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<br /> appllc��hlc Imv iuny tiperlly for rcias�cucn�rm) bcl'un� r�jlr ut'Il�c 1'n►pc�1y pur�ui�nt lu uny pu�vcr uf rnlu canlaincd in thly .•-, t��Y=��:—
<br /> ';� . .. . 5CCU1'lly InslrulllCnL' ur lh)entry ut'n Ju��tiY����l rnti�rcinf;lhl�Scrtn�fty Inxlrumcnt, '1'hu�c can�Ull�u�v nrc ih+it iiorra�v��r: (��) �'. -_ :Y.
<br /> _ , . pays l.rnder uil sunts which 1 1 mn wuuld 1� duc uudrr thly Security Inrtrun�rn� nnd thr Nute uv ii'ni► nr��leru�lcui huel ' _ � �__
<br /> � .
<br /> �—� . � - ucc��m�k 1t+1�urcy w�y det'uuh��I�any��thcr covcu►mtw ur i�p�ccmrm,:(r►pay:+nll�xpcntics iacuRCd in rnfar�Viig�hiy Srcuri�y • ��_��_
<br /> �'--�- � __ � Inrtnunent,i�►cludin�, Dut n��i ifu�ited to. r�.snnnE�lr nttus�►eti�'tk�r�; i+iid ld1 t.aaCr sucli u�:llap p5 L�nder tt1�y 1�'n,unnhly - _
<br /> -.. - r^_e=t!!rc t�.������•�+h,���ta�►i�,n ui'thtr ticcucity instruntcnt.Lcnder�rikhts in�hc!'r���x�rty u�id Hur�o���cr�uhli�;utfim lu p;�v Ihc � --
<br /> :r,_`�".�. - '-� filiiil5 �cun:i! hy thla Sccurt�y lnKltt�n�enl +hnll cuntinuc t��irhan�tad, Upnn rcrostutcmcm i�y iiunuw�i, itil. �:�ur�ty �-' _. -- -: -- -
<br /> Inwlnimcnt�►n�11Nc obll�aniun.sccured hcrchy �h�►II r�m!+tn fully�ftcctivo ns li'nu nc�cicraNun had uccuri'rd. iiowovcr.�f►is . , _
<br /> eight t���instate shi�ll not i�ppi�in the cnyr ul'�►crrirr�itiaa under pari►griq�h 17, �;` _
<br /> , 19. !iule of Note�Chi�nAe o!I.uiu� Servtcer. '1'hc Nutr ur u panial intcrrst in the Niuc 11���r�hrr wilh thir �rcurity
<br /> ' Instnimrnll rnny bu sold unc c�r mur4 Umus�vith��ul priur nuti4c tu liurruw��r. A sulc �uuy rc�uU Ut u rhanpe in 1hc cniily „
<br /> _''•r. . , lkltotivl�1�s Ulu"Luim Srrviccr")Ihiil ruilccls monthly�r.rymcnt�dur undcr�ha N��tc und�his Scruri�y In�trumcnl. 'I'hc�rc ulsu
<br /> • ° . muy tw ono ar nu�ro ch,�ngcs at�thc l.u;m Scrviccr un`rliUcd tu.�+nle ut'thc N��te, li'tham is+�chimgr ul'Ihc l.onn tirrvircr,
<br /> ' � Borruwcr will bo given w�9u4n nuticc of�he ch�m�,4 in uccord�incc with p,reuKri�ph 14 uhuvc and uppliriiblr Inw. Thr nuNcc
<br /> will stutG thu nnmo,�nd nddresv of�hu nuw I.i�un Scrvic�r;md thc+�ddrrs,���whi�h paymrn�ti shuuld hc�ua�dc, Thc m��irr���ill �
<br /> . . iilsu contnin a►ny athcr infurmntiun rcNuired hy�ippUcaMu Inw.
