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��i (' �' � �V, . � I� N�_- <br /> �.'s! , . . , �:_ . , �.. —�_ �� r v __ — <br /> s . . — <br /> � t . ', -. . , .. .. .. .. . ! . . - .. n., t 4 -.'� G�t• _ __"_ <br /> ; 1� .. ��Y- ip � ' .: <br /> -r-,r.� . . . . f t':� _�— ' - --- <br /> .?'�� wfiich�hal�noi be unreawn�bly Bocroqrcr fiiW w mrinWn a+vn+le dersribed ityove L{�.�ee�d�e�V -� ��— <br /> n�iz,,,, optlon,obUln covcr�e W 9rotat LenacY�dp,hu 1nlh�Vroperty N a4eordsna MfA Pu��+pM1 7. , -,- . <br /> ;'?k ' pil irjuraew poAdq ead reacwa4�hdl bd aaepqbte to�.rn9er�nA dull lnclude n�1an0ar¢mahgege dwce:t.�nGei tMif <br /> .i�,r''�;i�, have the rlg6t ro hold the Poltda mG renav+ate. If LenGu requtm,6orcower�hall promp0y give to'►.eelor a;l cece:yp oI - <br />'•r�:wL;. vald preml�m� es�d«nrxal noUaa. [n Ne event of lot�,Oortower �h�ll givo prompt nolleo a U:o puuraneo cprti:r nhd . �__ <br /> ��^ 't LenAh.(RpEer�cyy malce proof oflo:�Unot m4d�prompUy 6y Bortowrr., • <br /> / j� � 1f� <br /> n��rw�� UNaf 4sndn end Borroe=r omerni�e agree la wrlWg.Wuranw proeeed�efuil 6e app0ed eo raroraUou ot reyar of We __ __,_ <br /> Propaty dem�ed.UOte ratoratlon or teyW b«onomlaqy tea�@le and Lmder c aeurlq I�noUeurnBd.ifU�O mtojaUGb <br /> j4�`.� ,-.Y�.. or apdr b aot eeonomts�y feW61e or LrndeY�ueutiry wo:ild be lu�me4,Ae ieiurance Droab��haU 6e apylled to Q�e _ <br />-,re��}i'g_�; �upu�eourcd by thU Becudq[ntVwnen6 whe�her nr not then 4ue.Mth my ueas+pnid u 8orrosr.U Bortowrr abandonl F�_-- . <br /> sr�r'-- fjc. tLe Pcoperg.or Coa not mmer e+liLlu 1U dny�a notlee from I.enOU Nat the lasoraaco urttv hef oHered to teltle s deL�n <br /> "�'^� thm Ltuder msy mllect the Wuranw pra�eed�. Lender may we @e proeeedf ro[epdr or ratoro the Property ot w PiY = <br /> ,.�?a<r77'ic. �umt�nvred by tldt BeeuAry lnsttutnmG whether or not mm due 7rie 704ay pWod alll hedn whe:�thv eotice b givm. •r.—_� <br /> �-, �-_�i . . <br /> .� �`i' �`-�`. � Uda�Lenda aad Borrower oU�mvke egeee in wri�7ug.eny appllwlon ot poaed�a p�indpat�hdi no[extenB or po�lpone '---- -- <br /> y��,,,�'(� Ne due data ot the monthiy psymrnn rckrred to in paragaptu 1 and 4 or ohange the uaount of the paymmu.It under <br /> ,J � ; pamgraph 21 tha Properq b ecqulred by l.ender,Qortoarub righ�•o any insursnm po0dea and prorceM resulfing=rom <br /> �4j! s}, demage to tl:e Ptopxtyr pflor w the eequfdtloa fiail pa� [o I.enAtt w the tatent ot U:e sums teaced ty tLb 6eaMty ��_'____ <br /> 1�� i�_« (a�uumentimmediaed�pdorto�eeoqulfWon. = ;.