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<br /> �p�wy,., � ...__-.-_1... ...- _.-'-"" . . .._ . . . . . . . ' - p,7
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<br /> __:-+.�_. . _. . _ `�,. ___ .
<br /> .. � nppllcahlu law mny speriry ti�r��:iur�utcntci��l I�efara�nl�af thr Pro�.kny purhuunt tu uiry pu�vcr��f sul�� contnln4d lii �hly • , ' _
<br /> ;,�. :. ,.- SCCIITI1y ItltilPU111C01� ar(h1 cntry ai'n jtul�;mcnt cnfurcln�:this Sc�urfly Intipinnr��t, "1'fto�c cuudiUun�un�Ilwt 13o�ru�ver: (o) �
<br />' =''=----_-. puys l.cndcr nl! Nu►ny �vlilcl� �tien wu�dd Uc duc undcr this Sccuri�y Inst�umrm �uid ihu N��t�� u.r IP uu uc�cicra►tiu�� lutd . `
<br /> , ;:,
<br /> :._ _ '
<br /> :�- =.:.
<br /> _g... .. :- • ---.- use�4r�'�d;!b�cures uny dof�utt of�my��iher covenunu ur�igr���nt�`nts;(�:l p�yr��!expeny��y Inrurred in���fn�cii��;tliis Securiiy
<br /> --., '� ln�u�ument, incl�utin�,hut not timltcc! �o, i'eatasiubtt�fitt�imcy,r•'t'��-r•; and tdl ti;�C�:c .u�•�� +►c►ion i�� l.endcr ntuy rca+�nnhly ; .- .- _-.-- _
<br /> �� '�• tC t�U1tC t0 tlti�ia�IIIUi t11C licn nf this S�.cucisy h�struutc�it,l.cndcr�ri�;hts in thc 1'tnperiy i�ud[1uiTOwcrS ohUhnliun tu puy Ihu � � -.
<br /> sum: r;eCUred t�y thls S�'CUrit} Instl'UInCAI s hu i l c�ntiauc uur h a n�.d, t!p a n r e i:�y t n trnK���� h y Harcuwer. thiti 5ecuri►Y �.� .
<br /> ���:---- - - Instrument and tho o611giulanx sceund her.:hy tihall �emuin�'uly�affective u�If nc�ucccicr,diun{��td��4cu�se+1. Hoa.•eter.thls E� _ _. . ;
<br /> �'�'. = - .., righ�ta rclnstntc shull n�t upply in�hc ci�5c uf ucccicrnQ��n undcr piva�;ruph 17, .
<br /> "`t 19. St�le as Nate; 4hunge aP I.uun yervlcer. Thr Nute ar a partlid inic:���t hi ihc Nnt�: U��,��hu►• witU ihis 5ccurity
<br /> Instrumentl mny be solcl une or ntorc times without priur nuQcc to N��rru��•cr. A sale muy rasuU i�a chnngo in thu cntity
<br /> � (k�ta�vn as thc"Loun Sci'vlccr'71hut collccty monthly pnymcn�s duc undcr thc Nutc.iutd tt�is Srrurily lntitrumunt. l'hur�:a�ls�� `�
<br /> • mny tx�onc ar�rwrc chau��,cs of thc l.onn Scrv'szrr unRlatcd to n snM ot'Ih� Notc. IP thcru is u chun�����I'tlw Lunn Serviccr.
<br /> �'.,��� 13ottawer�rill bc given�rrittrn nutice of the ch;tnge in iirc�xdance�vith pnri+gru�e�h 14 ubvvr i�nd npNdicable Itlw. Thu notice ,� .
<br /> . '''�::�•:', wiU�tntc tti�n;irno:ind addrcss of thc ne�v l.am�Sen i��cr�n:1►hc uddrr�s tu whicl�p:a��m+�is�hruld hc m;�Qc. 'I'he noticc will ,. . ,. ,. _.
<br /> ''' , � .. als��c�mtain amy otlirr intimtr:nion rcyuirci�by:lprlicablc la��. �' :��;` . ,�::.;.;;, �, ..
