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_ ,. , . � _ _ _ <br /> _ � �� ,_:.: . � n — �--- <br /> , � � _ -„-,,,; � � <br /> �ti .�_ � .,K - � y+�w' . <br /> ._. . _ __-- . =-�,�_=�.._._...--�--.:—� .. �- ._ . — <br /> .� , _ � .� , <br /> _� ��� <br /> t= - .. _ .�-�- --- -° -- �..—re.� . -s. <br /> _ —,�- � ------ <br /> _�� � . � . , �_.. _-;�.,.� <br /> _ _�--- . ��•� �+D��i�'� - <br /> _-----=------- -= ._ _ __....._._._ --_---- <br /> ----- perivds tttat I,cndcr rnqulr�, '19�o in9urunre r�rrier prc�vidin�;tha�nsuriutra xhnll ba c:h«�scn I�y[ionu�cr�uH,}�ct t�t�ender'� <br /> '"-'��' 6�}�1Tt�YRI 1Y�IICI1 UI18II IlU!�!U111�ItSW1AbIY\YJlIlI1CIlI, I�I�plij[1lYCY FplI4 to p1U1qU1If1 CUYCrQ�U['�95L'fI�?CtI�k►OVC�l.ettder�rtey��1 - -- — <br /> — L.en:lprla option,o5lnin c�wor.'�o to pmtect l.enderl�ri�thtx in tho Prn}��ty in na:���dnnco�vith purngrnph 7. <br /> Ali lnauenaco pi�lirtes und r�nawuls ahall hu acrcptnblo to l.endee nnd ehnll lnciu�lo n etanda��l nt�rtgage clausc. I.,cn�icr <br /> - xlial!have!ho�ght ta huld qta{wticic9 and nne�vule, Yf Len�fcr rc��ulecs,dorruwrr�l�atl prun�pily glv��tu Lc�ider�ll�ccel�t� <br /> _.�� of pu�d�Srcmiumq and ronawal notices. !n tho ovenl af laav, Bormtvcr xhult glvo prompt naQw to tho In.suranco carrier ami <br /> � Lctuka l.otui;x nu.y inUko pmaf uf'losu IP uot muda promptly by Uormwcr, <br /> - ------ ifntcss Lcrtdcr w►d�arrnwcr athcnviso ogrco{n�v�idng.inyurunrc praccuJy aholi ho epplieJ tu rcataration or rcpal�oP -- <br /> - — tho f�ropeny dnn�agcci, it'Ihc reatomtinn o� npnir Ix e��cmamlcully fca.vihlo nnd l.onderh sccu�9ty iR na! Icascncd. if tho - <br /> -� r�iaratlan or rFsa�r ifi aot cronctirsfically fe�.sihk or i.cadrrk hecoriiy wo►�Ic3 b;, fes�e+aecl� thc in.��ranr� prc�e�d��h;sil E� - _ <br /> . n�pliecf to tho suma secured by this 5c:urUy !ns►rumem. whether ur not then due,wlth nny rxces�pni�i ta par�u�vor. If <br /> t�omcjwer nb�mdun9 tha Pr��pe►�ty.ur da�w not n��s�ver wi�td�� 30 duyy n nutice fiam l.ender thnt 1he Ingurnnco ccuricr hus� <br /> -.- — offend ta RctNa a cluim.thcn l.endcr mny callcct!ho insuranca pmcecds. I.cndcr may uso the pmccedy ta rcpuir u��catoro <br /> _- --- tha Property ar ta pny sumx tiecuMd hy thie Securlty Insuument,whether or nut then dua. 7'ho 3tl-dny pericxi wlll boBia whon <br /> .z tho nodco ie givon. <br /> -'� Unlet�s I,cnder uad Barrawer athonviso a��o in writin�,any appAci+tlun nf pnwcedw ta principnl►+hnll not cxtend ar <br />� .. , pnvtl+nnn Ih�+dnn�Intn��f thr monthly puymcmtw mfnrmd U�in rnri�grn�►ha i nnd 2�r chnngP�hm m�rn�ot nf thc�nymentA. If L-:__-_-_---__--_--,--_--,_- <br /> under pur�Braph 21 tho Prapeny is ncquired by I.onder, Horruwarti right to any insurnnee policies und pmceeda resuldng <br /> ` fram clmm�go ta tho Pmpony prior ta tho acquisitinn xhull pati�ta I.cnder t�the cxtent aP ihc xumx�;ecuecd by thls Sccudty <br /> lnstrument Immcdiiitoly prior tu 1hc ucqt�i�itlun. <br /> ,�_Y_ 6, Occupnncy, P�csewatlun� Mnintennnce Qod Peotcctlon uP tho Praperty; Elurru+ver's l.u�n Applicnflon; -- <br /> l.coscholdA. 