- _ <br /> �/��'; :, 6. Oaupancy, Preae+ratlon, Mstnteannee ead Protectlao ot tlee Roptrtyt Berroxefe L•�ao Appllalloo� � . <br /> I.paehddt.Ooreower aheU ocn�py.a�nbdsh,an9 we�he Property�u Borrower9 pdndpd raidence MtAin��ry dey�aftes � �- <br /> > �z F% Ne exewUo�of th4 Becudq Imtcumeat eaa�hdl eooWue to ooapy U�e Properry a� Borcower'r uindpd rutdrnce for at � ---�� <br /> T/,`�3;�f✓; lemt one year efter�m dam otoaupancy.unlai Lenda othcrarise ageet in wA�ing.which aoment�hail not be uarwonably ;� �` <br />.�-.,+.�.; �':t wlthheld,or unlea�earenuedng drra�m�unca enia cehich ae 6eyond BorcaweY�eontrol.Bonowu�hall not dutroy,dvaege r.,u , _. <br /> '� �+ or Mpdr t6e Propaq,a6ow�he Property to deurinraro.ot oommit weste on C^Properry.Bonoaer sWli bs In dtfautt If my ;�? <br /> '� f � CodeiNro ealoa or proeeeding, w6uher dvil or ai�ilnN,b b�+un Wat !n Lmder'� good fatU�jud8nnmt autd rcsult In z F f <br /> 1'' l rt-- forfeirore of the Property or •�therwdse matedally impetr �he Iien cwvA by thb 8ecuriry InaWmmt or Lender'�teadry - <br /> ••�`-�`" interat Bortower may cwe�uch e defeuit and reinstete.a.proNded tn,:aragraph 18,by wusing Ne eWon or proaMing ro ��Y'�N t _-_ <br /> .r�t - � be db:N��W wlth ��ullng�sG H L�ader i good faith ro�errtilnatloa.Prucluda fodelturo of the BotrowerY Interat In tde �;y�E� .- <br /> --i*'� Property or o�har materiel MpaUr+rnt of�he Iim crra[ed by thG&eudty InsWnent or LmdeY�«eudty Inwat.Bottower �? �� • <br /> "'� � - r = �hall also be in Je!autt(f Borcower,dwing tha loen epplleatlon p��xu.gave mataially filse nt Waaurate InformeCon or t;{� r _. <br /> " -� ' �taumenu m Lepder(or faL'ed ro proWde Leader Mth eny meurW info`mntlonJ ia wmatlort wI�A Ihe loan evldenxd by the �.i� y r -� <br /> `;� ;'.i 4ote.ieetudL�s.butnot dMtW a,repramtettoro conceming Dortower�-cupanry oCthe Propaq ei a pti¢dpal residma. ;�T� S� <br /> - If this Srnriry Insin�mm:��r.a lea:c�old.Bcrzo�er:Fs!eonp(�MLh all:he atoxlacm c!llxe It_a If!1!�rr�wtr ecq�� -' - -_ <br /> ' - � Re UUe to�he Properry.the Iwahold and the fee�tle�hall not me�ge un7a�Lcnder agea ro�ha me�gu In writlng. t��' �f -,c- <br /> }� 7.Rotectlou oi Lender4 Rig6�e In Ihe Praperty.[f Bortoaer tNl�to paCorm the covmantn md egeaarnu conWr.W In :'i{ �,'- 1� � ' -. <br /> 1` t� ��" thit Seeurlty ImtrumenG or�M1ne ii a legal proeeeding�hat may dg.Nl�antiy aReet Lender9 righn in Ue Property(weh a�e ��jf j f, �, �e':� . <br /> . ti�y proaeding In baNwpecy,pro6ate,for mndemnetlon or foReiture or to enCorce Iawe or«guiafloro),th�.Lnder may do end - .;y } t y i=�_�__ <br /> - pay tor ahutever 6 n�ces�+ry ro p�xea�he ra lue o f�he Proyaq an d L e n der i r l g h u I n t he F ro p a ty.L e n d a'�e c u o m m e y . � <br /> ,�.,:.