<br /> „ , , �;_,,,::' •
<br /> '+. . �� '� 'r 2�1, kQ�Z�er�iauy Spbstttticcs. B+�mn�•er shnll nnt ri�usc ur��emait thc�m��ncc.u.c,t1isE�u�a1,sti,rnRr,ur rcicasr of:m� �j""`"''� ` .
<br /> ,��;.��
<br /> `:;<��'-;�•::� !�ti;��.� Hi�zatrdous Suhstances an or in the F''ro���ny. �4rrro�esr shnll n��t�lo, uur allru•iuiyi,nc��I�r ta ilc�, anythin�; uffc�tinc the +� �
<br /> :.,ti.�•�:, ,�:.:..,;;.
<br /> �:;.<<;,,;;:;±.j: :•.;,;`�, .,? �'oP�►yy thut i� in violatiim uf itny Gnvirrntnrr�tnl La��•. TPt4 prccedinb l�vo scntcnccs.hall nc�t:�p}dy ta th.preset�Lc,use,ur
<br /> staraFe cm chc 1'roperty uf smull quuntiUcs��f Harardauti 5ubs�i�nccs thut ivc gcnrraUy recognlzctl ta bc uppmp.�iatc ta m�nnul
<br /> � ' residential uses and ta mui�tenunre o!'the����pEny
<br /> � porrower shnll pramptly glve l.ender writlen n��Qce ot��►ny imestiFntion,rlaim.dcmand,lawsuit or uther uctfo�i by+my
<br /> governmental or rc�;ulntory ugency ar priviU�: pfirty im���lving thr Pmperty and nnY I�iu:+rdous Sub.r•uutcc or l?nvirunmenli�l .
<br /> I.uw af which Uorm�ver hu.r• urtuni kn�»vlcdgc. li� Hure��wc� Icurny, ur I� m,tit�icd by amy guvcmmentid or rcuulaunry ! .
<br /> uuthuri�y,thnt uny remuvid ur uthcr rcmcdi�uian uf nny Hururd�w�Sub�1i►ncc uf'll�ctln� Iha k'ruperty is ncccssi+ry, I��,rmwrr �
<br /> shntl prmnpdy t��kc i�ll nccc�yi►ry r�mcdinl +�cU�+ns fn nccunl�+nc��vhh finYirunnuntul I.mv. � ,
<br /> Ax uscd In Ihi+pi►riiF4rnph 2t1,"Ni�mr�l�,u�Suh�lanrr�" nrr Ihu�e tiuh�lun�'C�dCt�llttd n�Iutl�ui'ha�urduu,r�uhs�i�nccs hy
<br /> I?nvirunmentn) Ln�v und Ihe lollu►vint:�uln�luirey: ��+��nllue,I�rraune,ollur 1'inmmahlu ur luxic pctruleum prn��uc�ti. tuxlc , ,
<br /> - � poslicidcr• ,md hcrhicidc�,valt��ll� ,ulvcnt., n�utcrl�d�runtuinln};ur1�+Ni. ur limntddrbydr, und rudivacll�•� mnlcMid�. Ati '
<br /> '. uscd in�NI�pa�a y�ruph:U,„1'snvin►nmrn►nl Lnw"mrnnv fcQcr�d lu���.r nutil li��v�uf Ihr,Iuri,dk:Uan whcn Ih�I'ru���rty i,lurwed ? : .
<br /> thiu rclaW la heulli�.,uf��ty�v environmcnlid pnncctiun. � t�..
<br /> ' NUN-11N11�OEtM('O�KNANTti, llurruH�cr uiut Leuitv�fuclhsr ru��cnonl:�nd:�ptcr n�f�dluws; � ( �
<br /> ZI. Accclrrr�tHmi K�'»>�dl�w, l.cndcr yhnll �;Iva� nuU�r tu Burr���e•cr pi9ur to uccelcri�lion PoUawlnp liurrowc�y � +
<br /> brench i�P any ��u�•�nnnl ur apracros+�t in this S�urlty Inslrnmrnf Ih��t nu�prS�►e to n4�e�csullun unde� pnruµrupti 1? � �.
<br /> unlewy uppllca6le It��Y provlill'w�1II1RTIYISC�, The n�di�r whi�ll s���ciPy: It�l the dePuulii 161 the��ctiun rcyulced t�►cure Ihe .
