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. . . . .,.: _ _ . . _ _ _ <br /> .. }.. .1 ,\ ..� .;.. . .� i, �`� !` � �i, ..� .�P .\,:•.i.t+ . __ .� `; . _ — . 1 -- <br /> ; .. , l� � . , \ - <br /> , <br /> , � `� • �-=', � `` ° <br /> �- �, . , <br /> . <br /> _ . . . . -- - -- - �- -• - - - -- .. . _ . _ .. - - - - - . - - -•-.- <br /> � C _ :�. <br /> . ,. �� i -nr. <br /> ` ' . . J �� ...._. ......__�.�.�,��..___--�-- ° � <br /> • _`,.,. . <br /> ------_- _ <br /> � . �_��_ <br /> - - �...a�. . ..---- ._. . � � ---- <br /> � � E.3'�..�:s_'��—°--�—.. <br /> - AIt�J�iS'�'�►�p,� 1tA,'i'� lti���,l� q p� �- : � -_._-_ <br /> . e • (1 Ycar Trca�ury Indcx•Rntc Caps) ��,"""" .!.���l/f'.��� � ;='° - <br /> ` . , „ � <br /> � � THISAI)JU51'AUI.LRA'fElHID6ltiemndethle If)�h dnyai' . June �.4..�.. --��...�,19 �llr,_� 1 `e.. --- <br /> - • �nd le Incam�tntca{nta nnd �hail be dreutieJ to amend and supphmcnl �hc Mong�ge, lkcQ oi'frm1, nr ticcudty l7rcd(tho "Securlly '"_5 „�.,,,;,� � <br /> �- 1►utttuneut")at the snme dntr�iven hy tho undersfgnett(�he"P3csrrowcr")la en:w e Ootruwe►'s Adjuetnble Rme N�IO phe"Nnto"}to HnM� _ _>� :. <br /> _ " � �pFg�,�,�v�s� LceAN A89AalATIeN oF OwANp ISU1 n.HEBF�AS{tA 4�ha "l,endor")of tiie enme date and covering the - -_ <br /> 3c� -- .-�-�� propertY dcsctl4rd In�hc sccuri�y ins�rucao��:u��.:bxai:�d�: � .. TM '�_ _ <br /> y ----- --- G7.63 N�w�Yoi_k Avenuc Gri�nd Islend •Nla GA803 r .��:�`'�;�°.-;. <br /> ,., . �'�— (Nropc�ly Addre�s) . , -. �. ; <br /> -, • , '�'A�s �oto conldna proviafow �Itowlrtp to� chwnaea In my Intcr�l �wh and my mo�ihiy � , <br />, - �aymea�.Thla nate�Lwo Ilmlt+the e�nounl my Inte�eal rata can ch�n�e wt any aac Ilme and , � <br /> ��� sl�o Iha minimum wnd Ihe mRxln�uen nta I musl p�y� <br /> ADDITIONA4 COV�iNANTS. In addition to Ihc covcnants nnd agrcemcnta madc in tha Sccurlly Inslrumcm, Uo�ro�vcr nnd l.endcr <br /> Purthar cnvennnt ond ngrec as follows; ' • ' `� <br /> , ti . <br /> � <br /> ! A, INTE:REST RATE ANU�iQNTNI,Y PAYMENT CHANGES ���������` <br /> Thc Notc provldcs for on Inidal intcrest rate of^9..�5.._.---°to.Scclion A aP thc Note provide+far changcs in the I��tcrest rntc nnd Ihc �� � ,, , <br /> ' ,, .. monlhly ppYmente,as follows: . , ' . <br /> ;.•, <br /> �1',```` ,. <br /> 4. 1NT6RGST RATE AND AlONTt1LY PAYAfENT CH,ilYGES �'.;;;,:� , � :,�'�'i,,, , �,::, <br /> c�� <br /> . (M CAsnge Q�ta J ul y �19.92.._.