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<br />.�:`,,. _ . • raI� � .a_r�e._ --
<br /> ,:t,. ir.-_ �,i'•.�;�i=�w. s
<br /> � _ '' 7'UC�[s!'llLlt�VI`PII iIII 1I14 II11F11YIYl'lI1Clllti 1111\V{IP Ill'1'4'ill�Cf l'fll'ICII llll Illl`OTll�1�Yl��,�uid cdt rascmen�r•,np��wlcimnccs, - _ -_ �
<br /> ._��>-:-_
<br /> " • • . . • �md lixtue��s now ar hrrcat�ecr u part ul'Ihr ptu�xtrty. All r�•pluc�men�s und;��lditiun< ,hnll ,ik�� he cavcr�d Ny ihis ScruritY �__e�•-�-
<br /> � � _ _ Instrument. All ot'ttm ti►n�,��in�i�;r�l'4���4d tu i��tbis 5ccuiity In�tnnncnt ur th�°F'�'��p�'��y�" �-�`_
<br /> „�._ ; . - -
<br /> „'• . ,` HORNt)WIiR C'f>VCSNAN'i'ti thul I1�nTt»���r iti lu�ufully sciud n1 tt�c rstatc hcRhy cunvcy��d und I�u.lhr riE�li1�u gr,int -�k' -
<br /> -„�- - .— �.- `�
<br /> � � � ', :;� u�id cunvey th►�f'���p�t9y nnd th�l thc 1'rupc�iy i,unencwntk rcd.rxccp►fo�cnrambau�cc�vf uw'utt`. ii�ts�u�t�er Wt117l4�tl.r•aritl � _
<br /> ---, . «` ' �:� �vili ciefcuQ�;cueu�liy it��tltl�ta th.t'mp.r.;:ig:s�n••�i!!•�1����•��u.id�l��mundti.subiccl t�•�wy c�nct►tnh�ancr,ul'i��em'd, '�' � _
<br /> �_;:s..� -
<br /> '-..->.-. ':.:: :�. .. ,..�
<br /> �<�- THlS SF.CURITY 1N5�t'ttUNiiiNi' r�,n�hines uuifuR�j cuac�xt�iy tiii' ti�tUi+s�rd ux :tit�I ttt�ll-tl[lll�t)T(il l'l�vc•�1����1� with C," _.:-:` -- --_-,_-._._..
<br /> �•,• .; :... .
<br /> . . . limltcd vurintiom hY.lurisdictfon t��runsUlutc n unfii�rm sccurily inslrumrm ruvcring re,d prapc�Yy. .
<br /> :_,-� - .-�,,�: .
<br /> - . IINIFORA9 COV[NAN'fS. Ilurruwcr nnd Lci�dcr c�wcnant und al:rtc:i�ii�Uu�vs: , •
<br /> � . .. ' i, N��y�nent of P�fnclpul amd Intcresl: Prepi�yme»t ane�I.ute l'hi�r�,es, H��rea«�er+hi�ll peumptly pay whrn dur�hc •
<br /> . principal of und intc►rst uu thc dcht 4videncrd hy Uw Nutc uud nny��rrp:►ymrnl nnd lutc ch;►r�cs duc unJ�r�hr Nat�.
<br /> , • 2. ILqdy PuT'11�ncs�uid Inc�r��ncc, tiubJcrt lu upI�licnhle la�v ur tu u�vrlUen wadvrr hy l.rndc�,Hu�7����c�slmll puy Iu .
<br /> � � � . Lcndcr un IItL diiy monthly paymentti nrc dur undcr�Iw N�:tc,unlil Ilic Nutr i�p:iid in I'ull,n tium 1"runds")ti►r: 1�►1 yv+u'ly � . .
<br /> tnxc. nnd,ix+cssmentti which nu►y u�tuln priurlty uvcr�his 5cc��rity In+u•�uurnt n,u Ilcn un tlm!'ropcny: (b)vciu'ly I�iisrhold . ,
<br /> pnyments ur �!rounJ nnts on thr �'ruperty, it' ;iny; l�) y�:+�dy harud ur �,i•uperty insurumc premiumti; Idl ycurly iluud I .
<br /> in�urancc: prcmiumy� il'any;(c) ycarly mun�;u}!4 insuamc�:pr�miwn.r•, if any: ,md ttl any xunir pay;►ble by �ium�wcr to ;
<br /> Lunder, in uccarduncc �vith Ihc pr��vi�luns��i'p:uugraph H. in li4i�uf�hr p;►ymenl ul� m��rt�;tiFc in+ur:mcc premiumti. '1'hes�� .