<br /> S0. Hn:►.�rdauy Subytnncee. Burro�vcr�hall nu�c+�uxe ur permit�hu prcsencw u�r,di.pu�nl,storn�;c,or rcicasc��t'�my
<br /> � ' Hur.nrduus Suhstances on or in ihc Prupcny, f�nrro�vcr sh�dl nut d��, nur ��U��w �my�mc rl�r u�dn, iplyllllq� illli?t�iing thc
<br /> F*roperty thi►t is in vialatinn�i'any Environmcntail l,n�v. 'I'ho precedinK�w��sentcncus nNidl nut upply tu the pr4�enr4,us�,or
<br /> . . stornge m�ihc F'roperiy of,m�dl qui►ntitics ai Hazi�rdiuiz Suh,t�mccs thi�t urc gcncr�+li��i•ecugnir.ed t��he appn�priata In num�ul
<br /> - - residemiiil u.r-cs.md ta mi�intcnancc oi'�hc F'��aperry.
<br /> Barrowcr shidl promp�ly givc l.cndcr wriucn nc+Ucr uf iiny invc,U�tiuion,clulm,dcmand.InwruU ar uthc�uc�iun by a�nY .
<br /> govemmentul nr regulntory n�;cncy or{�rivaUr pacty invulving the i'�vpcery imd �my Hurairdnur Sub.rtuncc ur Fnvir��ntnental •
<br /> � Luw uf which HonoN�cr hus aictual kn��wlcdgc. If Borr���vcr I�+i�mr, or Is notificA hy uny �;ovrrnmrntul or rogulutory � +
<br /> � authorlty.ihut nny Rmov;d ur uthc�rcmcdinti�m af nny Hauu•d�ius Subtiii►ncc affcc�ing thc Proprny i,neccssury, H��ttu�vcr . _
<br /> • " shali promptiy tnke�II nerer.r•ury rcmedii�l i�rti�ms in uccordimce wiih f:r��lmnme�tul l.aw, . �:;.
<br /> � . As uted in�his pari�grnph 2(1."H.uardnus Subsimt�es°uro Ihcise suhsti►aces deiined ati taxic ur huxunlaus auhstanccs by ,
<br />' ' �nvironmcntal Law i►nd thc fallnwing substanres: gnsulinc, kcra�enc,uthcr tlumrnablc ur toric pctrulcum praductti, tnxic �=
<br /> �, ..
<br /> p:sticidcs and hcrhicidc�. v��latilc tial��cnts, matcriulx rimtahiing a�l�•.t�� ar Pormnldchyda amd rudi��activc mutcri,ds. As .-n:
<br /> . used in this p:augraph 2l►..'£nvimnmcatnl La��v"moimti t'rdcrul Imvs iind liiwx oi thu Jurisdicti�►n.vhcrc tho 1'r��perty i�loc�+ccd _
<br /> .�,..� thiu rclutc tu h,:elth.safrt<<�r cnvii�c►nmentul pratecliun. �"` -
<br /> . �;,',i_i,' '" NON-Uy1FOfi�1 CU�'t?NANTS. Hum��ver und l.cpdcr t'urthcr�:uvcnant und iigrce us i'ullowx: ,�; '. ��
<br /> ' • � 21. Ac�4srrutlan; ltemedieq. l.cnder shA01 give natice tu Horrmver prior to acccleruUun Pnllnwln� Uorrower'y �
<br />- � �' brench of an��v�venunt ur uprcement in lhls�;ecuritv Instrument(hut nut prior tn uccelerutlon under pnru�ri�ph 17 �'� • i
<br /> � " unles.v upplfcnble law pravides��iherwise), '1 he notice shutl+peciPy: (ul thr dePault;lbl the ucUua requlred tc�cure the �•,„
<br /> � � dePuull; (c1 u date,not tecs thun 3R duy�fr�nn thr Jate the n��tice i�tiiven tu E�or�uwer.by which Ihe dei'�tAt must be �`;', ,. .