�und aa that day cvcry ; . ,';::;�iF;j`„.._°,� <br /> � TAe Mtcrest rntc I�vill p�y muy chtmgc on thc fi�st dny af t�. . ,. _-�- <br /> � ' twe 1 Ye months�hereafter.Ench dnte on whieh my Interest rute cauld change i�called a"Chnnge Date." �,,;,_ <br /> ;i. <br /> �• _ <br /> , l8) TAOIadlx ' <br /> Regi�aing with thc first Chun�tc�Ate,my intcrest rme wlil bc based on�n Index.Thc"Index"is thc wcel:ly irverage yleld on Unitvd Statcs �'•� _ _ <br /> Tre,lsury securiUes udJustcd to n constant r��ntuNiy of I year,c�s madc uvniinble by thc Fcdcrnl Re�crve Board.Thc must rcccnt Index figusc }I • - <br /> � nvnilable As of the dote 4!duys bcfore cach Chungc pate is coUed�hc"Current Indcx." I .- <br /> li thc indcx Is no longer nvnllnblc,the Notc Haidcr will chuose a ncw Index�vhich is based upon com�k�rable informatiun.The Note �;,, � ; <br /> ;\ � , <br /> � Holdcr wili givc me noticc oP this chotcc. • • <br />, ;, • • <br /> � /{ � (C) C�Iculallon oi Chaage.r � <br /> Ucfore cach Chnnge Date,Ilio Note Holder will calcutatc my new interest rate by adding�S�..e�AlS.�,pI1�h91f--_percenta8e � <br /> I `------ ' ' � <br /> l- pcdnta l_ � 5.L1 �'o)to tha G�rtcnt inacx nnd rettnciii�g to tite nc��.:�t!:�ilt ot't°•'s,sRD'StC!!o!Rl£�.m�l4 51lIlCi�1!!�c11on 4(D1 hcloW. � __.. . <br /> �- , ,,,,- - <br /> This roundcd amaunt wiil be my no�v interes►rate unUl�hc next Chnngc Uatc. � �'��'�' `"� <br /> Thc Note Holdcr will then detcrminc thc c�mount of�thc momhly pnymeN thnl wi�uld be u+fl�iciem Io mpaY In full thc principal I nm ;ti`�;: � '•+; ;';y�� ,' ;• <br /> ��,,,, �i ���o��n��p��ially cnu:�l nayments bv the maturity date ni m>•ne��intere:+t rate.The rcsult of Ihls calculatian � . i <br /> , =_ =-• ._� e��t::3 i�a»:aa tl:at_.�rp:.-s...._�_ . �' - <br /> • will ba the new amaunt oi my monthly paymc�u. � '�` ; <br /> �y.. �U) Umil.y an Inte�esl Rata Changcs , <br /> Tho interest fA1C 1 nm requlred ta poy ot �hc first Chnnge Dntc will not be greflier than ._.1��� °o ar less than , <br />\�!+•?:� ' � 7 7� °'o.Therc�`tc�,m�lntcrcst ratc will ncvcr bc incnascd or decreascd an nny single�'hange Uatc by marc Ihan twn '� <br /> i,},• <br /> , �.p�p�.from the�ntc oS intcrest I hpvc bccn paying for ihc pnccdlnp twclvc months.Tfie minimum imrmst rntc on Ihiv loun wiU ne�•cr bc <br /> � Iese thun_....Z...�� �lo nnd the mnximum intcrcs�ratc a•ill ne��en c�grcatcr than_1�.._25__--"�'u. <br /> (G) Isftecdve Qata af Chaage� <br /> My nCw interest rate wip became effec�i�•e on cach Change D1te.I will pay the nmaunc oi my new manthly pnyment beAlnning on the fi�st <br /> manthlg puyment dnte nitcr the Chan�c Date until ihc nmount�f my monthly paymcnt changes�cTin. ' <br /> , (� Notice oi Chsnges <br /> The Nate Halder�vlll mnil o�deliver ta mr a natice hefore ca�1�Change pate.The na�ice will advice me of: <br /> 11) thc ncw interest rate on my loan ae of Ihc Chnngc Datc; <br /> (N) tho amount of my manthty pAymcnt followin8 thc Chnngc Datc; <br /> (lil) any addltiannl matters which tho Nate Holder is requircd ta discluse;nnd <br /> (iv) tho address of the assaclution you cauld contact regarding nny ryuestians aboul the udjustment natice. , <br /> . ; <br /> B. GF0A�4GFS7 LIENS ' <br /> Unii'orm Covcnnnt 4 oi�hc Security Instrumcnt is amcnded to read nc follows: <br /> 4, Chorges;LIen9.Herrowec�hall pay all taxes.ussessmems,.