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�� , . < ti t�S^,� .e . <br /> v � . -A-- � ->-� l t <br /> .��, ,� _.,� �a `=t' _ _ 'r.. J . . .J..�_xz*!.c71 *L`;.*i .-. _--- _ s � = — — <br /> . f--,f� , - . . -��� ` _. .�--�-- <br /> � �'�e.��o� ., , , 93. �o��� _ _ <br /> :=�. . . � ,. , <br /> ----�-�� �t�k�n ordun�p�d,i.�ndn�h�Dh�w N�oo�����S��ol�md�byfun 6baNbri,to�p6N i��udi�9ruee�d�,�4ir E�NO11hp thnRtoin� � - � <br />— �*-'�'^•� �9 ootq c}id�xD�ee�Incuned W It In aonmo�lOn rdfi�ueh Rooaad�, upon��py hdeblHnan�gw�ed ha�eby�nA N�ueh o�dar�o . <br /> '-rr::=::'Y� LenOer mey dKe�mine,a to epdN eq�vah V+oo�eE�;Qter sudi d'edu�o�lonr,�o ene ni�ormon o�u�e�roo�nv u�o�eum oonatuon+u __.. <br /> --���,_, ; Ued�r mry detumtu.MY�iD���lon ol Roeodr to 6p�badneft tAfll noS'�ktmA m be�tDu�r lh�dus d�tt ot mY CM�Mt�u�dn - <br /> - _:::;p�' � � th�Note,u cau my dd�ult thnwndoi or h��ivndu.My uneDDd�fund��h�0 b�pt!d to Tmttor. - — <br /> ;i=;;j�{�-��t B.Fa{orm�ne�6y L�ndir.UDOn th�oawrranee ol m kY�enl ot DN�uil ha�wnder,er II any wt i�hkm or 16pe1 6�oeeedinp � . <br /> - � "'���•� oommeneed whkh mateAeM affeob LenJar'�hlaro�t 6 the Noperty,lmder m�y in In own dimmtlon,but witheut obTipatbn lo do w, , ,p.�._ <br />-_- "":':r�:�." enp wiNout notiw to W dqmerd upan Ttu�tor�nd wP,hoN nleuh0 T�ufto�ftom�ny o6ifpatlon,do my wt whid�Y�u�tor hu�9uaE � <br /> " -� 'f--� 6ut 6i1�to do�nd may el�o do my olhm a8t R daem�neoe���ry to pretoot the weudry herooL hu�tor�hall,YnmedieteN�PO�demmA - <br /> `'""'� thmofar by Lendar, pey ta Lendm e0 eoet0 end vxpentes Inevnad enA eum�oxpendeA by Lendx In eonMONOn wlth Ihe�xereHe Ey �-'� ._.._ . .. <br /> ,3 ..:• <br />"�;.;7:,.�%;�.;,� Lmdar ol Ihe fon0�9 dOhtr,topeNV wi�h InroroB lheroon�t the delault ate Orovid�d In th�Nota, whkh�h�J bo�dEed to th�- <br /> �� ^w -'�� 6d�bt�dn�e��eomod hmby.Under�hdl nol Mar�m/D�bility 6aaaam o}my�hNO��may do or omi�to do hereandn. <br /> - "� 0.H�zerdou�Met�d�t�.Tiu�tor�haN keep the Vrop�nY M�D���ae wtlh all ap0��ble law�,ordhmoe�and rop�letlon�iele11n0 to ��••- <br /> ' � - '"� hdu�tdd hy0��e or environmentd p�otaotfon leoOeotMeh�eferrad to hnroN o'Envhonm�ntel L�wPI.Trurtor�he0 kop ihe Ropairy <br /> r r 1 � -%y fine(wm�11 wb�lanae�deemad to be he:ardou�or toxla undx v�y Environmcntel law�(ao�ao�NeN�efermd to henh u�•Hr:�rAeu� +� - <br /> � t%� Meteriah'1.Tunor hanby wartmn�nd iepmanN to Lcnder thet th�ro m no H�xe�dou�Mete�let on or under the Propaly Tm�1or r' -_ <br /> rt�`' : .��" hem6y�proe�ta IndmmNfy v�d hoW harmla��Lenier,Ib dimotoro,offfoerb empbyaas end �penu,en� any tuaae��en lo Lendsl� � <br /> t t_y ntem6 trom md apeYnt eny md�0 oh4ne,d�ma0e�,loae��nd lubilitle�erisu�0��onnaotlon wi�h the praaenoo,u�a,dbposal or -- - '- � - � <br /> �.