8o�rowcr�;hali occupy,oxtubli4h,►ui.i usc thc Proporty uti Hi�rrawcrk princip��l residcncc within eixty dayx nftcr <br /> } :` tho execulinn nf thix Security Inytrument and shull cantinue t��accupy the Prupony t16�GfiOWCfk(11'jI1CIPitI�CN{(JCI1C0 PQf Al — <br /> " .Jr�.�,� �^�'y� leuyt one ycur uf'tur tho dnto af uccupimcy, unless I.Lnder ntherwiso ugrees in wrlting, whicl� cansont ehnli nat bo <br /> � p�',:•_' �� unren4onably withheld,ur unie�s extenuiiting circun�titimceq exlst which i�re heyand H�r���wery contmi. Sarrower shnll nat -- <br /> ;r�•�� ," dost�a ,damago ar im uir tha Pra en allaw thc 1'm url to dctcrtari►tc,i�r commit wusto on tho F'ro n Burrawcr shiill <br /> a� { . , . , )' P A Y, P Y P� Y� --�-- <br /> ���r,'�!�� t�f.,�,., y bo in defuult if uny farfciture nctian or praccediug,whether civil or criminnl,ia lw�un thnt in Lendory aand fcdth Judgment <br /> ,;..�,�:;'_;,: ��;,, ;,,,4 cauid r�sult in farfcltur� nf thc F������crry ur uthcrN�isc �nutcrinlly impair thc Ilcn rrcntcd by thix Sccurity Instniment or � -_-- � --- <br /> , °, ,;�,...x� � l.enderh securUy intemst. Hc�rrowor miq��:ure such o defuuit imd�inti�ute,us pmvided in purugruph t A,by rnusing the actian '��- <br /> � �• � •�� • or prncerdiny ta bo dixmiw�ed wlth a�ruNng thut,in l.ender4 guad ii►ith detcm�inutiun,prrcludes forYeiture af thc parroworl� —_ __ <br /> � � � • intorert in tha 1'rapcny ar oth�r mi�terinl impi�innent ��f tho Nen crcnted hy ihiw Sccurity Inxt�ument ar l.endur� sccurity �=°` <br /> .. � inter�:wt. pi�ra,wcr shnll uls�� bo In defuult if Huru�wer, duri�ig Ihe I�mn uppliri�dun pnxoti�, guve ntutsr{ully fulso ar �'''° <br /> �� ` . • innccurato informnticm ar titauements a�Lender(ar fidled to pruvidc I.ender with uny muteriid informnUan)in rannectian with �� <br /> , s, : • tha loan vvldeneed by Iho Ne�te, includiog, but nut Nmited tu, representaUun� roncrrnin�; liarrower�+ accupi�ney of th� `-� � ' <br /> Propony.�s u princlpul residencc. If thiv Srcurity Instrument i.r on ii lecisehold,Bnrrnwer.r•hiill cnmply wi�h i�U tho prnvislons —K - <br /> � � �, af thc Icasc. If Horrawur i�ci�uirev fce tiUc u�the Pr��pony,thu lcn.chnld und thu fcc tide shall m�t morbc unle«Lendcr u�;�cew <br /> to�he merger in writins. <br /> . ��° ' 7, Nratectlon uP l.ender's ltlµhtx In the Pruperty. If Hu�ruwer lidl� tu ��ertimn thc c�wenunts �md ugrecmenta <br /> � cantained in this Sccurity Imtn�ment. or thcre iti n legul pr�xccdin� thiu mny significantiy nffcct l.o�de�h rights in the <br /> . ��..'. ...,.. .. , . <br /> • Prapeny(suc6 ns n procecding in bnnkrupicy,prohz�te,tor condemmninn or torteuure or ta enforce iaws ar re�uiationsj,then f;^,��. <br /> . � l,ender muy dn unct pi►y t'�+r whutevcr i.r necusrury tu prutcct thc vuluc ut'tltc F'r��prrty und L.ender� rights in tho Property. .. ;�.� <br /> �� Lendcrk lictian�mny includc pi�ying uny+ums sccurcd hy u licn which hus prli�riry uvrr thi�Scrudty instrumcnt.i�ppcudn� . Y•.�-. <br /> � ' • � in cou�, �i�Yinu rensunuble uttnrnew'fcrs+md enlerin�:un tlic Pruperty tu muku rrpair..Althou�h Lender muy tiiku uctian � ' '' ` <br />- - --U--- - - - under thiti puragruph 7.