /> � Fif[oon Thousund Four Hundred Fort sevun nnd _7�/100--.__-----`_Oollars (s 1� 5�447 76 ___ �, �� =- <br /> _� .----• ----- ----- --- .. Y^. . – • <br /> togofhor with Inroroit at tho rato or rotos providod thoroln, (horoin,togothor with am/and all renewals,modificmlon�,and extensions thereof, � <br /> rofarrod to as tho "Noto"1 both principal and Imorost on tho Noto boing payablo in accordance with the terms�et torth thereln,relerenco to , " - <br /> • • r�hfch is horeby mado,tho tinal puymvnt of p►Inc{pai and intorest, ii not sooner poid and if no renpwnl�,modiflcation�or extensfon�►are mado. , ' <br /> • duo onQ payable on_. __. __ Juno.. 1� 1998 . <br /> (b)The performanco of each agreemont and covenant o}Trustor herein contained,ond <br /> � (e)Tho paymont of any tium or sums of money with interest thereon whfch may be hereaitar paid or advanced under+he terms of this Oeed of • <br /> Trust. <br /> (d)1he p�ymont of any tuture advancps nece�say to protect tha sowrity or�ny future advance mode at the option o}the parHes:and _ <br /> � ' (e)The pe�formpnce of an obHpptlon of any other person named in this Trust Deed to o bene}itiary. ( <br /> ' TQ PROTEGT THE SECURITY OF THIS DEED OF TRUST,TRUSTOR NEREBY COVENANTS ANO AGREES AS FOIIOWS, ` <br /> " � 1./«ym�nf af hineipal artd IMer�et.Trustor shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interASt on tha Indebtednos�ovidenced by tha � � <br /> Noto,and ali other chargos and fees aa provided ln thu Note,and the princYpat ot and interest on any Future Advances secured by this Deed of � <br /> Trust. � <br /> � 4.W�anty ot Tifle,Trustor Is lawiully sei:ed and possessad of good and indefeasibie title and estate to tho Property he�eby conveyed and � <br /> � . � <br /> , � has tha right to flrant qnd tonvey the P�operty, the Propeny is iree and clear of a�i Uens and encumbrances except liens now of recordo and <br /> Trustar wlll wa�rant and dofand thu titto to tho Proparty against all claims and demands. , <br /> . , 3.IYidM�a�na and CompHanet with Lawt.Trustor shail keep the Property in good condition and repafr and shall not commit was�e or pormit � . <br /> Impalrment or doterlo�atlon o�the Property and shal�comply with the provislons of any lease i}this Qeed of Trusz is on a leasehold.No imprpve� � <br /> . ment now or hereattor orocted upon the Proparty shall be alternd, ramoved or damollthed wlthout tho prior written consont of Benefitlary. <br /> ' - ------ -- T�uf�tor shaU comply wlth all lows,ordlnances,regulotions,covenanis,conditlons and restrictions otfecting the Property and not commit,sulfer, <br /> , or permlt ony act to be done in or upon the Property in vlolation oi any law,ordlnance,rogulotlon,covenant, condition or restrictfon.Trustor � <br /> shall complete or restore promptly ond in good workmonHke manner any improvement on the Property whlch moy be damaged or destroyed ond <br /> � pay,whan due,all claims for labor par}ormod and materials iurnishod therofore and for any alterotions thoreof. <br /> � 4. Iniuro�c�.Trustor, ot its expenso,wlll rnaintain wlth inaurors approvod by 8one}Iciory, insurance with�espect to the Improvements ond <br /> '� �, ' � peraanol prope►ty,constitutln�the Proporty,against loas by f iro,liphtning,tornado,and othar parlle and ho:ards covorod by standard oxtended <br /> 1 � , coverapo endorsement, in an amount oqual to at leost ono hundred Porcent af the full replacement value theroof ond Insurance against such <br /> ' �r othor ho:ards and in such amounts as Is customarlly carrlod by ownors and operators of simular properfies or os Bonofieiory moy require for its <br /> , protoctlon,T►ustor wlll comply wlth such other requlremente a�Borteticiary moy from time to timo�equest for the protection by insuronce o1 tho <br /> • intorests of the respective partles. All in�urance pollcies malntalned pursuant to thfs Deed of Trust shal�name Trustor and Boneficiory as in• � <br /> � suroda,as thelr reapective Interosts may oppoar, and provido that thore shall bv no cancollatlan or modlfication without no less than 15 days <br /> � prior wriQten nofl}Ication/o Benaiiciary. In tl�o event any pollcy horeunder is not ronewed on or before 15 days prior to its oxpiration dato, <br /> � Beneficiory mny procure such(n�urance in accordance wilh the provisions of paragraph 7 horeof.Trustor shall doHvor to 8onoficlpry tho orlpinal <br /> , y pollcloa of Inauranco and ronowala tharool ar momo copios of wch pollcies ond renewols thoroo/,Failure to lurnish such Insuranco by Tniafor,or <br /> � �. ronowols as roquired horoundor shall,at tho optlon of Bonoflclary,constituta u default. <br /> . ; .' <br /> – �' � . ,. , <br />