<br /> �� defi�uU+Ic1 e detc,nut Icss th��n J(1 dt►ys frvm Ih�+di�ta the n�Ulce is kh�en to Nurr��wer.by�vhld�the defnult must hu
<br /> -- - - - - cuirui a����ttii iltri fiiilt�re:s�:are it�Q�tf�t�lt�!n 4+r hpfinr the dutc+rpeilflt�l In the notice mi�y resuN ln accelorutlon ui' E ,. ' t•
<br /> _ - _._
<br /> the sum9 secu r e d 6y t h is yecur l ty Iny tr u m e n l i�n d sc�l e uf'Ihe Pr��pertv 'I'he n��Uce shall iUrth�r in3utm Ro��o.ve�oP -- . }
<br /> the r�ght t��reinsQnto after uccelerutlou and ihe rl�;ht to 1►�l0�;n courl ucttan to u+vert the nomexirtence of u dePuuU��r i � ,
<br /> ____. uny oiheo• desea�se of Harru��•er to a�Yelerut ion un d s1�le. I F t he d e f u u l t 1 9 n a t c ur ed on nr bePare the date specf�7ed in �� ,,
<br /> Ih011U1�M.l.ender at ItF apllon muy requirr i�n�c�3i;ic�«}':.iL'Stt�::f!!��L'f!S�!5��ltl9 4�`l'!!rP�by thly Securitv Insirumant �.,
<br /> � «•ithaut Purthrr dcmi��d nnd mny im•��kc Ihe poa�ea�us yi�te und uny ot:�e�• �amedles parmitted bg Appli�abla law. i� • �
<br /> Lcncle.r sE��ll aP cutlllcd tu cullect �dl expenses iocuered ln pur.r•�dn� thc re�nedics pruvided in ihiy pnrap�uph Z1. � ;
<br /> incsudln�;o 6at nnt Ilmited ta,�eiisonablc��tturnevs'fees iend custy of Ntle evidenca . {
<br /> 1P thT pt��rer oP sale is invoked�'Ik'uytee shi�ll recard i� n�o9lre uf de`nult in euc h cuim tv tn «�h lc h un v p n r t ��P thu `(;
<br /> Property 6s I��ratcal and shull mail copic�of tiuch aatl�:c in thc mnanor prc�cribcd bv uppllcA6le law w I�a�ra�vcr i�nd to � • •
<br />;,, �, � the uther pc�sans prrscribed bv appUciible la��•. AI'te� 1he time required bv a�plica►ble lutiv,7bufitee shull�ive pubUc
<br />` ���7,. notice af snle to thu persuns nnd in Ihe mnnnur p�e�crlbed by i�ppUcnbla lu�v. Ilrutiter.�vithaut dumno�l on f�orra�ver.
<br /> :'`t�� shnll seil tho P�uperty nt puhUc aucU��n to the Miphost bidde�at the time und pluce und under thu terms dasiunnted in
<br /> tlic natice uf sAlo in�mo ur mnre pni�cels imd In any urda�7�rutitee cletcrmincy. 'll�u�tee muy p�►sipuna ss�lu�►P aQ ar imy ` ,.
<br /> . pnrcel of tho Praperty by publie nnnouncemunt i�t the timu imd pluce oP uoy previnusly scheduled yAlo. l.vndnr�ir ity f
<br /> deviRnee muy purchnse the P�aperty at any sulu.
<br /> • Upun recetpt oP payment of the price bid.'I�ustee yhull deliver tn the purchaser'IYutitee'� deed cunvcyinu thc
<br /> Property. The recltuly In the'llrustee's deed hhull hv primn facie e��ideace oP the iruth uf Ihe sti�teme�tq mude therein. i .
<br /> 71�ustee shall�pply tho proceeds uf Ihu side in iho follo«•ing u�•dar: la) tn i�ll cnsts�nd expenses of exercisln�;the pawer i
<br /> . ` .
<br /> , i .
<br />. ;
<br /> I�arm�02N 4;ry0 I1��1��i i�/n pdtrv �
<br />. ,
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