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. `,. ��:`n it � . . . > •.i . .�'. i;�°ii. � .. . _ .�: i `. .\.- -i �)���-15i <br /> '- _ � —' " _' '.. . . . ._ .._; � „c�. �t� \� . � R_.� \,+i ._ ... .`.. . - _ <br /> . ., . ., - . 1 . � =-- <br /> r_ ' <br /> �. <br /> � ��T-' �� `� ---` <br /> �.. - «...__, .. . . _ _ ._ . t '. _=-_- <br /> �:t . '.}`�_. <br /> ,;i" <br /> �, �1.�. .��U�O��,� � _ _ _ -. ��_ : <br /> ', , 9.C�naade for AcielcrMtian ai Uabt. ,,� .- . <br />'` ' • Iauti�eAlato�p Yi1 cnt i�full at oll eume E�euub d(by thif�ccurity�ln�u nc u IPt�ry In�hc cnsc aP po�mcnt dcf�ults.rcquirc , , , <br /> (q�atrotver clefauits by fnlUna to poy In full a�y maalhly payme►lt requlred hy thi�Sec:urilv Insuumem prl��r to ar uu � , r = <br /> thc duc duto oP tho ncxt tnunlhly paymcnt,ar � '�' „ .� <br /> --...._ . . . ..,:. __ .. . . <br /> � (11►ilot�t�tvcr dePnuUs by fuilln�,for�pertod ot thi�ty dnys,to nerform any othet�bllgatluns co�t8lncd In thla Sec�rllp _ ` <br /> _ _�___ Instrumcnt. �- __ ___ <br /> t�_. -- <br /> .. (D)gato tYitf�aut Crcuii Apprural�I.�tiG2f S�I,if�rmittcsi Dy�ppliiable l�w a�i�vi�h ii,���,��� �pp,u�al otth.S�:u�ry�r�ulra � • , - <br /> ' � ' • hiumdinto paymcnt in NII ui nll the sumv Secuttxl Gy lhls Saurity In�ltutncnt If: �u � , <br /> (i)All aF part of tha Propeny iq otlicnviso trnnsfctrod (other than by dcvisa ar nU`h th mnvcr, +uxl ( <br /> pi)'I'ha Pm{ierty Is nrn uccupfed hy the purchnse�or gmntca ur his or her pdi��6��X����idenm.��r the purchescr or <br /> ��nt��ioe,y s�►�ccupy tho pmperty but hi.y un c�r crafit hn.v not bccn nppmvai ln u�:orcta�xa wlth e rryuircnxntr i�f the Secrctary. <br /> (c)Na Walver,li clrcumstanccs occur thflt wauld permlt l.endcr to rcqulre Immedlate puYmcnt in full,but Lendc�d�es not I . <br /> . tequito such pflymente�1.Qnder doca not waive its rights wlth respect to suhsr,quent ovents. <br /> (d)IRe�ul�tlotu ot HUD Secretary.In mflny circumstnn�rs cegnl�tloiis issucd by thG Sc.rctary�vlll limlt I,.ondar's riphts,In <br /> the cnqn of puymont dofnults,ta rcquiro immedinte pnyment in f1d1 anci faPeclose It not pald.Th1s Security Instnuncnt cloC9 <br /> ,. not nutharir.o t�cceleratlan ar Poreclasura if nat pexmittcd b�•regulaQan9 of the Secrctc►ry. � <br /> 10,Relost�lemeal. Horrawc� hns a righl to be reinstntcd ii Lendct has requircd immediatc paymcnt in full bccause of ; <br /> aorrp�ver's fnAute to pny fln namuat duc undcr the Natc ar thls Securily lnstrumcnt.Thls ripht appllev evcn aftcr forcclosurc �, „ . . <br /> proccedings nre instituied.7'o reinstnle the Sccurity losuumcnt, floirowcr shall tander In n lun�p sum all umoun9a rcqulrcd►a � <br /> bdn�F]ottower's accoum current inclucUng, tn tho exteni they are abUgutlons af�arrawer�inder ihis Securtt�� lnsuument, <br /> � � foredosuro eosts �nd �en.9anable .md customary attorney`s Pet� nnd exponses properly ��socialed �vi�h ihc