<br /> ` itcnta nrc�nlled"F.scraw ltcmti.' I.cndcr miiy.ut uny timc.cnllacl and Irold f�unds in un i►mount n��t ti��xrrcd titc ntaxintwn � ' . ,
<br /> . , um�um a I�nidcr t'��r u icderally rul:ncd nu,ng.i�;c lu,►n m:�y rayuin: for Hurruw4r.l• r,uruw uccuunt undrr thu 1'�dcral Rcal i
<br /> . �stutc Sc�tl�mcnt F'�occdures Act uf 1�1�4 us anun�lcd i'rum tlnt�<<+tintc. I� U.S.C.p �G111 rt s<•c/.("lifiSPA"1,unl��s unuUi�r �:
<br /> luw thnl applic.r•to thc I�unds�cts n Icsscr umoun�. If,a,I.ondcr mny,ut uny tint�,collcct un�l huld f�undti in un i►nwtuu not to l ,
<br /> � excced the Icsscr umaunt. l.cndcr muy esUnxuc ihu umoiou uf' f��u►dr du� �,n thc b��sis ot' cun�cnt dntn und reasonablr ` , ..
<br /> . . csdmmes of expenditurer uf futurc F:srrow Items i�r atherwi�o In accurdaincc�vith applicable Inw. .
<br /> � Thc fl►nds shall tx hcld In +u� ins�iiud��n ���hosc dcpodts iire intiurcil hy u fcdcra! a�:cncy, insinnnrnli�Nty, ur cndty
<br /> � lincludinb l.cnder,il'l.�ndcr i�tiuch un institutionl or in nny Federal Humr l.aim Hunk. Lend�r shali apply the f�unds�u p,iy � "��
<br /> thc 6scrow IWm.. l.end�r m�►}• nut chargc Hurr��wcr far holding anJ ;�pplvii�e the Fundn.,umu.iUv iuta►lyzin� the escra��� '
<br /> � " •iccount. ��t vcril'}�ia�; thc Ti�rraw Items, unlrs, I.cndcr p.�y� Hu�7u�ccr intrnsl un thr I�unds �ind iipplic;�blc la�v pcnnils ,
<br />" I.i�ndcr to muho tiuch i�ch:+rer. Hc�wcvcr. l.endcr miry r�c�ulr� 13iurowc�w p��y ci unc•timc rhnr�c for:tn indcpendent roal
<br />' estate tax repartinF u:rvice iiscd b�� l.ender in cunnectinn�vi1h chiti lu.m,unless npplicudle lil\Y PIOVIIICy l�I�lll�\Vltil'. UIIII'S\illl � ' _,
<br /> agmcmem is madc ur applicnMc I:+w rcNuires iptcrc,t tu hc p;dd.l.cndcr.h.�ll nat hc requircd�u puy H��rrc��vcr itny intcretit ur I . ,.`�
<br />- . • carnin�;�on thc Fundr. H��nnwcr i�nd l.cndcr muy agrru in writin�:.hi�wcvcr.Ihut intcresl>hnll hc puid un thr Fundti. Lrndcr � .
<br /> . shall glYC tc� Hor�owcr.without rhsu��c,un unnual acci�untin�;��f�h� Funds,�hu�ving credity amd debits �r thc funds imd�hc � �:
<br /> purposc fur�vhich ruch dcbit to Ihc Fundr�vus madc. Thc: flmdx are plcdg�tl i�s,idditionul,ccuri�y fur all.ums�ccured by � ,
<br /> . this Sccu�iry I�strumcnl. i ,
<br /> , If the F►mds ht:ld hy I.ender rsceed the nmuunts pcnnitt�d to he hcld by upplictible law, Lender tihi�ll i�crowu to !,
<br /> _---- _--:-- - _ -- Be�:'�wet'!or!he exc���F►�n�fc in:ucorcl:vuc with Iha reuuiree�icnts uf applicaiblc law, N�thc amuunt c�f Ihc Funds hrW by
<br /> � l.endcr at uny timc is nat suf�liciont tu pay Ihc k;ticro�v Ucm��ti�hc�i dur. Lendcr ntu�� tiu nruty iinrrowc�in writing,anci. in ---.-- `_.