>;-9 include pa�ing eny wms �eeured by a ilm rihieh her pdoc:y .ver � Seeurtty InswmenA appearing In eoutt,paying F i"-{;�-� <br /> -�� rwomble etromeyi few nnd mtering on the Properry to meae repain. AAhough ..ender mey teke aetion unJcr Wt : y{� i; --":;' <br /> ' . ;,: pareffiaph],Lenda doea no[have io do so. ' �� � K_ <br /> : : � � �� . <br /> t --�• My amow:u N•buned by Lander undu�hb paragraph 7 iAell baome eddiuoml debt ot Bono+rr�ecured by Wi Seeu�iry .;i i� <br /> � --'� Inswmrnt UNeas Borrower enJ Lmder a4rce w oNer eumi of paymm4 Wue amounu�hall be.r inarsst from�he daro ot ��', YG .� �-:. <br /> +'- .;�I db6cnemmt at thr.`.oto ra�e and nhnil be payeble,wi�h intvup upo� •io�ce Rom Lrn. r Io Borcowu«queaNng paymmL '''.'� � ��- � _ <br /> �,_`� 8.MO�tgagc InsuRnC¢.If Lendcr rcquired mor�age inaurance ai a rnndition of makina�he loan tecured by tLlt Saudty ;y y� � �ts�,� �� <br /> Inswmen4 Oo+rower shell pey Na premium�required to mainWn�he mongage fnsurana In eRa[. If,for any reason,U�e .��� � ii� <br /> mor�roge insnrance covenEe required by l.ender lavsa or ceases io be in eRec[.Oorrower�hall pay�he premium�requUed to , ; "` �- <br /> � , obtnin eoverage r-bs�-.n�diy equivelrnt m the mongege in:urance prevlowly in elfec6 at a mit subsrentieP�cqWvelmt to the - �` -.� � <br /> cost to Oorco�rer of Ihe mactgege imuranco pre+iously In eRect.from an eltemata moreg�ae ineunr epproved by Lender. If -;%r � :' <br /> -- �'= tubstnntielly cqu{vn:m[mongaRC inmrona coveraye is no�nvailable, Borcewer rhell pay m L.nder eech monN s wm equal �� i' +E' " -- <br />�-i a-y�;���-�•. to onravelN� of ihe ytarl7r mongnge insutance premium being paid by Borrower when U�e insu_na covttage leqed or 6��•-"��'"�.'�^'-�"1---� <br /> �rj ceated[o be in efibct Lender wil�ac<..;�.use and reiain these e enu m e Iou rescrve in Iieu of mo a e insurnnce.Lots � `'"- <br /> ,;.`� P Ym n8 8 t' '- �f _ <br /> ' - raervc paymencs mey no lorga be reqWreJ,a[Ihe�oUon of Lender,if mongaae insurann covttage(n Ne amount and foc 1 �Y : <br /> �� �he pedod �het Lrnder reqmr�-1 provided by an �asu-er approved by '.cnder ngain baomes avdleble and is ob�ained. y <br />. . -� Borcower sha:t par Ne premiu,m •equirM to mainuin mc.tgnge ineurantt in effec[,or lo proHde e loa rame,unW Ihe <br /> � _ rtquirement :or mongc_e insurance rnds in ettordana �•rith any written agecment bctween Borcower and Lender or <br /> � -�{ aPP:icablelew .. <br /> 7 <br /> ' _ �..� 81ny�Famiry-PNI,WFHLKC UN:FONM INlTBUMEHT FORM 00II0 00/BO(vape 0 of e Vayn) i � <br /> 1 NEBNAlKA ECi/lt R�v p3qlll� <br /> r . . <br /> t <br />'....:f_ _ ' _ <br /> '.��;':,__v _ <br /> -')_' ' <br /> '_ '< ._. <br /> . . <br /> � <br />