Poreclosurc , <br /> proceedinp.Up�n relost�ttvment hy�orrowe�,this Securlty Instrurnent And tho obUgud�ns thnt i:sec»res shnll rumnin in eficct ns ,�:'�i� <br /> (i Lender h�d nat�eqaired lmmcdinto payment in f up,Howeve�,Lcndcr is not rcquired ta permit rclnstntemc�i if:(i)Lendcr has ' ;I+: <br /> � ; accepted reln�tatement c�ftcr the commcnccmcm of forec�o�ure procccdings withlo two ycare immcdintely pTOCr.dh�g the �. � <br /> " ' cammencement of n ci�rront iarcclasura proccedinp, (ii)reinstatumem wlll prcclude f'oreclasure on dii�ercn�grounds In Uic ,, . <br /> ' futurc, or(iii)reinstatcment will ndvctsely affcct thc prioflty af thc licn c�entcd by thls Security Instrumcnt. F,• <br /> ' 11,BoROwer Not Re1c�.5cdi Fa�beArance BY I.cnder Not a��'piver.Cxtcnsion uf thc tlmc of paymcnt or modi�iratlon af � <br /> amardr.�tian af�he sums seeu�ed by thla Secuclty lnstrument Ernneed t�y l.ender to�ny successa�in huercst oi Borrawe�shnll not ; _ <br /> ' ojrcrate !o reletue the liablNty ot tho arieinai Harrowcr or porrower's suecessor ln, Lcndcr shnU not bc requircd to , <br /> commence proceedings ttgninst eny succaasor in interest ar refuae to extend time far puyment or alhenvise modify nmarll�atlon ; <br /> � of the sums �ecurcd by this Sec►►rity Instrumcnt by renson of any demnnd mAdc by tha arigln�l Aorro�ver �r Borrower's i <br /> • su�coasors in Intorcst.Am t'orbe��unce by l.ender in cxercising �ny righ�or remedy shflll nat bo n«�nis�er of or preclude the ; , , <br /> , oxercis0 af any right or remedy. ' <br /> ---—=— i�,�qc�s�a��i,i,p�;�s°aurs�;,lofstt and 9sress!!.l�bl�4�:Ce-&i�Qt!�.Thc covennnts and iixteemonts of this 5ecurit� •' <br /> !.!� � _._—_ - .i <br /> Instrument shnil bittd and benefit thc succasso�s tmd�.rsignv of Lender and flarrowe�,subJcct to thc provisions of parngrflph 9.b. i ' <br /> eorrowe�'s covenants and agreements shnll be joint i�nd acve�nl. slny Dotrowc�who co•9igna thls Security Instrument but docs .. <br /> not oxecutc thc Nate:(a)is cu•slgnina this Security lnstrument only to m��tpaBe,Frnnt nnd convcy thut Barrowcr's in�cres�In !• ,� <br /> ' -- - - - iiio Fi�pe�ii w��er t�s;cr:as ot ih;'�e�ur!t;!►�!mQ�,!;rh�{.n���ersonnlly obUcated to nar thn�ums secu�ed by this Securiry , � <br /> Instrumcnt; nnd (c) iigrees that Lendcr and �my� othcr 8orro�Yer may ngree to extend, �nodlty, forbcur ar makc any : <br /> accommodntlat►s with regard to the term nf this Se�urity Instrument or the Noto without that �arrower s consent. <br /> 13.Noticea.Any noticc to Hurrawcr pravidcd Por in tfds Security Instnimcnt ahAll bc given by dclivering It or by maiUng it by <br /> first cla9e mail unless appHcnble Inw requires uso of nnothcr mcthod.Thc noticc shc�ll bc direaed ta thc Property Addres�ar nny <br /> ather oddrass Horrower designatcy by notice to l.ender.Any natice to I.ender shall be given by fi�st class mall ta l.ender's address <br /> stAteA