}i >?, irantpon ol a�ry Hetardou�Matarkb on,under,Irom or ebout the Property.THE FOilE001NO WANWiT1E8 AWO 11EPRESEMATIONB, _— <br /> t� _ -:�, AND?ilUBTON'8 OBIAOATIONB%1PBUANT TO THE FOflEU01N0 INDEMMTY,BHALL BURVIVE RECONVEVANCE OF THW UEED OF '=ss((�aw___��: <br /> TRUBT. ,.��.,4 x � : <br /> 7� �`�i 10.Auiymm�nt oi It�M�.Tmstor hew6y pdpn�to landat Ihe rmb,Uaa�end O�olit�of the Propeny;provld�d that Tuetm eh�➢, > �� �-- <br />� ,>...��::-Y„:� _. <br /> ;,i,-,,{�__,;;� until ih�oownenoe oFen Ewnt o/Deleult he�aunder,heve the dpht to oollecl end roleM tuch tmb,itwe�and p�ofite e�thay bewm� r,;n#-+= <br /> ��r�'��, dua end pay�6le.Upon 1ha occurmnw of an Event of Oelaull,Lender mey,either H Oarwn or 6y a0ent,wHh or w:thout b�hpinp ury � � } --': <br /> - `': �otlon or proeeedinp,or 6y e�eoeNer appolnled bv a eourt end wltAout �pud ta 1he adepuaw ot fd eewdry, enter uD�end tab -Z'f}� <br /> r � r�^c'� poe�ewbn of tha Prope�ty, or�ny p�rt the�wl, In ib own nune or in the n�me ol the Trustee, and do a�ry�m� which it deam� s' `� __ <br /> naoe�ury or desfnble to D�e�orve Ihe veNe,me�ketebifiry or wn�ebi6ry of 1ha GroDerty,or eny Oert the�eo/or Nb�e�t therein.Inemm �,r� y <br /> � * --- Ne Ineomo th�rolrom or P�oteot 1he�eeudty h�roof end,wlth or without tdu�y Poneseion ol th�ProO�rW,we for or olhmwl�e eolt�et �., ' -- <br />�,i�w�e�md p.oGb Ih�mof,naivdinp Iheee pnl due�nd unpid,end eppfy�he ome,loc�oo�b end exp�naa�of opuation�nd •-� r_ ___ <br /> � -� �`F aoCeotlon Neludlnp attomey�'taeb upon eny indebtedneu seeund henby,ell in�uch order u lander m�y detartnbo.The enler!n9 upon N j, _� � <br /> Yy,�?'#..' md takhy po�m�tlon ol tho Proparty, the coAeotlon ol�uch rend,i�wos md p�o/��and Ihe app11oa1ion lheraot ae afoweid,thall not y,y �, p �:_ <br /> � _ :ti� w�e or waN��ny dofault or notloe o/default hereunder or Invetidete eny aot done in�e�ponw le�udi def�ult or punuenl to such noUu .{�'n 't F i2.- <br /> i� -:_-��•i of def�ult and,netwith�tendh0�ha aontlnaenu In Ooisaafon ol lho Roporty or lha aolleollon,rxeiDt end appliution ol renb,iewe�or .,�M ° �{ --'.� <br /> r <br /> �,�r-`t";. D�oflb,�nd Lunee and Lender theA 6e enlhled to aerdte evary dpht p�wided tor 6� xry o1 the Lom InrtmmenU or by law upon "'+s.. .•r - �" <br /> �;;�4�;"�!X_: ooeunmoe ol any Evont oI Detaul4 IncludNp wlthout funiulton the dpht to exardm the powx of sele. Furthu, Lendef�dphb�nd ';;_�1:.�f?��Yi�'ri��, <br /> t <br /> � _�`:_� �omedb� undo thb p�uproph sha0 ba eumulatNe wilh, and h no way a hnlbtion on, �anderY dqhU and remedle� unda �ny e� ��,ti �s,im,;�- <br /> ' ��•�_1 �alpnm�nt ol be�e�end mnte mao�ded�peinN the P�oOerty.Lender,Truslee end th�weairer shdl be O�ble ro�oaounl only lor thow -i+-•d 1 �°�,1� - <br /> � .lS�� �°'� renUacNnllytOteMOd. �- S� � � i .�' -•�. <br /> i � i i.Ewni�oi D�i�u:t.Tha foGownp�he0 oonaiWm m Evant oi Detavit ander thi�Gead o(7rv�t: -i:; r i t <br /> - _1.