�.undcr d�u;nut huvo a}du,u. . . . . , -����f- <br /> , Any um��unt+dirhurticd hy Lcndcr undrr thiti pa�a�r�iph 7 .hiQl txrumc udditionid duht��f Nurrowcr xc�•urcd by thiti ?.����i <br /> S�rurlty Insti�umrnt. Unletir Hurrawc�iuid Lcndr�i►grrr tu uAirr trrntti uf puymrnt,th�+c i�m��untr,huU bcur interest f'ram tho ' :a;w,� <br /> `" ciato�f dishursemcnt at thc Notc raue and tihull hc piryuhlc,with intcrcrt, up�+n r.oticc f'rum l.endcr tu Aormwcr rcquctiting "•�' -'� <br /> ' pnym�nt. ' . <br /> , � H, Murl�uuc lntiurimcc. II'Lendcr rcquircd uwrt�!cigc in+uruncr uti u ronditiun ui'miiking thc I�mn ticcurcd hy thih • , <br /> . Security lnwtnimcnt. Qorn►wrr Ylu►11 puy the pr�miumti r���uirod tu mui�uuln thr mon�ii�!r inruruncc 1n ef'tcct. If, far nny �. <br /> ' rearon, the mongi�Fc intiurmur rnve��►ge rc��uired by Lendrr liipxc+ ur crusc+ to hr in ef'fect, Hurmwcr �hull pi►y ihc <br /> . . . ' premium. rrNuirrd a� uhtain ravor,i�;r tiuhstimtudly c��uiwilcnt a� the nu►n�ai�r �mur:�nre prevl�� in effcrt. ut li cmt . <br /> • suhxtnnticdly cquivatlent tu thr rutit u� Hurruwrr��t ihr mun�u�c imurancr pitiviuu,ly in rt'�cet, fram an a�hcrnuw m��rt�;ngc . . .. . <br /> insurcruppn�ved by l.endcr. 11'.uh�UUUiull}•����uiv.�lent murit:u�;r in.�n•anrr cuv�ru�;c�t uvuiinhlc. Hc,rru�vcr�hidl pay tu ' • <br /> l.ender cuch mnmh u tium eNui►1 tu unc-t�v�IT�h ul'�hr yr�iriy mun�!a►�e in,ur�inco prrmium huing p��id hy f�orr��wer when thc . ' <br /> insurcmee crneru�c lupticd or cune�l to Fn in rft�rt. Lender wiU nr�ept.u�r�md r�ta►in the,e p:rymrnts liti a�lutiti reserve in lieu .. <br /> , af murt�:u�;e in�ur�mro. l.u,ti rrrrrvr puymrnt�muy n�►lunprr hr rc��uhLd.�it thc upti�m ot'l.rndcr. it'nwr�gi�gc in+uruncc . <br /> cavcrugc lin thc umuunt imd fin•thr �ri��l thut l.undrr r¢��uiru,i pro�•i�l�d hy au intiurcr,ippruvrd hy l,rndrr ug►dn tnc��rnes <br /> � �rva�iluhle tmd i.r ahta►incd.Ni�rruwcr�iuU ps��•thc prcmnuuti re��wruii tn nwintu�a m�►rtgu�;r mtiurmuc m��ffccl,�,�a,�r���ia��► , <br /> lusx ro�crvc,untfl thc rc��uiremr�u fur iiun�Z�a�r in.urnncr acc��rdimr���ith uny��riurn ai�rrrmrnt tntwrcn H„rruwrr <br /> • und l.cndcr or upplicublc luw. <br /> , 9, 1�Hpectlon. l.endcr ur it�.nprut nui�• ntukr r.a��ui��hlr enlric+upun and imperUum uf thr f'rupcny. I.cndcr tihall <br /> , • givc Horrc►wcr nuticc ut th�timn uf ur priur tu un inr�krtion,p�rifyin�rcarun;�b�r ruu�r far the in,lnrtiun. <br /> �p , � 10. Condomnutlon. 7'n�n«,««i.„r a���y.�������a��r�iaim li�r d�nna�;r..�liirct ar cuntic�µwnUal,in runnrctiun with nny <br /> � � timtilc I�anul�..Fnnnlc�1nc/M'rcddic 11ne l �1F1)N\I IVti�fNl�1E��1' I'm��mn l'o�.u,mt. V/YO ip,��,�.r�,�i�y��qru <br /> . _._. .. .. . <br /> Grc.d InY�•.Ipninr.v F�t�nr.Inr � <br /> , Tu Utd't L',ill 1!!�4fi1!In'{q'I"V1��1�n.�n�.��7} � � _ <br /> ' � . 1 <br /> T� —„— <. .—. _--�— ` -__---— ----- -— --— ,_ - - <br /> . +� '. , , <br /> �Y: , <br /> � � <br /> � � <br /> �N. f, <br /> 1 <br /> i � � .' �� f� ' .. . . .... � <br /> � �! . � <br /> . '. .. � <br /> � . . <br /> . <br /> � <br /> � • �i� ' .. ' . `• _. . . _�.. ... ...__ ' . .....__....! ._.._.._._._ ...______ <br />