hCrein pr nny add�ees l.ender desidnntes by natica ta 13orroa•cr.Any natice pr4vided fo� ln thi�Secu�lty Inttrument ,hall <br /> be deemcd�u h�►ve bean piven to Horro�vcr ar l.endcr when gi�•en as provided in this para�ru�h. <br /> � 14.Governing l.nw;5evctahlUty.This Seaurity Instrument sh�ll be go�rrned hy Fedeenl law and the lae��f the jurisdictian in <br /> which the Property i9located. lo Ihe evem tht+t nny provision or cl�usa oP this Security lnstrumem ar ihe Note conflicts�vith ap- . <br /> � plieable law,such conf]ict ehall not affect athcr pravisions of this Security lnsirument or the Nate��•hich can t�e given effect � <br /> without the conilicting prnvi�inn. To ihis end the prnvlsians af�his Security Instrumem and the Note Are declared tu be <br /> ' � xevetat+le. • <br /> 1��BoROweP'n Capy. 9orrower shall bc givcn ane conformed copy ot this Security lnstrument. <br /> , 16.Aralpnment af Rentx.Borro�vcr unconcliUonnlly asci�ns nnd Irunsfers ta Lander�11 the rcnt+and revcnucs o6�hc Property. <br /> Borrowar t+utho�izes I.endcr or l.ender'c egcnis to calleci the ren��und revenucs And hcrcby dirats cach�cnant oi'thc Praperty <br /> ' to pay the rcros to l.endcr or Lcnder's agent�.Howe�•er,ril0�IO I.OTIt�CT'S OQIICC lU AOffO�vCi OS aM�OWCI�S b�CQCFI Of Ally C0�'C- <br /> nunt ar ngrecment in the Sccurity Insin�mcnt,Uorr�«�cr shall cullect and retcive all rcnts nnd re�•enucs of thc Properry a�trustee <br /> Par the benefit of Lcndcr and Har�ower.�Thw asyignmcni of rents cansdtutc�an nb�olute assignmcnt and nut an assignment for <br />-" nddidanal sceurity auly. <br /> lt Lender gives notlee of brench to Horro�ser:(a)ull rent,recrived by�orrower sh1U be held b!•Horrower as trustee far benefit <br /> � of 4ender anly,to be applied�o Ihe sums securcd by the Secnrity� lnsirument;(bl Lancles shall be entitled to collect und reccive ull <br /> � of thc rcnts af thc 1'ropertY;and(r)each tennm��f ihe Pmpeny �halt pay all reNs duu and u�gar'.to l.cndcr ur l.cndcr's �Rcnt <br /> on l.ender's wrltten dcmand Io Ihe tenant, <br /> Burro�ver hag not axecutecl auy priiu ascignmcnt uf ihc rcnts and has nat ancl will not reF`orm any act th�t would prercnt <br /> - Lender from cxcrcising its riphu under ihis paragraph IF. — <br /> • 4ender shall not hc requircd io emer upan,take contn>I uf or ma�ninui ihe Yr.�prxty bcie:c�r aftcr t;ivinr;uu�i«of brearh to <br /> sorrower. However,l.eoder or n iudirially appuimed receiver ma)�do so at any dme there is� hreaeh. Any applicatiunof rents <br />- shnll not curo or waive any default or inralidate any othcr right ur remcdy of L ender. (his as��Enrnent of rems nf the Propeny <br />"' shull Ierminate whcn the Jebt�ccurcd bY 1hc Seciuuv lnstrument i!. p�id in full. <br /> ; <br /> :� <br /> ; <br /> 1 <br />_� <br /> t <br /> , <br /> .�.�.— lS�Ce, 1 iy J <br /> � <br /> _. <br />.. � ___... -- -- . . . . _ . . __ ___ - - <br />