<br /> ` ., xuch ca�c Bornnecr shall pny tu I�rudcr ihc ;unount ncr�ssar�• tu mukc up�hc dciicicnc��, f3urrowur ,hi�U nwkc up Ihc � � �
<br /> ' �luficiency in no more thnn nvclv�numthly p:rymrnts.ut l.�ndert���le d'►�rretion. , �
<br /> ____- - •.. c..��..: ..�� .. .. ...1 1...J � n�w �a �.,.«��m�n�. I.��ndcr .hi►II nromnUy retund tu f3c�Rn�vcr any � __
<br /> _ _ _ Upuu puynfri�i n��tu�a� au ..diTi.,s�.:L.:...� ..2..`.5.....:t_,: ... . ....�
<br /> ' i�und�hcld by t.cndcr• If. undcr paru�rnph 21.Lendrr�h.�U u�quirc i�r�c!! ihc Pr�,pcny, l.cndcr. priur Iv lhc acquisilic,n or f ' ,
<br /> s,de ui'�he Propcny, shnll npply uiry �unds hrld hy l.cndcr:tc Ihe tinu ui' acquisili�m rr .iile �u u credil ugainst the tiumx �
<br /> secund by thiy Sccurity Insirumrnt. ' . '.
<br /> 3. AppUc:etlui� ��' Puyments. Unlr�� appllr:ihlc law pru�•id�, �+thrr«•ia�. ;�II puynunts rcc�i��cd by I..cndcr un�lcr t
<br /> pa�u�mph� 1 .m�l 2 shull hc npplic�l: firtii.tu any pnpaymcm rhur�r.duc uiidcr thc N��te: scc�md, t��amvuntr payublc undcr � �1;
<br /> . . pnragritph 2:third.to intcre�l duc;t'�,unh,tn princip�d due; und larl,ro an��latn churgr.duc undcr the Notc. i
<br /> . � J. Chc�r�es; l.icns. f�orm«�cr shall pay ull taxc,. a.xe.sm�ntx, rhur�rs. finc� and impusitions �Utrihuti�blc tn thc i ..
<br /> Prapcny which m��y ;ittnin priu►it�• ovcr this Sccurity Ins�rumcnt.:►nd Ira,rhuld payment,ur�ruund renls,if i�ny. Bo�ruwcr
<br /> •;�'� ' '�,:' � shull puy the�e obligutianti in thc munner pnrvidc�in pnrn�,ruph.,or ii'nut puid in thut munncr,[�unmvcr shidl pay them on ,
<br /> .,��.;;;,;;�., :::; . time dircc�ly to the prrxon uw�d piryment. Elnrrowcr yhnll praraptly furni�h to l.rnder ull ncnicts iif anu�unts ta hc pt►id under
<br />-.. , ����'��,•: this pnragruph, lF Rntto���ct mul�c`thc�c paymcnty dircrUy,tiurruwrr�hull prompily furnish t��l.cnd«reccipts cvidrncing
<br /> .` , thc paymcnts, �
<br /> � Banawer shull promptly diarhaugr:�ny licn which hi►,priuriry uver this Security Inslrument unles.Hunower;la)agr�r,
<br />- ' �. in�vriting ti�Ihc puymcn�uf�hc uhligiui��n.crurcd hy �hc licn in a mainncr uccrpl:�hlc t�,l.rnder:lhl r�mtcrts in go�x1 f�iith thc
<br /> lien by, or dcfends i�gainrt entiucement c�i'ihe licn in, Icgul prucr�din�+whirh in the Lrnder� upinian operatc to prevent the
<br />= enforcement of the lien;rn�(c)xecures 1'nnn�he h<�Ider ot�th�lii�n un ugrermenl satitit'xctury tu l.ender�ubordinating ihe lirn
<br />- to this Security Insirumenl. II'Lender detennines ihai nny part uf�he 1'u�prrry iti yuhjert tn a lien ��•hich may auuin priarity
<br /> , over this Sccurity Ins�rumcnt,l.ender nu�y givc Rott��wcr a noticu idcntifying ihc lien. Bosro�vc�xhull tiatist�y Ihc licn ur taku
<br />- one or maro ut Ihc uctionti sct►'orth ubc�vo within 10 days��t th�gi��in�uf nuticc•
<br />-- � S. Hauird or Property Insu�ance, l3urn�wcr sht►!t Ac�p thc improvcm�ntti ni��v r�isting ��r h�reuitcr erected on thc
<br /> � Nro}xrty insured�„euinsl(rns t+y i'iru,huzards included wi�hin thc Icnn"extendcd ci�veru�;�"and nrry other hiuurds,including , _
<br /> flaods ur floadin�, for«•hich Lendcr rcquirrs ii�,uruncc. 'I'hiti intiurimcc �hull hc nwintaincd in Ihr amounts and for thc
<br /> Foem�028 O�VO ipaqe:n�n pu�r,i
<br /> `- ._ _ _ _ �
<br /> ;:
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> }i
<br /> 1�
<br /> I
<br /> �+
<br /> : �
<br /> . .
<br /> i7 i
<br /> � _. .._ _. .._ . . _. - - �
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<br />