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� ' <br /> x� n ,_�.. <br /> rn I � .. <br /> �t m y <br /> ,� (1 !� Z � 3 \ ` `^� c" <br /> �•., m N N � �� c_, � a� �'1 <br /> � _ .. ���� C= �`� `'? � � <br /> /��� � o � <br /> 7 TI �1' C77 �.,:.1 -��7 � Q <br /> C7 Ra`'�,., � a" �.�.y�t,� <br /> ,'� 'e (T7 l'1�� � G7 <br /> � O $1 ._.._ �.._ _ � � <br /> ^r <br /> cn r� �__ -^ � �- <br /> :� � '�' :: 4--� � <br /> c� �,,� � � <br /> 99- s�ssz; �� �,- Q <br /> �� <br /> ��' Deed of Trust, Security Agreement� <br /> �BANKS and Fixture Financing Sta temen t - Q <br /> II�I� <br /> (Nebraska) <br /> This Deed of Trust, Secu�ity Agreement and Fixtu�e Financing Statemeni("Deed of Trust"1 is made 0 6-15-19 9 9 , by and <br /> between Timothv C. Plate a Ging]�_�ersnn <br /> (the "Trustor"/a(nl Individual (s) <br /> Norwest Bank Nebraska National Association <br /> (the "Trustee"J, a national banking association, and <br /> Norwest Bank Nebraska National Association <br /> (the "Beneficia�y"J, a national banking association. W/TNESSETH: <br /> lF THIS BOX/S CHECKED ❑ TH/S DEED OF TRUST CONSTITUTES A CONSTRUCTION SECURITY <br /> AGREEMENT UNDER THE IVEBRASKA CONSTRUCTION L/EN ACT AND CREATES, GRANTS AND <br /> CONSTITUTES A COIVSTRUCTION SECURITY INTEREST lN THE PROPERTY DESCR/BED BELOW. <br /> WHEREAS, <br /> � Trustor has executed and delive�ed to Beneficiary a promissory note in the principal sum of <br /> ThrPP Ht�nr3rP�3 Thrn�aanA anr� ��/� �� <br /> Dollars /S�0 n,�n n_n 0 l, dated p ti_� S_i q q q ,payable to the o�der of Beneficia�y and having a maturity of <br /> 0 ti-� S-�110� , together with interest thereon, late charges,prepayment penalties, any future advances, and all <br /> extensions, modifications, substitutions and renewals thereof(he�einafter the "Note"1. <br /> ❑ <br /> (the "Bo�rower"J, has app/ied to Beneficiary for one o�more/oans, /etters of credit, or other financia/accommodations and may hereafte� <br /> from time to time apply to Beneficiary for additiona!loans,lette�s of credit and other financial accommodations, and to induce Beneficia�y <br /> to provide financial accommodations to Borrower: <br /> ❑ !f this box is checked, Tiusto�has guaranteed to Beneficiary the payment and performance of each and every debt, liability and <br /> obligation of eve�y type and description which Bo�rower may now or at any time hereafte�owe to Beneficia�y(whether such debt, <br /> liability or obligation now exists or is hereafter c�eated or incurred, and whether it is or may be direct o�indirect, due or to become <br /> due, absolute or contingent,primary or secondary, liquidated or unliquidated, o�joint, seve�al or joint and several/, <br /> ❑ lf this box is checked, T�ustor has guaranteed to Beneficiary the payment and performance of the debt, /iability, or obligation of <br /> Borrowe�to Beneficiary evidenced by or arising out of the fo!lowing: <br /> and any��xtensions, renewals or replacements the�eof, together with accrued interest thereon and related costs of enforcement and <br /> collection expenses,pursuant to a Guaranty(hereinafter the "Guaranty")of even date herewith. <br /> Trustor shall also pay all other sums, fees or cha�ges, together with interest thereon, advanced to protect the security of this Deed of T�ust <br /> and the performance of the covenants and agreements of Trustor, whether or not set forth herein and perform, discharge and comp/y with <br /> every term, covenant, obligation and ag�eement of Trustor contained herein or inco�porated by reference (Trustor's obligations under the <br /> Note or the Guaranty, as applicable, and al/such other sums are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Obligations"1. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, in conside�ation of the premises and for the pu�pose of securing the Obligations, Trustor irrevocably grants <br /> and transfers to Trustee, in trust, WITH POWER OF SALE, the fol%wing described property located in the County of <br /> Hal l , State of Nebraska: <br /> Lots Eighteen (18) and Nineteen (19) , in Block Three (3) , in Southern Acres, an <br /> Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br /> SUBJECT T0: easements and restrictions of reco�d, and: <br /> together with /i/all buildings, structures, additions, enlargements, modifications, repai�s, replacements, and improvements now or hereafter <br /> located the�eon, (iiJ all equipment, machinery and fixtures (including, without limitation, all lighting, heating, ventilating, cooling, ai� <br /> conditioning, sprink/ing andp/umbing fixtures, water andpower systems, engines, boi/e�s, ranges, ovens, dishwashers, mi�rors and mante/s, <br /> carpeting, furnaces, oil burners, elevato�s and motors, ref�ige�ation p/ants o�units, communication systems, dynamos, transformers, <br /> elect�ical equipment, storm and screen windows, doors, awnings and shadesl now or hereafter attached to, or built in, any building <br /> improvement or improvement now or hereafter/ocated the�eon, (iii/a//easements and rights of way appurtenant thereto, /ivJ a///easeho/d <br /> estate, right, title and interest of Trustor in and to all leases, whethe�now o�hereafter existing or ente�ed into (including, without limitation, <br /> all cash and security deposits, advance rentals and deposits or payments of a simila�naturel,pertaining thereto, (v)all rents, issues,profits <br /> and income the�efrom (subject to the right of Trustor to collect and apply such rents, issues,profits and income as they become due and <br /> payable so long as no event of default exists hereunder), (vi/all royalties,mine�al, oil and gas rights and p�ofits, water, wate�rights, and <br /> water stock, (vii)all tenements, hereditaments,privileges and appurtenances be%nging, used or enjoyed in connection the�ewith, and(viiiJ all <br /> proceeds of conve�sion, volunta�y o�involuntary, of any of the fo�egoing into cash or liquidated claims (including, without limitation, <br /> proceeds of insu�ance and condemnation awardsl, all of which a�e hereinafter collectively the "Trust Property." <br /> TO PROTECT THE SECUR/TY OF TH/S DEED OF TRUST, TRUSTOR COVENANTS AND AGREES AS FOLLOWS: <br /> 1. Tii/e. Trusto�covenants, wanants and agrees with Beneficia�y, its successors and assigns, that T�usto�owns the Trust Property(subject <br /> to any land sale coniract described abovel and has the right to convey the Trust Property, that the Trust Property is free fiom any prior lien <br /> or encumb�ance except as otherwise listed above, that this Deed of Tiust is and will remain a valid and enforceab/e/ien on the T�ust <br /> Property, that Trustor, at its expense, will p�ese�ve such title and will maintain this Deed of Trust as a lien upon the Tiust Property and wi// <br /> forever warrant and defend the validity and priority of the lien hereof againsi the claims of all persons and parties whomsoever. Tiustor, at its <br /> expense, will cause this Deed of Trust, and each amendment o�supp/ement hereto, to be filed and recorded as a mortgage of the Trust <br /> Property in such manner and in such place and will take such action as in the opinion of Tiustee may be required by any present or future <br /> law in order to perfeci, maintain and protect the lien of this Deed of Tiust, as the same may be amended or supplemented fiom rima» r�..,A <br /> T/UStO�Wlll/11�ke.cuch fiirtho�n��...�.................______ __ __ . . .. _.., . - ., <br />