<br /> - ----I rure�;�ii�d t�i ti►Ki:aftur�iu rur�!he d�fau!!e:nl�r!�For�!�f+c!nte�neci f led in�he notlre mt�y�erult in iuccle�uNun��f � � � �
<br /> -_. ,
<br /> � thc sums secured hy thiy tiecurity Inyt�ument und sule of ihe PropcMv. '1'he nuUce rhi�Q PuMher lnfurm Burrower of � �-
<br /> the�•ight to rcinsti�te ni�er accele�utlun and the ri�h/to brin�;u�Y►ue�t ucUon to u�.tiert ihe non-i�xlste�co��i'u defauU ur l � .
<br /> _ _ �, uny uther dePeosr��f Rorrnwer tu ac.rlQralion amd.tiule. IP Ihe de6'a�ult is not cured un un c�Evre the dute ypeci�icd in L !,
<br /> ._ -•---�_.�.
<br /> !he pottce,Lender at Ita optton may rcqui�e�mmeu�uir puy���ra..��.aS=i3�iii:�iii:i��C:«:r'»1.%=•�h�.Y 4='�uf��'_!!�l���men ....""."' - .
<br />_ � withnut ft�rther cicmunal ar.a:� r.nuy im•��ke Ihe po��•cr nf sule and i�ny nther rcmediev peraiilied by nppNrtiAle lutiv. � • .�,
<br /> I.ender shnll be eNltled Ca*aa@S�ct adl expenses incurred in pursuln� ihc re�nedles provicled ia ihis piuu�ruph 21. I
<br /> ' .'1 includir��g,but not Nmtted tu.rca�suauhte iUtorneyy'Pees uod ci�sts of Utle e��idenrn.
<br /> • �� IP tho power uf Sale iti im�uked.'e'rustee+t�aU record u nutice u1'defuult in 4»ch counts i� evhich any part ��i the •
<br /> " Praperty iv lacuted i�nd shall mail cup;:s uP ruch nuNce In the manner preticribed bv nppl[cuble I��v to Borrower und t�� !
<br />_ the othe�persany prescrihcd by upplicuble lanv. A�ter thc Unx req�drcd by applicable la���.71�u�;tee shuli tilve publir i ,
<br /> �. �`;�,.;.; taudce���'qi�le to Ihe pc�suns und in Ihe munncr prescribcd by appUci�blc li�w, 'D�i�titcc,���iihaut demund on 1larra�r•cr, i. .
<br /> •,:�,�;,,: sQ�ull hell ihe Pr��perty a!puhllc auctlun to Ihe hi�hcsl bidder ao the ilme und pii�tr imcl undcr ihe tcrms c�c�i�;nAted in
<br /> thc nuticc uf sule in one ur more pi�rcris��nd in uny ordc�7�us¢�r detcrmine.r•. 'l�ustt�e mu��p��siponc sute uf'adl or uny
<br /> � ; purcel ol'th�I'raperty�y puhlic nnnouaceme�t ut the Ume un�p9ace oti�ny pre�•louslv schr�ls�led sule. Le�der��r its
<br /> � • ' dcwignee m�a�q�t�rchase Ihe P�aperty ut any siile.
<br /> � Upun �ecelpt uf papmeM ��f'the price hid.'Irustee tihall deU�•er tu the purchi�rer'Irustee'y deed cum•e��ing the �
<br /> • Property. The recdtuls e�a?►e'll�usiee's dced shull bs primt�fi+cie c��idence ui'ihe truth of'Ihe vtiriemems made therei�.
<br /> • . � 'Iruytee shi�ll�ppl� the prv�cecds oP thr yule in ihe ti}�9c����in�urde�: IiU!o�+U coyts und expensrs oPexercivink�he power
<br />_. .
<br /> �. Ponn i02H 9�Y0 �p.�r� ., •p,,r�" . �
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