��'J (�)Fellum to PeY�nY NsteWnent of PrNdP�l or Fta�e�t ol anV olhor evm�eemed hembY rihen due: r`;� t € � .-.;17t.•. <br /> �?`- @I A bwech ol or defeall under env prmiela�oonteMed M lh� Na�,thb Deed of imd,eny ol the Loan In�trvmenu,or any ��?' sF ir- '- <br /> {1� _ . <br /> - • �� other Ilen or enwmbnnoe upon Ih�Propary; ''� F <br /> �l �_�`� (ol A wtlt ol exaeuNon ar �Ueahment er any�in0�r proeen��hell be enrorod epaNit Trvstor which ahe9 baoom�a Oan on tM �,'. d �,��' ��"� � <br /> ;+Ir�.�_; PmoenY or anY oonbn th�root or interatl theroin: _��n n y �1�3c+_^^ <br /> '.i Idl Thu��hdl be fllad by or epain�t Tmnor or Oauowar an eetlon under eny preeenl nr fawro ledeml,�nta or olher�dwa,law i i r 3 'x�#p�"ft -_ <br /> }- or�apuletbn wlatlnp to b�nkwptN. ��eohanoy ar oihar refid for deblo�r.or lhem �he116e�o0ehted �ny trvnee. �xeNer or _ r�` .-. S.'��� <br /> -�_�,ti!.; IlQUldator o171uNOI ot Bortowaf ar o(e!1 or any p�rt ol ihe Porparty,or iho mnU,IuuO�or prol:b IheroOG ot Trv�lor oI 8orrower ;`.��' °�- :n��:� � <br /> � ehJlm�koenY7enomlauipument/orthabanolitofe�editon: '�,rt 4° pf-"�i�lL�-�.� <br /> > lel Th�eele.tranNer.lae�e,e�dpnmrn6 eonvrymoe or fmlher aneumbnnae al all or any part ol or e�ry Inluast in�he Prooe��Y. � .� •"�y.^e ' <br /> . -5�:�_..�; :7,.'4::z.':�.�.....�f.._• <br /> eilha vobnb�M or LrvoWnterily,wilhout 1he axp�an wdllen oommt o(landor,provWed thet Tm�tor�htll be Oe�mined 1e execub . -� , <br /> .)�' e laae o/Ihe P�opartY�h��doa�not eonten an op�bn to pmeha�a end tha ta�m ol whid+doe�not ezoaed on�ye�r, )�1 ,q _ �,�5,�:``�!.s�°-. <br /> - (q Ab�ndonmant of the Proper�y;or � � �y� � -. <br /> -i:-/ l91 If Trvator I�not en IndWidud.1he hwmoa. sda.lmn�fer.ud0��t, cameYanee or mtvmb�enw o/mo�e lh�n �totel ��'L. _y :�Y� .-: <br /> sy;� o( ui� pamenl ol fil e eorpantloN IU ipued and outstmdinq sroek or lil a P��lnenhip)e lold ol N/� pmeenl of --. /.:� ._�_,:.;y-«� <br /> -� prt:crcF.!p Intuostc dm4�p tho pa�bd:F.F.O.c�cf Trvst rcma6ja a fwn c::h.P..,v•l�. � -' - <br /> � ; �� 12.fl�m�dbr.Acad���ibn Upon Dd�ult.N the event ol eny Evanl of Def�ul[Lmdar m�y,wilhout nolke axa�pl e��equ5ed by lew, `_ ° � Yl- _` - <br /> �� -�•. deolew�0 Mdabtadnen�aourad hemby to b�dua end peyabla end No �una �h�ll tharaupon baoome due and pey�bla wHhout e�ry i '�f'- '� - <br /> pu��n�m�nq d�mme,pmew.�e.nn�w n!wny tbd.Thneetter Lender meY: C . t.0 �"�- <br /> -•�• le)Demend th�t Tm�tw exerciw lhe POWER OF SAIE pranlad hamin, and Tmrtea �h�ll themdler c�u�a Tm�lor'� inmmrt � -� : <br /> � �:�` In Ihe P�ope�ry to be aold��d Iho proteedf lo bo dx4ibuled,ell in Ue m�nnar p�eW.ded N iha Nabre�ke hu�[Deed�Ael; � � - i ��'_ <br /> l ib)Exati�a any and all �iphl� p�ovidad (or n anY at�e Loan Imlmmenit or by lew upon oecurenee of �ny Evant of _ <br /> Oef�ull:end �. <br /> le)Commenee en eation le fowcloae Nh Deed ot Trust e� �mo�tqe0a• ep0oint� roeeFe.,er�veeXiee:q.anforce