�nd other charge�,(inec,and imposition9 nt�tibu�able ta�hc Property which mAy <br /> • attaln a priority ovef thi�Secu:i�y Instrument,and Icascliold pa�mems i�f ground rents,�f any,in�he manner prrnided under paragraph Z hereof <br /> � or,if nat p�id�a such manncr,by Borrowcr making payment,a•hcn duc,dircctly to thc paycc IhcrcaL Horro��rr shaU prom�il�•furnish Lcn;lc: <br /> • - ull nodces aP nmounts due undeo�hls paragraph,anJ in�he event H��rrawer chall make paYmem direcU�,Fi,ce.�wer shall prompQy furmsh ta <br /> Lender receipts evidencing euch pnymems. Bor.mver shall �nromptly di�chargr any lien which has prioriey o��er�his Security Instn�mem: <br /> - � - however, $orrower �huii u��i br required ia.3�s.hacgc a:>s:::h lien sn long as Borsnwer; !?�?�b:�U arree in wriiina�o �he payment of the <br /> abligndan secured by such iicn in�he manner accep�able to l cn�er,Ib)tihall in good faiih ronlcu.uch licn b..or defend again�a enforcemen�ol' <br /> aueh lien in,Iegnl proceedinFs���hich in Ihe op�niun of Lender opernte io prr��en�ihe enforcemem oE�he lien c�r Farfeiture of the Properry ar any <br /> part thereof;or(c)shall secure irom ihe hol5cr of such lien an a form�atisfnctory to Len;ez�ubotdinating such lien�o ehic <br />' Securlty Instrument. <br /> If Lender detcrmines�hat all or any part o(the Property i5�uble�i�o a lien which map attam a priorily over Ihis Sccurity Instrument, <br /> l.ender chall give Borrower a no�ice idcnufying auch lien. HorroNCr�hall,atis(y�uch liru or takr one or more o(ihe artwns set forth above <br /> wi�hin tcn days of thc�iving of�hc noticc. <br /> C. NOTICF: <br /> Unifonn Covcnnnt 14 of thc Sccuriiy Inarumcnl is;�mcndcd to rcaJ as folloH�: <br /> 14. NoUee.Exeept for any nrnice rrquired under��pplicablc law io he Kncn in:mother manner.1�1 any notfce to NnrroHCr pm�iJed for in th�ti <br /> Sccurity lnslrumcnt shnll bc yi�rn by dcllvcnnp ii ur hy mailing il bp firsi cla�a m.ul to BarroHCr at 1 he I'ropert}•Addre.s ur at+uch oihcr addre" <br /> as Bormwer may desi�;nqlC bY nolice la I�nder a+prcnided herem,and Ihl:my nolice�u I ender ehall he E❑�en hy i�rsi.I:I55 Illad i�+I ender'� <br /> � addres5 slatcd hcrcin or to such nthcr addrrti+:�ti I cndcr may dc��Nnaic hr nuurc i��Nurr��HCr a�provdcd hrrcm.:�m nourc pru��dcd I��r�n tln. <br /> ticcurity Inslrumcnt shall he dccmcd In h;��c hccn fi�cu 1��Butt����rt ur 1�ndcr��hcn gn cn m�hr manncr dc��Hn.UrJ hcrcm. <br /> � <br /> — 1 -_ <br />