anv of th� -� � ; <br /> � . covmenbhe�eol. i�_ - <br />_ �'+ -- No�emady heroin eonfm�ed vpon or mserved ro Tm�Ua or Lendar is intondaE to 6e eaelwive o/eny olhee mmedy heuin,in the loen f ' . ' ' ; <br /> IntUVmenU or by 4w pwviEed ot pe�mited,bul eaeh J�ell bo cumvialwo,�he:l 6e in�ddi�ien lo every elhor mmedy piven herounder,in � ' - . <br /> Na Lom Inelmmonte or now o�hmeatlar eaialinp nt hw or in aqvity er 6y atawte,and m�y ba exe«ised eoneunmlN.�+depandantN er <br /> _ _,� meeenively. � <br /> ' ��` :>... 13. Tru�N�.Tho Tm�tee me �e�i n el en Cme wi�hou[eeu�e,�nd L�ndet na et en time end wilhoot e�me e <br />- --�= ".- _ ' � Y p Y � Y Y PPOht�eoeee��ar <br />. _ 'h.'__.... . n�«.F��llm�T.�..�.� T...�...6�n....��..c F�.�.. .....�..�.. �.��. c.�...:.w�. �� _ � _ r _ _ � _ <br /> .. _- f.. .. . ...........C.__ ..._.._�.'S–.e_..!n.!v P.-v..:: r Tm.m:..:_.:r_ ... .:l . <br /> � ' � �he PmOerry, fer my leu or Eamep�anleo due to�xkleu or wi ful mi�eon0u<l, end shell net b� mqvired to bke ery'¢11on i+ . <br />' '�,' _'-� eonn0olion with tN on(o�eament ol Ihb Oeod of im�l onle�f bdemnili�d,m wril'mp,br e0 eo�U,eompan�elion er eipmse�whid�mry ; <br /> be a�seeietod Ihenwilh.In eddilian,Lo�{ee mq beeome e pu¢how�nt my�ele ol th+Nope�ry (ryd�dal or vnder the power o/ qle <br /> ��anted harain�;pa�tpom the�tle ol NI or eny Oortion ol Ihe Proporty,e�pmvided bY�ew;or�ell tha Roperty e��whole,o�i�wDeul� <br /> pa�eeh or lob et Lu�toa'�dieaolion. <br /> �• 14.Feu uM 6pentu.In�he menl Tmelee�elb Ihe Ropaly by eaerap of po�rn of se�e.Tm�lee shall be enlilled lo o0p'•Y�^Y�ele <br />... � � p�0e0ed�linl Io pryment of eli cooU end eRpmtea of ezerei�inp powe�of�e!e,includinq dl Lvaleo'�feo�,end lmdar'�end Tm�1ee'• <br /> ..:�:.. . .. <br /> .f� HlompY//aes.eeluelM�nevrred lo ealenl pe�milted by epp:ieeble lew.ln �he wani Botmw¢�or Tmelo�exercise��nV��pht D�ovided by <br /> � '-"-=' I�w te wm en Evmt o�De(avlt,lmda. nhe0 be eniiq•d lo�xeve.I�am Twsb�all co�b and ez enne�eeluel <br /> T... .�.r...0 ...�.w:......a�......�....a� .v�...�.✓....�. ��_'" . ?� N incvned m a reml!ol <br /> . . . .�..: "_""'__"':!e:_✓ .i_"'.�.__._.. ..."'`' _""' <br /> . __r ..___'____"'_'__'_� "'_"'.._....•yc_ .. .""'..e.._"._..._.......""".'�__..."" <br /> _ 76.FuNn Advma��.Upon�eqve�l of Bonowoq Lender m�y,al fb oplien,meke edAiGonal end lvlmo advenee�end m�dvenen lo <br /> :� ` 8euewer.6u�h adrenee� end uedv�nce�, wi�h interat the�eon,�hdl bo wcurod by lhi�Deed of Tm�L A�no Um�shell Ihe O�i^eipd <br /> - emount ol tha ind�bted�en aeeamd by 1hi� Deed of Tw�4 not i�ebd:.p wm�edvaneed to D�oleN !ha�ecunq el�hi�Doad ol Lwt, <br /> exeead the oripinal pdneipJ�mamt�bled ha�ein,or 1_ tO.QUrhiehavee b pre�ter. <br /> ,'[j.-:, <br /> _�,N_ <br /> �l�• l. <br /> � 1 <br /> _._ ' _. _— _ — _ --_ _ _ . . ._—_— — _ — ._ . � __� <br />